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Page 4

by Annabella Michaels

  “Is everything okay between you guys?” Landon asked, giving me a concerned look.

  “Yeah. I feel guilty not telling them the truth about why Garrett took off. I know they’ve been worried about him, we all have. But I’ve done enough damage to Garrett. The least I can do is keep quiet about what happened. If he wants them to know, he can tell them himself. That is, if he ever calls,” I said.

  “You still haven’t heard from him?” Landon asked gently.

  Landon was my best friend, so I’d confided in him about everything that had happened. It had come as a complete surprise to me that my old friend had developed feelings for me, but by the time I’d found out, I’d already fallen completely head over heels for Morgan. Things had gotten pretty ugly the night Garrett finally made his move and ended up on the other side of Morgan’s fist. Morgan had proven once again what an amazing man he was when, despite being pissed at Garrett, he had arranged for the two of us to meet so we could talk things through. Garrett had said that he didn’t blame me for any of what had happened, but he’d still ended up leaving, saying he needed time to heal. Time away from me.

  “He texted to say that he was safe, but that was all. I have no idea where he is or how long he’ll be gone. He’s always considered me, Jasper, and Travis his family. We’re all he’s got and now he’s out there, all alone over the holidays and it’s my fault,” I said miserably.

  “None of what happened is your fault,” Landon said, grabbing my hand and holding it in between his.

  “But I should’ve seen that he was developing feelings for me,” I insisted. “Maybe if I’d noticed what was going on, I could’ve talked to him about it before things got so out of hand.”

  “Look, I get that Garrett’s upset and he needs some time away to get his head on straight, but none of this is your fault. I’m sure he had his reasons, but he kept his feelings a secret for a long time and that was his choice. You shouldn’t blame yourself for not seeing something he didn’t want you to see. Do you believe in soulmates?” Landon asked.

  “Of course, Morgan is my soulmate,” I answered, confused by the sudden change in subject.

  “I do too,” he said with a smile. “If you believe that, then you have to believe that Garrett will find his when it’s time. Just give him some time, he’ll come around eventually. And remember, if Garrett gets lonely over the holidays, he knows where to find you guys. It’s his decision.” Landon gave me a pointed look and I nodded my understanding.

  “You’re right, I just hope Garrett comes home soon. I miss my friend,” I told him with a shrug.

  “I know you do,” Landon said gently, giving my hand a squeeze. “Hey, Micah and I were going to get some dinner with Caleb and Giovanni and then go out to the tree farm and cut down a Christmas tree to take to Agape House. Why don’t you and Morgan come with us? It’ll cheer you up,” Landon suggested.

  “Are you sure?” I asked.

  “You’re my best friend and you’re married to my favorite cousin. Of course I want to spend time with you guys,” he responded cheerfully.

  “Okay, I’ll call Morgan,” I told him. He stood up and started collecting the files we had spread out in front of us. I grabbed his arm to get his attention before making the call. “Thanks, Landon,” I said sincerely. He bent down and wrapped his arms around me.

  “Anytime. It’ll all work out, trust me,” he whispered. I hugged him back, swallowing around the lump in my throat. After a few seconds, he moved away, and I picked up my phone. Landon was right, Garrett was an adult and he’d come home when he was ready. It was time to focus on my husband and our first Christmas together.

  “Hey, baby!” Morgan said an hour later as he slid into the booth next to me. His lips brushed over mine and I closed my eyes and breathed in his scent, letting his familiar smell wash away the last of my sadness. I was smiling when I pulled back and he answered with a smile of his own.

  “Hey there,” I whispered.

  “Okay, you two, that’s enough. No making out over the food,” Caleb teased, and everyone laughed.

  We had a great time at dinner as we all shared pizza and swapped funny stories from our Christmases past. Giovanni, Micah, and I were laughing so hard we had tears in our eyes as Caleb, Morgan, and Landon described some of the antics they’d gotten up to as kids.

  “Remember Carter’s Holiday talent show?” Landon said with a chuckle.

