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Merged With Him (The Merge Series)

Page 9

by Kylie Kent

  “It wouldn’t be VIP without table service. I can drop you off at your place, but I’ll be taking Alyssa home with me.” I leave no room for arguments.

  Lucky for me, Alyssa seems onboard with my plan. “Okay, I will see you twinnies later tonight. And you, get up we’re going. I don’t have all day.”

  Standing up, Alyssa grabs my hand and pulls but she stops suddenly. “Oh wait!” She picks her purse up from the table. “I just need to go pay then we can go.”

  As she’s trying to pull away from me, I stop her and pull her back to my side. “I already paid for the table, let’s go.”

  If I thought she would be grateful for having her and her friends’ meals and drinks paid for, I was wrong. She pulls away from me crossing her arms over her chest, which only makes her breasts look like a fucking offering. I’m finding it hard to look her in her eyes and not stare at them like a creep. Again, I’m struck with the thought, damn she’s cute, which makes me smile. Wrong move again.

  “What the hell are you smiling for GQ? this isn’t funny. I don’t need you to pay for my meals. I have a job you know. I can pay for my own things. Holly? She has a job, she’s a kindergarten teacher. She can pay for her own things too. And Sarah? She’s a make-up artist. She makes money. Funnily, she can pay for her own meals. Reilly,.” she pauses and takes a breath. “well, she’s in between jobs right now, but she’s about to get one. I know it’s happening for her soon. But okay, maybe you can pay for hers.”

  I wait to make sure she’s finished on her little tirade. “Are you finished or is there more?” I unfold her arms and pull her back into me. “I know you have a job, a stable one with stable pay if I remember correctly.” She nod’s her head. “I didn’t pay for your meal and drinks because I don’t think you can. I paid for it because I wanted to do something nice for you. As for paying for your friends? They just happen to benefit from me doing something nice for you.”

  Alyssa doesn’t say anything, but leans her body into mine, I take this as a win. Reilly, I’m pretty sure it’s Reilly, says, “well, I for one am all for anyone paying for me! Until I get that next job that is.”

  Looking over to Sarah, I say, “if you need a ride, let’s go.” I take Alyssa’s hand and lead her out to the car.

  Settling Alyssa into the passenger seat, I walk around and jump in the car, looking back I make sure Sarah has put her own seatbelt on before I pull out. “Here, drink this, sunshine.” She takes the water I hand over but sits on her lap instead of opening it.

  “You’re so pretty Zac. Why are you so damn pretty? I’m gonna go to jail, aren’t I?” she asks so seriously.

  Picking up her hand and joining it with mine, I bring her wrist to my mouth and kiss it before resting our joined hands on my thigh. I like touching her, if I had it my way, I would always be touching some part of her. I haven’t even had her yet and I’m craving her touch this bad, how is it going to be once I finally get her in my bed and naked?

  I’m pulled from my thoughts when Alyssa speaks again, “I really like when you do that, it sends shivers straight through me, but the good kind, not the creepy kind.”

  Looking into the back seat she says to Sarah, “I’m definitely going to jail in the near future, you’ll come visit, right?”

  Sarah laughs and adds, “I’ll probably be your damn cellmate. We’ll have to turn lesbian; they don’t serve cucumbers in jail you know.”

  I have to shake my head to clear my thoughts. All I heard was we’ll have to turn lesbian. Usually the thought of two women would be a major turn on for me, but the thought of Alyssa being with anyone else, even a woman, sends rage through my entire body.

  “Sunshine, you are not going to jail. Whatever you did, I’ll fix it for you. All you have to do is tell me, I can fix it. And Sarah, you can keep your filthy hands off of my woman. Under no circumstance will you be turning her lesbian, jail or no jail. You got me?”

  Both Alyssa and Sarah crack up and laughter fills the car. I could listen to the sound of Alyssa’s laugh forever, it’s like the best played song I’ve ever heard.

  Sarah mumbles, “your woman,” and then bursts out in laughter again.

  This I don’t find funny. “Yes, my woman, my Alyssa, and I don’t share.”

