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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

Page 12

by L M Lacee

  Confused, Peyton asked. ‘What now?’

  ‘Little pies and tarts.’ Helen explained as Peyton frowned, saying. ‘Why did they not just say that?’

  Darby frowned as well as she hissed. ‘They like screwing with us.’

  ‘Seriously Darby.’ Esther growled to the delight of the children while Rata and Rita looked on and smiled.

  Peyton frowned harder at the children and they all giggled as she said in her sternest voice. ‘Knew it, so naughty.’

  Darby demanded of Esther. ‘Tell me it is not so?’

  ‘It is not so.’ Esther replied dutifully.

  ‘You know nothing.’ Darby scoffed at her. Esther laughed with the children, causing Peyton and Darby to grin.

  Avana mind-sent to Peyton, Greetings Peyton.

  Greetings Avana.

  I talked to Rayvan, I think it was a vision of some sort.

  That does not sound good.


  What did you find out?

  Not much, it seems he saw Hope frightened and crying and he had a sense of loss.

  Shoot, that’s what I got as well. Okay, so we will let everyone know tomorrow at the morn meeting. Can you take care of that?

  Yes, of course.

  After second-meal, Carrick arrived with Kate to take the children swimming, giving Esther an hour or two for herself.

  Peyton, Darby and Nina sat around the table as the other ladies moved together and talked babies and shopping for said babies. Kenera was heard offering advice about being a first time mother, which they greedily soaked up.

  It was nice, Peyton thought, to sit for a while and just talk about non-important stuff.

  A short time later talk eventually turned to menus and meal times as well as staff. No one touched on Willian and Peneria’s report or how no one had seen Harm and Fox along with several units of Warriors all morn. Or the fact Rage and Rave were missing from Peyton’s side.


  An alarm sounded just as Brenda stepped off the lift, startled she asked Erin. ‘Good stars, what was that for?’

  Before she could reply Jax said. Commander Hawk is back with all the Menturians.

  ‘Miko?’ Brenda asked worriedly.

  She is unharmed.

  ‘Good.’ With a wave to Erin she stepped back onto the lift and said. ‘Jax did anything happen that I need to know about?’

  It appears Miko has discovered her mate.

  ‘Oh my, does Peyton know?’

  No, I have not informed her yet.

  ‘Is it one of the Menturians?’

  No, it is Captain Hue.

  Brenda was sure he was laughing. ‘Why are you laughing?’

  Apparently when he collapsed into his mating coma. Netta saw it happening and cried Timber. I have just looked up the reference, it is very amusing.

  Brenda laughed. ‘That it is, did he hurt anyone or himself?’

  Thankfully, Netta’s call was signal enough. It seems Miko was not amused and growled at the Warriors when they did not call for Dinas fast enough. She has the mouth on her, so Jorge says.

  ‘Really, our Miko!’

  Perhaps it is the mating call that causes it.

  ‘Could be, where are they being taken to?’

  Medical, all the Menturians need attention.

  ‘I will inform Peyton.’

  Thank you.

  She stepped off the lift and ran into Rose. ‘Rose they are back dearle.’

  Concerned, she asked. ‘Miko is well?’


  ‘Thank the stars.’ She looked at Brenda and saw the humor lingering in her eyes. ‘What has amused you Lady Brenda?’

  ‘Miko has found her mate.’

  Rose opened and closed her mouth twice before she said. ‘Oh… oh dearle. I am not sure what to say. Oh, yes I am, you will have to tell Frand.’

  They grinned at each other, then Brenda told her. ‘I think we can do better than that. We will have Peyton tell him.’

  Rose laughed. ‘Oh my, that should be amusing. Who is her mate?’

  ‘Captain Hue, he is in Peyton’s guard.’

  Rose blinked several times before exclaiming. ‘Good stars, I know him.’

  Brenda nodded. ‘He is a very worthy male.’

  Rose’s expression softened as she agreed. ‘He is, and I am pleased. He will care for Miko’s heart.’

  Brenda agreed, then said. ‘I am going to inform Peyton now.’

  Grinning, Rose told her. ‘I will come too.’

