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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

Page 13

by L M Lacee

  ‘I see, may I?’ He indicated the chair.

  ‘Oh, please do.’

  He took a seat and stared at the babies, who both stared back at him. ‘My name is Jerthem Theruu.’

  ‘I am Madam Peyton.’

  ‘I assumed so.’

  ‘It’s the hair, right?’ She asked as she sipped from a large cup.

  He took a sip of his tea as he thought of a polite answer. ‘It is rather striking.’

  ‘I know, it is not my original color.’

  ‘It is not?’

  ‘No, the Star Child likes it like this.’

  ‘You do not?’

  ‘Well, one can get used to anything for the greater good, can they not?’

  ‘Very much so.’

  ‘I tell my people all the time it is not just Terrans that are adaptable, all species are to one degree or another.’

  ‘This is true, we the banished Menturian have adapted to being away from our home world, on the hope that we would find a better, more accepting home. Where we can be useful again and not just as figures of power.’

  He put it out there and waited to see where the gamble would take him.

  Peyton smiled and said. ‘I consider you all very brave, not only did you try to make a change on your home world. You left when you could not and found yourselves here in the Crystal City of no warmth.’

  Surprised, he asked. ‘You think the city has no warmth.’

  ‘I think the city’s warmth has been sucked out and discarded by corrupted wealth and prestige.’

  ‘I see.’ He looked down at the babies who had resumed their window gazing and said softly. ‘I have found that I dislike this crystal place of heartlessness.’

  ‘I have only arrived. You have been here for five luneras.’

  ‘We have, it has taken its toll on some of us.’

  ‘Of course it has. It is time you all came home. Maikonia is not like this, we have living planets under our feet and space that has warmth and life, lots of life.’

  He glanced over at her. ‘So you know who I am.’

  ‘I was told you would be here.’

  ‘I am very proud of my nephew.’

  Peyton nodded her head. ‘He is a credit to you.’

  ‘It seems he has found his Suula.’

  ‘My sister Netta. A Terran gifted by the Star Child with Rie.’

  He looked out toward the waking city and felt relief as his heart lightened. ‘I see, an impossibility, as so many things are now days.’

  ‘She will keep his hearts safe.’

  ‘As he will hers.’

  ‘They are an excellent match.’

  ‘I will reserve judgment until I know her better.’

  ‘You can, but realize she is my sister. I will not tolerate interference in their mating.’

  ‘You say that like it was ordained.’

  She did not answer him, causing him to close his eyes as tears entered them. ‘Well that Star Daughter, changes everything!’

  ‘I have found it tends to.’

  He smiled and his somber features softened. ‘You do not seem disturbed by it.’

  She smiled. ‘I am very happy they have found each other. It is one of the reasons we left our home world, so we may meet our heart’s desire. My Netta and your Bendrix have found theirs with some celestial matchmaking.’

  He inclined his head. ‘I bow to your belief.’

  ‘I like you Domard.’

  Surprised, he blurted. ‘I was unaware you knew my title.’

  She smiled and his first thought was, when the Star Daughter smiled, it was as though the stars took up residence in her Suula.

  ‘You are a very special person Domard. It would be hard for one like me not to know who you are.’

  He made no comment, what could he say, the knowledge of who and what he was would be exposed soon enough. There was no way to hide who he was from people he was to live with.

  In a change of topic, Peyton leaned back in her chair and sipped her coffee then said. ‘Well Jerthem Theruu, why are you up so early, I have two excellent excuses what is yours?’

  ‘Dreams woke me, and I was guided here to this wonderful view and perhaps you.’

  She smiled as she said. ‘Perhaps that is why I am here and not because my little one is teething.’

  Jerthem said nothing, just sipped his tea. After a min or two, Peyton asked. ‘Do you like your work?’

  Already he sensed this female said little without reason, so he chose his words with care.

  ‘I did, it was satisfying keeping everyone healthy or as healthy as I could and making sure we were safe. It was challenging.’

  ‘I am sure it was, but it is over now.’

  ‘It is.’

  He sipped his tea and waited. Peyton sat back and drank her coffee and also waited. Jerthem realized two things, he would not out wait her and second her cup was huge.