  “Awe, you called her my Alyssa, and this morning she called you her Zac.” Tapping Alyssa on the shoulder and says seriously, “jail is most certainly in your future, my friend.”

  “Alyssa, baby, what the hell have you done that you think you’re going to end up in jail for?” Both woman laugh again, I’m not impressed. All this talk of jail, after what I just did last night. Fuck me, does she know what I did? Does she think whatever I do will come back onto her? The thought that she would be worried about that has me feeling nauseous.

  Alyssa must notice a change in me, squeezing my hand she says, “it’s not what I’ve done yet. It’s what I’m likely to do to all the girls who think they can get to you. Well, they will have to go through me now, because I don’t share and I happen to be a very scrappy fighter. I learnt young.”

  It does not escape my attention that she made a comment about learning how to fight young, or this morning’s comment about taking care of herself since she was five. Now is not the time to bring it up though and I’m feeling relief that she isn’t concerned about my actions coming back to her, not that I would ever fucking let that happen.

  Pulling into the carpark out the front of Alyssa’s townhouse, I open her door for her. “Run in and pack an overnight bag. Or better yet, pack enough for a few days so you won’t have to come back. I’ll wait out here, I’ve got a call I need to make.”

  Alyssa reaches up on her tiptoes and lays a kiss onto my cheek. “Sure thing stud-muffin.” I watch in shock as she grabs Sarah’s arm and they walk into their townhouse together.

  “I’m just going to freshen up real quick,” Alyssa says as she goes into the bathroom and shuts the door.

  I finally have her back in my bedroom, where I’ve wanted her to be since she left it this morning. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I toe my boots and socks off. I take my shirt off and start undoing my belt when the bathroom door opens. I look up and all the breath I had leaves me.

  Thank you god, Jesus, Buddha and whatever other godly divinity sent this angel my way. Standing in the bathroom doorway, Alyssa is wearing matching black lace panties and bra. I can see her nipples through the sheer lace of the bra, her hair cascading down over her shoulder.

  “Holy shit, sunshine, I don’t even know what to say right now.”

  She’s a little shy. She sobered up between leaving the café and arriving here. Looking down she says, “well you could either say you like what you see or you don’t like what you see. I will survive either option.”

  Is she fucking kidding me? “Baby, I love what I’m seeing right now, you are god damn perfect, I couldn’t even dream you up if I tried.” Walking over to her, I grab the back of her head and smash my mouth to hers, devouring and getting high of the taste of her. I think she may just be my new addiction.

  She wraps her arms around my neck, pulling my head down further into hers. Groaning, I pick her up from under her legs and push her against the wall. Alyssa arches and grinds against my cock, I think I might be at risk of coming in my fucking pants if she keeps that up. I kiss down her throat.

  “I want to kiss and lick every inch of your body,” whispering and nipping at her ear. Her moans are getting louder, I need to get her spread out on my bed before this ends too soon. “Bed, I need you on the bed for me baby.” Still holding her, I carry her to the bed and lay her down, falling on top of her, settling between her legs.

  “Zac, I need you inside me. I don’t think I’ve ever needed anything more in my life,” she purrs. Fuck me. How am I meant to perform when I’m ready to come just from hearing her moans and pleas?

  “I plan on burying myself so far inside of you, I plan on ruining you for all time.” Kissing my way down her throat, I sit her up and unclasp her
bra, letting her breasts fall free. Filling both of my hands with a breast each I squeeze her nipples. “Sunshine, you have the most perfect tits.” Dipping down, I pop one into my mouth and suck, while attending to the other one with my fingers.

  Alyssa arches her back up, moaning and pleading, “Zac, oh god, please.”

  I know what she needs, but I want to hear her ask for it. “Please what, baby? What do you need?” I move onto her other breast, sucking, licking, savouring.

  “I need you in me, now damn it.”

  I laugh at how demanding she is.

  Trailing a hand down her flat stomach, I reach my hand into her panties stopping just above her clit. “What part of me do you need inside of you baby? Do you want my fingers, my tongue, my cock?”

