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Elven Accord

Page 15

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “If she is half as persistent as my wife, she will make sure you live that long,” Katar laughed.

  “My race only lives for a hundred years,” Alvin said. “She would have to be very persistent for us to live to three hundred.”

  “I will do what I can, Hero,” Becky said.

  “Have a pleasant trip,” Olmera said as they left the shop.

  “May you make lots of XP,” Alvin replied as he shut the door behind him.

  “Kiosk or not?” Becky asked, standing by the door to the Humvee.

  “I would add it, but then they’d have access to all things Earth before we come back. I feel like that would be a bad idea. Matriarch Bloodnight might actually be friendly, or she might just be a politician, which might mean we take fire from anti-tank guns on our way back through here.”

  “Solid reasoning. We can add it when we come back through. If need be, we can use that as a bargaining chip in the capital.” Becky said. “Mousie, I’m going to have you riding with Hero. I’ll keep Skyfall in the Mustang with me.”

  “If that is your wish, Matriarch Gothy.”

  “Let’s go,” Alvin said, walking around to the driver’s side door. “It’s going to be a long trip.”

  Chapter Twenty

  As they pulled into the city of Rathaholt, Kuro hardly noticed, enraptured as she was with the new music Alvin had been playing for her. Alvin smiled as he watched Kuro’s hands twitching in time to the music of “Purple Haze.” He was surprised at how quickly she had taken to the rock music; “Purple Haze,” “Free Bird,” and “Layla” were favorites, even though she didn’t understand the lyrics. Thinking of how many classics she had favored, Alvin chuckled to himself.

  Slowing the Humvee as they came upon the gates of the city, Alvin was glad they would be getting a room soon. The Humvee had a lot going for it, but comfortable seating was not on that list. I wonder how much it would cost to upgrade some of the interior? Alvin wondered to himself. If we can get the vehicles repaired at the base, surely they can be upgraded, too? Making a mental note to look into it, Alvin rolled after Ruffian once the guards opened the gates.

  When the last notes of “Purple Haze” died away, Kuro cleared her throat. “Thank you, Alvin, for the music. I’ve never heard anything like it.”

  “Stop music,” Alvin said before it could pull up another song. “You’re welcome. You’re going to be hearing many more and many different things, especially if you ride with Gothy.”

  “It looks like we are headed for the Matriarch’s home,” Kuro murmured.

  “Likely dropping Skyfall for the night,” Alvin said. “We’ll be home soon.”

  Kuro glanced at him, then away. “I’m starting to think… that you are different from the men I’ve known before.”

  “Glad to hear it,” Alvin chuckled. “Another few months of me not molesting you might help you actually believe that.”

  Kuro’s face went dead for a moment. “Yes. Men have always wanted me, even though my father was a King’s Elf. I’ve been shocked that you haven’t tried to touch me, or even tried to talk me into anything.”

  “I have Gothy,” Alvin said with a shrug. “I’m not saying you aren’t beautiful in your own way, but she is… Gothy.”

  Bowing her head, Kuro nodded. “I understand. She exudes an air of power, sexuality, confidence. It’s hard not to be drawn to her, to want to be embraced and drown in those very things.”

  “Basically,” Alvin agreed, even though he’d rather devour those things, not drown in them.

  “She keeps hinting that she is going to have me… and you…” Kuro trailed off, looking away from him, her cheeks darkening.

  “I won’t let her,” Alvin snorted. “I’m fine with consensual nonconsent, but I’m not going to do anything with you when you obviously don’t even want to consider the idea.”

  “Oh,” Kuro said, blinking but still not looking at him. “Thank you. I had thought you would be eager for the chance.”

  “Gothy, remember?” Alvin chuckled. “You’ll be safe as long as you want to be, Kuro. I worry how she might react once she crosses that bridge, as it is. Sharing is caring she says, but part of her…” Trailing off, Alvin reflected on Becky’s insecurity issues.

  “If I was willing…” Kuro started slowly, but she cut off as the Humvee came to a stop. Looking up and panicking slightly that Alvin was about to do something, her heart slowed as she saw they were in front of the manor of the Matriarch of Rathaholt.

  “Thank gods, now we can find a room and go home,” Alvin sighed, doing his best to act like he hadn’t heard her attempt to broach the subject of them fucking. His brow furrowed when the guards opened both gates and motioned the Mustang into the walled off yard. Trailing after Becky, Alvin kept his eyes moving, trying to spot if there was an ambush or similar waiting for them.

  The lights on the Mustang cut out and Becky got out of Ruffian a moment later. She stood beside the car, clearly waiting for Alvin. When he and Kuro got out, she motioned to Skyfall. “She says we can use a room here for the evening.”

  “A room is a room,” Alvin said agreeably. “I need to check on some things. Did you warn her that the vehicles would be missing while we slept? Otherwise, she might panic that we left without her, like Captain Shadowhand did.”

  “Fair enough,” Becky replied, walking around to Skyfall.

  “Alvin,” Kuro said slowly. “There is no clear space in the base that I can dance in. Is it possible to acquire one?”

