Book Read Free

Sun Kissed

Page 6

by Anna Samuels

  We stopped at my door and Seren smiled down at me. ‘Thanks for a lovely afternoon,’ she said, warmly.

  ‘Thank you, Seren. I’ve had a wonderful time…’

  ‘So, I’ll pick you up later on?’ she asked.

  ‘Yes. I’ll look forward to it.’

  She smiled, bent to kiss my cheek softly and then turned and was gone. I slumped back against the door feeling happier than I had in months.

  Chapter 7

  I let myself into my room and fell onto the bed with exhaustion. I lay there for a long while, simply enjoying the feeling of the plush fabric against my body. Turning onto my back, I stared up at the ceiling. My mind was consumed. I had come here for a quiet, week spent doing nothing but lying on a sandy beach. What I had found instead was the most wonderful, incredible woman who was surprising me more and more every moment of each day I knew her.

  The phone rang and I leant over to pick up my mobile off the bedside table.


  ‘Mum! I’ve been trying to call you!’ Ella exclaimed, sounding frustrated.

  ‘Sorry, honey. I went out for a walk and left my mobile here. There’s not much reception out in the remote area I walked to.’

  ‘Well, please keep it on you!’ she said, huffily. ‘I want to be able to contact you!’

  ‘Okay. Calm down. Is everything alright?’ I asked, wondering why she sounded so upset.

  ‘No. Not really,’ she muttered.

  ‘What’s wrong, honey?’ I asked, moving to sit against the pillows on the bed.

  ‘It’s Lee,’ she told me, referring to her boyfriend. I wasn’t a great fan of him, even though I hadn’t told Ella that.

  ‘Oh? What’s happened?’

  ‘He’s cancelled our date for tonight! That’s the second date he’s cancelled in the past two weeks! I’m so annoyed, Mum. I bought a new dress for it and everything!’

  ‘Ah, honey-that’s frustrating. Why did he cancel? Did he say?’ I wondered.

  ‘No, not really. He just said he had to work again. Apparently he has to finish another essay before deadline.’

  I sighed, softly. The boyfriend was completing work during the summer months to make up for grades not achieved. I didn’t approve of him as he didn’t seem to have a good work ethic, was far too immature and seemed uninterested in making a good future for himself. I knew better than to try and tell Ella that directly though. I knew she needed to figure things out for herself, but it was hard to watch. The one thing I had drilled into her was protection. I didn’t want her to have children as early as I had. I wanted her to go to University first, and be able to live her life a bit before she settled down. ‘Well, he does need to get his grades…’

  ‘I know,’ she huffed, ‘but it’s annoying. He’s had so much time to finish the work! Hell, I’ve even helped him with some of it! He just can’t be bothered. I don’t know if he’ll need it all anyway. He’s thinking of changing his mind about Uni.’

  Alarm bells rang in my head. ‘He is?’

  ‘Yeah. He might just get a job instead, he told me. Start working in a garage and work his way up.’

  ‘A garage?’ I murmured.

  ‘Yeah! He’s good with his hands. He’s always tinkering with his motorbike and fixing things.’

  ‘I guess…if that’s what he wants…and you know, once you go off to Uni, you may get the chance to meet other boys, Ella. It might be that keeping it going long-distance isn’t the right choice.’

  ‘Mum! I love him! I want to make it work!’ she cried, clearly getting annoyed with me.

  I knew she was infatuated with the boy, but it was hard to watch. This was the first time Ella had been properly involved with a boyfriend and she had confided in me when she had wanted to go on the pill. I knew she was sexually active with him, and knew that the downfall from that, if it went wrong, could be hard on her. ‘I know you do, honey. Just see what happens…I mean, it’s all in the hands of the Gods now anyway, right? When we get your letter about where you’ve been accepted, you can figure it all out, right?’

  She murmured a little. ‘I guess…but I still want to be with him…’

  ‘Yeah…what about everything else? Is all well in the house?’ I asked.

  ‘Yes, it’s fine,’ she told me. ‘It’s just quiet here with no-one else around. I can’t imagine what it’s going to be like for you when I go off to Uni. You’ll be in this big, quiet house all the time! Are you sure you’re going to be okay?’ she asked.

