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Shattered Trust : DreamCatcher MC

Page 11

by Liberty Parker

  Malice, Polo, Romeo and Stinger are our back up… they are behind us by several feet. We trust all of our men to have our backs, but these four are ruthless to a fault—extremely unforgiving men when it comes to protecting their president and vice president against any and all threats.

  A whiz in the air is the only signal we get that Master has started taking guards out. One after another fall from their perch and positions. Watching one go airborne from the tower isn’t something easily gotten used to.

  Country walks over with bolt cutters and cuts the chain that is keeping the gate locked. “Got it,” he quietly announces. Gunner and I are the first to enter the sanctuary, followed closely by our second team. I have my machete tucked away in a sheath at my back. My Glock is in one hand and my hatchet in the other. I’m not here to make friends, I’m here to take a motherfucker out.

  I’m one lucky fuck that I’m ambidextrous and can use both hands equally while attacking the enemy—both of my hands are filled with a deadly weapon, but neither of those tools are as powerful and lethal as my mind and body are.

  I don’t take in the beauty of the town; they have a small area that reminds me of all the John Wayne movies I used to watch as a youngster. Wooden structures, dirt roads, it’s all a scene from any western you’ll see on the television set. Any other time, my curiosity would get the best of me and I’d have to visit each one, but my focus is solely on finding two people… my woman, and Jamie. I’ve had my suspicions for a while that they’ve been hiding him out here, keeping him under cover, but none of our intel has been able to confirm or deny that.

  But my gut instincts are usually dead on.

  We creep around the buildings, using them to our advantage to hide behind and scope out the surrounding area. Just as I go to tell Gunner that I feel as if we should spread out and each one of us look into the cabins surrounding us, I hear a scream that pierces the quietness of the night.

  A scream I know belongs to me in the form of my spitfire, my woman, the mother of my son.



  About an hour ago I was thrown some stale bread and lunch meat in the form of a sandwich. I think that’s what it was supposed to be anyways. The bread looks different from any I’ve ever eaten before, and I’m a bit skeptical when it comes to eating it. I’ve picked at it and smelled the meat to make sure it doesn’t smell poisoned or out of date.

  Not wanting to take any chances, I’ve been nitpicking at it, eating it in small doses, a small sliver here and there. My thinking is, that if it is poisoned or bad, if it makes me sick it won’t be as severe as it would be if I ate it all in one sitting. I know I’m going to need my strength, which is why I’m forcing myself to consume it, but at the same time, it’s anything but appealing to my stomach. I’ve been hurting for a bit now, but I’ve tried to escape into my happy place so I don't have to think about it too much.

  I’ve been in shock most of the time in captivity, but my adrenaline is beginning to crash, and every sore muscle flowing through my body is making itself known. I stand up to stretch out. The walls in this room are beginning to close in on me, causing a panic attack to ensue. At least I think that’s what this heavy feeling in my chest is. I’ve never suffered one before, but I’ve heard stories of how it feels as if an elephant is sitting on your chest. My breaths are choppy, my head is spinning, my body feels as if it’s tingling from the tips of my toes to the roots of my hair.

  I just wanna go home.

  But not at the cost of them getting Cameron in my place.

  They believe, from what I’ve been able to understand, that Cameron’s birth is some sort of omen to the end of their tribe. It’s fucking insane if you were to ask me. How is murdering a woman going to ensure the welfare and future of the tribe? It’s a bunch of hogwash, stories told to scare children and fill their dreams with terror. A single woman being sacrificed will not please their gods. If anything, it would infuriate them. If I were their god, I’d rain hell down on their tribe for taking such a beautiful soul from this world.

  “Knock, knock,” I hear the nasally voice of the one woman I’ve grown to despise say as she breaches the doorway. In her hands is a set of cuffs, there’s no way in hell I’m gonna willingly let her get those on me.

  “Are you showing me those for entertainment purposes?” I raise an eyebrow at her as I ask this question.

