Tattered Hearts: Mail Order Brides of Spring Water Book One
Page 15
The rode in a direction she’d never gone before, and the area was beautiful with clear water creeks, live oak trees and plenty of open land. The climb was gradual and it was a wonder when they arrived at the top. Parker jumped down and was by her side in an instant. His grin was as wide as the whole outdoors, and she eagerly went into his embrace. He held on to her for a moment then took her hand.
“This way.”
They didn’t walk far before they stopped and she swore she could see all of Texas. The sky was so blue, and a lake shimmered in the distance. A lot of cattle dotted the hills. Several groves of trees had been planted in straight rows.
“What type of trees are they?”
“Those are pecan trees. My father planted them the same year we moved here. We take the pecans to the general store, and Anson sells them for me. We ate a lot of pecans the year I got back.”
“It’s spectacular, Parker. Where does your land end?”
He chuckled. “All you see is ours. That’s why when I go and check on the land it can take a few days, depending on what is going on.”
“Now I understand. Thank you for bringing me here. I enjoy spending time with you. Parker, I want to make a real go of our marriage. Will you be able to put Rose Callen behind you? I know she hurt you something terrible, but—”
Parker took her into his arms and kissed her. “Rose is my past, love. You are my future.” He reached into his pocket and he pulled out a ring. “I know I have more courting to do, but I love you and I don’t want there to be any doubt.” He knelt on one knee and held out his hand. In his palm a slender circle of gold glinted in the sunshine. “Georgie will you do the honor of wearing this wedding ring?”
Tears filled her eyes. “Yes, Parker, yes.” She could feel his love as he put the ring on her finger and gazed at her. After he stood, she threw herself into his arms. “I love you too, Parker. And I want children, lots of children.”
“There’s only one way I know to get you with child.” Parker grinned as her face heated. Then he kissed the side of her neck and froze in place, staring beyond her toward some bushes. He automatically pushed her down to the ground and drew his gun.
Fear coursed through her as she followed his gaze and spied the Confederate uniform. Why hadn’t she brought her gun? There was no movement, but she was still frightened as Parker walked closer.
He turned and frowned. “I know where Taggart is now. He’s mostly buried.”
“How did he die?”
“I don’t know, and I don’t care. I’ll have someone move him to a deeper grave away from this spot.” Parker helped her off and dusted her off. “You’re trembling.”
“Old fears I guess. He forever marked me with his whip, and I hate to say this, but I’m glad he’s dead.”
He held her tight. “I confess I’m glad too. I really don’t care who killed him. More than likely it was one of my soldiers. They don’t condone mistreatment of women.”
She lay against him with her ear over his heart, and the steady beat calmed her. “Let’s not let him ruin our day. I like when you court me. Or has that come to an end now because I’m wearing your ring?”
“Georgie, I do believe the best is yet to come.”
Georgie sat on a blanket under a tree. The cooler weather had been a godsend for her. She still didn’t feel all that well in the mornings. Whenever she sat, she instinctively put her hand over her stomach. Which would it be; a boy or a girl? Parker just kept saying as long as the baby was healthy. Men! Couldn’t they make up their minds? She wanted a little boy; one to carry on his daddy’s name and who would grow to help Parker on the ranch.
She glanced around at all the happy faces. It was Founders’ Day, and she had talked Parker into having the festivities on his land. No one wanted it near town and the soldiers. Even the store owner, Anson Stack, was there along with Shelly Kingsman. They had both closed their businesses for the day.
What amazed Georgie the most was the amount of people who came. She didn’t think so many people lived in Spring Water. Parker had been right when he told her most people avoided the town. Everyone she met had been so very nice with a few exceptions. Fanny Chancellor was one. She was still a snob and had dressed in high fashion for the day, but wearing a hooped dress to the picnic hadn’t been such a good idea. Georgie had forgotten just how careful one had to be wearing such a contraption. Sitting was uncomfortable, one tended to hit others with the hoop when walking, and the list went on. Fanny still stared at Parker with yearning. Well, too bad.
