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Hell Again

Page 10

by Mihret Adal Gidi

  “You know what,” I shake my head as I fill my chest with air. I just met her, you know what, I don’t know her at all. I don’t want to share any of her madness. If there is something that I should focus on at this time, it’s me and getting back home. I need to talk with my Alibaba. “I doubt if I want to share any more of your madness,” I hold my hands in the air, emphasising on the fact that I’m tired. “I get it, you hate him that much that you think he is a demon, and yes I don’t want to stay here any longer than you think…” Muffling my lip behind her left hand, she hides me behind a bush and I look at her, pushing her off me.

  “Shush,” she says whispering, as she holds her index finger pressed on her lips, her eyes widening in shock and she points with her heads to the footsteps behind the bush where she hides with me.

  Rolling my eyes in exasperation, I stretch up from my neck to look over the bush. I frown as I look at two of the ladies that I saw down the cliff, with the one she warned me about, she’s not here but these ladies are here and they seem like they’re sniffing for something. I look back at Zhai quizzically and she shakes her head in disgust and fear. She understands what I’m asking for and she answers it sharing the same feeling.

  “What are they doing here?” I ask her whispering and yet still quietly. Pressing her lip down, she shakes her head to me and gets her attention back to the ladies.

  “I’m sure I’ve smelled her here,” one utters attentively, sniffing around the area that I was with Zhai, earlier, when she was experiencing an episode.

  “I still smell her around,” the other one responds.

  “I doubt if she’s far,” she says as she waves her blond hair to her back. Her hair clears off her face and I get to see her partial look, from her right side and the other one turns to our direction fully. They are too odd that I gasp in shock, holding my breath in; their long hair is deeply receding back, no dorsum of nose but there’s a tip of their nose that is pin pointing up ward, close seat completely black eyes and thin lips.

  Gasping as I face her, I lean back and making a crackling sound as I lean my entire weight on a stone behind me. The problem with shock is the fact that it is hard to maintain to what’s right. As Zahi’s instruction, I was supposed to hide and remain calm as well quiet. I can’t help it any more, it’s not like I run into creatures as scary as these ones. They turn to our direction and I lost it that I scream suddenly.

  “Oh no!” Zhai screams and helps me up for a run. They’re too fast, like light, they get to us faster than we can run and grabs us both by the napes of our necks.

  Holly shit! It’s way painful since she grabbed me hard. Yanking me, she turns me to look at her even closer and I gasp. Up close, they look disgusting; there skin is too smooth that it looks oily, HM fish tail like structure spreads on her head; starting from the side of her left side of neck all the way up to her... no, it’s head and down to the right side of its neck. It’s hand on the nape of my neck is big and strong that I am still. It opens its mouth, that looks empty, too wide and a very thin tongue, that of a snake tongue, starts vibrating as its neck moved roughly producing a sound; a sound that is disturbing and loud but a little close to a dolphin. If this was a different circumstance, I would fidget for a fight but I am dead scared and powerless that I am gasping as I pant.

  “Help!” Zhai screams but the other one who caught her slaps her to the ground so hard that she falls and stays still. I think she’s passed out.

  “Get off me,” glimpsing to the powerless Zhai, partially to my left, with only my eyes, I feel like I need to try at list. “Zhai!” I scream as I call out for her. I am not able to move harder than fidgeting. My hands are trying their best to get rid of the creature’s right hand on my nape. “Help!” I scream hoping to get help if possible. The other one walks to us and stand looking at me quietly as the one who is holding me gets its right hand on my neck, pressing me hard and between her hands, strangling me. I gasp for last air as I hold its arms with both my hands, my eyes fixed at its and my feet hanging in the air as the creature lifts me up, with its hand firming on my neck.

  I can feel as my energy betrays me; I think I am dying in the hands of this creature. God help me, I don’t understand why we seek God when we are in trouble or feel the end of us. I don’t know why we seek for him at times like this but forgets everything when we think we have it all. I never prayed before, but I am seeking your help, if you hear me. Help me God. I wonder as my head feels like swelling as my lungs are stressed in need of more oxygen and my hands no longer stays on its arms.

