Book Read Free

Sun Kissed

Page 7

by Anna Samuels

  ‘It’s important,’ I agreed. ‘I think the same way. I’ve always tried to make sure my kids see as much of their Grandma as possible throughout the years.’

  ‘That’s my view on things,’ she agreed. ‘But Laurie didn’t get it. She wasn’t the most maternal of people, I guess you’d say. She preferred her own thing, and not being hindered with other people’s baggage.’

  ‘But it’s not baggage!’ I objected. ‘He’s your son! You come as a package deal!’ I exclaimed.

  ‘Exactly. That’s what I believe too. I should have woken up to the things that were wrong years before I did. I think hindsight is an incredible thing. It allows you to look back and see where everything could have or should have changed, but then I always think it’s a journey, right? We wouldn’t be where we are today if it wasn’t for the things we go through.’

  ‘That’s a very good way of looking at it,’ I murmured, softly.

  ‘So, would you like the grand tour?’ she smiled, breaking the moment. ‘It’ll take all of about one minute!’ she laughed.

  ‘I’d love that,’ I smiled, letting Seren guide me round the comfortable apartment. She showed me all the rooms I couldn’t see and took me to the wide window that was situated overlooking the sea.

  ‘I love this,’ I commented, when we reached the window.

  ‘What’s that?’

  ‘The window seat here,’ I told her. ‘I bet this is a great place to sit and relax…and people watch!’

  ‘People what?’ she laughed.

  ‘Oh, don’t you love a little bit of people watching?’ I questioned. ‘I find it fascinating watching others go about their day! It always intrigues me.’

  ‘I know what you mean,’ she smiled, ‘I guess that’s what makes this job so interesting. You get to do that all the time! I spend my days meeting guests and chatting to them. It’s amazing the stories you hear and the people you meet working and running a hotel,’ she told me.

  ‘I can imagine,’ I smiled. ‘I think I’d find it really interesting!’

  ‘You would! You should spend a day with me working sometime. I can guarantee you that it’s not boring!’ she laughed.

  ‘No, I bet it’s not. I may take you up on that sometime,’ I smiled.

  She smiled. ‘So! I’ve got the whole evening planned,’ she told me, warmly.

  ‘You have?’ I exclaimed, surprised.

  ‘Oh yeah!’ she told me, animatedly, ‘I’ve put loads of effort into the whole thing!’

  ‘You have?’ I said, slightly concerned. ‘You didn’t have to go to any trouble on my account!’ I told her.

  She laughed, throwing her head back with pure joy. ‘I’m joking, Abby!’ she laughed. ‘Besides going to the shop for popcorn and junk food, this night is very low key,’ she told me. ‘That was the idea, remember.’

  I chuckled, enjoying the twinkle in her eyes when she laughed. ‘You tease!’ I murmured. ‘So, what are we doing then? For this quiet night in relaxing.’

  ‘Okay, well…you’re going to park yourself here,’ she told me, leading me to a very plush, comfy sofa. ‘Take a seat.’

  ‘Thanks,’ I said, and sat down onto the large, soft seat. It enveloped me in soft warmth immediately.

  ‘Now I’m going to get my bag from the shop. No expense spared,’ she joked as she emptied the contents on the coffee table. ‘We have popcorn, maltesers and pick and mix sweets.’

  ‘Wow…’ I exclaimed. ‘We’re going to be sick!’

  ‘Nope. Just movie night!’ she told me. ‘Don’t you go to the cinema?’ she asked. ‘This is pretty standard cinema grub!’

  I shook my head. ‘I haven’t been to the cinema since…since…I actually can’t remember!’ I exclaimed. ‘I think…when I look back, the last time was for one of Ethan’s birthdays! I took him with a bunch of friends to see a film.’

  ‘Then it’s clearly been too long ago,’ she said. ‘Luckily these days, we have the magical world of Netflix,’ she joked. ‘Have you heard of Netflix? I have it by the power of a little stick,’ she told me, turning on the TV.

  I grinned at her, loving her playfulness this evening. ‘I’ve heard of it. I don’t watch it.’

  ‘Your poor kids,’ she commiserated. ‘They’re missing out!’

  ‘We do have Sky at home,’ I told her. ‘They talked me into that one!’

