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The Dead Flash Series | Book 2 | Rebuilding

Page 10

by Crist, J. D.

Emily sat on the edge of the bed next to Marley. She and Hope were petting him as Doc gave Marley his next dose of medication. They stayed with Marley until he was fast asleep.

  Chapter 9

  The next few days went by in a blur for Emily. She spent as much time at the clinic as she could with Marley, leaned on Shawn for help taking care of Hope, and worked with all the residents of Sanctuary to keep things running smoothly. Marley kept getting stronger, but Doc continued to make him sleep when Emily was not there.

  Emily was on her way to Doc's this morning to bring Marley home. He had been doing well on his walks over the past couple of days and seemed to understand that he had to move slowly finally. Doc had told her as long as he kept resting, she could take him home. Emily opened the door to the clinic and thought about closing it and coming back later. Derick stood in the clinic's lobby, and the look on his face told her he was ready to argue.

  "Good morning, Derick," Emily greeted him as she walked through the door.

  "We need to talk," Derick glared at her.

  "I can meet up with you later. Right now, I need to…."

  "I know what you are here for," Derick interrupted her. "That's what we need to talk about."

  "I don't understand." Emily stopped and looked at Derick.

  "Our medical supplies are not unlimited, yet you have chosen to let them be wasted on that damn dog!" Derick screamed at her.

  "He is part of this place and was shot protecting…."

  "He got shot protecting you!"

  Derick's temper was in full swing. Emily stood quiet and looked at Derick, trying to figure out how best to handle this.

  "It's because of shit like this that a woman should not be allowed to lead."

  Emily sighed as she stood in the lobby. Derick had been saying that Emily was unfit to lead since he first arrived at Sanctuary.

  "Derick, we are not going to do this again."

  Emily tried not to roll her eyes as she spoke. Emily saw Doc walk into view and motioned for him to go back. While Doc was a genius, he was only brave when faced with no other choice in Emily's opinion.

  "Just give me the gate code and get out of my house. Then we will not have to do this again."

  "Derick, I'm not going to…." Emily took a step closer as she spoke, and she smelled it. She felt like she could get drunk just standing this close to him. "Have you been drinking?" Emily asked him.

  "That's none of your damn business," Derick spat back at her.

  "It is." Emily grabbed her walkie from her hip and pressed the button. "Sam, can you please come to the clinic?"

  "What the hell do you need him for?!" Emily ignored Derick as she waited for Sam to respond.

  "I'm on my way. Is it an emergency?"

  "We have a case of drunk and disorderly," Emily responded and returned the walkie to her hip.

  Sam burst through the door a few minutes later, breathing hard. It was clear that wherever he was, he had run all the way here.

  "Did the crew finish the project we had talked about?" Emily asked as he came in.

  "They finished last week. I always knew he would be the first occupant." Sam turned towards Derick. "You know the law says you are not allowed to drink. Where did you get it?"

  "I am a grown man! I don't have to explain myself to you!” Derick began to sway a little where he was standing.

  "Your right, you don't. But I do need you to take a walk with me."

  "You think because this bitch says so you're the law around here!? I don't have to do shit!"

  "Derick, you are going with Sam." Emily began to walk closer to Derick, and Sam did the same. "The only question is are you going to do this the easy way or the hard way?"

  "If you think you are going to force me to do anything, you have lost your damn mind!"

  Emily had managed to get Derick to turn towards her with Sam standing behind him. Sam suddenly lunged and Derick and took him to the ground. Sam quickly had Derick's hands bound in rope before Derick could react. Emily watched as Sam pulled Derick to his feet and began to walk him towards the door.

  "I'll let you know once he sobers up in the cell."

  "Since when do we have a fucking cell?" Derick was confused by the statement.

  "I had your crew working on them on the days you were too sick to work." Emily felt a smile spread across her face. "After our last conversation, you made me realize that there may be times that we need to hold someone who poses a threat to Sanctuary."

  "And I'm a threat?" Derick laughed at her.

  "Yes," Emily replied as she watched Sam pushed Derick out of the door. Emily turned and headed for the recovery room. Doc already had Marley on a leash, and Marley looked ready to go.

  "Is the excitement over?" Doc asked as she entered.

  "For now," Emily smiled. "Is he ready to go?"

  "He is," Doc replied as he handed her the leash. "He needs his morning walk, and then he'll need to rest. Don't let him do any stairs until the stitches come out."

  "Got it," Emily smiled and turned to leave.

  "Don't forget these." Emily turned and took a small pill bottle from Doc. "It's his pain medication. He can have one pill twice a day."

  "Thanks, Doc," Emily looked at the small bottle and remembered Derick screaming they were wasting medical supplies on Marley.