  ‘I’ll be fine,’ I told her. ‘It’ll be a new phase for me too…’

  ‘But you don’t have…her anymore,’ she said, bitterly, having known what happened.

  I sighed. ‘You can say her name, you know. I’m not going to get upset,’ I told her.

  ‘I don’t want to anymore, Mum. She behaved in the most awful way. I still can’t believe it.’

  ‘I know,’ I sighed. ‘But I’m going to get over it.’

  ‘But she was stealing from you…from us! And cheating!’ she exclaimed. ‘It doesn’t get much worse.’

  ‘I know,’ I responded. ‘But I should have seen through the lies. I should have listened when friends asked questions. The amount of times that Katie said to me why doesn’t she work…well, I used to defend her. Say she was looking. She didn’t do anything though, Ella. She used all of us in some ways for a free ride.’

  ‘It makes me sick, Mum…especially with how hard you always work. You scared me when you collapsed.’

  ‘I know, sweetheart, but I don’t plan to allow it to happen again.’

  ‘No? How are you going to prevent it?’ she asked. ‘What if I’m not around and it happens again?’ she asked, sounding scared.

  ‘Ella, I’m not going to ever get into that kind of situation again. I’m going to take a breather from work and rethink things. I’ve been pushing it too hard for way too long and it’s taken its toll. It’s time for me to reflect and think about what’s next for me…’

  ‘Really? But you’re always working!’ she exclaimed. ‘It’s all you do!’

  ‘I know. That’s wrong though, right?’ I questioned. ‘I was talking to my new friend today and telling her about what I’ve been through. She told me I needed to look at my priorities and start putting family first. Stop working so hard and start enjoying life a little more.’

  ‘Wow! At last some sense!’ she exclaimed. ‘Who is this new friend?’

  ‘Oh, well, she owns the hotel here…well, her family does and she’s about to take over. Her name is Seren.’

  ‘Ooh!’ she sang with a laugh. ‘Seren, hey? Are you up to no good down there, Mum? Meeting new women already?’ she joked.

  ‘I’m just enjoying myself, missy,’ I chuckled.

  ‘No, I’m joking,’ she said, sobering. ‘I’m really glad you’re having fun and making new friends. If anyone deserves it, Mum, you do! After the way Kate treated you, you damn well should meet someone nice.’

  ‘Well, I’m not sure it’s a serious thing…more like a little…holiday romance, perhaps,’ I told her.

  ‘Yeah, I know…but don’t be put off by one bad egg. Kate was bad news. I don’t want it to stop you being with someone else forever though. It would be sad if you never had another partner. I don’t want to think of you as alone and lonely when I go off to Uni.’

  ‘I won’t be, honey. I’ll be fine,’ I said, reassuring her, even if I didn’t feel sure myself.

  ‘Really? And what about work? What does a step back mean?’ she asked.

  I sighed. She always had been a complete chatterbox, ever since she had started talking. Endless questions and jibber jabber. It never stopped. ‘I just mean that I’ll probably wind the business up a bit. Even though Kate stole a significant amount, I’m still pretty self-sufficient with money. Running my own business has taken its toll. Maybe I’ll find a part time job with an estate agent again…perhaps I’ll even do something completely different.’

  The end of the line went uncharacteristica
lly quiet for a long moment. When she did speak, her voice was quiet and low. ‘Wow, Mum…who is this woman you’ve met?’

  I chuckled. ‘Seren is…very wise, I think. She gives good advice…’

  ‘It sounds like it! I’ve never heard you make this much sense in years! I’ve been telling you for ages that you work too hard and you do too much but you never listened. Finally, you’re seeing sense!’

  ‘I’m seeing other options, I guess,’ I told her, speaking softly.

  ‘Well, I’m impressed.’

  I smiled to myself. ‘So, honey, what will you go later instead of going out?’ I asked. ‘Will you be alright?’

  ‘Yeah,’ she sighed. ‘I’ve called Lainie and we’ve decided to go out to the cinema together instead. That way I can do something nice but not whinge at her all night about my boyfriend troubles!’