  Just as I start fading out on my own body, she suddenly lets me go and I’m dropped on the ground. Coughing hard, I take a moment to catch my breath, but I start crawling to Zhai and lean on her powerless body, lying on the ground since I can’t say anything to her. I’m responsible to what happened to her. I did this to you, I wonder, trying to shake wake her up. If only I had listened to you.

  I slowly turn to look behind me as I hear a bumping sound on the ground. I recognise this gloomy shadow thing, from this morning, whatever it is, it helped me and though I don’t know how, I see that it’s the body of the creature that was strangling me; it was thrown to the ground; cut in half, the upper body detached to the lower. It must be something strong as well huge that would do this to the creatures attacking me and Zhai. And though it helped, it is approaching to our direction and panting I am trying to wake Zhai as I am scared. I can’t move for I am in pain and feeble but even if I can I just can’t leave Zhai here.

  I’m tired and too weak to run away from the black smoke or even try to wake Zhai. I just stay right where I am and look back at the scary thing approaching my direction. I can’t fight back; I can’t scream for help. I just stay still, breathing heavily and helplessly staring back at it. As it gets closer and closer, I realise it’s just smoke, though I can’t tell what really cut that women thing in half.

  This smock has its own electrical energy and in it is so cold and dark, but it’s just a shield, a cover to the figure, another creature, that I’m looking at with my weak vision; a tall and roughly muscled man, with very long Lucifer black hair, dreadlocked in lack of care, deep set eyes with yellow and roguish bright and glowing eyes, those big hands, covered in blood and he’s breathing heavily. He’s dressed all in black and after a momentary stare at me, to what feels and looks sadly, he starts his approach towards me and lifts me up in his arms. As he lifts me up, I feel and realise even more how languid and weak in nature I am as well at this moment.

  But hey, why does his skin feel too familiar? I frown, staring into those eyes that I am supposed to fear. His skin looks a bit ruined and feels too rough. I’m not scared of this thing; rather I’m feeling like it is here for me, to protect me.

  “Zhai,” I utter breathy as I try to push myself off from his care, but he holds me tight and I look back into his eyes and he nods, closing his eyes, assuring me of her safety and I slowly lose energy as I close my eyes completely. He’s walking and I can feel it as he moves gracefully; I can hear heavy steps and his heavy breathing, his breathing sounds calming. I can hear it is not alone and though, both me and Zhai are under its care, I now believe her that we are indeed on a boat, we are not safe.

  Chapter Seven

  It’s unlike the usual day that Selam’s boyfriend and friends want to take her out in the woods for her birthday. She isn’t enjoying the walk so she keeps exhaling long, exasperatedly; and her best friend, Hiwot, is giggling, looking at her, now and then. She is dressed in hot pants with sandshoes and a black singlet on top. She’s not comfortable walking in the woods dressed like this, besides, she is disappointed at her friends for they seem well prepared; dressed in comfort.

  “Just try a little to enjoy the journey to your surprise, please,” Hiwot whispers in her left ears and she rolls her eyes at her as she looks in her eyes. “Solomon is doing his best to put a smile on this lip,” she adds, as she stretches Selam’s lips with her finer as she pinches her right cheek with her l
eft hand. “You are as usual overacting,” she adds, shaking her head at her in disappointment.

  “I am doing my best,” she says in the same mood. “But I doubt if we would enjoy anything, I mean you, me, Solomon and his dumb friend Yared. I have never had a birthday party with four people and in the woods,” they both ceased on their walk as she takes time, thinking.

  “First of,” Hiwot holds her index finger up, “The dumb Yared, is my love of life, I hate to remind you that all the time,” she looks to the guys walking ahead of them, biting her lower lip. “I don’t want to spoil this, but you will love it once we reach to where we are heading to,” she presses her lips as she smiles. “Please don’t force me to spoil your surprise, at least this one.”