The other was Rose Callen. Georgie actually felt sorry for her. The man she’d married instead of Parker had left her as soon as she became pregnant, and after the baby was born, she had returned to Spring Water in disgrace. Rose had the saddest eyes, Georgie had ever seen. Her son was almost one year old and a handful. Rose looked at Parker with such longing in her eyes and the whole town had turned their backs on her.
Whoosh, Rose’s son had fallen into Georgie. Georgie laughed and hugged the boy, talking to him until he calmed. Rose hurried over, her eyes filled with fear.
“Rose, please sit and keep me company. Your son is adorable. What’s his name?”
Rose’s jaw dropped, but she sat down. “Henry, his name is Henry. If I stay and talk to you the rest of the town won’t like it.” Her voice cracked.
“Nonsense. I don’t care what they have to say. It must be hard caring for a son alone. I only say that because Parker and I will be having a child soon enough. Would it be presumptuous if I sent over a basket of food every now and then? I firmly believe that women should help other women. We don’t have many employment opportunities and there are some men who take advantage.”
Rose looked down at the blanket, not saying a word.
“Rose, you must be a sweet woman for Parker to have once loved you. I want to help you, and I’d like to be your friend. As you can see no one else is sitting on my blanket talking to me.”
“I can’t take charity.”
“Rose, put your pride aside for your son’s sake. I’ll come up with some type of plan for you where you can be with Henry without having to be at the mercy of any man. The war left so many women defenseless, and it’s not right. Please say yes.”
“Now what’s this boy’s name?” Parker asked as he picked the child up.
“That is Rose’s son Henry. Isn’t he darling? I was just telling Rose that we want to help her. It’s too hard to be a mother alone.”
Rose stood up. “I don’t want to be a bother, Parker.”
Parker smiled. “Rose, take the help. Henry here has more energy than all three of us together. I wish no ill will. Plus, once Georgie gets an idea, I find it easier to just step aside and let her do it.”
“Thank you, both of you. I will take some help. The Union Soldiers have been…”
“That’s the end of that. Good riddance, I say.”
Rose took Henry from Parker. “Thank you again.” She hurried off.
Parker sat down and put his arm around Georgie. “You have a kind and generous heart.”
Tears filled her eyes. “She’s wearing rags, and she is so thin. Henry could use more food too. She made a foolish choice, but I reaped the benefits. She’ll be just fine.”
“Are those going to be just a few tears or are we going to water the whole prairie?”
“I see your lips twitching, Parker Eastman. It’s just a few tears. Did you win at shooting?”
“No, Walter outshot me.”
“Too bad I couldn’t participate. I would have won.” She chuckled.
“So you think it’s funny do you?” Parker kissed her neck until her face flamed.
“You wait until I get you home!”
Parker grinned. “What did you have in mind?” He leaned over and kissed her tenderly. “We’d have the house to ourselves.”
“Let’s go! Have I told you I love you?” She stroked his cheek.
“Yes let’s go, and I’ll show you just how m
uch I love you.” He stood and helped her up.
Georgie stared out at the crowd with her hand over her unborn child. There had been so many times when she’d thought her and Parker would have to part. But the love in her heart now told her that everything she needed was right here with this special man at her side. Finally their tattered hearts had become whole.
The End
I'm so pleased you chose to read Tattered Hearts, and it's my sincere hope that you enjoyed the story. I would appreciate if you'd consider posting a review. This can help an author tremendously in obtaining a readership. My many thanks. ~ Kathleen
Cinder’s Bride
Shannon McMurphy jolted awake as the stagecoach came to an abrupt stop.
“Asherville, Texas folks!” The driver yelled.
“This is it, Asherville, Texas,” the brown-toothed man sitting across from her announced. He spit once again on the stagecoach floor and leered at her. “Are ya sure ya want to get hitched to Ole John Hardy? I can be your husband if ya like.” He leaned toward her and she quickly turned her head from the fetid smell of his rotting teeth. She wished he wouldn’t speak.