  They walked into the restaurant and stopped at the table where Peyton was still sitting.

  Peyton asked. ‘Greetings, do you want tea?’

  ‘No thank you dearle.’ Brenda answered. ‘We just came to say the team is back. Everyone is well. Jax said they will be going to medical first. They all, including Lord Bendrix, need some form of treatment.’

  ‘That is good, Heather and Patty are ready for them.’ Peyton eyed her. ‘There is something else, what have you not told me?’ She took a breath and her voice notched up a little.

  ‘What happened, was Miko hurt? Did they lose Hawk? Reeve fell over and knocked down buildings. Dearle stars, Netta pulled her knives and I have to make apologizes already.’

  Laughing so hard she could barely catch her breath, Brenda shook her head as Rose spluttered and fell into a vacant chair.

  Reentering the restaurant, Nina cried out as she held her stomach. ‘Stop… Peyton… please!’

  Darby sighed as she muttered. ‘You are such a drama queen.’

  Peyton affected a superior tone as she stated. ‘I resent that.’

  ‘So are and stop saying things like that about my Reeve.’

  ‘Ladies please.’ Helen reprimanded them both.

  ‘Sorry Ma’am.’ They said together.

  Brenda finally said. ‘It was none of those things. Miko has found her mate.’

  Peyton blinked four times before she asked. ‘Who?’


  Peyton blinked again twice as she thought about the male and Miko. ‘Oh… that is so… yeah, I see.’ She said, her voice going soft. ‘Well, isn’t that wonderful, Darby, you like him?’

  ‘I do, what is his surname?’

  ‘It is Artton. Hue Artton.’

  ‘Rose, are you pleased?’ Nina asked the quiet female.

  She said again. ‘Yes, he will look after Miko’s heart.’ She looked at Peyton and then hesitantly said. ‘Sadly, I can see some complications with their mating.’

  Before anyone could object to what she said, Brenda hurriedly interrupted. ‘Perhaps Peyton, you could attend to them for the happy couple.’

  Peyton instantly agreed. ‘What is it, you know I will do anything for love.’ Outrage colored her tone as she snarled. ‘Hold on a min who has a problem with my Miko and Hue mating?’

  Rose said. ‘Frand.’

  ‘Oh... oh, the brother thing. I am so not telling him.’ Peyton stubbornly said with a definite shake of her head. ‘No… no way.’

  Rose stated. ‘You have too. He can be so… so unreasonable at times.’

  Peyton shook her head. ‘No!’

  Helen looked around. ‘If you are not going to tell him. Perhaps we can get a male to do it.’

  Peyton quickly volunteered. ‘I vote for Reeve.’

  Darby disagreed. ‘Good stars that would be a disaster. I love my mate, but tact is not one of his strong points. No, I vote for Marlo.’

  ‘Ooh, good choice.’ Peyton and Nina agreed together.

  ‘For what ladies?’ Frand asked as he and Waseo walked in. They sat at an empty table and helped themselves to tea and sandwiches a bot delivered to their table.

  Peyton nudged Darby, who nudged Nina, who nudged Rose, who shook her head saying. ‘Nope… no way, not doing it.’

  ‘What is it?’ Waseo asked Brenda.

  ‘Ahhh!’ was her only reply.

  Finally Helen said scornfully. ‘Really, you are all pathetic.’ She looked at Frand and said ‘Dearle, M
iko has found her mate.’

  With his cup half way to his mouth, Frand seemed to still. Then he looked at each of the females, to make sure he was not being made fun of. When every one of them nodded in agreement with Helen, he placed his cup back on the table as his eyes sharpened.

  Riim sitting beside him instantly went into combat mode, feeling his bondmates mood change. Frand stroked his ears to ease him as his eyes found Rose and his voice became deeper as he asked. ‘Sister, is this so?’

  With her eyes wide she bit her bottom lip and nodded, saying. ‘It is brother.’

  ‘I see, and who is this male that thinks he is worthy of my baby sister?’

  Peyton whispered. ‘Oh wow, he said baby.’

  ‘Never a good sign, as an older sister, I can tell you that.’ Nina whispered back.

  Darby asked. ‘Why?’

