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Bred by the MC Prez (Breeding Season Book 5)

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “Blade, I should’ve known it was you. I mean, the only person I know to take in trash is trash.” Forge tutted. “You’ll give me back my woman now, and you’ll get to walk away with your life, for now.”

  Blade laughed. “You think I don’t know how precious this one is to you?” He licked her cheek and Beth whimpered. Her cries filled the air.

  “She’s so young, Forge,” Romy said, running a hand down Beth’s chest, pinching her nipples through her shirt.

  Beth wanted them away from her, far away, but Blade wrapped his fingers around her neck.

  “I want land, Forge. You’re going to give it to me, or I’ll take it out in this fat bitch’s ass. I hear she’s a virgin. I could break her in for you.”

  Forge laughed.

  Romy dropped her hand and Beth saw the frown cross her face as she looked at Blade. Whatever Forge had done had made the other woman nervous.

  “Let me put this in a way you understand, give me my woman, and you may be able to save some of your money,” Forge said.

  “Nice bluff.”

  Forge cleared his throat. “You’re so predictable, Blade. While we’re having this nice little chat, I’ve got a kid on my team—he likes to play with fire—and well, we took out the women and men counting your cash, and he set fire to the room.”

  The scent of smoke wafted toward them, and within the next second, Blade had thrown her to the ground and started to march back into his clubhouse.

  Beth screamed as gunshots rang out. She was snatched from the ground. More shots rang out as she was pulled in a different direction.

  “Hold me,” Forge said.

  With his men guarding him, shooting at Blade’s men, Forge had captured her and now she was back on his bike.

  Wrapping her arms around him, she pressed her cheek against his back, counting to ten in an effort to calm herself down. She wasn’t dead. She was very much alive, but right now, she felt shallow, broken, shattered.

  All her fantasies and daydreams were gone. She was nothing.

  They rode all the way back to the clubhouse. She didn’t admire the scenery or allow herself to feel happy.

  No one really wanted her. She was useless. A fat waste of space.

  They entered Forge’s clubhouse and she climbed off the bike. She watched, amazed as with the last bike came in, the gates were locked, and she noticed the men guarding the gates.

  “Come on,” he said, taking her hand.

  She walked with him, not fighting, even as her body protested.

  One of the men had also taken Romy. Her hands were bound and she fought against the men.

  “Let me go. Tell them, Beth. Tell them how I stopped them from hurting you.”

  Beth couldn’t believe her ears.

  Forge walked up to Romy and Beth gasped as he backhanded her. Romy fell to the floor, cupping her face as best she could with her bound hands. “You won’t even look at her. You don’t get to fucking speak to my woman.” He walked back toward her. “Come on.”

  This was all too much for her to handle right now. Beth didn’t know how she was able to keep on walking but she did. She walked all the way up to Forge’s bedroom. He pulled her into his arms.

  “I’m going to get a doctor, okay? I want you to stay here.”

  She nodded. There was no need for words. She pressed her lips together and he reached out, putting a finger beneath her chin.

  “Don’t be scared. I promise you, I won’t let anything happen to you again.”

  “You can’t make promises you can’t keep.”

  “Believe me, Beth, I will keep this one.”

  She didn’t want to anger him.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, she put her hands on her knees. They were dirty. All of her was dirty.

  “Did they touch you?” Forge asked.

  “No, not like that. They wouldn’t touch a person like me. I’m too fat.” She stared at the door, waiting. She hadn’t felt this way since she’d before she’d been with Forge.

  No matter what, her father had always been right, and she was always going to leave Forge wanting.


  It didn’t take a genius to know Blade and Romy had fucked with Beth’s mind. The doctor had given her the all-clear. Checked her nose, which wasn’t broken, and there weren’t any other signs of problems.


  Beth had stayed in her room. She didn’t eat. She didn’t talk. She didn’t even read, or lay on the bed, daydreaming.

  He often found her near the window, looking out, doing absolutely nothing. When he got to bed, she’d be curled so far against the edge, he knew it was uncomfortable. He always waited for her to fall asleep before pulling her into his arms.

  He’d saved her three days ago. The clubhouse was still on lockdown. Any of the boys with family had brought them to keep them safe. It was a stupid plan, to let Blade live, but he needed to get him away from Beth. When the time was right, he’d kill Blade and mount his head on the fucking wall for safekeeping. Until then, he had to keep his shit together and his club safe. The only way to do that was to have them all in one place.

  He watched as Dog brought down yet another full plate of food. She’d drank the juice and some water, but ate no food.

  “Did she say anything to you?” he asked.

  “Nothing. She stood still at the window. You sure they didn’t rape her?”

  “Yes, she would have told me. Romy even said they didn’t touch her.” Forge ran a hand down his face, trying to clear the fog from his mind. This was all fucking shit. Bigger than shit.

  “She’s hurting, Forge.”

  “I can see that.”

  “We’ve got Romy chained up, and the boys are watching the perimeter. You’re not needed here, but any more of this, she’s going to die. Starving herself is not the answer. Go and talk to her,” Dog said.

  “Since when have you been the voice of fucking reason?”