  I continue to lick and suck on her nipples, my fingers find their way to her clit, she’s wet. I moan at how wet and responsive she is to me. “You’re so fucking wet, sunshine,” I growl, dipping a finger inside her before pulling it back out and swirling around her clit.

  Her moans are getting louder, she’s arching her back up trying to harden the light friction I’m providing with my fingers. “Please, Zac I need … I need, your fingers, no your cock, mmm no your tongue. Dammit, I want it all.”

  “All you had to do was ask, sunshine,” I leave her breasts and trail my tongue down her stomach. Sitting up, I pull her panties down her legs, spreading her legs wide I settle my shoulders between them, I lay my hands on her thighs holding them open.

  “I have been dreaming about tasting you since I first saw you, I bet you’re sweet like sugar, do you taste sweet, sunshine?” I ask as I kiss up and down the inside of her thighs. I can see her arousal, I can smell her arousal, and soon enough I will taste her arousal. I growl at the thought.

  “Well how about you stop talking about it and find out for yourself,” she demands breathlessly.

  Laughing I do just that, I swipe my tongue from the bottom of her slit up to the top, slowly.

  “Oh god, that’s so good.” I can tell she’s on the brink, I want to ride this out for as long as I can, but I also just really want to see her fucking come.

  I go in hard, licking and sucking like my life depends on it, she’s squirming underneath me, moaning out my name. I feel like I’m drunk on the smell and taste of her.

  “God dammit, you’re so fucking tight, I can’t wait to feel your pussy choking my cock as you come.” I feel her tighten around my fingers, it seems she likes the dirty talk. Good. Pumping my fingers in and out, I curve them inside of her until I find the spot I know will send her wild. Circling my tongue around her engorged clit, I lick and suck.

  I feel her whole body tense, her pussy squeezing the fuck out of my fingers as she screams out, “oh god! Zac! Oh my god!”

  I continue pumping my fingers and licking until she comes down. “That was the most beautiful thing I’ve seen,” I tell her as I stand up and remove my jeans, finally giving my cock the freedom he’s been seeking. Reaching into the bedside table I find a condom and rip it open. I don’t waste time getting it on before I settle between her legs, she’s barley come down from the orgasm she just had as I push the tip inside her.

  I can’t think of a better feeling, slowly pushing inside. “I think this is what heaven must feel like,” I say, kissing her as I slowly glide my cock further into her.

  Once I’m buried to the hilt, I feel her tense. I stop moving, gritting my teeth. It takes everything in me not to fuck the fuck out of her right now. “You’re so fucking tight, this pussy was made for me.”

  Once I feel her muscles loosen, I start to move in and out. She feels so fucking good. I don’t think I’m going to last long. Reaching down between our bodies, I circle a finger around her clit. “I need you to come again, you feel so fucking good on my cock, sunshine.”

  Pumping in and out of her faster and harder, she matches my movements thrust for thrust. “Zac, don’t stop. Oh god, don’t fucking stop,” she screams out.

  Leaning down, I whisper in her ear, “I’m never going to stop fucking you. There will always be tomorrow for us.”

  Her pussy walls tighten and strangle my cock, she tips her head back screaming my name. This moment, as she comes on my cock for the first time, will be burned in my memory as the best fucking day of my life.

  I can feel the tingling sensation up my spine, my balls tighten as I pump into her roughly until I come undone. I come hard as I continue to pump into claiming her as mine.

  “Alyssa. You. Are. Fucking. Mine.” Catching my weight as I fall on top of her, I roll to the side, landing next to her. We both lay there breathing heavily, basking in the orgasm afterglow, catching our breath.

  “That was … oh god I don’t even know what that was. What the hell was that, Zac?” Alyssa rolls her head, meeting my eyes.

  “That, sunshine, was fucking perfection. You are perfection.” She chews on her bottom lip. I’ve noticed she does this when she’s thinking. “Hold that thought, don’t move.” I go into the bathroom and dispose of the condom, wetting a washcloth before I go back out to find Alyssa right where I left her. Standing above her I spread her legs open and use the cloth to clean between her legs.

  She stares at me. “What the hell are you doing?” She looks mortified, but I don’t fucking care.