  ‘Do you wish to offer me a position, Madam?’

  Peyton grinned. ‘Would you like another kind of work?’

  He sipped his tea and turned towards the view, looking at her from the corner of his eye he asked. ‘What would that be Madam?’

  ‘I need someone to set up our Embassies, to get them running correctly. Someone who knows what protocols need to be put in place, and will consider people more than targets or pieces on a game board.’

  Because of the download, he knew what that expression meant. ‘I see.’

  She looked at him. ‘I think you do. I would like you for the position?’

  ‘You believe I would be trustworthy enough. The positon comes with substantial power. People will believe I speak for you.’


  ‘You are that sure of me.’

  Peyton shrugged. ‘I know what and who you are Jerthem. Our people will be safe under your stewardship. You will make sure our Embassies are a haven for all Maikonians. Because it is what you do.’

  He inclined his head in acknowledgment of the truth she spoke. ‘I accept your offer, when and where do I start.’

  ‘Here at this Hutell, I declared it my Embassy.’

  He laughed, which took yentas off his face. ‘A daring enterprise and one that will not be well received.’

  ‘I do not care, there should have been one here for me. The Capital has forgotten their responsibilities to the Star Child and their arm of Justice. This world was not created for them to corrupt as they have.’

  She went quiet and by her frown Jerthem thought she was not thinking very nice thoughts. Mins later she shook her head and said. ‘There is a meeting later this morn, where Bendrix is to introduce your people to the others. And I will tell them what we have discussed here. Not today, but tomorrow or the next. We will go over what we want for our Embassies. This will be our training ground, what we learn here will dictate how we want our Embassies to operate and what image we wish to project to the Universe.’

  ‘What will my duties be?’

  ‘You will be stationed at home until you train someone to take over from you. You will have to visit worlds where you will decide on Embassies and who will be a suitable Ambassador for that world. Not all Ambassadors will be Menturian, hopefully you will find people with potential from all the races on our home worlds. I should imagine on some worlds you may have to create the Embassy from the ground up.’ When he raised an eyebrow, she shrugged. ‘Okay, probably on every world, although they may learn from the lessons I plan to deliver here. Regardless, we will buy a building like this or build one. I want a place large enough for our Warriors and personnel to feel comfortable to take their families. Where our Prowlers and Draygons, who have special requirements, are cared for. Have you met any of our Prowlers and Draygons yet?’

  ‘No, I have only seen them, like your guard here.’

  ‘Really.’ She looked round her chair. ‘Lucca, how long have you been there?’

  ‘Since Lord Jerthem arrived.’

  ‘Well, why did you not say? Come and meet Jerthem.’
  She nodded and did as she was bid. Peyton looked at the twins. ‘Seriously, you should have told me?’

  Why, we like Lucie.

  ‘Her name is Lucca.’



  Tummy rubs.

  Jerthem stood as Lucerra took a seat opposite Peyton. She stared at him as he stared at her. Suddenly his skin hardened and his hair went platinum as his eyes bled black.


  ‘Dearle Stars, you are mine.’ Lucerra whispered. ‘I have no idea what to do now.’

  They both looked at Peyton who sighed as she looked at them both with a twinkle in her eyes.

  ‘Well, don’t look so shocked it is what happens. Lucerra meet Jerthem Theruu. Lucca in his language mate is called Suula. Jerthem please allow me to introduce your Suula, Draygon Lucerra Glaswaa, otherwise known as Lucca, she is formerly of my guard.’

  ‘Formerly Madam.’ Lucca asked as her heart dropped into her stomach. ‘Why?’

  ‘Because you will officially be Jerthem’s, Guard Commander. When we return home, you will go with him as he sets up Embassies and lead units to keep him safe.’

  Lucerra grinned, excitement shining in her eyes. ‘Yes Madam.’

  Jerthem asked as his eyes and skin returned to normal, while his heart calmed. ‘Madam, you approve?’

  She smiled. ‘You are mates, destined to be together for the remainder of your lives. What is there to disapprove of? You are both Maikonians, we are all about love, mates and togetherness.’