  Nina lowered her voice more as she explained. ‘Means he is ready to smack someone down.’ At Darby’s blank look she said. ‘Show him the mat.’

  Peyton muttered. ‘Well, he will have to wait for the mating coma to finish.’

  Frand looked over at the three females. ‘I will wait. Now why do you not tell me, who he is?’

  Rose said with a superior smirk only sisters had for brothers, especially when they considered their brother was being unreasonable. ‘It is Captain Hue Artton.’

  Frand’s entire body ceased to move. Darby peered closer at him then asked Rose. ‘Did you break your brother?’

  Brenda asked. ‘Is he still breathing?’

  Peyton asked worriedly. ‘Sure he is. Frand hon, you are breathing right?’

  He swallowed and then clasped his hand over his chest as he said. ‘I will die sweet Peyton, remember me well.’

  Darby asked. ‘What is he talking about?’

  Helen sniffed and said. ‘Seriously, the drama.’

  The females all burst out laughing as Frand protested he was to die but he would die in a manly way. Waseo promised to give him a funeral fit for a brother killed by his sister’s mate.


  Eventually, Peyton and Darby left the others and the dramatic Frand to visit the medical level. Netta met them at the door.

  Peyton hugged her. ‘Greetings, how are you?’

  Netta returned the hug and grinned. ‘Greetings, I am well.’

  Darby told her. ‘Helen told Frand about Miko.’

  Netta’s eyebrows rose as she asked. ‘How did he take it?’

  Darby replied with an eye roll. ‘As you would expect with lots of drama.’

  Peyton asked. ‘So how did it go?’

  Netta shrugged. ‘Easy, we made enough noise for everyone to see and hear us, so no problems with that. Apparently we were followed to the Hutell and then back by some Coalition agents.’

  Peyton raised her eyebrows. ‘Now isn’t that interesting. Darby let’s start employing your bugs.’


  Netta told them. ‘You would have been so proud of Miko, she reamed the Hutell owner up one side and down the other. And on top of that, she refused to pay what he demanded and paid only a quarter of what he asked for. Then she told him if he had problems to take it up with the Star Daughter. She was amazing, absolutely amazing.’

  Peyton and Darby smiled like proud parents as Peyton assured her. ‘I knew she would be, I never worried once.’

  Darby mouthed liar to Netta, who hid her smile as she told them. ‘We have forty-one Menturians, sixteen of which are females who appear to be aged between twenty-five and forty. The rest are males of varying ages, all are in need of medical treatment. Heather says they are mostly suffering from poor diet and lack of exercise.’

  Peyton looked over the people in the room and noticed that in one way or another they all resembled Bendrix. She asked Netta. ‘Who is the older male?’

  ‘Jerthem Theruu, he is Bendrix’s manservant.’

  Her eyes sharpened as she turned back to Netta and asked. ‘You do not believe this?’

  ‘No, except for Bendrix, he is deferred to by all the others.’

  ‘You have not asked your soon to be mate?’

  ‘No, we have not spoken since we left the Hutell.’

  ‘So your best guess would be he is like our Hawk?’

  Netta hummed as she pulled on her bottom lip in thought. Finally she said. ‘I think I would say more like an Esther.’

  Peyton shrugged. ‘Okay, well I am sure we will find out who and what he is. So let’s give them today before we introduce ourselves. Don’t forget to let them know they have suites.’

  ‘I already have, they are very excited by that.’

  ‘Make sure they know they are welcome to explore the Embassy, but there is no room service. Although the restaurant is open all day and night.’

  ‘I will, it’s okay Peyton, they will be fine.’

  ‘I want them happy.’

  ‘Always, it is happy with you.’ Darby stated while pulling Peyton from the room.

  Peyton grumbled. ‘There is nothing wrong in wanting happiness, you know female.’

  ‘Of course not, we should go swimming.’

  Peyton blinked in surprise. ‘Seriously swimming?’

  ‘Yeah, there is a heated pool, the little ones are there already.’

  ‘Let’s go.’ Peyton waved to Netta as Darby said. ‘Bye Netta.’

