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Page 5

by Annabella Michaels

  We reached for each other at the same time, our hands trailing over the other’s body; exploring, memorizing, rediscovering. I shifted so I could grasp our cocks together and felt a surge of pride when Lachlan’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as I began to jerk my fist up and down.

  “Please, Rylie,” he gasped.

  “Please, what?” I teased.

  “Please, put your cock inside me,” he said through clenched teeth. I bent down and licked the shell of his ear.

  “I know, I just wanted to hear you say it out loud. It makes me so hard,” I whispered, and I felt his body tremble beneath me.

  With that, I reached into the drawer beside the bed and pulled out a bottle of lube then I moved so I was kneeling between his legs. I coated my fingers quickly and then reached out, running a wet finger over his balls and down to his tight little hole. Lachlan lifted his hips, eagerly searching for more as I circled his rim. Finally, I slid a finger in and began to slowly and carefully open him up.

  I added more fingers and Lachlan kept up a steady stream of dirty talk which, delivered in his sexy British accent, had me hard as a rock and right on the edge in only a matter of seconds. After a month of nothing but phone sex and naked Skyping, I’d be damned if I was going to come before I got inside him though. I removed my fingers and stared at him through hooded eyes as I reached for the bottle of lube and poured a line over my cock, working it over my shaft with my palm.

  “Are you ready?” My voice was deep and husky when I spoke, and Lachlan raised his knees to his chest, exposing himself to me in answer.

  I fisted my cock and lined the head up with his entrance, then I slowly pressed forward, watching as my dick disappeared inside his tight heat. I held still, giving him time to adjust, but Lachlan wasn’t interested in waiting. He circled his legs around my waist and dug his heels into my ass, urging me forward until I was buried balls deep inside him.

  I bent down, and we shared a passionate kiss as his hands slid around my neck and into my hair, gripping me as if he were afraid I’d disappear. I had no intention of going anywhere, though. I was exactly where I wanted to be. I began to rock my hips, gently at first and then with more purposeful strokes. Lachlan writhed underneath me, moaning and chanting my name as I pegged his prostate with an accuracy that came with knowing his body almost better than I knew my own.

  His cock leaked between us, coating both our stomachs in sticky fluid. His hand reached between us and he began jerking his dick, using rapid movements as he raced toward his orgasm. I kept up a steady pace as I clenched my jaw, fighting to hold onto my last thread of control as my balls drew up tightly to my body and threatened to erupt.

  I managed to stave off my orgasm until I felt Lachlan arch up off the bed, his head pressing into the pillow and the veins in his neck straining as his own release rushed through him. He let out a guttural cry as his seed splashed between us, hot and wet. He was totally uninhibited in that moment, a slave to his base desires, and he was magnificent.

  The sight of my husband coming undone was enough to send white heat racing through my veins and I thrust into him once more before spilling my seed inside him. I was shaking as the last surges of my orgasm began to ebb and I collapsed on top of him, completely sated and deliriously happy. Lachlan’s arms came around me and I felt his lips in my hair as he kissed me. I lifted my head and pushed my lips out in offering. A warm smile lifted his lips as he bent his head to kiss me.

  “I love you. Welcome home,” he whispered.

  “I love you too, Lachlan,” I said with a smile.

  After a few minutes, things began to get uncomfortable and I carefully slid out of him and flopped down on the bed next to him with a sigh. The room was lit up with the morning’s rays and I watched in confusion when Lachlan climbed from the bed, holding a hand out to me.

  “We don’t have much time before the boys will be up and they probably shouldn’t see us like this,” he explained, gesturing to the cum that glistened in his navel. I laughed as understanding dawned.

  “Yeah, you’re probably right,” I conceded, taking his hand. Lachlan glanced at the clock next to the bed and then waggled his eyebrows at me.

  “If we hurry, we might have time for some shower fun though,” he said, already walking away. He looked over his shoulder and let out a laugh as I jumped up from the bed and raced after him.