  “Look, I don’t get why she has this hold on you, I don’t. I don’t think any pussy is worth risking the club, but she’s under your skin, whether you like it or not.” Dog shrugged. “If something happens to her, I know you won’t be able to stand it. Now rather than us fight and shoot the shit, go and talk to her. Find out what’s wrong because I know the boys and girls are worried. Most of them liked her, and she certainly put you in a better mood.”

  Dog walked back into the kitchen.

  He was right, Forge wasn’t needed here.

  Romy was a piece of work. She was a conniving little bitch, and he should never have allowed her into his club. Her two kids were taken from her by CAS a decade ago when she tried to sell them for drugs. She’d kept that to herself, but he knew all about her fucked-up past. He’d barely touched Romy and she’d told him everything about Blade and fighting for turf, wanting more land. He couldn’t trust her, and apparently, neither could Blade.

  Forge didn’t give nothing to no one. He took, plain and simple. The fact Beth’s dad was still alive was a fucking miracle, but it wasn’t going to last much longer. He already intended to take care of him so he never caused Beth or him any more trouble.

  Walking toward the back of the club, he took the stairs two at a time and made his way toward his bedroom. The door was still open and he didn’t make a sound as he looked inside the room.

  Beth stood at the window. She’d gone back to wearing jeans and one of his shirts which completely covered her body. She should never cover herself. Not for him.

  She didn’t turn to look at him. There was no movement.

  In the last couple of days, she’d withdrawn into herself more, becoming a shell of a woman.

  No smiles. No humming. No nothing.

  This wasn’t right.

  Stepping into the room, he folded his arms.

  He’d never been the kind of guy to pussyfoot around shit, but with Beth, he didn’t want to hurt or upset her. Gritting his teeth, he tried to figure out what he could say without pissing her off.

Rubbing the back of his head, he glanced around the room and came up with nothing. Shit. “I’m not going to allow this to go on for much longer,” he said.

  She tensed up at his voice. Still, she didn’t turn around.

  “You’re not going to look at me now?”

  There were still no words but she glanced over her shoulder to face him. She looked so fucking lost.

  “Why aren’t you eating?”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “That’s not a good enough excuse, Beth.”

  “I’m not making excuses. I don’t want to eat. You can’t make me.”

  He didn’t like this distance and so he stepped right up behind her, placing his hand against her stomach.

  “Did those men touch what was mine?” he asked.


  “Then what’s the problem? I’ll kill every single motherfucker who hurt you.”

  “I’m not yours.”

  “What the fuck? Who says you’re not mine?”

  She pulled away from him and stormed off toward the bed, sitting on the edge. She ran her fingers through her hair, gritted her teeth, and she looked angry as fuck. He didn’t like this.

  “I know what it means to belong to someone. Romy showed me why I will never be good enough. Why you’ll always want her. You were supposed to be with her.”

  He saw her hands clench as she said the words. Was she jealous?

  “I never belonged to Romy.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  “Tough.” He walked over to where she sat, crouched down, took her hands in his, and held her still. She tried to tug out of his hold, but he simply held on to her. There was no way he was going to let her go. She wasn’t going to win this fight, not with him. “Romy means nothing to me.”

  “She said she was supposed to be with you, that I ruined her life. She said her kids—”

  “They were taken from her way before she ever came to my club. Her parental rights were revoked because she put them through hell. I have no respect for her. Don’t believe a single fucking lie she tells you.”

  “Forge, please, stop.” She could say whatever she wanted, but he could see the relief on her face.

  “I’m not going to stop. You’re mine.”

  “Then why won’t you sleep with me?” She growled each word out, her eyebrows drawing inward as she frowned at him. “I know why. It’s because I’m too fat and you’ll never want to be with me.”

  “You know what, I’m sick of this. Romy gets you in her grabby fucking hands for a matter of hours and you listen to all the spiteful shit she has to say, and what do I get, nothing? This is fucking bullshit.”

  “You don’t even touch me.”

  “I’ll have you know I’ve licked your pussy a couple of times, lovely, and I have no problem being with you. You want to know what I’m waiting for?” he asked.


  “I’m waiting for you to be comfortable being here. I’m used to women throwing themselves at me and all of the club. Women who are happy to be passed around on cock. Some of them even consider it a trophy, depending on the number of us she fucks.” He held her hands a little tighter, wanting her to know he wanted her. “When I’m around you, I have to control myself, Beth. I have to stop myself from tearing off your clothes and fucking you every chance I get. I want to be balls deep inside you. To feel your tight virgin cunt gripping me as I plow into you. That’s how strong I feel. That’s how much I want you. I can’t stop thinking about how good you’d feel to be wrapped around my dick. I want to sleep on your tits. In fact, I want to sleep inside you with my cum dripping down. I want it all with you.”

  “I don’t believe you.” Her words were so faint, and her fire had been doused. He finally had her damn attention.

  He stood up and placed her hand on his already stiffening cock. All it had taken were words and imagining being inside her to grow hard. “That’s how you make me feel. I have to control myself, and it’s not easy. I want to be in you so bad, but I’m not going to hurt you. When I do finally take your cherry, you’re going to be soaking wet. It will hurt, but I want you to want it, Beth. When I tear through you, and I want you begging me for more, and hungry for it all.”