  "You know he was wrong, right?" Doc spoke as if he knew what she was thinking.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Sam radioed as soon as you guys were on the road and said that Marley was shot. He told us that Marley was alive but bleeding badly. Everyone was gathered waiting for you to return and heard the radio as Sam spoke."

  "I was wondering how you knew what was going on."

  "There was no hesitation by anyone. We gathered the veterinary medicine books, and I quickly studied how best to treat him while everyone helped me prepare for your arrival. We decided before you even opened the gate that we had to try to save Marley."

  Emily felt a tear roll down her cheek as he spoke.

  "Why would you all do that?" Emily asked.

  "He is part of our family, and we protect our family."

  Emily readjusted the leash in her hand and nodded. She strolled with Marley out of the clinic and onto the street. Emily turned and walked home to allow Marley to do his business. Once he finished, Emily led him up the ramp that construction guys had put in for him. Marley seemed excited to be home finally. Emily led him over to a pile of blankets she had set up for him to lay on. Marley made himself comfortable and settled on to his new bed.

  "I'll be back in a while," Emily said to Marley after making sure that the baby gate was blocking the stairs leading to the upper level. "You stay here, and I'll be back for lunch."

  Marley let out a soft whimper that Emily took as his way of asking her to stay.

  "I have work to get done to keep this place safe. I don't have the luxury of laying around all day," Emily teased.

  Marley laid his head down in defeat and let out a huff. Emily smiled and headed back outside. The morning was well underway, and everyone was busy doing their work. Hope would be somewhere on the wall with Shawn. He had agreed to bring her home by lunchtime.

  Emily felt herself turn right and head to the church. She wasn't sure if Father Nathan would still be there or if he would have left for the farm by now. Emily made it to the doors just as Father Nathan walked out.

  "Good morning, Emily!" he called out as he saw her.

  "Good morning, Father," Emily smiled back.

  "Heading off to the farm?"

  "I was coming to find you," Father Nathan smiled. "I was wondering if you had a moment to talk about the issue we discussed."

  "Have you found something you think will do the trick?" Emily laughed as she spoke. She didn't mean to, but it escaped her before she could stop it.

  "Why don't we talk inside," Father Nathan smiled back at her. Emily followed him inside and took a seat in one of the front pews.

  "I've been doing a lot of studying on
how to handle your situation."

  "I'm sure there's not a whole lot of information on how to get divorced in an apocalypse."

  "Not exactly, but I still believe I have a solution," Father Nathan laughed. "The process I have in mind will take time, but I think it will clear your soul of the burden of your vows."

  "But will it release me from the vows with God?"

  "I believe He released you a long time ago. I believe what is holding you back is not being able to release yourself."

  Emily wanted to believe that he was right but couldn't help but be skeptical.

  "The first step I propose is you pray on it," Father Nathan seemed confident in his answer.

  "That's your solution? I just have to pray on it, and I'll be free?" Emily felt the hope that she had in Father Nathan being able to help her slipping away.

  "Not exactly," Father Nathan smiled at her in his all-knowing way. "This is just the first step in the process. Well, it's the second step."

  "What happened to step one?" Emily asked.

  "You did it on your own. You found your inner strength and proved you're a good person to yourself."

  "I did this recently?" Emily thought she had done this a long time ago, back before the flash.

  "When you selflessly went out to help those people and face Jeff by yourself."

  "I wasn't alone. I had Marley with me." Emily looked down as she spoke. "And I almost got him killed."

  "But, according to Shawn, even though it looked hopeless, you stayed by his side and refused to leave him. Trust me, we all see it, and as you move through the process, you will as well."

  "So, what is the next step after praying?" Emily couldn't hide her skepticism as she spoke.

  "I'll let you know when you get there. That's how this is going to work. I'll tell you when you're ready for the next step and what it is."

  "I'll try, Father, but I'm not sure about this." Emily stood as she spoke.

  "That's okay," Father Michael smiled. "If you didn't have an issue with faith, you wouldn't need my help."

  "As I said, Father, I'll try."

  With that, Emily stood up and left the church. She felt the frustration building in her as she walked. Emily couldn't see how his plan would get her any closer to being free of her vows or Chad. Emily walked without paying attention to where she was going.

  "Didn't expect to see you out here today," Jacob's voice interrupted her thoughts. Emily looked around to see that she walked to the farm.

  "Didn't expect to be here," Emily replied as she looked around. "I was lost in thought, I guess."

  "Is everything alright?" Emily could hear the concern in Jacob's voice as he spoke.

  "Yeah, I'm fine," Emily replied, finally shaking the cobwebs out of her mind. "How are things going here today?"

  "Ahead of schedule, which is nice for a change," Jacob smiled. "When you get time, Buttercup is still waiting to give you a riding lesson."