  “I’ve been instructed to place these on you. Today, you’re being moved.” She gives me a smirk that I want to do nothing more than smack off her overly made-up face. She can’t cover up all that ugly because it leaks from the inside out.

  “And they seriously thought that you could get those on me by yourself?” I ask, because surely they didn’t think I’d oblige and let this woman place even a single, solitary finger on me.

  “I volunteered,” she sneers. “Plus, I have this for backup and incentive in case you don’t willingly want to cooperate.” She whips out a gun from her hip, where it was tucked inside her waistband, and points it right at my fucking head.

  “Too scared to take me on without a weapon?” I cock my hip to the side and give her my best, challenging look. Hand to hand, I’ve got her, but there’s no way I can avoid a flying bullet.

  “Of your weak ass, no way,” she snidely says with a look of disdain plastered on her face. “You’re injured, there’s no way you could take me on.” Her confidence causes me to laugh… in her face! “What’s so funny?” She stomps her foot like a petulant child when she asks this.

  “You thinking that even with me injured I couldn’t get the best of you,” I laugh as I say this. “You’re all mouth, Janella. I’ve seen you fight, and honey, I could take you with my pinky. Injured hand and all.”

  “Whatever, bitch, put these on,” she says as she tosses the metal cuffs at me. Is this bitch mental? Does she seriously think I’m gonna put those on myself and be at her mercy? Fuck no! She’ll have to shoot me first. They hit me in the chest then fall to the ground. Her eyes follow where they land and I wait to see how she’s gonna react to my rebellion. “Don’t think I won’t shoot you!”

  “Do it. It’s the only fucking way you’ll get those on me!” I shout back at her. Internally, my heart is beating ninety miles per hour. Then, a thought hits me, where are the men and why would they send her to get me? None of it makes any sense whatsoever. She’s playing me. There’s no way I’m gonna give her what she wants. She can’t shoot me, because if I’m dead, they no longer have a bargaining chip with the MC.

  I get the opening I’ve been waiting for when she marches over in my direction. Her guard is down and the gun is loosely held in her hand as she lowers it to her side, then bends over to grab the cuffs. As soon as her head is level with my hips, I raise my knee up and bash her in the nose. She startles as the blood gushes and drops the gun to grab her face. But I don’t stop there, I fly at her and knock her to the ground. I let my fist fly as she uses her arms and hands to protect her face and ribs… my two targets. As soon as I see she’s weakened, I reach over and grab the gun. Using the handle, I smack her over the head as hard as I can. Her eyes roll and she passes out.

  Why does it feel as if that was way too damn easy? I ask myself.

  Not paying attention to the alarm bells sounding off in my head, I grab the gun and hesitantly make my way from the room. It’s quiet, dark and frankly freaky as hell. All of the horror movies I’ve ever watched begin playing a loop in my mind. I try not to do anything those women did… instead, I close my eyes and calm my breathing down. It’s deafening in my ears; I can hear my heartbeat in my eardrums. Concentrating on all of the sounds in this dreary place, I swear I can hear the scattering of mice and clamp down the scream that wants to erupt from me. I do not like mice, rats, snakes, spiders… anything that’s creepy and crawly is must not go near in my mind.

  Avoid at all costs.

  Just as I think this, I’d swear something crawled over my foot. Don’t look down, don’t even think about checking it out, I c
hant to myself. A shiver makes its way through my body, but I ignore it to the best of my ability. Not being able to help myself, I shake my foot in the air, just in case. Not seeing a shadow of anything flying from my foot, I try not to let my mind wander down the road that it could possibly be crawling up my leg.

  Don’t go there, Stella.

  Deciding that the thoughts of things that go bump in the night need to be expelled, I put one foot in front of the other and sneak my way through the hallway, using the shadow of darkness to hide myself in. I become one with the walls and my surroundings, thinking back and remembering all the lessons taught to me from listening to the men of the club talk.