  “You mean, the Extravaganza?” Caleb said with a flourish.

  “Oh, yes! The Holiday Extravaganza! I’ll never forget it,” Morgan clarified with a laugh. “Even as a kid, Carter wanted to be the center of attention, so he was always putting on these talent shows and gathering the whole family around to watch,” he explained to us.

  “Carter had been practicing his act for weeks and he was really excited about it. He went all out with costumes and even had Emma and Michelle in on the act as his backup dancers,” Landon added.

  “He wanted a big audience, so he decided to do it when the entire family was together for Christmas Eve. We were at our grandparents’ house, as well as all of our aunts, uncles, and cousins,” Morgan continued. “So, Carter strutted out with his jeans down off his hips and his underwear hanging out and he starts belting out some song into a microphone.” Morgan choked on a laugh and I laughed with him because his laughter was contagious.

  “Only it turns out it wasn’t a microphone at all,” Landon said around his laughter.

  “What was it?” Giovanni asked.

  “Grandma’s vibrator,” Caleb answered. Our table roared with laughter, causing more than a few curious glances to be sent our way, but we were all beyond the point of caring.

  “I’d never seen Dad move that fast as he wrestled it out of Carter’s hands and ran from the room,” Landon sputtered.

  “How old was he?” Micah asked.

  “We were ten,” Caleb told him.

  “Oh my God! That’s hysterical. What did your grandparents say?” I asked.

  “Grandpa told Grandma she needed to find a better hiding place for their toys,” Morgan said with a shrug.

  “Well, I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” Micah murmured. Landon gave him a questioning look. “That has to be where your parents get it from. They’re not exactly shy about the fun they get up to with each other.”

  “That’s true,” Landon agreed, chuckling again.

  “Oh man, do you think we’ll be that bad with our kids?” Caleb said in mock horror.

  “We can only hope,” Giovanni teased. “Besides, I’m not so sure it’s a bad thing. Your parents and grandparents may have shocked you a time or two with their behavior, but I bet you never had to question how they truly felt about each other.”

  Everyone nodded their heads in agreement and Morgan slid his arm around me, pulling me closer so he could whisper in my ear. His warm breath blowing across my neck made me shiver and my cock began to respond as he spoke.

  “I can’t wait to have kids that we can embarrass. Our children will know every single day how much I love their father,” he said. Warmth spread throughout my chest as I turned my head to gaze at him adoringly. Everything I could ever want was right there in front of me. Any children we had in the future would just be the icing on an already perfect cake.

  “I can’t wait for that either. I love you,” I whispered.

  Morgan’s hand slid to the back of my neck and he pulled me in for a kiss, his lips gently pressing against mine. The sound of someone clearing their throat had me pulling back and I felt my face heat up when I was met with the knowing smirks of the two other couples.

  “Come on, we better get out of here before we get kicked out because the newlyweds can’t keep their hands off each other,” Landon joked.

  Morgan flipped him the bird and we all laughed as we tossed some money on the table and filed out of the restaurant. It was just beginning to snow as we stepped outside into the brisk winter air. Big fluffy flakes fell down all around us, coating the gr
ound and we all took a minute to soak in the beauty.

  It didn’t take long for us to drive to the Christmas tree farm where Morgan climbed out of the truck and made his way around to open my door. I smiled at the gesture and he winked at me as he offered his hand to help me down from the cab of the truck. As soon as my feet hit the ground, I stood on my toes to place a kiss on his lips, showing him my appreciation.

  “What was that for?” he asked with a smile as he wrapped my scarf around my neck.

  “For being you,” I replied, and his eyes softened as he grinned at me.

  Morgan slid on a pair of gloves and grabbed a saw and tape measure from the back of his truck before we walked over to where our friends were waiting. I trailed behind my husband as we made our way through the rows of evergreens, enjoying the delectable view of his ass encased in his jeans.

  “So, how tall are the ceilings at Agape House? I want to get the biggest tree we can for the kids,” Giovanni said.