  We ended up spending more time in the shower than was appropriate and by the time we made it downstairs, we could hear the boys talking to Kerry in the kitchen as she cooked their breakfast. I’d talked to the boys every day while I was away, either through phone calls, Skype or texting. I wanted to get to know them better and I wanted them to know me and it seemed to have worked.

  Still, I worried that they would feel like I was a stranger once I came home. As we neared the kitchen, I steeled myself for whatever their reaction might be. I loved them and if it took them some time to warm up to me or trust me, then I would put the time and effort into making that happen.

  Lachlan must have sensed my nervousness because he reached down and grabbed my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before pushing the door open. Four sets of eyes turned to us and I swallowed thickly. Kerry was the first to respond and she ran toward me and grabbed me in a tight hug as Benjamin placed a plate of pancakes on the table.

  “I’m so glad you’re home. This place just isn’t the same without you,” she said sweetly, and I felt tears pool in my eyes as I hugged her back and breathed in her familiar smell. Kerry was so much more than a cook and a housekeeper, she was family and the closest thing I’d ever had to a mother.

  “I’m glad to be home,” I whispered. She patted my cheek and gave me a knowing look before bustling back over to finish cooking.

  I turned to the boys then who were both seated at the table. Dylan, the older of the two, looked more curious than skeptical as he watched me, his hair falling over into his bright green eyes. He’d gained some weight since I’d been away, making him look less gaunt and giving him a healthy glow. He was a handsome boy and I pitied all the poor boys who would try to gain his attention. Eight-year-old Max grinned up at me, obviously not shy at all and I grinned back. He didn’t move from his seat however, and I lowered myself into a chair, so I wasn’t looming over him. My eyes darted back and forth between the two, soaking them in while I tried to figure out what to say.

  “How long are you here for?” Dylan spoke up, breaking the awkward silence before I could. I looked at Lachlan first and he gave me a supportive smile. I cleared my throat and then turned back to Dylan.

  “We decided to take an extended break. We’ll keep recording albums, but we won’t be touring for at least a couple of years,” I told him. I could hear the blood rushing through my ears over the silence in the room and then I saw the most beautiful grin spread across my son’s face.

  “Cool,” he said nonchalantly and then he grabbed a pancake from the top of the stack and began smothering it in syrup. Seeing his brother’s easy acceptance, Max jumped out of his seat and climbed onto my lap. His jet-black hair and crystal-blue eyes shone as he smiled up at me.

  “We waited to put the decorations on the tree and Benjamin said we couldn’t make the cookies yet,” he informed me.

  “Why is that?” I asked, feeling completely charmed by his dimples.

  “He said we couldn’t do those things until the whole family was here and you’re family, silly,” he said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. My head shot up and I looked directly at the older man who was looking down at the towel in his hands as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.

  “Did you say that, Benji?” I asked.

  “I do not recall my exact words,” he said with a huff, tossing the towel onto the counter and taking a seat with the rest of us at the table. Max scooted off my lap and began to eat as the rest of us passed plates of food around. We all dug in and I caught Benjamin’s eye as Max started to name all the things he had put on his list for S

  “Thank you,” I mouthed. Benjamin gave me a subtle wink and then turned to Dylan, asking what he wanted for Christmas.

  I felt Lachlan’s hand on my leg and I reached down, linking our fingers together as I looked around the table with a huge smile on my face and a heart that was full. It was definitely good to be home.

  It was still dark out when we got home, the sun having yet to make its appearance for the day. Ryan and I had already decided to forgo any unpacking, choosing to head straight to bed instead and get a little more sleep before we had to be at my parents’ house for lunch. We’d slept as much as possible on the flight home, but it was hard to sleep well when we were in recliners instead of a bed and had the sound of Steve’s snoring to wake us up every few minutes. We dropped our bags by the front door and I let out a weary sigh, thankful to be home.