  ‘Well, consider an upgrade,’ she told me, clicking on the app which read Netflix. ‘You won’t regret it. Look; here from the luxury of a home you can watch films, series and box sets. There’s so much to see, so much to enjoy…plus, it’s relaxing…which is something you need in your life, right?’

  ‘Right,’ I agreed. ‘Even though I don’t know how to go about it.’

  ‘I’m showing you, remember?’

  ‘Yeah…so you’re suggesting I spend my evenings watching Netflix and eating junk?’ I asked.

  ‘Yes! Well, on occasions. It’s just one way,’ she told me, sitting down beside me. ‘And it means time in each other’s company relaxing and getting to know each other better.’

  ‘It does,’ I agreed. ‘What do you fancy watching?’

  ‘Anything,’ she smiled, sitting back and handing me the controller. ‘You decide. I’m easy…’

  I took the controller and flicked through the options. I found a romantic comedy which looked good and clicked on it to read the description. ‘Have you seen this one?’ I asked.

  ‘Nope! Looks good to me,’ she said, happily.

  ‘Okay then,’ I nodded, pressing play. ‘Let’s watch it.’

  Seren leaned forwards and opened up the packets of sweets and popcorn and then offered me some. I took a handful of popcorn and started eating as I watched the start of the film. Seren got up briefly to turn off the lights and then sat down with the bag of Maltesers and started eating them beside me. It was unbelievable cosy and comfortable to be in Seren’s company having a quiet night in. I had never experienced a date like it.

  Sometime later, the film continued to play and Seren shifted closer to me on the sofa. She pulled a rug from behind her and covered it over our knees and eased me flush beside her so I sat comfortable beside her. It was a wonderfully comforting feeling and I was so utterly relaxed that I was beginning to feel sleepy. The combination of the dark, the sweet food and the film was making me drowsy. That coupled with becoming warm and cosy against her body was sending me to sleep.

  Before long, I felt my head nodding. I grew sleepy and felt my eyes growing heavier by the second. My head slipped onto Seren’s shoulder and I felt myself drifting off, as the sounds of the film lilted off gently in the background. I slept soundly, only stirring when she gently laid my head downwards onto the sofa and covered me with a blanket. After that, I was out.

  When I woke, the sunlight was streaming through the large, open window at the front of the apartment. I blinked sleepily, and slowly sat up. I was on the sofa still, a warm, cosy rug covering my body. I moved into a sitting position and yawned noisily. I felt utterly languid, as if I’d slept for days.

  ‘Seren?’ I called.

  No-one answered.

  Standing, I wondered around the apartment and looked for Seren. She was nowhere in sight. I wondered where she was and what she was doing. As I headed back towards the kitchen, I saw a note lying on the kitchen table.

  It read. ‘Gone down to oversee breakfast. Hope you’re feeling nice and relaxed! Xxx’

  I smiled to myself and set the note down. After collecting my bag and shoes, I made my way out of the apartment and down the stairs towards the reception. I then walked tentatively through what I then found was an empty reception area. I let myself out and headed down to breakfast. Thankfully, it was still running and I sat down at my table after helping myself to a continental breakfast. Soon after, Seren came heading down towards me, a wide smile on her face.

  ‘Hey sleepy head,’ she murmured quietly, as she reached my table.

  ‘Hey,’ I chuckled.

  ‘So, tell me-w
as it relaxing?’ she questioned.

  ‘Seren! I fell asleep within half an hour of starting the film! It’s safe to say, I was very relaxed! I feel bad though…I didn’t stick around for the rest of the date.’

  ‘I know,’ she smiled, ‘but all you missed was a goodnight kiss. That’s all I would have given you. Remember what I said before-I’m holding off a little on the physical while I get to know you…’

  ‘Yeah,’ I responded. ‘I know. I have to say, I wouldn’t have minded a goodnight kiss though,’ she chuckled.

  Seren smiled at me wickedly. ‘I’ll catch you sometime today then,’ she told me, grinning wildly. ‘See you in a bit. I’ll leave you to your breakfast.’

