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The Dead Flash Series | Book 2 | Rebuilding

Page 11

by Crist, J. D.

  Emily could tell that Shawn had put a lot of thought into this plan. "We could also make a requirement that they meet a certain grade requirement to participate in range practice."

  "If you want to speak with Howard and June to confirm they are on board, I think I can approve that. I would just need all of the final details."

  "I'll get them as soon as I can." Shawn looked pleased with her decision.

  "Is there anything else?" Emily asked, ready to lean against the couch and take a little nap.

  "Yes, I want permission to take a group outside the wall to hunt down Jeff and the others."

  Emily felt her entire body tense as Shawn spoke.

  "Why would we risk that?" Emily asked him, not trying to hide the confusion in her voice.

  "They know where you are now and have proven they are willing to kill to get you. They have seen the stations and will keep intercepting travelers looking to find Sanctuary. It would be safer to take them out on our terms rather than having to keep facing them on theirs."

  "I understand what you are saying but didn't you just say that most of our people are not capable of defending the wall."

  "Well, yes." Shawn looked confused at her statement.

  "So, you would be taking our few good fighters with you, and we would be left defenseless."

  "Well, perhaps going out right at this moment would not be the best plan."

  "We can discuss this again once everyone is properly trained and we are capable of defending this place with our fighters gone."

  "I think that is the best decision," Shawn agreed.

  "Are we good?" Emily forced herself to lean forward to try to catch Shawn's gaze.

  "Yeah, I just hate that he is still out there. Letting him get away is my biggest regret."

  "You saved Marley and me. We will get him; we just have to be patient." Emily smiled as he finally looked at her.

  "I'm pretty good at being patient," he smiled at her.

  "I hope so," Emily thought to herself as she leaned back and closed her eyes.

  Chapter 10

  Emily continued her work in town and taking care of her small family. Shawn carried Marley upstairs every night to sleep with Emily and brought him back downstairs each morning. Emily continued to keep Hope with her every day, and Shawn was busy setting up the defense classes. The first class was set up for today, and Shawn planned to gather the whole town at once for the first class. Emily was excited as today was also the day Marley's stitches were ready to come out, and he could go back to regular activity.

  Emily had Hope secured in the baby carrier as she hooked Marley's leash onto his collar. Emily knew that Marley was more than ready for this day. She walked her small family out of the door and to the clinic. Everyone would be doing the essential daily jobs quickly this morning so they could all enjoy their Saturday. Emily walked into the clinic and straight to the exam room where Doc was waiting.

  "Is my favorite patient ready?" Doc grinned as she entered.

  "More than ready," Emily smiled back.

  "We better get started then." Doc set to work and had all of the stitches out in just a few minutes. "That will do it," Doc said as he finished.

  "So, he's good to go back to normal life?" Emily asked.

  "He should be fine, but he may tire more easily until he builds his strength back up."

  "I will make sure to make him take plenty of naps."

  "I better get everything in order here so I can go to the lesson this afternoon."

  "Are you nervous?" Emily could hear the apprehension in Doc's voice.

  "A little," Doc admitted. "I chose a life where I would save lives, and I'm not sure I feel comfortable taking them."

  "I understand that, Doc," Emily empathized with him. "But you knowing how to defend Sanctuary will lead to us being able to save the lives of our family."

  "I know that," Doc sighed. "I will be there and do what I have to. I just don't want to be okay with killing."

  "That's what makes you an amazing person," Emily smiled back at him.

  Doc seemed to find comfort in her words as he smiled back and left the room. Emily removed the leash from Marley's collar and could see his hesitation to move as she left the room. Emily turned as she reached the lobby to see him still standing where she left him.

  "Are you coming?"

  Marley turned and cautiously walked towards her. Emily led him to the door and opened it. Marley continued to stroll out of habit. Emily checked the straps on Hope’s carrier and looked down at Marley.

  "Catch us if you can, slowpoke!"

  Emily teased as she began to run towards the wall. Marley only hesitated a moment and then took off running to catch up with her. Emily continued the run-up to the top of the wall, where both she and Marley needed to stop to catch their breath.

  "Go find him," Emily said while pointing down the wall.

  Marley took off at a run to begin his search for Shawn. Emily waited a few more moments and then began to follow. Emily didn't have to walk long before she heard Shawn's voice.

  "Are you finally free?!" Shawn said as he wrestled with Marley.

  "He sure is though Doc said he may still need more naps."

  "Hey, I could do with a nap prescription," Shawn laughed.

  "Me too," Emily smiled.

  "Is everything set for the class today?" Emily asked as they started to walk back to the control room.

  "Yeah, I'm going to have everyone meet in the armory and then bring them up here for target practice."

