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The Dead Flash Series | Book 2 | Rebuilding

Page 21

by Crist, J. D.

Emily grabbed a couple of pieces of paper from the desk and wrote quickly.


  I am so sorry for what happened to Sam. I'm sure you know that I can't leave Shawn out there. I wish I could tell you in person, but I know you would talk me out of going. They will take him back to their farm, and I have to go after him. Please take care of Hope and if I don't make it back, give her the other letter. And remember to tell Bobby that Hope needs a little luck. I know you will take care of Sanctuary. Thank you for everything.


  Emily folded the first sheet of paper and moved on to the next one.


  I am so sorry that I am not here to see you today. Please know that I love you with all my heart. I left to save someone who saved both you and me in more ways than I can count. I would love nothing more than to stay inside these walls with you and never leave. But on the day you were born, I learned that wasn't an option. I have to go out and try to save an essential member of our family. Please remember, sweet girl, that the people inside these walls are our family. We have to live for our family and do what we have to to protect them. That is why I am leaving here today, to save a member of our family. Be brave, my little angel, and know that I will always love you.


  Emily folded the paper and stacked it with the one to Julia. Emily headed upstairs and grabbed the duffle bag she carried when she first came to Sanctuary. Emily went to her bathroom and grabbed any basic first aid supplies she could find. Once they were all in the bag, she headed downstairs to the kitchen. Emily quickly grabbed a few water bottles and filled them. Once they were in the bag, Emily added half a loaf of wrapped bread. Emily then grabbed the letters and headed out the door with Marley.

  Emily saw that almost everyone was either at home taking care of the wounded or on the wall keeping watch. Emily walked to the clinic and left the letters on the front desk. She knew Doc would make sure they got to where they needed to go. Emily made her way through the dark with Marley through the inner gate. Once she entered the code, Emily knew everyone would hear the gate open and try to stop her.

  Emily found her rifle and crowbar leaning where she had left them when she started helping Doc. Emily tossed her bag and weapons into one of the remaining trucks. Emily pulled the truck in front of the door to drive it out as quickly as possible. Emily then made her way back to the keypad and entered the code to open the outer gate. Emily ran back to the truck with Marley and jumped inside. Emily drove the truck through as soon as the gate was open enough. Emily threw the truck into park and ran back to the external keypad. Emily had just entered the code to close the gate when she heard Sam yelling inside.

  "Emily! Emily, don't!" Emily ran back to the truck and looked back at Sam just as the gate closed in front of him.

  "Sorry, Sam," Emily whispered as she climbed back into the truck and began the drive down the logging road.

  Chapter 19

  Emily found herself steering the truck down the roads leading to Jeff's farm. The drive was long, and Emily was surprised at how easily she remembered where it was. She had avoided the farm since she escaped but avoiding it helped her remember precisely where it was. It was well after midnight when she arrived at the farm road that she knew to led to Jeff's farm. Emily pulled the truck over to the side of the road and shut off the engine. Emily looked up the road and saw nothing but darkness. She had sworn she would never come back to this place. But she knew she had to get Shawn back. Emily straightened herself in the seat and prepared for what she was about to do.

  "You ready for this boy?" Emily asked Marley as she pulled the duffle bag strap over her head along with her rifle.

  Marley nudged at the crowbar, almost as if reminding Emily not to forget it.

  "Let's go get him back," Emily smiled at Marley as she grabbed the crowbar.

  Emily opened the truck door and climbed out. Once Marley was outside with her, Emily closed the door as quietly as she could. Emily then began to make her way up the country road, sticking as close to the tree line as she could. Marley seemed to agree with the plan as he walked right beside her. The walk took a long time, but Emily did not stop until she saw the farm equipment that made up the barrier around the farm.

  Emily could see that Jeff and his group had been hard at work trying to make it more robust than it was the last time she was here. Emily could see torches of some kind burning inside the wall and hear the voices of people moving around. Emily jumped at the sound of branches breaking behind her. Emily turned quickly and swung her crowbar at the head of a zombie. She watched as the corpse of what was once a woman dropped to the ground. It was clear she couldn't hide here long as the light and noise were going to keep drawing the dead in.

  Emily moved quickly towards the barrier with Marley by her side. Emily ran close to the wall with Marley. Emily began looking for a way inside. Emily didn't stop until she found an old truck used as part of the barrier. A glance through the window showed her that she could see inside. Emily could see a woman walking around in raggedy dresses that looked to be made out of old bags while the men acted like animals. They yelled at the women while the woman served them food and alcohol. Emily could see that Jeff had recruited children since she was last here. The boys were hanging out with the men and mimicking their behavior. The girls were dressed similar to the woman and were waiting on the men. Emily hated to see that her fear for her child was precisely what was happening here.

