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The Dead Flash Series | Book 2 | Rebuilding

Page 22

by Crist, J. D.

  Jeff stepped over Philip's body, walked out the door, and locked it behind him. Emily sat on the bed staring down at Philip's body. Emily knew that he would stay dead, but she still felt uneasy with him being there. A few minutes passed, and Emily heard the door unlock once more. Emily looked up to see Shawn come through the door. Emily sat quietly as Shawn walked over to Philip's body.

  "You knew I would come," Emily said as Shawn bent over to pick up the corpse.

  "I did," Shawn said, not looking at her. "I knew you would come and most likely alone."

  "You told him about Charlie," Emily spoke once more.

  "Yes," Shawn said once more, still not looking at her.

  "So, you have this whole thing planned out?" Emily asked.

  "No." Shawn's shoulders visibly sunk. "But I'm figuring it out."

  "You will pay for this," Emily said as she heard footsteps outside the door. "I will personally make sure of it."

  Shawn said nothing and picked up Philip's corpse and carried it out of the room over his shoulder. As he left, a young girl no more than sixteen years old entered with a bucket. The door remained open, but Emily was sure there was still a guard outside of it.

  "I won't be long, miss," the girl said as she kneeled and began to clean up the pool of blood.

  "Call me Emily," Emily said as she looked at the girl.

  The girl looked half-starved and was wearing a plain brown dress. Emily could see bruises on the girl's arms and legs. Her long red hair was tied back with string and looked to have not been brushed in months. The girl remained silent as she continued to clean the mess.

  "What's your name?" Emily asked.

  "My husband's call me Love, miss," the girl replied.

  "And it probably makes you sick to your stomach as it does me," Emily replied.

  "What does your mother call you?"

  "Bridgett," the girl replied as she stopped cleaning and looked up at Emily.

  "That's a pretty name," Emily replied as she smiled down at Bridgett. "You look exhausted. Why don't you rest, and I'll finish cleaning up?"

  "No, thank you, miss," Bridgett said as she went back to cleaning. "I have to do my job, or my husbands will be angry."

  Emily knew that pushing Bridgett would not change her answer. Bridgett had been here a while and wasn't going to risk getting punished. Emily sat quietly and allowed Bridgett to finish her work.

  "All clean, miss," Bridgett said as she stood to leave.

  "Thank you," Emily smiled back.

  Emily watched as Bridgett walked out the door. Emily saw a man reach and close the door behind her. Emily heard the door lock click and knew that she was sealed in for the night. Emily was exhausted from the day but did not feel safe to allow herself to fall asleep. Emily put up her feet on the bed and allowed herself to lean against the pillows. Emily thought about Hope and knew that she would be bed by now. Hope would be upset and not understand why Emily and Marley were not home. Emily prayed that Marley found his way back to Sanctuary. Julia should have found the gate code by now and would be able to let him in. Emily thought about Shawn, somewhere outside, playing his role in this perverted place. Emily felt like she should be crying, but no tears came. Emily sat on the bed and did not move even as the sun rose outside her window.

  Chapter 20

  Emily continued to sit on the bed and could hear movement outside of her room. Emily forced herself to sit upon the edge of the bed. Emily knew that Jeff would be coming for her, and she didn't want to look weak when he did. Emily didn't have to wait long before she heard the door unlock. Emily stood as the door opened, and Jeff walked in.

  "I was trying to let you sleep in," Jeff smiled as he entered the room.

  Emily stared at him with hate in her eyes. Jeff came closer to her, unphased by her stare. Jeff looked at her clothes and seemed displeased.

  "Did you not find the clothes in the dresser?" Jeff asked.

  "I'm fine," Emily replied. "I'll change when I go home."

  "Have it your way," Jeff grinned. "We aren't planning on heading out until tomorrow."

  "I'm not taking you with me," Emily glared at Jeff.

  "Let's not get into this right now," Jeff grinned. "I simply came to invite you to breakfast."

  "I'm not hungry," Emily shot back.

  "I said that wrong," Jeff said as he grabbed her arm. "I’m here to bring you to breakfast."

  Emily tried to pull her arm free. Jeff didn't let go and pushed her out of the bedroom and down the stairs. Jeff forced Emily into the kitchen and pushed her down into a chair. Emily sat still while Jeff sat in the chair next to hers.

  "How do you want your eggs ma'am?" a familiar female voice asked beside her.

  Emily turned to see who the voice belonged to. The woman wore the same type of dress as Bridgett had the night before. The woman's hair was also the same vibrant red but was cut short. Emily studied the woman's face but was positive she had never seen her before.

  "Your eggs, ma'am?" the woman asked once more.

  Emily was positive that she knew the voice now but still couldn't place where from.

  "Oh," Jeff laughed. "This is Mariann. She's the one who made the call."

  Emily looked back at the woman and could see the shame on her face. Emily could tell that she had not made the radio call of her own free will.

  "Scrambled is fine," Emily replied.