  I always paid attention, interested in their stories and talks of how they made it here and there undetected. It amazed me the things they did and got themselves out of, I’m happy that I was curious enough to listen into the ribbings of the men. I don’t hunker down or bend over, my back is hurting too much at the moment to do those things, but I keep my back against the walls as I go down the hall. There’s no movement, no sounds, it’s as if everyone has vanished into thin air. Feeling confident as the front door comes into view, I sprint across the room and open the door.

  Mistake number one was running out into the open without looking around to make sure no one was lurking in the shadows. As my last foot hits the earthly ground beneath me, I’m viciously yanked back by my head.

  “Ouch!” I scream as I am pulled back into a chest.

  Mistake number two, was dropping the gun in the shock of being captured once again.

  “Where are you running off to?” a deep, growly voice inquires as his strong arms band around me.

  Without a care in the world, without answering his question, I scream. I scream for all I’m worth, hoping someone around here gives a fuck and comes to my rescue.

  I need help.

  I’ve gotten myself into a predicament there’s no way I can get myself out of.


  Without any thought, my legs sprint toward the panicked scream. I can hear the heavy footsteps of my brothers behind me. Lights are being turned on in the cabins as I pass, people are scurrying from their homes like the cockroaches that they are. No one, not one of them, lifts a finger in violence towards us. If anything, their mouths are gaped open as they watch us come out into the open and run full speed toward my woman’s fearful screams. The women shake in their husbands’ arms, the kids are hiding behind the legs of their parents, yet, I don’t give one single fuck about any of them.

  My brothers will have my back if any of them decide to act or intrude on me.

  As I come across a field, I see my woman struggling in a man’s arms. A man who has a smile spread on his face. He seems to be enjoying her screams and fight. My mind struggles to figure out where I’ve seen him before. It’s hazy, but I know I’ve laid eyes upon him somewhere in the past. There’s a gun laying by their feet, and I wish Stella had used it to blow his brains out. She brings her legs back and begins kicking him in the shins. He begins dancing, maneuvering his body this way and that way to avoid her flying limbs.

  Anger flares in my gut as I rush toward them. No one has the right to put their hands on her. Especially when they don’t have permission to do so. He hasn’t noticed me yet, but as soon as the pissed off roar leaves my mouth, he looks up in my direction. “Get your motherfucking hands off my old lady!” His head whips around and his arms loosen around Stella. She takes advantage of it and claws his hands until they release her. His body turns in my direction and he reaches into his holster that’s strapped over his shoulders for his gun. But I’m faster, my arm lets the hatchet loose as it flies through the air. My aim is true, it hits him square in the chest just as his gun is securely placed in his hand. His finger pulls the trigger at the same time as he hits the ground, the bullet flies up into the air. Not knowing where it’s gonna land, gravitational pull and all of that, I run toward Stella and knock her to the ground, my body covering hers in protection.

  “Kruger,” Stella cries out in my protective bubble, one that’s surrounding her body with mine. “You came.”

  “I will always come for you,” I insist, emotions clogging up in my throat. Having her in my line of sight is making me one ecstatic man. I was worried that we’d never find her. That Jamie would use and abuse her until we gave into his demands… demands that haven’t made it to us yet. “Baby, was Jamie here with you?” I ask, the question rumbling around in my head of where the fuck is he? Figuring if the bullet was gonna come scorching down on us, it would have already, I pull myself off of her. Reaching down, I scoop her up in my arms and tuck her head into my neck.

  “I haven’t seen him since the day he took me. It’s been that guy over there.” She points at the man with my hatchet handle sticking out of his body. “And Janella.” That last one throws me for a loop.

  “Janella?” I ask with raised brows. What the fuck does that cunt have to do with any of this?

  “Yeah, she’s been the one coming into the room they held me in and taunting me,” she begrudgingly tells me.

  “Where is she?” I ask, scanning our surroundings, wondering if the she bitch managed to sneak past us while I was dealing with Stella and murdering that dead fuck.