Shannon shuddered, trying not to glance at him. He’d made her uncomfortable with his stare the whole last leg of her trip. Until then there had been other passengers and he’d behaved himself, but now she never wanted to be in his company again. Opening the shade, she looked out the coach window. The bright sun made her eyes squint from the glare.
It didn’t look to be much of a town but beggars couldn’t be choosers, and in this situation, she was definitely the beggar.
The driver opened the door, and Shannon expected to get off first, but the nasty passenger pushed past her and left. Maybe this is what manners are in the West.
The driver extended his hand. She took it and carefully stepped out of the stagecoach. Taking a deep breath, she released his hand and glanced around. Where was Mr. Hardy? He promised to meet the stage, but she saw no one else on the wooden walkway. He was probably delayed at his ranch. Being a successful rancher must be hard work.
The driver put her bag down next to her and she smiled her thanks. “You wouldn’t know—”
“I usually drive straight through Asherville. I have a schedule to keep and can’t stand around jawing. Never had time to meet the folks.” He stroked his black mustache and shrugged. “Someone will be by to pick you up. A man would have to be crazy to leave a pretty gal like you standing out here alone and unescorted.” He climbed back on the coach, grabbed the reins and yelled. “Haw!”
Not one to stand around waiting for something to happen, she grabbed her bag and strode down the boardwalk. There wasn’t much in the town to recommend itself. The biggest building was the saloon followed by the mercantile. On the other side of the street, she saw, a place called Eats and next to it was a barbershop. Somehow, through Mr. Hardy’s letters, she anticipated a booming town, not a sparsely populated wide spot in the road. There was a sign on the bank, which said, closed, and someone had nailed a plank of wood across the door to the sheriff's office.
She plodded to the mercantile hoping they’d know where her intended could be. If nothing else, the store would get her out of the blazing sun. She stopped before entering and slid her hands down her skirt trying in vain to remove some of the dirt and wrinkles. All she'd created was a big puff of dust around her. What she wouldn’t give for a bath, but it would have to wait. Maybe she could ask for a cup of water to wash away some of the grit in her mouth.
The bell dangling above the door rang as she entered the mercantile, and immediately everyone stopped and stared at her. She always believed first impressions mattered greatly but there was no help for it now. Plain and simple, she was covered in dirt. Smiling, she nodded in greeting to the customers.
A tall, well-dressed woman in her thirties patted her dark hair in place. She stepped from behind the counter and headed right for Shannon, putting forth a big, gracious smile. “Welcome. You must be new around here. I’m Edith Mathers, and I'm the proprietor of this fine establishment. Are you and your husband settling in our town?”
“It’s so nice to make your acquaintance. Actually, I’m here to marry John Hardy. Perhaps you could tell me where I might locate him?”
A hush fell over the entire store. As she glanced around, she noted many patrons staring at her with their mouths dropped open.
“Do you think he got tied up at his ranch? If it isn’t far perhaps I could rent a driver and a buggy to get out there?” A few of the customers whispered to each other. Her heart thumped painfully against her ribs as a shiver went up her spine. “Is something wrong?”
Edith took her bag from Shannon and led her to a fine upholstered chair near the window. Edith gestured for her to sit down. “Oh dear, how should I say this?”
Shannon sat in the chair and her shoulders slouched. “Is he dead?”
Patting Shannon’s hand, Edith shook her head. “No, honey, John doesn’t own a ranch. Oh my, what did you say your name was?”
Her stomach knotted and she felt the blood drain from her face. He didn’t own a ranch? He deceived her. “Mrs. Mathers, my name is Shannon. What do you mean? Do you know where he is? I’d like to talk to him.”
“He’s at the saloon. He owns it.”
Shannon jumped up. “Is it alright if I leave my bag with you? It appears I have something to straighten out.”