  "When do you want to set up the targets?"

  "I'd like to do it now if you have time to work the gate for me."

  "No problem," Emily smiled. "Do you need a hand carrying anything?"

  "I've got it," Shawn said as he walked towards the steps.

  "I'll get it open then." Emily walked into the control room and entered the code to open the gates.

  She watched on the screen as Shawn carried out the various targets he had made for everyone. It took him about half an hour to get everything set up, and he gave Emily the thumbs up as he entered the gate for the last time. Emily entered the gate code and heard it close below her.

  Emily turned to see that Marley was taking a nap on the floor next to the couch. She stood and walked to the door, and he jumped up to follow her. Emily led the way back down to the road where Shawn was waiting.

  "Are you sure you will be okay alone on the wall while I do the armory part of the class?" Shawn asked her.

  He had already asked her this several times over the past few days.

  "I am sure," Emily rolled her eyes as she spoke.

  "Just remember if something happens," Shawn started.

  "I radio for backup, and you all can be there in a matter of minutes," Emily interrupted Shawn. "It's going to be fine."

  "Alright then," Shawn laughed. "I'll stop repeating myself and asking the same question."

  "Is that too much to ask?" Emily teased.

  "I also feel better knowing Marley will be up there with you. I know that he can't do anything up there, but it still helps."

  "I feel better with him there too." Emily reached down and petted Marley on top of the head.

  "You better make your rounds then, and I'll see you at noon."

  "Yes, sir," Emily saluted him as she spoke.

  Shawn laughed and shook his head as he walked away. Emily quickly made her way through town, checking that everyone would make it to the class. Shawn had arranged with the parents that all of the children would be present for at least the safety part of the class. Emily headed home and prepared lunch for Hope and herself before heading for the armory. She opened her locker and grabbed her rifle and ammo.

  "You have everything you need?" Shawn asked as they walked in.

  "Yup, I have lunch, and I'm armed," Emily teased.

  "I won't stand in your way then," Shawn said as he held his hands up.

  Emily laughed as she walked past him and led Marley up the stairs. She set the
lunches in the control room and watched as Cole, June, and Howard headed down to the armory. Emily headed out and did a walk around the wall with Marley. She spotted a few dead in the distance but not close enough to worry about taking them down. Emily removed Hope from her carrier and grabbed the lunches from the control room. She sat out on the wall and fed Hope and then returned her to the carrier. Emily ate the sandwich she had made herself as she did another round on the wall. She returned to the control room as everyone came up the stairs.

  "Everyone, take a position on the wall and find the targets," Shawn instructed as he walked towards Emily. "We will have this side covered if you don't mind watching the other until we're done."

  "I got it, boss," Emily grinned as she and Marley began to walk to her new post.

  Emily reached her latest post, and Marley curled up on the wall. Emily watched and noticed she could barely hear the sounds of gunfire on the other side of the wall.

  After an hour, Emily began to think that things were worse than they believed with everyone's shooting abilities.

  "We are all clear!" Shawn's voice made her jump as it rang out over the walkie. Emily grabbed the walkie from her waist.

  "I'm on my way back." Emily nudged Marley to wake him, and they walked back to the control room. Shawn was waiting for her by the stairs.

  "How did it go?" Emily asked as she walked towards him.

  "Some surprises," Shawn replied.

  "Good or bad?" Emily asked.

  "Both, some of them need a lot more practice," Shawn began. "But Margaret had to have been a sniper in a previous life." Emily felt shocked as he finished.

  "Margaret?" Emily asked to make sure she heard him correctly.

  "Yeah, I would have never guessed it. Remind me never to make her angry."

  "You should never make a woman who is armed angry," Emily laughed.

  "That's a good point," Shawn laughed. "I will be setting up a regular schedule for everyone to get some practice." Emily noticed that Shawn did not look happy about the results of his first class.

  "Is something bothering you?" Emily asked.

  "I hoped they would prove that I was worried about nothing, and we could set out to hunt down that bastard."

  "He will get what he deserves, but we can't let it consume us," Emily replied. "Our priority has to be that Sanctuary is safe."

  "I know, and I agree, but when I think of him, I just…." Shawn clenched his fists as he spoke.

  "I know." Emily remembered Shawn running towards her as Jeff told her she was alone. "We will be safe, and we will get him."

  "I'm sorry." Shawn tried to relax but wasn't being successful in the attempt. "I need to walk this off." Shawn walked past Emily and began to walk around the wall.

  "Emily, just a reminder that Derick's sentence is up today," Sam's voice rang out over the walkie.

  "Do we have to?" Emily whined back to him.

  "Well, it's your call," Sam answered.