  Emily searched what she could see for any sign of Shawn. Emily felt her stomach drop as she spotted him sitting by the fire with Jeff. Shawn's face was bloody and swollen. His hands were tied in front of him. Jeff was laughing and eating while next to Shawn. Emily was too far away to hear what he said, but she was sure that Shawn was ready to explode with anger.

  Emily pulled the handle of the pickup and was surprised to find that it opened. Emily slowly crawled through the truck, with Marley behind her, and opened the opposite door. Once she and Marley were both on the other side, Emily softly closed the door and moved her way through the shadows to a woodpile closer to where Shawn and Jeff were sitting.

  "You don't talk much, and that's okay with me," Jeff was saying.

  Shawn sat quietly, looking at the fire through swollen eyes.

  "I'm sure you are excited to have a man in charge," Jeff continued. "All I need from you is help to get in."

  "I can't open the gate," Shawn replied flatly.

  "Sure, you can," Jeff laughed.

  "No, I can't," Shawn repeated in the same flat tone. "What's your obsession with her anyway?"

  "You know it is," Jeff said as he smacked Shawn on the chest. "Something about her fight makes her even more attractive."

  "I guess I find it preferable to go after women who want me," Shawn replied, still staring at the flames.

  "I like a fighter, and I know she wants it too," Jeff said.

  "I think her stabbing you in the balls and shooting you she's saying she doesn't," Shawn laughed as he finished his sentence.

  "She doesn't know it yet, but she does." Jeff didn't seem phased at all by Shawn's comment.

  "If you say so," Shawn continued to stare into the flames.

  Emily pulled the rifle from her shoulder and lined the shot on Jeff's head. Emily was breathing out and preparing to fire.

  "You're going to have to give me something if you want to join up," Jeff spoke again.

  Emily pulled her face up from the sight and listened as Shawn spoke.

  "I already told you everything I know. That bitch keeps everything to herself."

  "But she trusted you," Jeff smiled. "Do you think she will come and try to save you?"

  "Probably," Shawn laughed.

  Emily lowered her rifle and fought hard to keep her rage under control. She had trusted Shawn, and now here she was hiding in the dark to try to save him. Emily didn't want to believe what he was saying was true. Emily quickly looked around and realized she was going to get Shawn back tonight. Even if she did manage
to take out Jeff, there was no way they would make it out of here.

  Emily looked down at Marley, who was waiting for her to tell him what to do. Emily put the rifle back over her shoulder and turned to head back to the truck. Emily needed to come up with a better plan before she acted.

  Emily made her way through the dark back to the truck. Emily opened the truck door that she had crawled through to get inside the camp and waited for Marley to make his way through. Emily began to crawl behind Marley when someone grabbed her leg and pulled her back out of the truck.

  Emily hit the ground hard and looked up at the man who had grabbed her. Emily didn't recognize him but could see movement behind him. She knew that he had already raised enough of a fuss that soon Jeff would be arriving any moment. Emily heard Marley growling and barking as he began to make his way back through the truck. Emily reached and slammed the truck door shut. Marley continued to bark and growl at the window that now stood between him and the strange man.

  "Go home!" Emily yelled at Marley. "Go home!" Emily repeated as Marley continued to try to get through the window.

  Emily breathed a sigh of relief as Marley went silent, and she was sure he was heading back to Sanctuary. The man who pulled her from the truck reached down, grabbed Emily by the arm, and dragged her to her feet.

  "What is going on over here?" Jeff asked as he pushed through the crowd. A sickening smile spread across Jeff's face as he looked at Emily.

  "We've been waiting for you, Love," Jeff said as he walked towards Emily.

  Emily tried to pull her arm away from the man holding her but couldn't get out of his grasp.

  "I was just leaving," Emily said as casually as she could.

  "We'll go with you," Jeff motioned to everyone around him. "We are eager to get inside those walls."

  "Sorry," Emily smiled. "We are all full up, but I'll put you on the waiting list."

  "I'm sure you can find the room." Jeff ran his hand down Emily's face, and she tried to turn away. "I am so eager to meet Charlie after all."

  "Charlie?" Emily was confused and looked at Shawn, who was standing a short distance behind Jeff.

  "Yes, Shawn has been filling us in on everything." Jeff motioned to Shawn as he spoke. "It's sweet that you named your son after your dad."

  Emily felt guilty as she finally understood. Shawn had been acting and playing his part to stay alive.

  "You son of a bitch!" Emily spat at Shawn. "I trusted you!"

  "I know," Shawn replied. "But that's your problem."

  "I like this guy!" Jeff exclaimed. "Let him loose."

  Emily watched as one of the men stepped forward and untied Shawn's hands. Jeff stepped forward and took Emily's crowbar and rifle.

  "Don't forget the knife," Shawn spoke as he stepped forward. Shawn walked to Emily and took the knife off her waist. "Don't want you trying to do something stupid."

  "I'll leave that to you," Emily said as she pulled away from him.

  "Let's get this lady to her room," Jeff laughed. "I'll show our newest member to his lodgings."