  Just then the kits rolled over and stood as Rage walked in. Greetings Madam, Lucerra, congratulations on your mating.

  Lucerra bowed her head. ‘We thank you Rage. How did you know?’

  He smiled a cat’s smile and said. Prowler instincts.

  Jerthem said, ‘I am at a disadvantage.’

  Peyton apologized. ‘Excuse me, Rage this is Domard Jerthem Theruu, mate to Lucerra. Jerthem has decided to become our temporary Ambassador for the Embassy.’

  Rage nodded at the male as he stood with Lucerra. Peyton said. ‘Jerthem, this is my Pride Leader Rage of the Maikonian Prowlers.’

  Jerthem bowed his head. ‘We have heard of the great Rage, it is an honor to meet with you.’

  I thank you Domard and welcome, Lucerra is a favorite of the Prowlers.

  ‘A subtle warning from the Pride Leader.’ Peyton said as she grinned and asked him. ‘Rage, how are you?’

  I am well. Are you?

  ‘I am, I do not like this world but I am coping.’

  As are we, it is not home.

  ‘No, it is not.’ She looked at the kits and asked. ‘For him you stand?’

  They looked at her as though she was crazy. He is the Rage.

  ‘Of course, how silly of me.’

  Rage grinned as he looked at the babies. Greetings little ones.

  They reached for him and gurgled. Koana said. ‘Ca… ca... ca.’

  ‘Is she trying to say Cat?’ Peyton asked with a laugh in her voice.

  Rage snarled. No. She is saying Rage.

  ‘It sounded like cat to me.’

  He looked at her and blew air through his nostrils. Really, this early!

  ‘Well, you are here, it seemed right.’

  I am going, He nodded to the kits, you two with me, we are running exercisers and there are no tummy rubs involved.

  He frowned at the kits, who looked downcast as they followed him. Peyton watched them go and smiled as Lucerra said. ‘You live a scary life and yet you make it more so.’

  ‘I know… right?’ Laughter edged her voice. Koana rolled over and was up on all fours. She crawled to Peyton, who cooed. ‘Clever girl, you are just so clever.’

  Keylan growled and rocked from side to side. Jerthem picked her up. ‘Greetings, sweet one.’

  She murmured and sniffed him once, and then she murmured again and snuggled in his arms. Both Lucerra and Peyton looked at her, then Jerthem, and then around the room.

  ‘Well that is fur…’

  ‘Amazing.’ Lucerra said with a tone that had Peyton changing the word she was going to use.

  ‘Yes... yes, amazing.’

  Jerthem asked. ‘Why amazing?’

  Lucerra replied before Peyton could. ‘Keylan is of my kind, a Draygon. Her life was very hard until Madam rescued her. She likes few people and she has an Urnu who has not arrived to challenge you?’

  ‘I am unsure what an Urnu is.’

  ‘Was it not in the download?’ Lucerra asked in concern.

  Jerthem looked at the data in his mind. ‘Oh, I see. I have not accessed all the information yet.’

  Peyton nodded. ‘Please do so as soon as possible.’

  Neither Jerthem nor Lucerra took it for anything other than an order, no matter that it was phased politely.

  ‘As you say, Madam.’ He turned his attention to Keylan resting in his arms. ‘Well baby Draygon, I have never met such a one as you. I thank you for your trust.’ She gurgled at him and snuggled her head into his neck as she sniffed softly.

  Enchanted, he told both Peyton and Lucerra. ‘I should explain, her Urnu would not challenge me.’

  Lucerra asked. ‘Oh, why not?’

  ‘I am Domard.’

  ‘I do not know what that is?’

  He smiled and explained. ‘In my language it means, the safe one, the protector of all.’

  Lucerra thought for a moment and then said. ‘You look after everyone and everything.’

  He rocked a hand from side to side. ‘Loosely yes, within bounds.’

  Peyton asked. ‘So will you still accept the position I have for you?’

  ‘Thank you Madam, I will. It caters to all my needs.’

  ‘Also we get to be based at home between assignments.’ Stated Lucerra, proving she had heard the earlier conversation.

  Jerthem asked her. ‘This is important to you my Suula.’