  I chuckled. Ella was quite the character. ‘That’s a good idea, honey.’

  ‘What are you doing Mum?’ she asked. ‘Relaxing?’

  ‘No actually,’ I told her. ‘I’ve got a date!’

  ‘A date!’ she exclaimed. ‘With Seren?’

  ‘Yes. She’s told me we should have a quiet night in learning how to relax. I told her I don’t do much relaxing at home so she’s intent on showing me how,’ I laughed. ‘She was quite insistent on it, in fact.’

  ‘Oh wow, Mum! She sounds perfect! Kate would have been encouraging you to keep working while she sat on her ass doing jack-shit!’ Ella exclaimed.

  ‘I know! It did make me think. Seren was asking me what I do at home for relaxation time-like read, watch TV or do an activity. I realised I do nothing like that!’

  ‘No, I know,’ she said, softly. ‘You haven’t for a long time. You’re always busy on your laptop working…’

  ‘I’m sorry, honey. I hadn’t realised it had gotten so out of hand…I became so focused on work and selling houses that I forgot about living. I think that’s why I finally broke down.’

  ‘Yes, I agree-coupled with the break-up with Kate! You’ve been through a lot, Mum. You seriously need some down time. That’s why I thought a break by the sea would do you good.’

  ‘It certainly has-and I’ve only been here a couple of days. It’s done me the world of good, Ella. Thanks for suggesting it.’

  ‘I’m just glad it’s turned out so well! And that you’ve met such a lovely woman.’

  ‘Me too,’ I smiled.

  ‘Well, I’ll let you go. I’m going to get ready for my cinema trip with Lainie.’

  ‘Okay, honey. Thanks for phoning. Keep in touch, okay?’

  ‘I will, Mum. Don’t worry. Love you!’

  ‘Love you too,’ I replied.


  ‘Bye, sweetheart.’

  I hung up the phone and relaxed back against the bed.

  After a while, I headed back down to the beach. I took a swim in the still-cold water and then lay in the sun while my body dried out in the heat. As people began to leave, I sat around people watching. It was interesting watching people come and go. I sat there wondering about the families, couples and single people out walking around. It was interesting to think about their lives and then mine.

  As the beach emptied and I had time to myself to relax, I stared out to the sea thinking. I realised it had been extremely important for me to come to Sunset Bay. I had needed a holiday way more than I had ever realised. I had needed a break from normality to show me just how warped and twisted my life had become.

  As I sat there, I realised I didn’t want to return to what I was doing before. My life had been consumed by work-and I did little else apart from that. It made me sad to realise that I’d upset my daughter-and probably my son-from being so involved in my work life. I wanted to reset the balance between work and family so it didn’t affect them or me in a negative way.

  Watching the sea, I resolved to make some changes. I didn’t quite know what yet, but I knew the wheels had been put into motion.

  When the skies became grey, I gathered up my belongings and headed back to the hotel. Letting myself into the hotel room, I went to the bathroom and took a long, hot shower before dressing more casually than the night before. I put on black jeans and a white top with little blue flowers adorning it. Then, heading down to the restaurant, I knew I was anxious to see Seren again.

  Despite only being with her that afternoon, I realised I was getting very used to being in her presence. She was such great company. I was unused to being intimate with someone who also seemed like such a great friend to have around. We could talk about anything, and that was extremely refreshing.

  ‘Madame. Your table,’ the waiter said in his thick accent, as I reached the restaurant.

  ‘Thank you,’ I smiled, and headed over to the same assigned table as before.

  As I was on time this evening, there were lots of other people sat at their tables in different stages of the dining process. I sat there, people watching again. I was intrigued by other people and the way they lived their lives, and was off on my own little reverie when Seren finally appeared by my side.

  ‘Hey you!’ she grinned.

  ‘Hey!’ I smiled back.

  Chapter 8

  ‘I missed you this afternoon,’ Seren told me, smiling down at me by the side of the table.

  ‘Me too!’ I told her, warmly. ‘I went to the beach and talked to Ella but I was thinking about you constantly.

  ‘Ah, that’s nice,’ she grinned. ‘Still up for our date tonight?’ she questioned.

  ‘Yes, definitely! I’m looking forward to it,’ I told her.