  Emily felt the man holding her arm pull hard and begin leading her towards the farmhouse. Emily looked at the cellar doors and preparing herself to be locked down there once again. Emily was confused as the man led her through the front door. The farmhouse was surprisingly clean inside. The man continued to pull her up a staircase. Emily continued to struggle as the man led her to a bedroom at the end of the hall.

  The man didn't say a word as he forced Emily into the room and closed the door behind her. Emily ran to the door to try to open it but found that she was locked in.

  Emily turned and began to survey the room that she was trapped in. Emily spotted a window and made her way to it as quickly as she could. Emily opened it and looked down. Emily cursed under her breath as two men stood below on the ground. She closed the window hard and looked around the room. There was a large bed with red blankets and a tall dresser. Emily made her way across the room to a door beside the dresser. Emily opened the door to find a bathroom.

  Emily began to search through the drawers and cabinets for anything she could use as a weapon. Emily found nothing and headed back to the bedroom. Emily dug through the dresser and the closet and still came up with nothing. She walked back to the center of the room and felt like the room was slowly closing in on her. She could have handled being Jeff's prisoner better if he had put her in the cellar. Emily couldn't stand being locked in this bedroom.

  Emily felt the energy draining from her and made her way over to the bed. Emily sat down but did not allow herself to relax. Emily sat for a long time before she heard the door unlock and saw it begin to open. Emily quickly stood from the bed. She watched as another man she did not know entered the room.

  "Did Jeff change his mind and want me down in the cellar?" Emily asked as she stood still.

  "You call him husband," the man sneered as he looked Emily up and down. "And he doesn't know I'm here."

  "What do you want then?" Emily asked as the man stepped towards her.

  "I'm here to collect what I have a right to," the man said as he stepped closer.

  "Jeff said I wasn't to be shared," Emily said as she tried to find a way from the man.

  "You call us all Husband!" the man yelled aggressively. "It's time for you to learn your place."

  "You will not touch me!" Emily yelled as she tried to run for the door.

  Emily cried out in pain as the man grabbed her by the hair and flung her back towards the bed.

  "I can do rough," the man smiled as he quickly moved towards her.

  "What the fuck is going on here?!" Emily never thought she would be relieved to hear Jeff's voice.

  "I caught her trying to escape," the man said as he quickly turned around. "I was just going to tie her down, so she didn't try again."

  "He's lying!" Emily blurted out.

  "I said no one was to enter this room," Jeff calmly said to the man, ignoring Emily completely. "It looks like you were trying to take what's mine."

  "I would never," the man started with panic in his voice.

  "I believe you," Jeff said as he patted the man on the back. "She can be a lot to handle."

  Emily felt dumbfounded as she began to crawl to the other side of the bed. She knew that Jeff was an awful man, but she didn't think he was this much of an idiot.

  "She is," the man laughed. "Would you like for me to tie her down?"

  "I don't think that will be necessary," Jeff smiled. "She's not going to try to run again. Are you, Love?"

  Emily looked at them both in disbelief and didn't speak.

  "I'll go check on the perimeter," the man said as he headed for the door.

  "How did you find her escaping her room if you were on perimeter duty," Jeff asked, still looking at Emily.

  "I was just…" the man stuttered.

  "I've also been wondering how she got in to the camp." Jeff interrupted. "You were assigned that section of the barrier, weren't you?"

  "I was, but I had to…" the man was trying to find a way to talk his way out of trouble.

  "You went to take a moment with one of the women," Jeff said. "But all of the commotion interrupted, and you thought you would come up here and finish with what's mine."

  The man stood still with a blank stare on his face. He knew he was caught and wasn't going to be able to talk his way out of it.

  "Is he standing there with a dumb look on his face?" Jeff smiled at Emily.

  Emily nodded as she looked between the two men.

  "I thought so," Jeff smiled. "You have lost your women privileges until I change my mind."

  "Yes, boss," the man said with a sigh of relief. "It won't happen again."

  "I know it won't," Jeff said as he looked back at the man. "You can go."

  Emily watched as the man turned to flee from the room.

  "Philip!" Jeff called out.

  Philip stopped and began to turn back slowly. Before he had time to turn all the way, Jeff pulled a gun and
shot Philip in the head. Emily couldn't help but let out a slight scream as the gun fired. Emily watched as Philip's body fell to the ground and red blood began to pool around his head.

  "I'll send someone up to take that out and clean up the mess," Jeff said casually.

  Emily remained silent and tried not to move. She allowed her eyes to drift to the gun that remained in Jeff's hand.

  "I'm not going to kill you, Love," Jeff smiled as he returned the gun to its holster.

  "Why not?" Emily asked as she relaxed.

  "I'm not done with you," Jeff smiled. "I've waited for months to get you back."

  "I'm not yours," Emily glared at him. "I will never be yours!"

  "You are mine," Jeff replied calmly. "You will learn that soon enough. You get some rest."


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