  Chapter 9

  I ate my breakfast, noting how serene and leisurely I felt and then, as Seren was nowhere to be seen, I headed back to my hotel room. I took a shower and dressed in new clothes before grabbing my bag. I walked down the corridor, scanning the restaurant for Seren and finding her nowhere. She wasn’t in reception, or the lounge, or the upstairs as I wondered through the building. I headed back down to my hotel room and sat on the bed, considering what I could do.

  I thought about packing a beach bag and heading down to the beach for a sunbathe but it wasn’t quite so warm out today so I wasn’t too keen. I knew I could go off for a walk, but that didn’t appeal either. All I wanted, I realised, was to spend time with Seren.

  The peel of the phone in the room startled me and I jumped. Hurrying over to the phone, I picked it up.


  ‘Oh hey, Abby, it’s me,’ Seren said.

  ‘Hello! I came to look for you after breakfast but I couldn’t find you,’ I told her.

  ‘I know…one of the staff told me. I’m sorry, Abby, but I’m going to be tied up today,’ she apologised. ‘We’ve got two staff members off sick, my Mum’s not able to come in today and so I’m going to have to fill the breach a bit. I’m really sorry…I was hoping we could do something today.’

  ‘Ah, it’s okay,’ I murmured, but felt disappointed. ‘Is your Mum okay?’ I asked.

  ‘Not really,’ she sighed. ‘She’s really upset today. She’s going through all the stages of grief as expected but today’s just an especially bad day,’ she explained.

  ‘Oh, I’m so sorry…that must be hard for you too.’

  ‘It’s not easy,’ she said, softly. ‘Anyway, I hope you have a good day. Maybe we can catch up after dinner later if I get the chance to get away?’

  ‘That would be nice,’ I replied, ‘but only if you’re not exhausted and you have the time.’

  ‘Okay…well I’ll speak to you later, Abby. Sorry again,’ she said, softly.

  ‘Don’t worry at all,’ I reassured her. ‘Bye Seren.’

  ‘Bye Abby.’

  I hung up feeling disappointment settling over me.

  After mulling around for ten minutes in my hotel room, I was still no closer to knowing what I was going to do with myself. The skies had turned grey so there wasn’t much point of going to the beach and the clouds looked ready to rain, so I decided against a walk. Pacing the room, I realised I was very restless. I needed something to do.

  After changing into jeans and a t-shirt, I grabbed my key card and then headed down to reception. There, I found Seren sat at one of the desks, already working hard. I could see it in the frown settled all over her face.

  ‘Hey,’ I said, alerting her to my presence.

  ‘Abby!’ she exclaimed, looking up. ‘Are you okay? Is there anything wrong?’ she asked, immediately concerned.

  ‘No, no, I’m fine,’ I told her, and smiled. ‘I just realised-I have nothing to do today, and you’re understaffed. I want to help, Seren.’

  She gaped at me, seemingly stunned. ‘You don’t have to do that!’ she finally said. ‘You’re here on holiday!’ she exclaimed.

  ‘I know,’ I said, nodding, ‘but I actually think it might be interesting for me. I mean, I have never seen a hotel being run or even worked in a hotel for that matter. If I’m going to review my own work circumstances, it may be nice to try and gain some experience of doing other things!’

  ‘But this is the day to day mundane tasks I’m talking about-housekeeping, serving food and drinks and completing bookings,’ she told me.

  I shrugged. ‘Sounds great!’

  ‘I…I don’t know…’ Seren murmured, shaking her head. ‘You’re supposed to be resting, aren’t you?’

  ‘I’m not going to be run off my feet,’ I told her, ‘it’s one day and I know you-you’ll pick and choose what you want me to do.’

  ‘Hmm,’ she murmured. ‘I’m still not so sure…’

  ‘Please, Seren? Think of it as a favour to me instead of a favour I’m doing for you. It would give me an idea of the ins and outs of how a hotel runs. I’m fascinated-especially as I know you’ll be taking over here soon.’

  She tilted her head at me, looking at me with interest. ‘Well, I guess it would be a help…and if you’re sure you actually want to…’ I murmured.

  ‘I do! And yes please!’ I smiled. ‘Put me to work!’

  Seren did as I asked and for the next hour, after going through what to do, I made up rooms in place of the housekeeping staff member who was off sick. I worked alongside another woman to make beds, replenish the stocks in the rooms and clean. As we worked, we chatted, and I found that the other housekeeper had lots of praise for the hotel and how it was run.