  “Trust me, the ceilings are taller than any tree out here,” Morgan assured him. “Feel free to get the biggest and best one you can find.”

  Giovanni and Micah paused to give each other a look and then let out a loud victory cry before taking off running towards the back field where the largest trees stood. The rest of us followed along, laughing at their boyish excitement.

  “When are Ryan and Carter supposed to get home?” I asked Caleb. The two of us had decided to hang back while the others argued over whether to get a full tree or one where the branches were more spaced apart.

  “Tomorrow,” he answered, his face lighting up with his smile.

  “I bet you’re excited to see them.” I grinned back.

  “You have no idea,” Caleb responded with a sigh. “It’s hard to explain to people who don’t have a twin, but things just always feel a little off when Carter and I are apart. Almost like I’m missing an arm or something. I’m so happy for him that he gets to go on tour and do what he loves, but I can’t wait to have him back here.”

  “I’m sure it’s hard for him to be away from you too. It’s good that you have each other. I always wished I’d had siblings,” I said wistfully.

  “Well, we may not be siblings, but you’ve got all of us and we’re family now,” Caleb said sweetly, threading his arm through mine. Morgan turned just then with his eyes sparkling with happiness and big flakes of snow falling down all around him and I felt a moment of complete rightness, like I was exactly where I was supposed to be.

  “I love you,” he mouthed, and my heart fluttered inside my chest.

  The guys finally agreed on a tree and Micah went to work cutting it down. When he was finished, Giovanni and Landon drug it onto a sled that the farm had provided and began hauling it back toward the parking lot. We took turns quoting some of our favorite Christmas movies as we went, including National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. We were still laughing as we got in line to pay and I had to admit that Landon had been right. Going out with my friends had been exactly what I needed to get my mind off my troubles and put me in the spirit of Christmas.

  “Guys, I just had a fantastic idea,” Landon said slowly, turning to us with a devious smile. I wasn’t sure what he had in mind, but whatever it was, he could count me in.

  “Holy shit! This is one fancy plane,” Tyler said.

  “That’s because it’s a private jet,” Kalia informed him.

  Tyler let out a whistle as he looked around at the lush leather seats, the enormous TV mounted to the front wall and the fully stocked bar in the corner. I laughed quietly. I’d long since gotten used to my husband’s extravagant tastes. Lachlan Edwards didn’t do anything halfway, whether it was buying a company jet, running his music empire or his latest project, opening a nightclub.

  The only thing he put more time and effort into was loving me and our little family. Despite all his fortune and success, nothing mattered more to Lachlan than me and the boys and he made it clear to everyone that worked for him that the three of us were his top priority.

  And that was how the band and I ended up flying home on a private jet in the middle of a snowstorm when most planes were being delayed. Lachlan wanted me home almost as much as I wanted to get home, and he would stop at nothing to make that happen.

  “Man, I can’t wait to get home,” my best friend, Steve, said. “My mom made her famous peanut butter fudge and she saved a plate, just for me.”

  “I’m looking forward to sleeping in our own bed,” Kalia said and Tyler pulled her towards him, whispering something in her ear that made her face flame red.

  “I second that,” Ryan added, waggling his eyes at Carter who leaned over and gave him a kiss.

  “I can’t wait to see our family. I bet our nieces and nephew have grown a lot while we’ve been gone. I couldn’t believe how much they’d changed when we saw them at Thanksgiving,” Carter said to his husband.

  “You need some time with Caleb too,” Ryan said knowingly. A look of longing came over Carter’s face and I could see his eyes turn glassy as he nodded.

  “We better sleep on the way home so we’re not too tired once we get there,” Kalia suggested as the jet took off.

  We all voiced our agreement and I smiled at my friends as we settled into our seats for the long flight home. It had been a whirlwind tour, starting in the States then moving onto Asia before winding down in Europe. It was an amazing experience and we were thrilled that every show had been sold out, but I think we were all ready to get back home. We’d been going almost nonstop for over a year and we deserved a break.

