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Elven Accord

Page 16

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “Alas sir, they consider that an unfair advantage. Due to me being able to watch the game from here, there is no communication from a base into any world permitted. Though I do commend you for adding radios to the vehicles, sir. You can also add throat mics to that same frequency if you wish.”

  “I didn’t see those in the store,” Alvin replied.

  “They aren’t listed under the auto shop,” Jarvis said as a chime went off. “Ahh, dinner is done.” Opening the oven, Jarvis pulled out a wonderful smelling dish. “Look at the pad beside you, sir.”

  Alvin looked at the pad and saw the store listing for radio equipment. A quick check of the page had him the proud owner of a six radio set, with throat mics, which appeared beside him. He put three of them into his bag, thankful to discover that that they stacked. He set the other two beside two of the place settings at the table, and examined the last one, wondering how to get the radio to work.

  “They go into an accessory slot, sir,” Jarvis said as he continued to do things in the kitchen. “Hence my earlier statement that stacking armor was possible, but you would miss out on other accessories that could make a difference.”

  “Understood,” Alvin said as he set the radio into an accessory slot. A radio appeared on his hip and the mic around his neck as soon as he did. “Useful,” Alvin muttered as he wished the radio out of the slot and it vanished. “Where the hell did it go?”

  “Into your bag, sir. An accessory you don’t wish to wear anymore goes into a bag slot. It’s the same with extra outfit tabs. Those armor sets take up room in your bags.”

  “I still need to look at those,” Alvin sighed.

  “The first extra tab costs ten thousand XP, sir.”

  “Expensive for most people,” Alvin mused.

  “Indeed, but well worth it if you are setting up to face specific monsters.”

  “What’s with the radios?” Becky asked as she came into the room, trailed by Kuro.

  Alvin explained as they took their seats, briefly mentioning he had made the car seats more comfortable, as well. Becky and Kuro each attached the radios to an accessory slot, then willed them off.

  “That’ll make communication much easier. Throat mics if we want to be quiet, I take it?”

  “Yup,” Alvin smiled as Jarvis came toward the table. “Let’s see what the first-time cook has prepared for us.”

  Jarvis set a platter on the table and went to retrieve a couple of smaller dishes, which he set beside the larger one. “Beef Wellington, along with Pommes Anna, and asparagus with hollandaise. If you would do the honor of serving, sir.” Jarvis said. He made sure everyone had a full glass of wine, then uncorked the second bottle to let it breathe.

  Taking the serving knife and fork, Alvin cut through the pastry crust to find a perfectly medium rare tenderloin inside. He shook his head at how skilled Jarvis appeared to be. Once he had sliced the beef and given everyone a serving, Alvin dished up some of the Pommes Anna for himself. The finely sliced russet potatoes had hints of nutmeg and Parmesan, and the pepper in it became visible once it was on his plate. Handing the dish to Becky so she could take some, he grimaced at the asparagus, but gave himself a small serving as he felt he should try it.

  While waiting for the others to fill their plates, Alvin cleared his throat. “Jarvis, it looks and smells delicious. Since it’s your first ever cooked meal, perhaps you should take the first bite.”

  With a dry smile, Jarvis cut a small bite of Wellington. As he chewed, the surprised delight on his face was clear to the others, who quickly matched him. Alvin chewed slowly, letting the flavor linger.

  “That is so unfair,” Becky grumbled as she cut another bite. “First time cooking and he aces it.”

  “To be fair, miss, I do have a Master level in cooking. It was one of the things that Sammi ensured that I had before they forced me here.”

  “Wait… cooking is a skill?” Becky said, her fork half raised to her mouth.

  “Everyone has at least the lowest level of cooking but, yes, it is. If you look at your character sheets, you will see what a master chef can do for you.”

  Becky chewed thoughtfully as she willed her sheet to appear before her. After a moment, she shook her head. Alvin was the first to be able to speak without food in his mouth.

  “Superbly fed. You gain a point to your lowest stat for the next twelve hours,” Alvin said. “If you cook our meals, we’ll get food buffs like most games have?”

  “Indeed,” Jarvis said, taking a bite of the asparagus.

  “Guess I’m not cooking anymore,” Becky said.

  “I’m sorry, miss,” Jarvis said.

  “It’s okay, Jarvis. We should take advantage of every buff we can get,” Becky replied.

  “Gothy, you can still cook some meals. Dinner would be good since we’re not going to leave for the night for the most part,” Alvin told her, seeing the disappointment she tried to mask.

  “Indeed. I do watch you while you are in world,” Jarvis said. “I can wait to see if you wish to cook or not. Even better, I can prepare the items and then walk you through the dish, with you doing the work.”

  Becky looked from Jarvis to Alvin, then back. “No, it’s—”

  “I like it when you cook for me,” Alvin said, cutting her off. “It doesn’t have to be all the time, but I would miss your cooking if you didn’t do any.”

  Meeting his eyes, she saw only honesty. “Okay. Once in a while, and Jarvis can help me.”

  “Thank you,” Alvin said, giving her hand a squeeze.