  “You know what, I don’t want to,” she says, snatching herself away from her. “I have been in Sululta before but never in the woods, and you know I hate surprises and walk in the woods. I am done with this,” she turns around to walk away from her friend, back to the car they parked on the main road.

  “Where are you going?” she holds her left arm and stops her as she gasps in shock.

  “Home, even if I have to ask for a ride, I will do it,” she says, clenching her teeth and she stands with her arms crossed on her chest.

  If there is one thing Hiwot knows well about Selam, it’s the fact that if she says she will do something she will do it, the truth is she is also well aware of the fact that she hates surprises. She hates to be the one between the couples who don’t really understand each other. Rolling her eyes at her friend Hiwot, she tilts her head to the left and she looks back to the guys walking away from them. She knows what this means, but she can’t keep up with the surprise thing anymore, she knows this means to compromise their plan anyway so to save it like the usual is all on her.

  “Please, just act like you are surprised,” she says, arching her forehead at her and Selam nods, pressing her lips agreeing but in the same exhausted mood. “Everyone is waiting for you, and we’re heading to Yared’s grandparents place.” Selam elevates her eyebrows up in real surprise. “This year it will be different and really beautiful. Trust me on this and let’s just go.” She says and turns to lead the way, but she stops looking to her left in the woods. She frowns a bit, confused.

  “What now?” Selam asks her, well aware of her friend’s reaction. As much as Hiwot knows Selam, she also knows her well. Hiwot is always curious and always in need to know things.

  “I don’t know, but I think…” she utters, lost in her thoughts. She starts walking to her left and Selam frowns, worried.

  “What is it?”

  “I think that’s something…”

  “Well, we’re in the wood,” Selam says, playfully throwing her arms in the air as she follows her. “We’re ought to see something.”

  “Yes, but I think this is someone,” she says, turning to her as she points to someone laying on the ground and Selam deepens her furrow lines, confused.

  “Yes,” she whispers to her, “Hello!” she takes a step forward, “I’m sorry miss, are you okay?” she asks, projecting her voice.

  “What are you girls doing?” both of them turn their attention to Solomon and Yared who walks back to check on them, in shock, as they press their hands on their chests.

  “Damn it!” Selam scowls at them as they approach them. Solomon’s gaze is fixed at Selam in worry since she seems a bit jumpy.

  “We saw someone there,” Hiwot says, as she hugs Yared. “I think she’s hurt or something,” she adds, as she clears her short hair off her face.

  “Wait,” Solomon starts approaching the body and everyone follows him. He then takes the responsibility on turning it over.

  “Oh my God!” Hiwot widens her gaze, looking down at the body. It’s not fresh body and definitely not that old either; the face and some parts of the body are wounded that it’s hard to tell, but the dress, shoe and the long hair makes it easy to identify the gender of the body easily. The first moment Selam’s gaze catches the body, she closes her eyes and passes out in Solomon’s arms as Hiowt screams in shock.


  Membere is getting used to Bamlakfekad’s coldness ever since the disappearance of their daughter. He has turned totally into someone she doesn’t want, but the exact person who had harmed their marriage life in the first place, the person she used to argue with, even before they were married. He is almost always in trouble that she has to pick him up from prison; fighting and beating up people whom he considers to have the power or the intention to hurt his family, even if it means by hurting his family members feelings. He has lists of peoples in his book, since his past was filled with troubles over picking a fight over a simple issue.

  “You’re constantly asking for trouble,” she utters quietly as she huddles on a single seat sofa; she’s sitting parallel to her husband, who is sitting on a two-person sofa with her older brother.

  “What do you mean, etaba?” her brother asks her, frowning, as his hands are spreading sideways. “This is the right thing to do,” he adds, shaking his head at her disappointment over Bamlakfekad. “I don’t know what the foreigner country did to your mind, but this was supposed to be something you were supposed to agree with us on.”