  Alvin shrugged. “I don’t see why not. I need to look into some other stuff for the base anyway. I take it you wanted to dance?”

  “I should dance as often as possible to keep my skills honed,” Kuro replied.

  “I’ll see about it,” Alvin nodded.

  “What’s up?” Becky asked, joining them.

  “Kuro was asking if I can get her a room to dance in,” Alvin told her. “I can do that, and I wanted to check on some things with the base anyway. While I’m doing that, you can watch her dance to some of her new favorite songs. I introduced her to classic rock today.”

  Skyfall was looking at them a little impatiently, so Alvin started walking toward her. Kuro and Becky fell into step with him. “Did you have any favorites, Kuro?”

  Alvin half-listened to Kuro explaining the songs she liked the most. His lips pursed when she asked if there was a way for her to learn their language easily.

  “Gothy,” Alvin said, focusing on using English, “I want to see if they can understand me.”

  Becky looked at him with a frown as they waited for the front door to open. She saw the blank looks of Kuro and Skyfall. “I’d say no.”

  “What did he ask?” Skyfall asked intently.

  “He was wondering if he would be the one cooking tonight, or if he could have his elemental do it instead. I don’t think he realized he was no longer speaking your tongue.”

  Alvin kept his face impassive. “Sorry about that,” he said, making sure he was back in the right language, “I’m tired.”

  The door opened before Skyfall could reply. Skyfall spoke to the doorman, and he led them into a parlor. A few minutes later, a regal looking Elf came gliding into the room. “Champion Skyfall, I hadn’t expected you to be here.”

  “I’m on my way to report to the Queen. There are many things she needs to know,” Skyfall said.

  “Like the fact that you have two demons and a half-blood with you?”

  “Matriarch Nightfall, these two hold keys that could very easily tilt the long standing feud in our favor. Treat them as honored guests of the Queen, as she will surely wish it once she meets them.”

  Obviously taken aback by Skyfall’s words, Nightfall looked the trio over intently. Her eyes met Becky’s. “You are the one who leads the man and the half-blood?”

  “I’m his, and Mousie is mine,” Becky said curtly. “If you refer to either of them disrespectfully again, we will leave.”

  Skyfall was suddenly between Becky and Nightfa
ll. “It was a long trip today from Alinaholt. Why don’t we let them refresh before dinner?”

  Nightfall’s eyes widened at the name of Alinaholt. “From Alinaholt? Today? Yes, yes that is a very good idea, Champion Skyfall.” Stepping to the door, Nightfall summoned a servant. “Prepare our two best rooms for our guests. Inform the cook that we require a grand feast—”

  “No,” Becky cut in. “Just show us to our room, and it doesn’t need to be made ready. We will sleep, and that is all. Champion Skyfall can speak with you. We’ll be leaving once we’re awake.”

  “Of course,” Skyfall said tightly before Nightfall could balk. “Show them to one of the rooms while I speak with Matriarch Nightfall.”

  A long pause followed Skyfall’s words, but Nightfall nodded, a frown on her face. “Follow my butler. He will see you housed for the night,” her tone was frosty and aloof.

  The three followed the butler silently, while Skyfall stayed behind. As the door was shutting, Alvin’s lips tugged up as he overheard a snippet of conversation.

  “Who does she think—”

  “I don’t like her,” Becky growled.

  “Good thing we aren’t staying, then,” Alvin replied.

  “Nightfall is a granddaughter of the Queen, and was once favored by her,” Kuro added softly.

  “Don’t care,” Becky said. “She was a bitch to speak down to Hero and you.”

  “That is the way our society is,” Kuro sighed.

  “Let it go, Gothy,” Alvin said, pulling her into his side. “We’re going home, and you’re going to see Kuro dance just for you.”

  “She’ll dance for you, too,” Becky said as she let some of her anger go.

  “Not tonight,” Alvin chuckled. “Maybe tomorrow. We’re going to eat, shower, and then go to bed. The sooner we do, the sooner we can leave in the morning.”

  “Maybe a little time to play?” Becky asked with a sultry purr.

  “I’m not going to turn that down,” Alvin laughed. “After dinner, shower, and Kuro’s display for you. I have some things I need to look into, and I should do that before you melt my brain.”

  “Okay, but don’t take too long,” Becky said as the butler opened a door for them into a dark room.

  “Let me get a lantern—” the butler began.

  “No need,” Alvin said, stopping the butler at the door. “We’ll be fine. Just don’t disturb us for anything.”

  Blinking at him, the butler’s head tilted back and a loud sniff came from the older Elf. “I will follow that to the letter.”

  “Good,” Alvin said, shutting the door. As soon as he did, he toggled the base icon and a portal appeared in the middle of the room. Using the light coming from bright portal, Alvin secured the door. Turning around, he realized he was alone. “Guess they were eager to head home.”

  Chapter Twenty-one

  “Welcome home, sir,” Jarvis said as soon as the room appeared around Alvin. “I have dinner cooking, but it will be at least half an hour.”