  The last Netta saw was Peyton and Darby running to the lifts giggling. When she turned back to the room, she spied Bendrix and thought, happiness came in many forms.

  ‘Madam, did not want to see me?’ Miko asked as she stood at Netta’s elbow.

  And that Netta thought was definitely not a happy voice. She placed her arm around Miko as she said. ‘She knows about your mating, she will not disturb you or Hue.’

  ‘Oh, but my report.’

  ‘For tomorrow’s morn meeting.’


  Netta shook her head as Miko slowly walked back to Hue. She seemed so disappointed, Netta felt sorry for her, she would have to make sure Peyton spoke to her before the meeting tomorrow morn.

  She would not have worried if she could have heard Peyton talking to Miko within her mind.

  I am very happy for you Miko, I am pleased you are able to see Hue for the gentle, loving male he is. I know your heart will be well cared for.

  Madam Peyton, thank you, he is more than I ever dreamed of.

  Well yeah, he is absurdly large.

  No Madam, I mean he is...

  Oh Miko, please your mating is your business.

  Madam, are you deliberately being obtuse?

  Maybe Missy, go back to your mate he wakes, also I should warn you…

  About what, Madam?

  Frand knows.

  I do not know what to say to that.

  She heard laughter and felt a hand brush her cheek in reply.

  Miko smiled, her friend was happy she had found her mate. And as he opened his beautiful eyes, she felt confident to meet them with her own.

  He murmured as his hand sought hers. ‘My heart.’

  She whispered. ‘My mate.’


  Jerthem Theruu stepped inside the room that overlooked the city. When he and the others had toured the Embassy with Lady Brenda, late the day before. He had only had time to give the room a quick look, but it had stayed with him. So when he found he could not return to sleep after waking from a dream, he had made his way here again.

  After being surrounded for luneras by solid walls, the lounge with its views of the city called to him. All he wanted to do was quietly sit and absorb the breath-taking sight of the sparkling crystal city.

  Pleased, he looked around the comfortable room with its shades of gray, black and white. The crystal floor was covered in large deep piled rugs of varying colors. Tables were placed in between chairs and couches with small crystals spilling soft light into the room. More discreet floor lighting made the room feel warm and inviting.

  Peyton sat deeply in a comfy chair with Keylan
and Koana on the rug before the windows, like her they watched the twinkling lights as they sipped on a bottle each. Briark and Leiark lay with them. They both raised their heads when the male entered but perceiving no threat, they resumed their napping position.

  Peyton had woken earlier when Keylan had. It seemed her baby girl had begun teething. When nothing she did soothed her, she decided to bring her here. But before that happened Koana had made her presence felt. It was not the first time the baby had impinged on Peyton. She knew that issue would have to be addressed soon, but that was for another day.

  She had quickly flashed to Koana’s room and after a quick diaper change, and advising Lia she would be with her. She had brought her here with Keylan and the kits.

  They had been admiring the view for about ten mins. When their attention was taken by the entrance of a tall, lean male with hair the color of salt and pepper. Thinking about it, Peyton realized this was the first time she had seen a visible expression of age on a person since arriving in this Universe.

  The male was an older version of Bendrix, very good looking for a man of his age, whatever that was. As she studied him she revised her opinion his hair was more light gray and soft blue. She was finding it difficult to guess peoples ages, and it was not polite to enquire or snoop. At least that was what Melody told her repeatedly when she innocently mentioned that she could probably tell someone’s age by just using her senses.

  For all she knew, this male could be hundreds of yentas old. Which should not surprise her: she knew the Warriors were all long lived and there were many races who lived long lives, including her and the Terrans now. She shied away from those thoughts, not wanting to admit to something she had only recently discovered.

  Jerthem sighed when he walked soft footed to the dispenser and realized that what he was enjoying was blissful silence. Something he had not felt for some time. He made himself tea and then heard the gurgle of baby talk as he picked his cup up. He turned and slowly looked around once more and still could see no one.

  He moved to the windows and halted by a chair, clearing his throat he said. ‘Greetings,’ and nodded to the babies, ‘yours?’

  She smiled. ‘Yes, well technically no, Keylan is mine but Koana the Buterrian is Sevna Avana’s.’


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