  “I shall wait to cook until you return home most nights, in order to give you every chance, miss. This is your home; I am merely staff.”

  “Idiot,” Becky frowned. “You’re a friend, Jarvis, not just staff. Just pay attention when we’re going to come home. If I want to cook, I’ll let you know before we come back here. If I don’t say so, then you can cook for us.”

  “As you say, miss.”

  “I would also like to make a meal or two for you, Gothy,” Kuro said.

  Alvin watched Gothy look at Kuro fondly. “Okay, Mousie. We’ll do the same for you. If you want to cook, we can let Jarvis know before we come back to the base.”

  “I shall endeavor to make sure everything is ready,” Jarvis bowed his head to them.

  “I’m sure you’ll be fine, much like this meal is,” Alvin chuckled and sipped his wine.

  The rest of the meal was silent aside from compliments about the food. Alvin was surprised to find that he finished the asparagus, and even enjoyed it some. They had finished the first bottle of wine and made a dent in the second by the time the meal ended.

  “About my Mustang,” Becky said when they had finished. “What did you do to the seats?”

  “They’re going to be insanely comfortable. They’re going to look similar to how they did, but the entire seat’s been reconfigured to be more like a luxury sedan. Heated seats, soft leather feel, and they have a floating system to make the ride even smoother. I did the same for the Humvee. These long trips were starting to wear on me.”

  “You put the radios in before we got the other ones?”

  “Yes. The vehicle radios have a twenty mile range, and the wearable ones only have a mile range, normally.” Alvin chuckled, “The small radios can piggy back off the vehicle radios though, so as long as you’re within a mile of the Mustang or the Humvee, you can get twenty miles off them.”

  Becky snorted. “Working as intended?”

  “I hope so. Otherwise, I’m going to want a refund,” Alvin chuckled.

  “I’m sure Sammi is going to love you in the morning,” Becky snickered. “Mousie, are you ready for dessert?”

  “Yes, Gothy,” Kuro said, getting to her feet.

  “Get moving. I’ll be right there,” Becky said.

  Kuro headed for the bedroom, leaving Alvin and Becky at the table while Jarvis started to clean up.

  “Don’t break her,” Alvin said, leaning over to get a kiss.

; “I’m careful. I haven’t been nearly as bad as I was the first night,” Becky said. “I want to keep her, after all.”

  “Good. I know she’s been helping you with your other needs,” Alvin replied as he got up, pulling Becky to her feet as well. “I’ll be showering for a bit, but I’ll likely be in bed waiting for you.”

  “I’ll try not to keep you waiting long, Hero,” Becky murmured as she collected another deep kiss before breaking away. “I’ll be needing a lot of attention myself.”

  “Which I will shower on you,” Alvin said as she swayed off toward the bedroom.

  Once she was gone, Alvin turned back to Jarvis. “Is your room far enough away from ours?”

  “I believe so, sir,” Jarvis replied, picking up the empty platter. “I’m sure we will find out tonight.”

  “Fair enough,” Alvin chuckled as he headed for the bedroom. “Sleep well.”

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Alvin sat on the bench in the shower, taking his time cleaning up and considering what their options might be once they reached the capital. The Queen would likely want to meet them, thank them for helping her people, and maybe learn more about what had happened to her world.

  Pushback was likely to come from Kuro being with them, since they seemed to look down on half-bloods, as they called her. Possibly me, as well, Alvin thought. After all, I’m not a quiet, reserved person.

  They could offer to connect them to Alvin’s network, allowing them access to Earth items from the store and the ability to set up trades if the settlements got the right upgrades to send things to each other. Reaching over, Alvin turned on the rain head above the bench and let the water cascade down over him, washing the soap away.

  After that, we just need to head back to Alinaholt to pick stuff up, and then go back to Earth. Once we get back, where do we go? Alvin finished rinsing off as he chewed on the thought. Find settlements, add them to the network, kill and loot shit, but no big goal… guess life isn’t all that different here. I need to check with Jarvis to see if the looting mechanic has changed at all.

  Looking at the tub, Alvin shrugged and decided to lounge for a bit. Relaxing in the hot water, he settled back and turned the massage jets on. He leaned his head against the padded headrest and just let the water work out the remaining aches he felt.

  “Music, random play,” Alvin murmured, “softly.” The music started with “Hell’s Bells,” played at a low volume. Snorting, Alvin sank further into the water.

  Songs washed over him for a time before Alvin finally got out of the tub. Once he was dried off, Alvin walked into the bedroom. Pausing in the doorway, he watched a nearly naked Kuro crawl into her cage under the bed. The thought of getting behind that firm, spankable ass and taking Kuro made him shake his head.

  Becky said something to Kuro, who nodded and made herself comfortable under her blankets. Once she was settled, Becky touched the button that closed the shutters around the cage.

  “Looks like I timed my shower just right,” Alvin said as he walked toward Becky.

  Standing up, Becky turned to face him. “My turn.”

  “Indeed,” Alvin smiled as he put his arms around her. “I did notice something earlier. The stocks have a gel pad lining to stop them from cutting into skin. That’s a good thing, since I don’t want you bleeding on me.”

