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Merged With Him (The Merge Series)

Page 10

by Kylie Kent

  “As much as it kills me right now to say this, we don’t have time. You have plans with your friends, and honestly, I’m a little scared of what those women will do to my club if I don’t get you there.” The whole time he’s speaking to my breasts, his eye’s fixated on the mounds.

  Trying to entice him to forget the plans, I let the blanket drop completely to my waist and with as much innocence I can put into my voice I say, “well, if you’re sure there’s no time …” I leave the sentence hanging.

  Zac licks his lips, brings his eyes up to meet mine with a hardened stare. “That’s not fair. How am I meant to walk away from an offering like that?”

  He reaches his hands out and grabs hold of my breasts, one in each hand squeezing a few times. I arch my back up towards him, moaning a little, how can his touch effect me so easily. Pulling away and standing up he smirks that panty melting smirk.

  “You know what, I think I will wait to ravish this body when we get home. I didn’t do it enough justice this afternoon, but tonight, I plan on rectifying that. Get ready, we need to leave in an hour,” he demands, walking out the bedroom door.

  Taking one last look in the mirror, I decide it will have to do. I’m wearing a gold sequin mini dress; thin spaghetti straps cross over at the back down to my waist leaving the top half of my back exposed. The dress is loose fitting. The fabric dips down between my breasts, making them look like their being hugged. It’s short, much shorter than anything I would normally wear.

  Sarah threw the dress at me as I was packing a bag earlier today and said, “if you don’t wear it, I will comment on your lover boy’s endearing qualities all night long.”

  So, instead of being tempted to kill my best friend by pure unjustified jealously fuelled rage, I’m wearing the damn dress, paired with a pair of gold strappy heels. I’ve left my hair down in waves and attempted to give myself a subtle smoky eye paired with bright red lips. Being best friends with a make-up artist has its perks, you pick up a thing or two over the years.

  Coming to terms with the fact that I can’t hide out in Zac’s bathroom anymore, I take a deep breath in attempt to calm my nerves. Why I’m nervous I have absolutely no freaking idea. Well, it could be anxiety about what Zac’s reaction to the dress will be, he’s either going to hate it or love it. I remind myself on the walk down the hallway out to the living room that it doesn’t matter either way. I dress for me, not for the approval of any man.

  Stepping into the living room I search for Zac, he’s nowhere to be seen. Dean and Bray, however, are both lounging on the sofas with a drink in their hands. My heels click on the floor as I step further into the room, their heads snap up and around in my direction.

  “Holy fucking shit,” Bray says, shaking his head at me.

  Well okay then, not really sure what to make of that statement. Before I censure up a response, Dean speaks up, “I’m guessing Zac hasn’t seen her yet, this is going to be fun.” He rubs his hands together and smiles wide.

  “I don’t recall burying bodies ever being fun Dean, but I guess it might be worth it to see Zac lose a bit of that always calm and in control demeanour.”

  Having no idea what the hell they're talking about, I walk over to the floor to ceiling windows I didn’t notice when I was in this room yesterday. The view here is breathtaking, I can see the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the city lights twinkling like fairy lights.

  “This view is breathtaking,” I say, still mesmerised by the city lights.

  I hear a throat clear. “I agree, the view is breathtaking.”

  Spinning around I see Zac, his eyes travel up my body from my feet and by the time his eyes meet mine they are wide open; a mixture of shock and arousal crossing his face.

  “Holy fucking shit,” Zac grunts out.

  “Yep, that’s what I said.” Bray smirks at me, I can feel the shades of red creeping up my neck.

  Tilting my head, I inspect Bray closer, he’s good looking for sure; big with obvious muscle on top of muscle. Wearing black jeans and a grey t-shirt, I can see tattoos covering both of his arms. He has bad boy heartbreaker written all over him. No matter how good looking he is, he just doesn’t do it for me. Nothing. Zilch. Not even a flicker of an ember.

  When I look at Zac though, who is wearing a very well fitted navy suit with a white dress shirt. He has a dark navy stripped tie hanging loose around his neck. Forget about an ember. Getting my fill of Zac starts a bonfire within me, my panties instantly wet.