  The woman rushed off and began cooking. Emily looked back at Jeff, who was leaning in his chair.

  "She's Bridgett's mother," Emily said, pointing at the woman. "The bruises on Bridgett, your way of proving you would hurt her if her mother didn't do what you asked?"

  "See, I knew you were smart," Jeff grinned.

  "I figured you would know it was a trap, but you couldn't risk leaving people behind. I had planned you coming out, but sometimes we don't get what we want."

  "A lesson you refuse to learn," Emily sneered back at Jeff.

  "Can we at least eat before we start again?" Jeff asked as Mariann set the plates down in front of them.

  Emily refused to eat and sat in silence as Jeff stuffed his face. While Jeff ate his breakfast, a few men came into the kitchen. They would whisper something to Jeff, and Jeff would either nod yes or no. Then the men would leave without another word.

  "You are going to need to eat at some point," Jeff remarked as he finished.

  "I told you, I'm not hungry," Emily replied.

  "If you don't eat, I'm going to have to assume it's Mariann's cooking," Jeff said, looking back at the woman who froze in fear.

  "Her cooking is fine," Emily replied. "It's the company that is causing me to lose my appetite."

  "You have an answer for everything, don't you?" Jeff grinned at her.

  "Not everything," Emily replied.

  Jeff laughed his sick laugh and stood from the table.

  "Will you walk, or do I need to drag you around all day?" Jeff asked, looking down at her.

  Emily stared back at him with anger. She knew she was going to have a bruise on her arm from everyone dragging her around. But she also knew that if she followed Jeff, he would take it as a sign that she was giving in to him. Jeff sighed and grabbed her hard by the arm. Emily was pulled out of her chair and dragged out the kitchen door. Jeff continued to drag her throughout the camp.

  Emily focused on the women and girls wearing brown dresses. Each of them was severely underfed, and each had their fair share of bruises. Emily repeatedly looked behind her after Jeff continued talking with some of the men. She saw more than once a man slipping the women and girls bits of food and looking at them with genuine concern.

  "What do you do if you find a family?"

  Emily asked as Jeff was dragging her to his next meeting.

  "Families don't exist in here," Jeff explained as he continued to watch. "Women belong to the community. If a man wants a woman to himself, he has to earn it."

  "Has anyone ever earned it?" Emily asked, even though she already knew the answer.

/>   "I have," Jeff grinned back at her.

  Emily continued to look at the faces of everyone she passed, trying to make a note of the men who seemed to be playing a part, much like Shawn. Emily ignored what was going on in front of her until she heard Shawn's voice.

  "Out for a walk?" Shawn asked as Jeff pulled her towards him.

  "Just a little stroll with the misses." Jeff smiled back as he pulled Emily close and wrapped his arm around her waist. Emily tried to tear away, but she was not going to win in a battle of strength against Jeff.

  "I finished fixing that truck, so the doors don't open," Shawn replied as if nothing was happening.

  "And the body?" Jeff asked.

  "Tied up by the gate like you asked," Shawn replied, glancing at Emily.

  "Good," Jeff smiled. "That should remind everyone that no one touches her." Emily recoiled as Jeff pulled her even closer.

  "What would you like for me to do next?" Shawn asked.

  "Get yourself some food, and I will check in on you later," Jeff smiled.

  Emily watched as Shawn nodded and took off, walking in the opposite direction. Jeff released her waist and took her arm once again. Emily was dragged back in the order of the farmhouse. Jeff stopped a short distance from the house and pulled Emily to face him.

  "I know seeing him upsets you," Jeff said, trying to sound like he cared about her.

  "Don't worry. He will be gone soon."

  "Are you sending him somewhere?" Emily asked.

  "No," Jeff grinned. "I told you, those here have to be loyal to me, or they are no good."

  "And you don't think he's loyal to you?" Emily asked.

  "I think his loyalty changes too easily," Jeff said as he pulled Emily closer. "I just wanted to tell you that we will have another gathering tonight."

  "I think I'm busy tonight," Emily quickly replied.

  "The gathering is for you," Jeff let his sick smile spread across his face. "You need to prove to my guys that you are just as loyal as they are. You need to do what you were supposed to the night you stabbed me with the screwdriver."

  "I'd rather die," Emily spat back at him.

  "You will, or we will make the display more intimate. It's your choice, Love."

  Jeff turned and dragged Emily into the house and back up to her room.

  "I'll send Bridgett up to get you ready," Jeff said as he shoved Emily into the bedroom.

  "I'm perfectly capable of getting myself ready," Emily said as she whipped around to face him.

  "Fine," Jeff replied. Emily could tell that he was beginning to grow angry with her quips.

  "Just know that tonight is not optional."

  With that, Jeff slammed the door shut and locked it. Emily punched the door as hard as she could. Emily held her hand afterward as the pain began to spread. She knew that hitting the door was pointless. She just had to release some of the rages that were building inside of her. Emily walked over and sat on the bed once more. She didn't have a plan to get out, and she knew Shawn didn't have one either.

