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Cowboy Kind of Reckless

Page 20

by Becca Turner

  “Why not?” She shifted so she was on her knees. “How come you didn’t take me with you?”

  “My dad wasn’t a nice man. I didn’t know where my mom was, but I found out later she’d died. They were both sick too. A different kind of sick than you. They both had addictions and nobody could help them because they didn’t want to be helped.”

  “Like drinking?” Joy’s face twisted. “I have a friend whose mommy drinks. She’s not nice when she does. Mama and Daddy won’t let me stay over.”

  Jody flinched. “Like that, yes. I was afraid he’d hurt you. I couldn’t have stood it if he did. So I found your mama and daddy. They’d been praying for a little miracle. For you.”

  Joy frowned. “You traded me for a necklace?”

  “No. I didn’t trade you for anything. They gave it to me because they were so happy I wanted to share you with them.”

  “You didn’t share me. I never met you before today. Sharing means that sometimes they would get me and sometimes you would get me.” Joy’s frown deepened. A near perfect replica of Will’s angry face.

  “I didn’t mean it like that. It’s-it’s hard to explain. I guess I mean I loved you and I wanted them to be able to love you too. Is that better?”

  Her daughter nodded. “Okay.”

  Jody squeezed her hands together. “Are you upset about it?”

  Joy stayed quiet a moment. “Is Nolan my dad?”

  “I wish he was. Your dad…well, he wasn’t nice either. I’ll tell you about him when you’re older, if you want me to. Right now, it’s better not to think about him.” If she never had to think of Kix again, she’d be fine with it.

  “So Nolan’s my step-dad.”

  “Right. He was a little surprised when I told him about you, but he was excited to meet you too. He has a niece about your age. She’s nice. I think you’d like her.”

  Joy shrugged. “So those guys, Luke and Will, they’re your brothers? My uncles? And the kids out there are my…”

  “Cousins. Sort of. Bear is, but Shep and Dusty are Luke’s step-kids. We’re a whole mish-mashed family.” Joy hadn’t answered her question about if she was upset. It weighed on Jody like a stone. “Are you happy that you have more family?”

  “I guess.”


  “How come you don’t take me back? Because I’m sick?” Joy looked down at the couch cushion. “Mama’s always worried because I have to go to the doctor. I’m T-R-O-U-B-L-E. Big trouble.”

  “You’re not trouble. Don’t ever say that. I love you and I know your mom and dad do too. It’s not easy to tell you all this, but you don’t just take kids back. They adopted you. The judge at the court signed papers to make you their daughter legally. It would be upsetting to them if I came and tried to take you away. Besides, wouldn’t it scare you if some stranger showed up and tried to take you away from everything you love?”

  “Yeah. I wouldn’t like it. My house is good and all my stuff is there.”

  “I might be able to come visit you. If you want me to.” Jody bit the inside of her lip. “Me and Nolan.”

  “If I die, you won’t need to.” Joy traced a pattern on the couch. “So you can if you want, but it’s okay if you don’t want to.”

  Jody’s heart broke. “That’s why you’re here. Because I wanted to meet you and because your uncle Luke might be able to give you a kidney. He’s doing tests just like you to see if he can.”

  Joy finally looked up. “It’s gonna hurt.”

  “Probably. I wish it didn’t, but if you want to get well, this is what you have to do.”

  “Did you ask him to do it?”

  “He volunteered. He’s awesome.” He’d been a total pain in the ass, but what he was doing for Joy—and her—made him a hero.

  “When I get better, then you’ll come see my house?”

  She has to get better. Please, God. “I promise.”

  “And when I get better, I can come back here and see your horse?” She broke into a grin. “Please?”

  She wanted to come back. Jody laughed. “Absolutely. I told him all about you. He can’t wait to meet you.”

  Joy’s expression turned serious again. “Did you really love me when I was born?”

  Jody took Joy’s hands. “No, baby. I loved you from the minute I saw the ultrasound. That fuzzy picture they took of you. I still have it.”

  “Can I see it?”

  “As a matter of fact.” Jody stood, then went to the kitchen counter. She carried the photo back to the couch. “That’s you.”

  “That’s a bad picture.” Joy took it and studied it. “Are you sure it’s me?”

  “I was there when they took it. It’s you. I kept it all this time.”

  She passed the ultrasound back to Jody. “Nine whole years?”

  “Yep. You know what? I have this to remind me of you. I have a newer picture too, that your mom sent me. But you don’t have anything to remind you of me.” She set the ultrasound aside, then lifted her hands to the back of her neck. She unclasped the necklace. “I’ve worn this every day since you were born. I want you to take it now for good luck.”