  “Thanks,” Alvin said. “I need a pad to upgrade the base, Jarvis.”

  A pad appeared in the air before Alvin. “If there is nothing else, sir, I still need to finish preparing the sides.”

  “That’s fine,” Alvin said, taking the pad. It only took him a moment to add a decently sized room, placing the doorway in the side of the kiosk room. He smiled when it appeared. “There you go, Kuro, a room for your dancing. If it needs anything else, let me know.”

  Kuro nodded and went toward the door. Becky gave him a smile and wink as she trailed after her. “I hope you made it big enough to handle her, Hero.”

  Chuckling, he turned his attention back to the pad. Poking around, he found what he was looking for under the auto-shop tab. When he had everything he wanted added to the cart, he whistled at the total expense. A notice popped up saying that the vehicles had to be present before the upgrades could start after he hit the purchase button.

  Setting the pad down, Alvin walked into the garage and tapped the button to summon both vehicles. As soon as they appeared, the robotic arms extended from the ceiling as the vehicle lifts raised them from the ground.

  “Sir, dinner will be ready in a few minutes,” Jarvis said from behind him.

  “Did I take that long going over the pad?” Alvin asked.

  “It did take a while, sir. I see you are changing the vehicles. Did you check with miss before you opted to modify Ruffian?”

  “No. I should probably tell her,” Alvin sighed. “It’ll be fine.”

  “If you say so, sir,” Jarvis said, following Alvin to the main room.

  “I’ll need a couple more of the books too,” Alvin told Jarvis.

  “I’ll bring them to the table for you, sir.”

  “Thanks,” Alvin replied as he headed for the new room.

  The last few notes of “Purple Haze” were fading when he walked through the doorway. Kuro was panting, her body slick with sweat as she knelt on the ground, her blades before her. Alvin paused, eyeing her graceful body appreciatively as she was clad only in her underwear.

  “Beautiful, isn’t she?” Becky smiled from her spot on the floor next to the door.

  “Wasn’t expecting her to be undressed,” Alvin said, looking down at Becky. “She is beautiful, almost as much as you are. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes, according to Jarvis.”

  “I’ll get her cleaned up,” Becky said, extending a hand to him.

  Pulling her up, Alvin held her for a moment. “Apples and pineapple: both are tasty, but vastly different,” he murmured into her ear. “You’ll always be my pinnacle of perfection, regardless of what happens.”

  “Hero,” Becky whispered, her arms tightening on him. “I love you.”

  “Love you too, my sociopathic goth. Now, go get your toy cleaned up so we can eat as a family.”

  “As you wish, Hero.”

  Letting go of her, he caught her eyes with his. “After dinner, you can play with her all you want. I’ll wait for you in bed. I want to try the stocks.”

  Eyes filling with desire, she nodded. “As you wish, Hero.” Becky looked over at Kuro and smiled. She had been watching them, kneeling on the floor. “Come on, Mousie. A quick shower, then dinner. Dessert will come after that.”

  “As you desire, Gothy,” Kuro said, rising to her feet with a liquid grace that most humans could never hope to match.

  Alvin watched them go, Becky dressed in her leathers, and Kuro in almost nothing. Lips pursed, he wondered if maybe he should keep an eye on Becky when she played with Kuro. Shaking his head, he figured that would make Kuro uncomfortable and it might seem like he didn’t trust Becky, so he set the idea aside.

  Going to the dining room, he found the table set with glasses and two bottles of wine, one already opened. “Fancy dinner tonight, Jarvis?”

  “This is my first time cooking, sir,” Jarvis replied from the kitchen, moving from counter to stove smoothly.

  A deep worry hit Alvin as Jarvis’ words sank in. “First time? Right, because you’ve never had a real body before. Do you need any help?”

  “I do not require aid, sir. I did make sure that I was fully prepared to be your staff, as it is my only function now. As of today, I will not be receiving knowledge from the development team, so I shall not be as useful in helping you understand things going forward, I’m afraid.”

  “Really, Sammi?” Alvin sighed under his breath. “They want everyone on even footing, I understand that, but fucking hell.”

  “It is fine, sir. I shall endeavor to be as helpful as I can, even limited as I currently am,” Jarvis replied. “I have made a list of small things I would like to acquire for my room, given time. I hope that isn’t too forward of me, sir.”

  “Give me the list, and I’ll see what I can do, Jarvis. Gods know you deserve something for your help before they limited you.”

  “Very good, sir. The pad on the table beside your place has the items I would like.”

  Looking at the pad tha
t hadn’t been there a moment ago, Alvin chuckled. “Okay, buddy, let’s see what you want.” After a quick check, Alvin purchased all the items for a bit over ten thousand XP. “You’ll have fun rearranging with all that.”

  “You purchased all of it?” Jarvis’ surprise was clear.

  “You’ve more than earned it, Jarvis. I didn’t fully realize how much you were helping until they took you away from me. Consider this as my thanks. I also wonder, maybe you know if there is a way for us to speak with you while we’re in game?”


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