  Emily sat alone for hours, trying to find her way out of her prison. Emily didn't see anyone until the sun began to set, and she heard the door unlock. Emily looked up to see Shawn entering the room.

  "It's time to go," Shawn said flatly.

  "I can't go out there," Emily said with more pleading in her voice than she intended.

  "You know he's going to kill you, right?"

  "I'll just have to prove myself too useful to kill," Shawn replied. "Please don't make me force you out there."

  Emily crossed her arms and remained seated on the bed. Shawn sighed and walked across the room to her. Shawn was in front of her before Emily could react. Shawn quickly picked up Emily and tossed her over his shoulder.

  "Put me down!" Emily yelled as she slammed her fist against Shawn's back.

  Shawn said nothing as he carried her out of the room and downstairs. Emily continued to struggle as they walked outside, and Shawn dropped her in the dirt. Emily looked up at Shawn with hate as he walked away. Jeff stood a short distance away, and Shawn walked to stand beside him. Emily could see everyone in the camp beginning to circle. There were more people here than there was last time.

  "Some of you have been here before, but for a lot of you, this is new," Jeff spoke to the group. "After tonight, this lovely woman will lead us all to a place where we can grow and thrive. But first, she had to learn her place."

  Emily remained sitting in the dirt as he spoke, looking for a weak spot in the crowd.

  "What will it be, Love?" Jeff asked as he looked down at her. "Are you going to give, or am I going to take?"

  "You can go to hell!" Emily yelled at him.

  "Take it then," Jeff grinned.

  Emily braced herself as Jeff took a step forward. Jeff suddenly stopped and yelled out in pain. Jeff reached and touched his back. When he pulled his hand back around, Emily could see that it was covered in blood. Jeff turned and looked at Shawn. As he turned, Emily could see Shawn holding her knife with blood dripping from the tip.

  "I'm going to kill you for that," Jeff said as he pulled his gun.

  "Emily, get out of here!" Shawn yelled at her.

  Emily stood as quickly as she could from the ground but found that too many of Jeff's men were closing in on her. Emily looked back at Shawn and realized she couldn't leave even if she weren't blocked in.

  "I'm not leaving you!" Emily yelled back at him.

  Emily could see the anger boiling out of Jeff as she spoke. He now knew that not only was Shawn playing him but that Shawn and Emily were closer than he could have imagined.

  "So, you two think you're going to take all of us down?" Jeff said, motioning to the group. "I think I'll add you both to the gate."

  "You know what the problem is with having so many people and not getting to know any of them?" Shawn asked.

  "What the hell does that have to do with anything?" Jeff asked out of frustration. Even Emily was confused by Shawn's question.

  "The problem is that you don't notice when a large group of them are missing," Shawn grinned.

  Just as Shawn finished talking, Emily heard a man scream towards the back of the group.

  "What did you do!?" Jeff screamed at Shawn.

  "Took out some pedophiles, but I may have forgotten to get the brain," Shawn laughed.

  "Fuck you!" Jeff said as he began to pull the trigger on his gun.

  Before Jeff had the chance to fire, gunshots began to rain all around the camp. Emily looked towards the barricade and could see the flashes of the barrels as guns were being fired. Emily turned back to Shawn and could see the relief on his face. However, before either of them could move, Jeff fired his gun. Emily screamed as Shawn winced in pain and fell to the ground.

  "No!!" Emily yelled as she ran towards Shawn.

  Before she could reach him, Jeff grabbed her by the hair and began to pull her backward. Despite the pain, Emily forced herself to the ground and grabbed the knife that Shawn had dropped when he was shot. Jeff pulled her hair hard, and Emily was forced to her feet.

  "I should have just killed both of you!" Jeff screamed at her.

  Emily didn't say anything but instead thrust the knife into Jeff's stomach. Jeff released her hair and stumbled backward. Emily felt no remorse as Jeff fell to the ground, and a pool of ruby red blood began to form on the ground around him. Emily turned and made her way to Shawn. Emily dropped to the ground beside him.

  "Son of a bitch," Shawn breathed while holding his shoulder.

  "You're alive," Emily smiled as she hugged him.

  "Of course, I am," Shawn said. "I promised you I would come home."

  "Damn right you did," Emily smiled down at him. Emily didn't think as she leaned down and kissed Shawn. Emily was pulled out of the kiss by the sound of a girl screaming.

  "Go," Shawn smiled up at her.

  Emily grabbed her knife and took off into the crowd in the direction of the scream. Emily found Bridgett pinned on the ground with a zo
mbie on top of her. The girl was struggling to keep from getting bitten. Emily rushed over to Bridgett and sank her knife into the zombie's head. Once Emily removed the knife, she pushed the zombie off Bridget and helped her to her feet.

  "Do you know how to open the gate?" Emily asked.

  "Yes," Bridgett replied in a shaky voice.

  "I need you to go open it and let our reinforcements in."

  "I have to find my mom," Bridgett said, looking around at the chaos that was unfolding.


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