  Zac walks up to Bray and slaps him across the head. “Get your greedy fucking eyes off of her.”

  Dean and Bray both laugh as Zac continues to move until he stops directly in front of me, effectively blocking their view of me.

  “Sunshine, please tell me there is more of this dress you left back in the bedroom.” His fingers trial along the hem of the dress on my upper thigh.

  Squinting my eyes at him, I take a step back, crossing my arms and ask, “what’s wrong with my dress Zac?”

  “Nothing, I love the dress, you look stunning baby. What I don’t like is that every other asshole in a ten-mile radius will have their eyes glued to you, and I’m probably going to have to get dumbo one and dumbo two over there to bury a few bodies before the end of the night.”

  “I said that too,” Bray laughs.

  I angle my head around Zac’s body and glare at him, raising my eyebrows. He holds his hands up in a surrender motion. Taking the win, I set my glare back to Zac.

  “You have two choices and I strongly recommend you choose wisely. One,” I hold up a finger, “you can step into the year 2020. You know, where men don’t actually get to tell women what they can and can’t wear out in public? And when you’ve come to your senses, you can take me to your club to meet my friends. I might even let you stick around even though it’s girls’ night.” I pause and Zac grits his teeth, jaw locked. Oh boy, he is not happy with that option.

  Continuing, I hold up a second finger. “Two, you can go and do whatever it is you would normally do on a Sunday night, I will call an Uber and make my own way to your club and have a great time with my friends, without you.”

  “Damn bro, didn’t see that one coming. I thought she was a quiet little timid thing, but kittens got claws.” Bray laughs, coming up to me to wrap an arm around my shoulder. I look up at Zac and see him fuming. Imagine a cartoon character with smoke coming out of its ears, that’s Zac right now, only no smoke.

  “I approve by the way Lyssa, and if this douche chooses option two, I will be more than happy to give you a ride to the club.” Bray smirks down at me in what I’m guessing is a smirk that would melt the panties right off of a lot of girls.

  Zac actually growls, full on, out loud growls, like a bloody grizzly bear. “Because you’re my brother, and you happen to make me a shitload of money with that arm, I’m going to give you five seconds to remove it off of my woman before I fucking break it,” he grits out.

  Bray immediately removes his arm and steps a whole two steps away from me. Huh, maybe he thinks Zac would really break his arm. I doubt he would, but it’s not worth testing the theory right now.

  Thinking back on what Zac said, I question the both of them, “what do you mean he makes you a lot of money with that arm?” I have no idea what Bray does, other than live to get a rise out of his brother.

  Zac looks at Bray before giving a non-answer. “I’ll tell you later.”

  Bray raises his eyebrows in shock shaking his head. He picks up keys from the coffee table throwing them at Zac. As Zac catches them Bray smiles and says, “the McLaren’s back from detailers. You know, I never could figure out how you managed to get chocolate muffin crumbs all over the car when you’ve never so much as had water in the car and you don’t even like chocolate.” He looks directly in my direction before adding, “I think I get it now.”

  My mouth hangs open and I look at Zac questioningly, I thought he was joking about the car being at the cleaners. Instead of answering, he grabs my hand and starts pulling me to
ward the door.

  Just as we’re all about to get in the elevator I ask, “is Ella coming tonight?”

  All three men, all at the same time, say, “not a fucking chance.”

  “Huh, you know it’s cute how you all can finish each other’s sentences like that.” I smile innocently stepping in, turning around I’m greeted with three very intimidating scowls; but for some reason, I’ve never felt safer.

  Sitting in the passenger seat of the Batmobile, the guilt of making such a mess that Zac had to have his car detailed plays on my mind. “You know, I can pay you for whatever cost you had to pay to clean the car.”

  I look over to Zac, he’s looking back at me with his brows creased. “What are you talking about?”

  Rolling my eyes at him, I respond, “it was me that put chocolate muffin crumbs everywhere. If it’s true you don’t eat in your car, why the hell would you give me, probably the messiest eater on the continent, a bloody muffin to eat in here?”