  Joy’s eyes followed the pendant’s swinging motion. “Really?”

  “Yes. It’s all yours. When you’re scared or lonely, you can touch it and know that I’ve always loved you. I always will.” She leaned forward and put the two ends around Joy’s neck. She locked the clasp, then leaned back. “Perfect.”

  Joy touched it. “Thank you.”

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t be with you every day.”

  “Me too.” Joy scooted closer. “You would’ve made a good mom, even though I love my mama too.”

  Jody couldn’t hold back her tears anymore. “That means a lot to me. Are you ready to go outside and eat?”

  Joy nodded. “I think so. But can I sit by you?”

  “Of course. As long as you want.” She took Joy’s hand and they rose from the couch.

  When they stepped outside, everyone turned to look at them. She’d never felt happier, surrounded by people who loved and appreciated her.

  For one second, everything was perfect.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Faith clung to Luke’s hand. Her face betrayed her weariness with deep lines.

  “She looks miserable,” Jody whispered to Nolan. “I feel awful about this.”

  “They’ll both be all right. He wants to do it and she’s not going to tell him no. You know she likes Joy.” Nolan wrapped his arm around Jody’s waist. “It’ll be over in a few hours.”

  It seemed like they’d waited years to find out whether Luke could really give a kidney to Joy, but the doctor assured them it was a normal amount of time. They’d had a big celebration with the Severns when the surgery was approved.

  Jody touched the horsehead necklace that Joy asked her to protect while she was in the operating room. Hopefully it brought them all good luck today. Joy had gone back a few minutes ago and now Luke was reassuring Faith everything would be fine. The nurses stood back from Luke’s bed, waiting for the temporary goodbyes to be over.

  Faith looked like she wanted to cry and yell at him at the same time.

  “What’s the matter, honey?” Luke lifted his hand to her face. “You don’t look so good.”

  “Nothing. My back’s aching. It’ll be better when I sit down.” She gave him a tight smile, but her left hand rubbed the small of her back. “I can’t wait to see you again.”

  “It won’t be that long.”

  “Easy for you to sa—oh, God.” She grimaced. “Oh, no.”

  “What?” He sat up. “What’s wrong?”

  Jody stepped closer. “Faith?”

  Faith’s face paled. “I think my water broke.”

  “What? No, that can’t be right. It’s too early.” Luke’s voice heightened with every word. “We’ve got like three weeks to go.”

  Faith groaned. “I don’t think Huck cares about our timeline. Oh, my God. I really need to sit down.”
  One of Luke’s nurses rushed up. “Is this your first baby?”

  “No. Third. I’m pretty sure what’s happening here.” Faith’s hand tightened around the rail of Luke’s bed.

  Luke covered her hand with his. “You can wait, right? I’m supposed to be there when he’s born. I can’t do this and be with you. I don’t want to miss it.”

  “Luke.” Faith’s eyes widened. “I can’t wait. That’s not how this works.”

  “But—” Luke looked at the nurse. “I can’t do this. I have to be with my wife.”

  “Mr. Michaels, I have to remind you that the other patient is already being prepped, but it’s absolutely your decision.”

  “You have to go on, honey.” Faith gave him a smile that was more grimace. “She can’t wait any longer.”

  Another nurse got a wheelchair for Jody’s sister-in-law. Faith sat down gratefully.

  Luke looked at Jody. “You have to go with her. Hold her hand and tell me every detail. Please, Jody? I’m there for your daughter, so you be there for my son. That’s what family does.”

  Jody squeezed her hands together as she met Faith’s gaze. “Is-is that okay? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

  “Whatever. Can we get going? Shep was quick and—” Faith gasped. “Huck’s not interested in waiting.”

  Luke reached for Faith’s hand one more time. “I’m sorry. Please be okay. I want to see you both when I wake up.”

  Faith’s face softened. “We’ll be there. Good luck. I love you.”

  “Love you too.” Luke’s voice sounded small and uncertain.

  The bed and the wheelchair, pushed by hospital staff, rolled away from each other.

  Jody looked at Nolan. “You should call Jessi and Will. They need to get here a little sooner than we thought.”

  He nodded. “Go with Faith. She could probably use a hand to hold. I’ll be…pacing, I guess. I don’t know what else to do.”

  She gave him a quick kiss. “I’ll try to keep you updated.”

  “What an exciting day. Holy shit.” Nolan swept his fingers through his hair. “Go on, before she has that baby without you there. Luke’ll be mad.”