Edith nodded. “Of course.”
Seeing something akin to pity, she passed by the other customers. She lifted her chin, straightened her back and marched down the walk to the saloon. The scarred, wooden, swinging doors intimidated her. They were imposing as she stood gazing at them trying to gather her courage. A saloon? There had to be a mistake.
The clinking glasses and roars of laughter stopped the moment she stepped through the doors. She didn’t care if they gawked at her, she had to locate Mr. Hardy and get an explanation.
“It’s not often we get a pretty little thing like you entering my place.”
Her heart dropped when she set eyes on the speaker. She studied the rotund man with dirty, greasy, dark hair and the look of the devil in his eyes.
“Are you John Hardy? The John Hardy who proposed marriage to me?” She held her breath wishing for him to say no.
“You must be my Shannon.” He smiled showing the lack of bottom teeth. He stepped in front of her and looked her up and down, his gaze lingering on her breasts. Putting his arm around her waist, he turned so they were both facing the rag tag bunch in the saloon. “What do you think fellas? A new one to add to my little doves?”
The crowd cheered as she tried to loosen his bruising grip. “Now look here, you disgusting liar! You misrepresented yourself. I’m not marrying you or becoming one of your little doves. I’m sure I can find another groom much better than you.” She wrenched free from him.
“Better than me?” he snorted, his voice full of anger.
“Not better than you, I meant someone more suited to me is all.” Glancing out of the corner of her eye, she could tell he wasn’t buying it.
“Are you refusing to marry me?” His body tensed and his eyes narrowed as he grabbed her arm again.
Without thinking, she nodded. The back of his hand flew at her face and sent her crashing into the wall. She stumbled and lunged for the door, but John grabbed her by the hair and led her to the bar pinning the side of her face to the top.
Fear paralyzed her and she couldn't move or breathe as John slid the knife blade across her face. The throbbing pain made her scream as he threw her out the wooden doors and onto the dirty street.
John followed and laughed as she wiped the blood from her split lips. “No one will want you now. You might as well get inside before everyone sees how hideous you are.”
Reaching up she touched her throbbing, painful cheek and felt the blood before she brought her hand in front of her to confirm it. He’d slashed her face with the knife. The pain almost blinded her as spots crowded her eyes, but she held on.
“I’d rather be dead than be with you.” Her voice trembled as she tried to put on a brave front.
John growled and stepped closer. “I can arrange that for you.” His dark eyes flashed at her and she saw such darkness in his eyes, she truly believed him capable of killing.
The world seemed eerily quiet as she pushed herself up from the hard packed dirt, only to fall back down. Her ankle hurt. Tears filled her eyes, as she glanced around. There stood the women from the mercantile, staring, with their eyes full of terror. She’d get no assistance from them.
John Hardy strutted into the street and laughed while he gestured for two of his men to pick her up. “Come on, honey, it’s time for our honeymoon.”
She heard the clomping of hooves and the turn of wagon wheels behind her but the wagon didn’t stop to help her either. By this time, a crowd had gathered and there were men standing with the group of women. She tried to plead for help with her eyes but they glanced away.
Two men grabbed at her to haul her back into the saloon when a loud cocking of a gun erupted from behind.
“Put her down.” A man's voice threatened.
John stepped forward, thrusting out his chest. “Listen, Cinders, this is none of your business. It’d be in your best interest to leave things be.”
The world began to dim and spin, the smell of blood was the last straw. She fainted.
* * *
Shannon heard screams and realized they were her own. Swatting at the closest person to grab ahold of, she tried to sit up.
“Shannon, dear, you need to lay still so Virginia can sew up your face. She has the finest hand around and her stitches are tiny and uniform,” Edith explained as she tried to hold Shannon’s shoulders still.
“Edith, let me sit there. I can hold her down better than you.” She heard the voice of the man from the street. The one who'd cocked his gun.
He sat out of her line of sight and held her shoulders with a powerful, yet not punishing grip.