  Bringing my hand up to his mouth, he kisses the inside of my wrist. I can’t help but melt a little at the action and he knows it.

  “Sunshine, I eat in the car. I just don’t let Bray or anyone else eat in the car. I happen to love this car way more than him.”

  Zac looks across to me, his eye’s drifting down to my legs where my dress has ridden up high on my thighs, before looking back at the road. “Please, tell me you are wearing underwear under that shirt your wearing as a dress,” he groans.

  “So, you let me eat in the fancy ass Batmobile but not your brother. You know that’s crazy, what if I stained the carpet or got crumbs stuck in crevices you’ll never get them out of?” Staring at him expectantly, I wait for an actual answer.

  “It just so happens I like you, way more than I like this car, so you eating is more important to me than having a clean car.” Squeezing my hand he looks over at me. “Now answer my question, you are wearing underwear under that dress, right?”

  All I heard out of that was I like you more than I like this car and I swoon, this is a really freaking nice car. Wondering how much information to give him about the underwear that I’m wearing, I give the best innocent smile I can muster.

  “Umm, underwear?” I question.

  “I swear to everything holy, sunshine, if you tell me you’re not wearing underwear, I’m turning the damn car around and taking you home and handcuffing you to the fucking bed.”

  Well okay then, I was not expecting that reaction. The mention of handcuffs and what little underwear I’m wearing is becoming very wet.

  “Of course I’m wearing underwear Zac.” Smiling at him I decide to tell him exactly what kind of underwear. “I happen to be wearing a lacy white thong under this dress.”

  The car swerves to the side of the road, skidding to a stop. I don’t even have time to think what’s happening before Zac’s tormented gaze is searing into me.

  “Are you fucking kidding me right now? Your ass is uncovered? You bend over and every fucker around is going to see your ass.”

  “Well, I don’t plan on bending over Zac, and just so you know, I’ve been wearing dresses for a while now. You know considering I am a girl, and a girl who likes dresses. I know how not to show my ass to everyone when wearing one. It’s a skill really, a talent some might say.”

  Just as he’s about to say something his phone rings over the Bluetooth of the car announcing that the caller is Bray. “What?” Zac grunts out.

  “What the fuck did you stop for? I’ve got plans, some of us actually want to get to the club before it fucking closes,” Bray yells back. Looking in the review mirror, I see the range rover behind us; Dean driving and Bray in the passenger seat.

  “Oh, I can answer this one sweetie.” I turn on my sugary sweet voice and smile at Zac, who by the way is now frowning at me.

  “Oh, this is gonna be good,” I hear Dean mumble.

  “Bray, it’s my fault. Obviously I should have waited until we got to the club before describing what kind of underwear I’m wearing.” Laughing a little to myself, I stop when I notice that no one else is laughing.

  Zac looks like he’s about to burst a blood vessel in his forehead, and Dean and Bray are so damn quiet I thought they were disconnected until I hear Bray’s voice again, “Lyssa, don’t take this the wrong way, because I like you, like really fucking like you. But could you maybe wait until you provide me with a nephew before you give my brother a heart attack? Because I’m really fucking great uncle material. Uncle Bray has a ring to it don’t you think?”

  At the mention of kids, I can feel the panic overtake me. My skin feels clammy, I’m nauseous. I need air, I need … oh god I can’t breathe in here, I need to get out of this fucking car. Searching around the car I look for a way out, a way to wind the damn window down, something. Zac notices my distress and grabs my arms, stopping me in my place.

  “Bray, we’ll meet you at the club.” Disconnecting the connection, he doesn’t wait for a response.

  “Sunshine, breathe, you’re okay.” Although his voice is soft, I can hear the worry in it. “Alyssa, baby, breathe with me okay, in … out … in … out.”

  He brings his face right up close to mine, his lips just shy of touching mine, I can feel his breath on my lips, breathing in deep as I inhale his scent.

  “That’s it baby, just keep breathing with me. You’re okay, I’ve got you, I’m never going to let anything happen to you.” His voice is soothing, and he’s rubbing his hands up and down my arms, I can feel myself relax, and with that comes the embarrassment. I can’t believe I just had a panic attack in front of Zac, surely now he will see just how broken I am.