  “They said I was too much cushion. You could never want someone like me because of who I was.”

  He kissed her hands. Romy was going to pay for all the doubt and pain she’d put in his woman. There was no fucking way he would let that kind of crap stand.

  “I was never meant to be Romy’s. She was nothing more than a club whore, and I haven’t fucked her in a long time. Longer than before you turned up. Believe me, I don’t want her. I don’t care for her. She means nothing to me. The only woman I want and have ever cared about is you. I wanted to hurt everyone I came across when I knew you were missing. I thought you’d ran away.”

  He had to admit that other things had run deep in his thoughts. Trust had never come naturally for him, and part of him wondered if the entire deal with Peterson trading Beth for his debt was real or a ploy. In moments of weakness, he doubted Beth, then he’d feel like an asshole.

  “Why would I run away?”

  “Your father gave you to me. You’re not supposed to be mine, Beth. You’re supposed to be someone else’s.”

  He was trying to build up her fucking confidence, but where was his? Forge was an MC Prez, and this slip of a woman was making him doubt everything. Was she using him? Was all of this too good to be true?

  “I do want to be with you. All the time. I don’t want this to stop.” She pressed her head against him. “I’m so sorry.”

  “What do you have to be sorry for?”

  “All of this. I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to get taken. I wasn’t thinking. I was walking, enjoying the day, and then I heard something. The kitten,” she said, gasping.


  “Can we go and make sure it’s okay?”

  “You want to go and save a kitten?”

  “I don’t know if it’s there, but I did hear it. Please?” she asked.

  He couldn’t deny her anything. This was one of the reasons he could never give her up. The woman had been taken from him, beaten, and yet she still wanted to go and rescue a damn kitten.

  Chapter Eight

  Beth twirled her damp hair up into a makeshift bun then tried to examine her neck in the bathroom mirror. She ran her hand across the steamy glass to get a better look. The bruises were practically gone, only a faint reminder of her run-in with Forge’s enemies. She never wanted to remember that day. Not because of the physical abuse, but for the emotional trip they’d put her through. It took a lot of hard convincing by Forge for her to snap out of her doldrums.

  He’d been gone most of the day, taking care of important business with Dog and Hound. She never asked too many questions, but she knew when things were serious. The tension in the air before they left had her worried—until now. The collective roar of motorcycle engines filled the air, and her heart began to race in excitement. Knowing Forge was home sent a thrill cascading through her body. She took a deep breath and quickly threw on a t-shirt and a pair of cotton shorts.

  Beth rushed over to the window and looked down as the bikes pulled in, dispersing to the left and right after entering the gates. She scanned the men for Forge. As soon as he dismounted his bike and reached up to run a hand through his hair, she knew it was him before she even saw his face. His shoulders were impossibly broad. His height, his thick dark hair, and the way he carried himself with confidence left no room for denial. It was Forge.

  As if sensing her watching, he turned slightly, looked up, and winked. Her heart melted. Attention from Forge was addicting. He was the most sought-after male in the club, the prez … and he wanted only her. She wasn’t sure why, but she wasn’t going to complain.

  It felt like hours before he finally turned the handle of the bedroom, but she knew it was much less. She held her breath.

  “You showered?”
br />   His deep voice made her body alight with desire. She’d been thinking of him all day.

  Beth nodded.

  “Come here.”

  She swallowed hard and stepped closer to him. He was covered in black leather, each move of his arm making a comforting creak. He pulled the elastic free from her bun, allowing the damp hair to roll down her back.

  “I’ve been thinking of you today,” he said, his attempt at a whisper, but the gruff baritone still made her pussy tingle.

  “I was worried.”

  He smirked. “You never have to worry about me, baby girl. I’m invincible.”

  Forge reached a hand under each of her arms and hoisted her up into the air as if she only weighed fifty pounds. He spun her around, slowly, deliberately, not breaking eye contact. By the time he set her down on the low dresser, her heart was racing.

  “Were there any problems? You took Dog and Hound.” He rarely went out with both his top men. She knew his outing had something to do with the assholes who’d hurt her.

  “That’s exactly why everything went exactly as I planned. I don’t like mistakes. And I don’t like any man’s hands on you,” he said. “The only one allowed to touch you is me. Understand?”

  “It wasn’t my fault—”

  He placed a finger to her lips to silence her. “That’s not what I meant.” He ran the backs of his fingers over the swell of her breast, making her nipple instantly pebble. “I’m talking about this body. You’re all mine. The only man to taste you, fuck you, breed you is me.”

  Her mouth felt dry.

  His hard body pressed between her legs. The roughness of his jeans rubbed against her thin cotton shorts. Her throbbing pussy overwhelmed her with need, and she tried not to gasp aloud as the erotic waves washed over her.

  “Say it, Beth. Tell me you’re mine. Not because I bought you, but because it’s what you want.” He used a curled finger to tilt her chin up. His dark eyes were intense, no hint of playfulness. “Don’t lie to me. I need the truth.”

  He smelled like all man, musky and delicious.


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