  "Fine, I'll be right there." Emily began the walk down the stairs but was in no hurry to get to the cells. She had tried to talk to Derick when he sobered up but gave up when he spat on her. She had sentenced him to remain there until today to think about if he wanted to stay or not.

  Emily reached the door of the security room and found Sam sitting at a desk. He stood as she entered and led the way down the hall. The four small back-offices had been converted into cells. Sam stopped in front of the first one, and there sat Derick.

  "Good afternoon, Derick," Emily smiled. "I trust that this conversation will go better than our last."

  "Yeah," Derick replied without looking at her.

  "Have you made your decision?"

  "I'm staying," Derick stood as he spoke.

  "But I still believe you are the wrong choice to be in charge, and I have a right to say it."

  "You do," Emily tried her best to be patient.

  "But by staying, I need you to understand that as long as I am in charge, you will follow the laws I put into place."

  "Yeah, I get it." Derick looked to be trying to hold back his temper. "Follow your rules or be locked up like an animal."

  "Well, you were acting like one," Sam shot back at him. Derick rolled his eyes and did not reply.

  "You are to report to your wall duty starting today and back to work on Monday," Emily began. "I have made Jose the head of the construction crew."

  "But that wet…." Derick started.

  "Don't Derick," Emily interrupted. "Many people wanted you gone, and I couldn't let you stay in a position of power after what you did. You can accept this decision or get out."

  "Yes, ma'am," Derick said with his jaw clenched.

  Emily nodded to Sam, who opened the cell door. Derick walked out and headed out the door without hesitation.

  "You know this won't be the end of it?" Sam asked.

  "I know," Emily sighed. "But Cole is going to be locking all of the moonshine up now, and hopefully, he will at least be sober for the next fight."

  "I think I'm going to head over to Cole’s and check to make sure that building is secure," Sam said as they walked back to the front. "I know Derick will be searching for a way to get to it."

  "I can't argue with that," Emily agreed. "If you need anything to secure it better, just talk to Jose. I'm sure he would be glad to help."

  "Oh, I'm sure he will, too," Sam smiled.

  Emily walked with Sam outside and watched as he began the walk to Cole's garage. Emily had plans to build Cole a better structure, perhaps closer to main street. However, she wanted to ensure that his process would work and not explode them all in the process.

  Cole had been set back thanks to Derick's thirst. Derick had drunk or spilled almost the entire small batch of moonshine that Cole had. He said the engine was ready, but he would have to wait until the next run to test it. Emily had insisted that he make sure she was present when he did. She was either going to celebrate with him or be blown up. Either way, she was going to be there to support him.

  Emily made her way down to the store called "Baby." Hope was growing fast, and her new clothes were already getting too small. She waved to Jessica across the street and entered the store. She made her way through the racks and picked up clothing in the next size up. Emily heard the bell ring behind her as Jessica walked in.

  "Has she outgrown her clothes again?" Jessica asked.

  "Just about," Emily laughed. "Maybe I should stop feeding her to get her to slow down."

  "Oh, I don't think even that would stop her," Jessica smiled.

  Emily finished gathering the new clothing and walked to meet Jessica at the counter. Emily watched as Jessica added up the credit for each item, and then Emily handed Jessica her card.

  "I feel like most of my credits go to baby clothes these days," Emily laughed.

  "I had an idea about that," Jessica smiled.

  "Kids grow so fast that most of the time their clothes still look new, but the kids can't wear them anymore. We could allow parents to return the clothes to receive their credits back."

  "As long as they are still in usable condition, I don't see a problem with that. It's not like we have an endless supply, and it would keep the store stocked."

  "That was my thought, too," Jessica grinned. "With your permission, I would like to get it going right away. I know Bobby has already outgrown his clothes, and Julia could use the credits."

  "You have my seal of approval," Emily smiled. "I will gather all of Hope's clothes and bring them back by tomorrow." Emily gathered all of the items on the counter and headed for the door. Emily stepped outside as Jessica followed her out.

  "You know," Jessica spoke. "One of Derick's arguments was that you were lying when you said you would listen to us and take our advice." Emily turned to look at Jessica. "But you always listen, and while there is some stuff you tell us no on, you always have a legitimate reason."

  "I try," Emily replied.

  "I just wanted to say that you are the best person for the job
, and anyone who wants you gone will have to go through me."

  "Well," Emily grinned at her. "My reign is forever safe."

  With that, the two women parted ways, with Jessica heading back to the grocery store.

  Emily called for Marley, who was resting near the baby store and had been since she went inside. Marley stood and stretched before walking towards her.

  "It has been a full day, boy," Emily smiled as she patted him on the head.


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