  “Come on, baby. Let’s go to bed,” Ryan said, taking my hand in his and leading me past the pool table and arcade games we had on the lower level of our home and to the stairs that led up to the living area. Ryan had converted his grandfather’s old textile warehouse into a home before I met him and since I’d moved in, we’d made some alterations to make it both of ours.

  There was now a collection of framed gold and platinum albums hanging on the walls in the game room as well as various awards I’d received for my music. The open-floor living space upstairs held framed photos of the two of us and our family members on every available flat surface. A keyboard and my favorite guitar were in the corner of the living room along with stacks of papers that held the notes of songs I’d written in various stages of completion.

  I told Ryan that we should build a soundproof room downstairs, so I wouldn’t disturb him while I worked, but he insisted that he liked being there, watching me as I composed a new song. I had to admit, I preferred having him near too. Not only did he serve as inspiration for my songs, but having him close always settled some restless part inside of me.

  I followed behind him as we made our way upstairs, taking a moment to admire the way Ryan’s jeans hugged his ass. Despite how tired I was, I could feel my cock responding to the way his thighs bunched beneath the denim as he climbed the stairs. Maybe we could muster up enough energy for a quickie before we both fall asleep. I was just getting ready to suggest that when he stopped suddenly at the top of the stairs.

  “What the hell?” he exclaimed.

  “What’s wrong?” I gave him a little nudge and he stepped aside so I could move to stand next to him and my jaw dropped when I saw the condition of our living room.

  Bright, colorful streamers were hung from the middle of the ceiling and draped outward in a tent-like display, and there were helium balloons hanging everywhere in a variety of shapes and sizes. As my eyes traveled around the room, I noticed several unicorns, rainbows, and at least one balloon shaped like a man in a speedo. That wasn’t the end of it though.

  Standing in the middle of the room was the brightest, gaudiest tree I’d ever seen. In fact, it looked more like a Pride float than a Christmas tree. It was lit up with what appeared to be penis-shaped lights and as I stepped closer, I saw it was decorated in every sex toy imaginable. There were cock rings and butt plugs, cock cages and bottles of lube hanging on every single branch. Anal beads were strung throughout the pine needles like garland and perched on the very top, in place of an angel, was a golden Fleshlight.

  We stared silently for several minutes as we took it all in and then we both started to laugh; a small chuckle at first and then growing until we were doubled over and had tears running down our cheeks. When we were finally able to catch our breath, Ryan reached for the card that was placed strategically in the center of the branches.

  “Welcome home. Let the games begin,” he read aloud then turned to me with a questioning look.

  “This has my brothers written all over it,” I stated, looking around to admire their handiwork once again.

  “I figured as much,” Ryan said drolly. “Go on.”

  “Well, as you know, my siblings and I can get a bit competitive,” I began, laughing at the way Ryan arched his brow at me. He knew all too well our competitive nature.

  “When we were kids and were off school for winter break, we’d keep ourselves busy and out of Mom’s hair by creating little competitions. Anything from who could string the most popcorn in under a minute, to who could fit the most Christmas cookies in their mouth at once. I won that last one, by the way,” I added, smiling proudly.

  “Yeah, you did,” Ryan said, giving me a saucy wink.

  “Anyway, as we got older, the competitions became a tradition of sorts. We missed one year when Caleb was in Europe. It just didn’t feel right to do it without him. I wondered if they would want to pick it back up now that everyone will be together this year, but no one had said anything, so I wasn’t sure,” I said with a shrug. Ryan walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. My hands automatically lifted to his hair, running my fingers through his silky strands.

  “It looks like the tradition is going to continue and you have an even better chance of winning now,” Ryan said as his hands moved south of my waist and cupped my ass, kneading it.

  “Oh, yeah? Why is that?” I asked, smiling up at him.

  “Because you have me as a partner,” he stated. I gasped as he suddenly lifted me up in the air and I clung to him, my legs circling his waist as he carried me over to our bed.