  Head spinning, she hurried to catch up with the nurse and Faith.

  * * * *

  “You are one tired-looking lady.” Nolan dropped a kiss on the top of Jody’s head. “Are you ready to head home?”

  She nodded, but didn’t take her eyes off the family gathered in the little hospital room. Faith sat next to Luke on his bed while he cradled Huck in his arms. “They already love him so much. I remember that feeling when Joy was born. It almost killed me to hand her to Danica. I never thought I’d love anyone that much again.”

  “Is that what it is? I mean, Luke’s always been goofy looking, so I thought it was natural.” He grinned, then rested his hand on her shoulder. “I’m still convinced you did the right thing. It was pretty smart for a teenager. Danica and Brandon looked at Joy today just like Luke and Faith are looking at Huck. They love her, even if they didn’t make her.”

  Jody had been to see Joy after she came out of recovery. The surgery had gone well and now all they could do was wait to see if the kidney began working. Nolan hoped so, because the family didn’t need any more stress. He couldn’t imagine how Luke would feel if it failed.

  “It became a lot easier to not love anything or anyone.” She looked up at him. “I regret that.”

  “You were afraid. That’s a reasonable reaction. Don’t build that wall again. Don’t shut me out.” He’d have to get used to her broody silences, but as long as she loved him, they could get through anything.

  She wrapped her arms around him and rested her head against his shoulder. “No going back. You’re stuck with me. I thought I made that clear when I proposed to you? I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t want to be with you forever.”

  He laughed. “You don’t even remember it.”

  “No, but I remember thinking about doing it. Close enough.” She reached for her necklace, but her hand came up empty. She’d returned it to Joy before she left her daughter’s side. “I guess I’m ready. You want me to drive?”

  “Wait a sec.” He reached into his shirt pocket. “I’ve got something for you.”

  “What?” She stared at his closed hand.

  He uncurled his fingers. In his palm, a silver necklace glittered under the low hospital lighting. “I hope you like it.”

  She lifted it from his hand. On one side of the flat pendant, Joy’s name was an engraving traced from her handwriting. On the other, an engraving of her fingerprint. “This is amazing.”

  “Now you’ve always got a little piece of her with you.” He took the chain. “Let me put it on you.”

  She turned so he could fasten the clasp behind her neck. When he finished, she lifted the pendant to run her thumb over it. “This is so sweet. How did you get her fingerprint?”

  “I asked Brandon for it. Told him why. He told Danica and Joy. They all loved the idea.” He put his fingers beneath her chin. “They can’t give her back to you, but it’s pretty clear they don’t mind sharing. Maybe when she feels better, she can come stay with us sometime. I’d like that.”

  “Really?” Her eyes were moist. “You think she’d want to?”

  “Pretty sure she does. She seemed kind of in love with Splash.” He smiled. “I wish we could have one. I’m not jealous of your brothers or mine, but…”

  She looked down. “You feel like your arms are empty?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe. Maybe I’m feeling sappy because of Huck and Joy.” He shrugged. “My arms aren’t empty. I’ve got you to hold. That means a lot to me. My heart’s not either. I’ve got everything I need right here.”

  “I’ll give you whatever I’ve got, Nolan.” She let the pendant fall to her chest. “The rest of the years of my life. I hope it’s enough.”

  “That’s all I want, Jody.” He leaned down and kissed her hard.

  “Oh, for crying out loud. Will you two get out of here and get a room?” Luke called through the doorway. “I’m trying to enjoy my family.”

  Jody laughed. “Sorry to interrupt. Get some rest, you guys.” She took Nolan’s hand and led him down the hall. “Let’s go home.”

  Home. The big house where he’d grown up might not be filled with children, but it was full of love. That was more than good enough.

  Copyright © 2018 Becca Turner.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Names, characters, and places are products of the author’s imagination.

  Front cover image by Rebecacovers.

  Book design by Becca Turner.

  First ebook edition 2018.

  Other Books by Becca Turner

  Cowboy Kind of Heritage (Only an Okie Will Do Novella)

  Cowboy Kind of Trouble (Only an Okie Will Do Novel)

  Cowboy Kind of Forgiveness (Only an Okie Will Do Novella)

  Cowboy Kind of Commitment (Only an Okie Will Do Novel)

  Cowboy Kind of Devotion (Only an Okie Will Do Novella)

  Crossroads (A Beltane World Novella)

  About the Author

  Becca Turner lives in Missouri with her husband, three dogs, and a betta fish.

  Check out her latest posts and news on her Twitter page at

  Visit her website at










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