  “What do you mean?” she projects her voice at him. “I was like this,” she adds, shaking her head as she utters through her teeth, “I am never changed and will never change. I hate violence and what you two are doing now is wrong,” she adds, clearing her hair off her face. “The only reason any of the people aren’t charging you over what you’re doing is because they understand our situation. But I’m tired of the complaints. I have enough issues to be worried with and I’m fed up to worry about you two.” She leans back as she closes her eyes.

  “I am Bamlakfekad and nothing will change that,” he utters coldly. He is not daring to see her in her eyes, not after he gets back to his old self that she despises. “I know you hate to see me like this, but this is our daughter. You took her away from me and now this.” She closes her eyes as her brother nods, agreeing with him. “I can’t sit back and wait for her to show up hurt or her lifeless body…”

  “Shut up!” she springs up from her sit. “She is alive, and I can feel it, but the thing is you can’t, you’re that blind to see it.” She turns and starts walking to the corridor that takes to the bedrooms. “I hate this and once my baby is home, I will go and I will never come back.”


  “I don’t want to hear anything from you!” she turns to face him, and he shakes his head, standing up to face her.

  “You both know it’s not the right time to argue,” her brother says, and everything goes quiet. “We should be one till Adha gets back home, dead or alive.”

  Her brother Tigabu is a person of pride, but family comes first before anything at all. Ever since they were young and lost their parents, he was in charge of taking care of his only sister and he understands Bamlakfekad on how he wants to handle things. They were friends long before he married his sister and they lived sharing whatever they had, they were and still are there for each other, for better and for worst. She can understand her brother, standing beside Bamlakfekad and she understands and loves how much they understand each other, but there are things she can’t agree with them about.

  The phone ringing changes their attention. Unlike other days, a phone ringing is always a shock for the family. A shock of excitement and fear for it might bear good and or bad news.

  “Who is it?” she asks her husband, as he frowns, shocked, and his lips suddenly go drier.

  “It’s,” he shakes his head to clear his mind off from the bad thoughts that suddenly tickle his body from head to toe. He licks his lower lip wet as he tries to calm himself down. “Hello, Sergeant Befekadu,” he utters to the person on the other side of the phone. Maybe it’s because he didn’t expect his call now, but he is shocked like never before, like he already knows what he will say to him and it will all be bad news. “Yes,” he says, looking u
p to face Membere, who’s looking at him in excitement. “We’re all together…”

  “What is it?” she whispers, but he holds his right hand up to cease her from saying more and he wants to listen attentively.

  “…why? I mean, now? …I don’t understand, what’s going on?” he adds, as he walks to get his coat and they both follow him. “No, I can drive… I’ll be there in half an hour,” he says, as he rushes out the house, hanging the phone up.

  “What is it?” she rephrases her question, rushing out with Bamlakfekad. She’s hardly breathing as she rushes with him into the car as her brother gets at the back.

  “He said we should be there as soon as we could,” he starts the engine and looks at the siblings, each once. “He said we need to see and confirm something,”

  “What exactly?” Tigabu deepen his furrow lines asking.

  “He didn’t want to say over the phone,” he says, and starts driving as the security guard by the door opens the gate for them.

  Looking out the window, Membere presses on her chest with her right hand as her left hand grips the wooden cross on her chest tightly. Pressing his lips in a hard line, Bamlakfekad holds her left hand with his right, trying to comfort her. For the first time in their life, they share feelings and he tries to comfort her the way she needs him to; for the first time, he holds her hand when she needs him to and she doesn’t even have to say anything, all she ever wanted him to do was hold her when she needs him and he just did.


  Waiting is making them anxious more than driving to get to the police station. Like they never waited in line for anything in their life before, they are complaining and uneasy in the waiting area. Membere is sitting on a bench as her brother and Bamlakfekad are pendulating and pacing around before her anxiously. They’re making her feel nauseous.


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