  ‘Very, Maikonia is my first safe home. It caters to my needs.’ She said using the words he had used earlier.

  He smiled and told her. ‘Then that is what we will do.’

  ‘Thank you.’ She returned his smile as Keylan patted his face and Peyton picked the now climbing Koana up. ‘So little one.’ She asked. ‘What am I to do with you?’

  Lucerra asked her. ‘There is a problem?’

  ‘Not so much a problem as a concern, little Missy here, has or is developing some kind of talent.’

  ‘Her grandmother may know what to do.’ Jerthem advised. They both looked at him as he said. ‘I too have gifts.’

  ‘Well, that makes sense. Okay, so morn meeting at the regular time, Lucca knows when that is. Until then, enjoy each other or whatever mated people do. Lucca, do you need to see Kate?’

  Lucerra smiled with eyes gone soft at the concern she could see in Peyton’s eyes. ‘No Peyton, Zen and I took care of that as soon as we learned that there was a way to halt it.’

  ‘Okay, I am pleased that is cleared up.’ At Jerthem's confused look she said. ‘Lucca will explain.’ She flashed both babies back to their cribs. ‘Time for us to go.’

  ‘Peyton, may I ask a question?’

  She said playfully. ‘Lucca, always. I enjoy showing you how clever I am.’

  Lucerra smiled and inclined her head. ‘I thank you.’ She took a breath, hoping not to be disappointed. ‘Do we get mating bands like the Terrans?’

  Peyton took her face in her hands. ‘You are Maikonian, of course you do, birthed or guardioan, you are ours. Mating bands are an automatic gift from the Star Child. Enjoy what they represent, you deserve to be happy, both of you.’ She kissed Lucerra’s forehead, then stepped back as the Star Child spoke.

  Sweet patient Lucerra, we see you. Domard we have chosen a worthy female to guard your hearts as you guard the hearts of others. We value the dedication you both have to your tasks.

  ‘We thank you, Star Child.’ An awed Jerthem answered.

  Our Daughter, you are hiding from us.

sighed as she said. ‘I must be allowed to settle these problems for myself. I have to grow Star Child. It is not that I do not wish you included in our lives, far from it. You are wanted and loved.’

  There was silence as they waited for the Star Child to speak. As you wish Daughter, we are only a thought away.

  ‘Thank you Star Child. It makes my heart fill to know you are.’

  The silence they left behind was disgruntled.

  ‘So okay you two, go do whatever newly mated people do and stuff.’ With a wave, she hurried from the room.

  Jerthem took Lucerra in his arms. ‘Come my Suula, let us go and do stuff that newly mated people do.’

  She laughed as she cuddled into his arms. ‘She is adorable.’

  ‘Yes, she is.’ He ran his fingers over her wing and in a husky voice asked. ‘Tell me, my Suula, what wonderful things are you able to do with wings.’

  Lucerra laughed softly as she wrapped her arms around his neck. ‘What are your thoughts on flying?’


  The morn meeting was to be held after everyone had eaten in the restaurant. There would be no stragglers today because everyone knew they were to leave the Embassy for shopping as soon as the meeting was completed.

  Peyton was excited by the prospect of finally being able to leave the Embassy and shop. As she watched everyone enter her suite the air literally hummed with excitement.

  When Penny closed the door behind the last person, Peyton stood with the window as her back drop and said. ‘Okay, so meeting’s open, we have heaps to get through before we can shop. So let’s get started. First; all meetings from now on will be held in the restaurant. Secondly; I want to welcome our new citizens, the people from Menturian. We are pleased to have you with us and hope you will enjoy the rest of your stay here.’

  At their hopeful looks, she said. ‘Yes, you are permitted to leave the Embassy to shop and pamper yourselves or whatever you want to do. Credits have been downloaded to your personal accounts. Our Laroro, Miko who you all know… Oh that reminds me, Miko I heard you did an exceptional piece of work yesterday. I have only one question for you.’

  Miko looked puzzled when she stepped in front of Hue, who stood with his arms folded, mating bands on both wrists for all to see.

  ‘Yes Madam, what can I tell you?’


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