  Attempting to turn my head so he can’t see my shame, I’m stopped as his hands cup my face. “Sunshine, you never need to be embarrassed in front of me, ever.”

  He’s so sincere, I can’t take it, my eyes well up and before I can stop it I feel a tear drop down my cheeks. Zac uses his thumb to swipe it away.

  “I’m gonna fucking kill him,” he mumbles.

  Confused and wanting the focus off me I ask, “who?”

  “My fucking idiot brother, whatever he said made you panic and cry”

  Shit, I don’t want to cause issues with his family.

  “It’s not Bray’s fault, and I’m sorry. Sometimes I have panic attacks. I can’t predict when they’re going to happen, they don’t happen often though, this is the first one in over a year.”

  Shaking his head, he leans in and kisses my lips ever so lightly. “I’m still going to rip him apart,” he pauses and then asks, “what did he say that caused the panic? And don’t try to tell me it wasn’t him, I know it’s something he said.”

  Not really having any other option, I go for the truth and if it makes him want to run far, far away from me, well I will survive, I think.

  “He wants to be an uncle,” I say looking down at my fingers.

  “Why would Bray wanting to be an uncle make you panic?” he asks, he’s patient and waits for me to answer.

  “Because, well, because I don’t think I can give you that. I don’t think I want to have kids and if I can’t give you that, you’ll want to find someone else who will. I can’t … I can’t …” Shaking my head, I feel another tear escape, Zac swipes it away and kisses my lips again in an ever so light touch of his lips.

  “Alyssa, Bray’s a fucking idiot. That’s all there is to it, He was joking, okay? But it doesn’t matter anyway, do you know why?” he asks, I shake my head no in answer. “It doesn’t matter, because I couldn’t give two fucks if Bray wants to be a fucking uncle. I have raised Ella and Bray since our parents died when she was only thirteen, I’d do anything for them. But, I don’t need to have kids of my own. If we have kids, that’s up to us to decide, not anyone else. I don’t want kids if it means not having you, there is nothing you can say that is going to make me want to look for anyone else, okay?”

  “Okay,” I agree, not sure if I believe myself.

  “Do you still want to go to the
club? I can and will take you home if you want, or anywhere else you want to go.”

  Reaching up and kissing his lips, I say, “I don’t know how I got so lucky to have you, but I’m not giving you back so I hope you realise you’re stuck now. Yes, I want to go to the club, let’s go.”

  Zac pulls the car back out onto the road, picking my hand up and kissing my wrist he says, “there’s no one else I’d want to be stuck to.”

  Chapter Ten


  Sitting in my office attempting to get an hour’s work done while Alyssa is on the VIP floor of the club, wearing that fucking dress, a dress I plan on fucking burning as soon as it hits my bedroom floor tonight, is pure torture. I don’t know what I was thinking, I don’t think I’ve done anything productive since I came in here forty-five minutes ago.

  My eyes drift to the flat screen on the wall where I am viewing the security footage of the very floor Alyssa is on. I can’t help but watch her, she’s mesmerising. Not that she realises how god damn beautiful she is. I’ve watched many men attempt to get close to her in the short time I’ve been up here, each time being intercepted by either Dean or James.

  Before leaving Alyssa with her friends, I made sure James was the only bartender serving her table. I may have threatened his job if anything happened to her or if any mother fucker got too close to her. It appears his job is safe with how well he runs interference on all the motherfuckers with a god damn death wish wanting to get closer to my woman.

  I was prepared to break my own brother’s bloody arm when I saw him with that arm around her. I don’t know what’s happening to me, I’ve never been so irrational before, never been so infatuated with a woman before that it feels like I can’t breathe properly unless I’m with her.

  When she had that panic attack in the car tonight, my heart felt like it was being ripped to shreds. I’ve never wanted to hold anybody together so badly; I would have done anything to take her fear away. It would be so easy for me to have Dean run a background check on her, find out all the secrets she holds and what the fuck happened to her to cause such fear.


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