  "We will set that up real soon." Emily felt a smile on her face as she thought back to the first time she met Buttercup.

  "Are you doing anything right now?" Jacob knew she wasn't busy if she was just wandering around town without knowing where she was going. "I just saddled her up for a ride, but I think she would rather go with you."

  "Let's do this," Emily smiled. Emily followed Jacob to the barn and spotted Buttercup standing near the door.

  "Look who has finally come to keep her promise," Jacob said to Buttercup. "Do you know how to get on?" he said, looking back at Emily.

  "I've seen it done in movies. Let's give it a shot."

  It took Emily a few tries but eventually, she climbed her way into the saddle. Jacob led Buttercup out of the barn and instructed Emily on the basics. Emily paid as much attention as she could.

  "Alright, you should be good to go," Jacob looked up at her.

  "That's it?" Emily felt like there should have been more instruction.

  "That's it," Jacob stepped back and leaned against the barn.

  "Alright, be nice, Buttercup." Emily did as Jacob told her to, and Buttercup began to move forward.

  They moved at a slow pace for quite a long time. Emily enjoyed the freedom she felt riding the horse.

  "Okay, let's see what you can do."

  Emily signaled Buttercup to run, and the horse did not hesitate. They ran through the fields, and Emily felt as if she was flying. They did several laps through the fields before Emily slowed Buttercup to a trot as she went back to the barn. Emily brought Buttercup to a stop and could feel the smile that was glued to her face.

  "Looks like the two of you had fun." Jacob walked towards Emily and took the reins.

  "We did," Emily laughed. "I will try to get out here more often for a ride."

  Emily climbed down from Buttercup and felt the soreness in her legs. She knew that she probably looked hilarious the way she was standing.

  "It's normal," Jacob laughed. "You will get used to it after a few rides."

  "I hope so," Emily said as she rubbed her legs. "I better get home to meet Shawn and Hope for lunch."

  "I will see you later then." With that, Jacob turned and began to walk Buttercup back into the barn.

  Emily began the struggle of walking home on her sore legs. The walk seemed to take forever, and Emily feared that she wouldn't make it home before dinner. Emily finally reached the front door and headed inside. She could hear that Shawn was already in the kitchen, but her legs were not going to make it that far. Emily wobbled her way over to the couch and collapsed.

  "Are you okay?" Shawn asked from behind her.

  "I took Buttercup for a ride, and now my legs hate me." Emily continued to rub her upper legs as she sat on the couch.

  "Have you ever ridden a horse before?"

  "I rode the ponies a couple of times when I was a kid."

  "So, no?" Shawn laughed as he walked into her view.

  "I don't need your criticism. Unless you have a new pair of legs for me, I don't want to talk about it." Emily looked away from him and pretended to pout.

  "Fine, I'll wait until you feel better to give you criticism."

  "Thank you," Emil laughed.

  "Hope has finished eating, so I was just on my way to lay her down. I'll be back in just a few minutes." With that, Shawn began the walk upstairs. Emily heard him come back down, but his footsteps stopped.

  "Would you be okay with it if I carried Marley upstairs during Hope's nap," he asked.

  "I'm sure both he and Hope will sleep better, and I would bring him back down."

  "Yeah, that's fine. Please just move the gate to the top so he can't try to come down on his own."

  "On it, boss lady."

  Emily turned to see Shawn carrying Marley up the stairs. Once Marley was settled, and the gate moved, Shawn finally joined her on the couch. "Are you hungry?"

  "I'm too sore to eat right now." Emily leaned back on the couch and closed her eyes.

  "Well, we do have some business to talk about."

  "My work is never done," Emily teased as she opened her eyes.

  "I was thinking back to when we had everyone shooting from the wall when Jeff's gang was here." Shawn had a severe look on his face, and Emily knew the time for jokes was over. "I watched as almost no one knew how to aim properly and more ammo was waisted than I can even count."

  "What do you think we need to do?" Emily knew that if he was bringing it up now, he already had a plan in mind.

  "I want everyone to go through a weapons course until they are proficient enough. It does no good to have them guarding the wall if they can't hit the broadside of a barn."

  "I think that would be amazing. Would you be running the course?"

  "Sam said he would be willing to help me."

  "Then I give it my seal of approval," Emily smiled.

  "There's more," Shawn continued. "I also want to run a separate class for kids fifteen or older to start making them comfortable with the weapons. In case of a major attack, they could help us defend

  "I like the idea of it, but I'm worried that parents will have a problem with it. I'm not sure how I would feel about Hope in the class."

  "I could work with Howard and June to see if we could build it into the curriculum and make it more than weapons training. We could also teach them about the structure of the town and have them pitch in when needed."


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