  “I’m wiping your pussy. Correction, I’m wiping my fucking pussy.” My face is deadpan.

  “I can take care of that myself, just give me a few minutes for my legs to not feel like Jello,” she says, trying to shut her legs on me.

  Not going to fucking happen, ever.

  “I take care of what’s mine, and sunshine, this pussy,” I cup my hand over her pussy, “is mine.”

  Throwing the washcloth in the laundry basket, I climb back into bed and pull Alyssa into me.

  As I pull the blankets up covering us, she looks up at me. “When I have more energy, we will revisit this concept of you thinking you have a proprietorship of my anatomy.”

  I don’t bother arguing that I intend to own every inch of her, instead I kiss her forehead. “Go to sleep, we can discuss who owns what after we wake up.”

  Just as I think she’s asleep she whispers, “Zac?”

  “Yeah?” My voice is just as quiet.

  Alyssa keeps her head down. “I’m scared of what this is.” She’s quiet and as I’m thinking of what to say to reassure her, she continues, “of what’s happening between you and me.”

  Well fuck me, I never would have believed you if you told me I’d feel like this for one woman, that I would give anything and everything for just one more tomorrow with her if that’s all I could have.

  “Sunshine, I’m scared too. But not of what’s happening between you and me, because whatever it is, it’s already happened. There’s no use fighting it.” Pausing, I lay kisses on the top of her head before confessing my real fear to her. “What I’m scared of is what will happen if I don’t have a tomorrow with you. If something happened or if I fucked this up and make you realise you could do one hundred times better. Not having you, that’s what I’m scared of.”

  Alyssa picks her head up and kisses my chest, right where my heart lays. “I’ll be here for as many tomorrows as you want me to be,” she says before laying her head back down. That’s how we drift off to sleep.

  Chapter Nine


  I wake to the feel of kisses being run down my face, down my neck and back up again. Smiling, I can tell who is responsible for those kisses by his scent alone. Breathing in deeply, I inhale that woodsy and citrus scent. Wait, inhaling through my nose again, there is another scent that registers to my brain, coffee.

  “I smell coffee,” I mumble with my eyes still closed. “Please tell me I’m not dreaming and there is coffee in my near future.”

  I can feel the vibration of Zac's chuckle. “Time to wake up, sunshine. Yes, I have a vanilla latte ready and waiting.” Well, that does it.

  My eyes pop open and I’m greeted by a vision that has me
believing I must still be dreaming. Zac, shirtless, all those tanned muscles on display right in front of me, all within reaching distance. Even better, okay maybe not better but definitely equal to, he’s holding out a coffee cup.

  “I honestly don’t know what I want to reach for more, you or the coffee.” I smile, taking the coffee cup and bringing it straight to my mouth. At the perfect taste of the vanilla coffee concoction I moan, “mmm, this is worth being woken up for.”

  “So, I lose out to coffee? Well, if that isn’t a blow to the ego, I don’t know what is.” Zac is pouting. It’s cute.

  Taking my time, I take a huge gulp of coffee, slowly put the cup down onto the bedside table, and then I’m on him. Reaching up, I grab his head pulling it closer to meet mine. He doesn’t put up any struggle.

  Smashing my lips to his, I kiss him like it’s the first and last kiss, like his lips provide the elements I need to continue breathing. I try to pour everything I’m feeling into the kiss. He doesn’t let me down, returning my fever with a frantic of his own, taking control as he tilts my head and caresses my mouth with his tongue. By the time we pull apart, I’m breathless and I can feel my lips are kiss swollen.

  “It was a really, really hard choice, you came a very close second to the coffee, but it’s a vanilla latte.” Picking up the coffee cup, I inhale the aroma before sipping at it.

  Zac shakes his head, trailing his hand up and down my leg. “I’ll just have to work on it a bit more. There are things I could do that would give you a much better wake up than that sugary syrup you like to call coffee.”

  I highly doubt it, but I’m not about to stop him from trying. “Well hot stuff, why don’t you give it your best shot and I’ll let you know how you rate.” I slowly pull the blanket down to reveal the top of my breasts, stopping just before my nipples are uncovered.


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