  Eyes filling with need, Becky pressed her naked body to his. “Are you going to put me in the stocks?”

  “You’ve been a very good girl, so that’s the plan,” Alvin said.

  Tangling a hand in her hair, Alvin kissed her demandingly. His tongue invaded her mouth and briefly battled hers for supremacy. Alvin pulled back and broke the kiss, spinning Becky around and pushing her against the bed. Using a hand on her back to keep her in place, he brought his other hand down hard across her round ass. As the sound echoed in the bedroom, Alvin heard movement from under the bed. Smirking, he spanked Becky again, and again he could hear Kuro moving under the bed.

  His hand was tingling by the time he stopped spanking Becky, her ass light pink with palm and finger marks faintly visible. “Time to use the stocks,” Alvin whispered to her.

  Becky started to climb up onto the bed, but Alvin gently tugged at her hair, not letting her do so. “Not up, around,” Alvin told her, using her hair as reins to guide her to the foot of the bed.

  The stocks between the foot posts were on a rail system that Alvin had positioned to the lowest setting. Keeping one hand firmly in Becky’s hair, he got the upper part open, settling her into position and closing it around her neck and wrists. Securing the stocks, he checked them carefully, making sure she wasn’t being injured by them and rechecking the rail system to make sure it was locked.

  “I figured out that if I move them off the end of the bed, they can be used to hold you in position,” Alvin said softly. “I’ll be right back.”

  Returning from the dungeon, Alvin walked up behind Becky, who was unable to turn her head far enough to see what he had gotten from the dungeon. “Hero…”

  “Shhh,” Alvin said, using his hand to get her moved to where he wanted her. “Almost ready,” he told her as he attached a spreader bar between her legs at her ankles. He used a second spreader to attach the bar to the bed, so she couldn’t move forward or back. “There. All ready for more play.”

  Breathing shallowly, Becky bit her lip as she waited for what was to come. Alvin brought the paddle up, catching the bottom of Becky's ass and getting a sharp gasp and wiggle from her in response. A slight sound of scratching at metal caught Alvin’s attention before he spanked Becky again.

  Alvin alternated sides and angles as he spanked Becky, the paddle helping to prolong the play. All through the spanking, Alvin caught small sounds as Kuro tried to move the shutters to see out.

  Leaning into Becky’s side, Alvin put his lips next to her ear. “Mousie is trying to see out. Would you like it if she watched you being played with, Gothy?”

  Becky moaned softly. “Please.”

  Stepping back, Alvin brought the flogger around and landed a soft strike on Becky’s back. He let the blows land to either side of her spine, careful of his aim. In the middle of flogging her, Alvin triggered the shutters and went back to flogging Becky as though unaware of what had happened.

  He knew Kuro’s eyes were on him, so Alvin kept his focus on Becky, who was lost in the moment. When he stopped with the flogging, he looked down and saw Kuro staring up at him with wide eyes. “Mousie,” Alvin smiled at her. “Did you want your shutters closed again?”

  Licking her lips, Kuro gave her head a tiny shake.

  “Okay,” Alvin said, trying his best to ignore the fact that Kuro was naked and pleasuring herself as circumspectly as possible.

  Setting the flogger aside, Alvin picked up the crop next. Becky loved it when he used the crop on her, so he tried to save it for last when rewarding her. The next few minutes went by with him carefully placing his blows. Becky’s moans were getting louder, and a few soft squeaks came from under the bed.

  Finally finished with the crop, Alvin tossed it onto the bed with the other toys and stepped behind Becky. Ever since the shutters had opened up, he had been waiting for what he was about to do, but he didn’t want to stop tormenting Becky, either.

  Guiding himself into Becky, both of them let out a pleased sigh when Alvin sank fully into her. Pausing once they were together, Alvin let the feeling of her smooth walls holding him linger for a moment. Slowly pulling back out until just the head of his shaft was inside of her, Alvin grabbed her hips and slammed himself home.

  Becky’s loud, gasping moan was followed by a soft, muffled squeak. Alvin smirked. He couldn’t see Kuro, but he had a theory about what she was doing. Repeating his thrust, he got the same reaction from both Becky and Kuro.

  She’s matching my strokes into Gothy, Alvin mused. Maybe she is interested, just unable to move forward because of her upbringing.

  Alvin did his best to ignore the sounds coming from Kuro, but the image
of having her in this position kept trying to impinge on his mind. Angry at himself, he spanked Becky hard across the ass on the outstroke, grunting and slamming into her harder than before.

  “Harder, Hero! Take me harder,” Becky gasped.

  Her voice helped him focus, and he began to pound into her with renewed fervor. Her gasps and begging words urged him on, closer and closer to the finish. Becky’s passage clamped down on him as she came. Alvin groaned, feeling himself on the edge of his own orgasm.

  Becky hadn’t come down from her first orgasm before the second hit. She had been focused on Kuro’s squeaks and moans, and knew exactly what the Elf was doing. She wanted Kuro to see the pleasure that Alvin could give when he wanted to. Those thoughts were the catalyst to her second orgasm.


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