  “We are an unstoppable team,” I told him as I laid kisses all over his face. Ryan murmured his agreement then captured my mouth with his in a tantalizing kiss.

  “I think we need to have our own little welcome home party before we go to sleep,” he said, and I let out a laugh as he dropped me onto the bed.

  My laughter soon died however as I took in the molten look in his eyes and I nearly swallowed my tongue as he pulled a set of anal beads out of his pocket. When had he managed to swipe those off the tree without me noticing? Desire blew through me like a raging fire and I wondered how my body hadn’t turned to ash already. We hurried to strip ourselves out of our clothes and then Ryan proceeded to pleasure me until I’d lost track of how many orgasms we’d each had and we both drifted off into a blissful slumber.

  Several hours later, we were showered and dressed and feeling a lot more rested as we drove to my parents’ house. A thick blanket of snow was on the ground and still hadn’t slowed its descent from the sky as it drifted down in big, beautiful flakes, turning the city of Chicago into a winter wonderland. The weatherman had predicted that we would continue to get snow over the next few days, ensuring that we’d be able to enjoy a white Christmas.

  We left the city behind and drove through the suburbs until we reached the more rural area where my parents lived. I smiled as we passed familiar houses and the school where my siblings and I had all gone as kids. I’d been all over the world and met thousands of people along the way, but there was just nothing like coming home, back to the people who knew who I really was and loved me just for being me.

  By the look of all the vehicles in the driveway when we pulled in, we were the last to arrive and we jumped from the car, each of us excited to get inside and see everyone. Ryan met me at the front of the car and we held hands as we walked up the sidewalk and onto the porch.

  We were greeted with the sounds of many voices talking all at once and peals of laughter that I knew belonged to my sisters. Ryan held out his hand and I gave him my coat to hang up as I kicked off my snow-covered shoes. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I waited for Ryan to get his shoes off.

  I’d heard before that the sense of smell was our strongest sense and that it could stir memories faster than any of our other senses. I believed that was true because every time I stepped into my parents’ house, I was flooded with memories. It didn’t matter that my parents had repainted or installed new carpeting throughout the house. These smells had imbedded themselves into the walls, as if the house wanted to hold onto all the love and laughter and good ti
mes that had been shared by the family that had lived there.

  I opened my eyes, brushing off my sentimental musings. I didn’t need to cling to thoughts of my family as I had done on the road—they were there, in the flesh and just on the other side of that door. All conversation stopped as Ryan and I stepped into the kitchen and every head turned to look at us. Then it all turned into a flurry of activity as our family rushed us at once.

  I lost track of Ryan as we were passed around, getting hugged and kissed and welcomed home by each member of the family and then finally, I was standing right in front of Caleb. We stared at each other for several long moments and I could see the tears pooling in his eyes. I opened my arms and he threw himself at me.

  “Bubby,” he whispered, burying his face in my neck.

  “I’m here,” I told him and then we both were crying and holding each other tightly. We were each very different men, with individual personalities and different tastes in everything from clothing to food choices, but at the same time, it was as if we were two parts of the same whole. We could feel what the other was feeling and often shared thoughts, so being separated felt like we’d been missing the other half of ourselves.

  We stepped back, giving a little laugh as we wiped our eyes. The rest of our family was used to it so they’d busied themselves with serving up lunch and setting the table, allowing us a few minutes to ourselves.

  “How long are you home for?” Caleb asked, and I could see the cautious look in his eyes as if he weren’t sure he wanted to hear my answer. I saw several heads pop up, waiting for my response.

  “Indefinitely. We’re all ready for a break, so we’re going to stay home and work on new songs, maybe put out a record or two. We may be here a couple of years before we’re ready to head back out on tour,” I told them. I heard Mom gasp and Caleb’s face split into a wide smile.

  “Are you serious?” he asked excitedly. I smiled back, nodding my head and then I started laughing as I was suddenly engulfed in a group hug.


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