  ‘Good. Me too. Just remember…no work allowed! It’s purely relaxation time for you!’

  I laughed. ‘I was telling my daughter that was your plan. She seemed really pleased that I was listening to you.’

  ‘You spoke to your daughter about me?’ Seren asked, seemingly surprised.

  ‘Yeah, I did. I told her a bit about you…’

  ‘Oh yeah? Like what?’ she asked, tilting her head with interest.

  ‘Oh just general stuff. That you give good advice, that I’m enjoying your company…and about our date tonight.’

  ‘You told her we’re going on a date?’ she questioned.

  ‘Yep. Well, staying in. She’s been worried about me so she sounded really glad that you’re trying to get me to relax. She said that if it had been Kate, she would have been encouraging me to work! I thought about it, and she’s right…she would have!’

  ‘Hmm…’ Seren murmured. ‘That doesn’t impress me, one slightest bit!’ she commented.

  ‘No…and yet I let it happen,’ I said, quietly.

  ‘Not any more. For either of us! Let’s forget tonight. Forget we’re upset, grieving and sad sometimes. We’ll just be us. Seren and Abby, enjoying a night to ourselves.’

  I smiled at her. ‘You know something? I’d like nothing more,’ I grinned, happily.

  ‘Okay…well, let me get you dinner and when you’re done, I’ll join you. Okay?’

  ‘Okay,’ I smiled.

  ‘I’ll leave you to look at the menu,’ she told me, softly. ‘Be back soon.’

  I enjoyed a leisurely three-course dinner, eating delicious food while the world around me kept spinning. My evening’s entertainment was mostly spent watching Seren work the room. She was the perfect hostess, and I could see people liked her immensely. She glowed with a radiance which people responded to. She was naturally confident and chatty, and I saw her engage with all of her guests at one time or another.

  When I had finished my dessert, there were only a few diners left in the room. I relaxed, drinking my wine while they finished up, knowing Seren would be free once the room was empty.

  Half an hour later, she joined me. She wore a wide smile and looked tired but happy.

  ‘You all ready to go up?’ she asked.

  ‘Absolutely!’ I grinned, smiling happily.

  I left the table and fell into step beside Seren who led me out of the restaurant and
down towards reception. Once we reached the reception, she took me through the room and then to the back door which I found led to a flight of stairs.

  ‘Ooh! It’s like a secret passageway here!’ I exclaimed.

  ‘I know,’ she smiled. ‘It’s situated in a perfect place because it affords me some privacy away from nosy guests!’

  I chuckled. ‘Well, this nosy guest is enjoying the exploration,’ I told her, happily.

  ‘You’re different. I don’t think of you as a guest you know, Abby.’


  ‘No way! You’re far more than that now,’ she said, softly.

  I smiled, pausing at her lovely comment. ‘That’s nice to hear…’

  ‘Come on. It’s this way.’

  At the top of the stairs, she made a left turn and took me through into her apartment. I gasped, audibly.

  The room was large and open plan. There was a huge living area where she had a lounge. Off to one side was a kitchen/diner combination and then on the far right hand side, there were two doors.

  ‘So, lounge, kitchen and over there we have the bathroom and a bedroom. It’s simple, but everything I need. I don’t think I’ll want for much else once I’m her permanently.’

  ‘Who’s been living here before you came to stay?’ I asked, curiously.

  ‘No-one,’ she replied. ‘It’s actually been empty for almost ten years now. When I was in my late teens, and my parents moved into the house, I had this as my own little flat. They decided I was old enough to have a little bit of space to myself and so I spent a lot of my time here. When I went off to Uni, I’d always come back and stay here in holidays and summers. I’d bring friends over too…and sometimes girlfriends. Laurie and I came here quite a bit when we visited Mum and Dad.’

  ‘What did she think of it? Did she like it here?’ I asked.

  She furrowed her brow. ‘Surprisingly, no, actually. She didn’t like the beach very much so it wasn’t her thing-either to be on or look at. She also didn’t particularly like the whole ‘visiting the parents’ thing either. It was important for me though because of Danny. I always did regular visits to see them and so they could be close with him.’


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