  When I was done with the housekeeping, Seren showed me how to complete bookings on one of the laptops. She gave me a straightforward task of completing booking forms, which was basically just filling out information, and then submitting them. I then had to email confirmation emails to the guests ready for their upcoming stay. I took to that task with ease, as I was well used to working on my computer at length for my usual job.

  When lunch time neared, Seren and I both went to help out the kitchen staff with the lunch rush. Seren helped the chef cook while I did general waitressing work. I took orders out to people waiting for food, I collected finished plates and cutlery and cleaned tables. I even turned my hand to help in the wash-up to clear up after the session.

  By two o clock, I had turned my hand to a huge number of tasks and I wasn’t tired in the slightest, I was energised in fact.

  ‘What do you make of running a hotel then?’ Seren said, coming to my side and handing me a sandwich she had made for me. She stood eating one herself, leaning against the counter top as the rest of the staff began to leave for their break before dinner.

  ‘I’ve loved it!’ I exclaimed, merrily. ‘You get to do so many different tasks and meet so many people. Some of the conversations I’ve had today have been great!’ I smiled.

  ‘I know. If you’re a people person, this is definitely a good job.’

  ‘You are, for sure,’ I commented. ‘You’re excellent doing your ‘front of house’ role. You’re so confident and chatty.’

  ‘You saying I talk too much?’ she questioned, but then laughed.

  ‘No,’ I chuckled. ‘You’re just good with it all. People feel comfortable around you and it shows. I’ve really enjoyed all of this. Thanks so much for letting me be a part of it!’

  ‘No worries. Thank you for helping so much! You’ve been a natural-with everything I’ve thrown your way today!’ she smiled.

  ‘Thanks. So, what next?’ I asked.

  ‘Hmm, well not much actually…a little admin stuff and then I need to go and check on Mum. You’ve sped me up a lot today, so thanks for that.’

  ‘You’re welcome. So, you don’t need me anymore?’ I asked, a little disappointed.

  ‘Sadly, no, but this should mean we can do something later if you like?’

  ‘I’d love to,’ I smiled. ‘What were you thinking? Another quiet night in?’ I questioned.

  ‘Yeah, probably…maybe a moonlit walk first though?’ she suggested.

  ‘That sounds amazing,’ I smiled, looking up at her happily.

�Okay, great…shall we meet after dinner then?’

  ‘Yeah sure…unless I can help with dinner if you’re shorthanded.’

  ‘I think we’re covered for dinner, but thanks so much Abby. You’ve been a complete star today.’

  I smiled at her happily. ‘I’ve loved every minute of it. See you later?’

  ‘You most definitely will,’ she replied.

  I headed out of the kitchen with another wide smile on my face.

  When I got back to my hotel room, the clock read half past two. I sat on the bed and picked up my phone to call Ella. After deliberating for a moment, I called my son, Ethan instead.

  It rang for a few moments before he picked up. ‘Hey Mum!’

  ‘Hey Ethan, how are you?’ I asked, glad to be hearing his voice.

  ‘I’m good thanks. Having a quiet one today. There’s no lectures so I’m at home finishing up my dissertation.’

  ‘Oh, that’s good then. Is everything still going well with it?’ I questioned.

  ‘Yeah, it’s all good. Same old, same old. I’m just editing and stuff now. The bulk of the work is done, it’s just the nitty gritty which needs finishing off.’

  ‘Ah good. It’ll be lovely to have you home once summer comes,’ I told him, smiling.

  ‘Oh, Mum-actually I was going to talk to you about that,’ she said, sounding apologetic.

  ‘You were? What’s going on? Don’t tell me you’re not coming home now?’ I asked.

  ‘Well, possibly. You see, two of the guys in my dorm are getting a house together this summer. It’s near the Uni and a decent price if I rent with them. I’ve also got a job interview next week which I’ve just heard about-and it’s in the town centre.’

  ‘A summer job or a job job?’ I asked, wondering if he was referring to doing something for the summer or getting his first graphic design job after completing his degree.

  ‘It’s a junior graphic designer in a well-known company. It’s got a good starting salary and comes with allowance for a company car as well,’ he told me, sounding impressed.


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