  “Is there anything I can get for you, Mr. Edwards?” the flight attendant asked me. I smiled at the sound of my married name. I didn’t get to hear it often since most of the world still knew me as Rocko instead of Rylie Edwards, but those who worked for Lachlan had signed an NDA so that I could be myself around them.

  “No, thank you, Iris. I think we’re just going to sleep most of the way.”

  “Of course, sir. Just press the button on your chair if you need anything at all,” she answered pleasantly.

  She returned a minute later with a stack of neatly folded blankets and passed them out to everyone then turned the lights off. I reclined my seat and snuggled down into the warm blanket, the hectic schedule and lack of sleep finally catching up to me. I was surrounded by the soft snores and gentle whispers of my friends, but my mind was already back home with my husband and two boys as I drifted off to sleep.

  Hours later, after dropping off each of my friends at their houses, the limo finally pulled into the driveway of the home I shared with Lachlan. An excited fluttering started in my stomach at the thought of seeing him again, holding him, kissing him. It was still dark out, the barest hint of light beginning to show over the horizon and I knew everyone would probably be asleep. In fact, I was counting on it.

  It was quiet as I crept inside and up the dark staircase. I paused by the boys’ room and carefully opened their door, peeking my head inside. My heart felt like it was going to burst when I saw them cuddled together, sound asleep, their sweet faces lit up by the nightlight plugged into the wall.

  Eventually we hoped they’d feel comfortable enough to have rooms of their own, but they’d only been with us a few weeks and we knew it would take some time. Given the horrors that had been dealt them at the hands of their own mother, if they felt safer sharing a room, then that’s exactly what they’d do.

  I closed the door and made my way down the long hallway to the last bedroom on the right and slipped inside, locking the door behind me. By then, the first light of day was beginning to creep in through the window and I was able to make out Lachlan’s sleeping form on the bed. I moved quietly as I discarded my clothes and lifted the blankets, so I could crawl between the sheets.

  Lachlan stirred as I slid in behind him and wrapped my arm around his waist, pulling him close. My lips ghosted over the smooth skin at the back of his neck and I drew in a deep breath, filling my lungs with the familiar sleep-warmed sce
nt of my husband. This, to me, was home. Not the city or the mansion, but the man in my arms. Lachlan was everything I could’ve hoped for and nothing I deserved, but by some miracle, he’d chosen me to share his life with.

  “Rylie,” he whispered in the dark and that was all it took for me to grow fully hard, my cock beginning to leak at the sound of his voice.

  “I’m home, baby,” I answered, and he turned in my arms.

  His smile stole my breath away and I tilted my head and covered his mouth with my own. My tongue teased along the seam of his lips until he granted me entry and I moaned at the first taste of him. I scooted towards him, but it wasn’t close enough. I needed to feel his skin against mine, his heart pounding against my chest as I held him in my arms. I needed to reconnect with him and to erase the many miles that had been put between us over the last several weeks.

  I reached for the hem of his t-shirt and tugged on it. Lachlan must have sensed my urgency because he pulled back long enough to rip the shirt over his head and toss it to the floor. I helped him shimmy out of his sleep pants next, throwing them over my shoulder then I rolled on top of him.

  Lachlan spread his legs, so I could settle myself between them and we both moaned as our cocks rubbed together. I rested my forearms on either side of him and leaned my forehead against his. My long hair hung down around our faces, acting as a curtain to shield us from the rest of the world.

  “I missed you so damn much,” I whispered.

  “I missed you too. I’m glad you’re home,” he responded then he bit down on my bottom lip, tugging it gently between his teeth and scrambling my brain.

  I pressed my lips to his and then sat up, straddling him so I could see him better. My eyes moved hungrily over the smooth plane of his chest, down over his flat stomach, to the thin line of hair that disappeared underneath where I was sitting. Lachlan stared up at me and the look in his eyes told me everything I needed to know; I was wanted, I was cherished, I was loved. I swallowed around the lump in my throat as my emotions threatened to overwhelm me.


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