  “I hit her pretty hard. She’s passed out in the room down the hallway,” she informs me as she points at the structure behind her. Gunner, noticing where her finger went to, nods his head at me as he and Country head inside. They’ll secure her and bring her back to the clubhouse to face justice.

  My arms don’t want to let Stella go. My heart and mind haven’t gotten on the same page as my body that she’s here, safe and sound.

  “Jaggar?” She lifts her head from my shoulder and asks about our son.

  “Safe and sound with Cameron and Charlee,” I say to her in a calm tone, one I have no clue how I’m able to use. She simply sighs and lays her head back on my chest. “He misses his momma.”

  “I miss him too. I can’t wait to see him.” I can hear a hitch in her throat and know that she’s gonna break down any minute now.

  “He’s okay, I swear this to you. I spent some time with him once I was released from the hospital.”

  “Oh God!” She pulls back from me much to my dismay. “Are you okay? You wouldn’t answer me when I called your name, I was so worried.” She begins scanning me with her eyes before her hands join in.

  “I’m good. Just a few bumps and bruises,” I answer her. I won’t tell her that I’m full of shit, that I left against doctor’s orders. She has enough to worry about without me adding more stress.

  “Brother,” Gunner says as he comes up to me and Stella before continuing, “glad you're good, Stella. Why don’t you and Country grab Master and Shamus and head on home. The rest of us will clean this mess up and finish what we came to do.” When I go to argue with him, he holds his hand up. “You’ve both been through a lot and need to go and spend some time with your boy. This isn’t a request, Kruger, it’s an order.”

  “Fucking hell, Gunner. Don’t pull rank on me, fuck! I’m your VP, I need to be at your side.”

  “No, you need to be at your son’s and woman’s sides. There’s a lot you two need to talk about and work out,” he states, using what I refer to as his commander’s voice, it’s the one that you don’t argue with unless you want to go a round in the ring with him.

  “Jamie’s not here,” I inform him.

  “Figured that out, but I know someone knows where he is. I’m gonna scare the answers out of them,” he reassures me.

  “I’m gonna miss all the fun.” I pout like a kid being told they can’t play with their favorite toy.

  “The playground isn’t closed, brother. It’s just temporarily shut down.” He gives me a look that lets me know that I better enjoy some time with my family. Because once we catch wind of where Jamie’s hiding, we’re going hunting.

  “I’ll see you at home,” I state, sticking out my hand and shaking his. Pulling Stella back into
my wrapped arms, I tell her, “Let’s head home.”



  Jaggar fell asleep in my arms after a round of playtime and feeding. I’m hesitant to put him down, I want to hold him and watch him all night long. Kruger leans down in front of me, his bottom settled on the heels of his feet, as he looks lovingly down at our son. “Stella, baby, we need to put him in his bed so he can get a good night's rest. I’ve got the tub filled for you so you can go and relax. Once you’re done, if you’re not too damn tired, I’d like for us to talk.”

  “Talk?” I ask, scared of what all he has to say to me. Is he letting me go? Has he figured out that I’m more trouble than I’m worth? Stop it, Stella. I scold myself internally as all of my old insecurities try to come forward. “Is everything alright?” I can’t help but ask.

  “Everything’s fine. Better than fine. You’re back, our son is safe and healthy, and we can finally talk things out and move forward from here… as a family. There’s a lot about my past I wanna share with you. Then, I wanna claim your body as mine. After that, I’ll have my patch made for you.”

  “Y-your patch?” The words stumble from my mouth. Is he saying what I think he’s saying?

  “After we talk, I plan on announcing you as my old lady,” he informs me with a smirk on his face. “Gotta problem with that, darlin’?”

  “No, no problem with that,” I say back, begrudgingly handing our son over into his outstretched arms.

  “Go soak in the tub while I lay our boy down. It’s gonna be a long night filled with story time and love making.” He winks at me and my body reacts from his husky filled voice.

  “Okay,” I reply as he nestles our boy onto his shoulder and helps me stand up. “Thank you, Kruger.”


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