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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

Page 14

by L M Lacee

  Peyton a twinkle in her eyes asked seriously. ‘Was there sobbing?’

  Miko sucked back a laugh, but her eyes spoke volumes as she shook her head sorrowfully. ‘I am sorry to say Madam there was not, but tears, copious amounts of tears.’

  ‘Oh, well done Miko, well done! So as I was saying, Miko will supply you with ident bands when we finish here loaded with credits. Thirdly; please do not leave here without Warriors and Prowlers as escorts. You are expected to allow us to track you while we are here. When we leave to return home that will not be necessary.’

  They all nodded their agreement, Commander Hawk had already briefed them on this rule.

  ‘Thank you, we want you to remain safe. You all know what we are up against here, so use your common sense and stay alert and alive. Also, do not allow yourselves to be captured, this means you are expected to protect yourselves with whatever means available to you, to the death if necessary. We will defend you against any repercussions.’

  They all nodded again. This too Commander Netta had assured them was true.

  Peyton grinned. ‘Next, please know that we have had some mating’s, Miko and Hue, Jerthem and Lucerra. Please join me in wishing them happy lives together. Also Netta and Bendrix are courting, we congratulate you both and hope it doesn’t take forever.’ She grumbled. ‘I don’t understand why it should. Jerthem and Lucerra got it on straight away.’

  She stared at Netta who said. ‘I am not discussing this with you.’

  ‘So rude.’


  Peyton asked. ‘Lucca may I see?’

  Lucerra proudly held her arms out. Peyton nodded. ‘Very nice, they suit you.’

  ‘Thank you Madam, I am proud of them.’

  ‘Darby please place in the Oracle that mating bands are a gift from the Star Child to all Maikonian couples, regardless of species.’

  ‘Done,’ she tapped away at her tablet. Lucerra smiled and mouthed thank you.

  Peyton nodded. ‘Now, I would like to welcome Mystic Jarrmeru, brother and Uncle to the Hananva family, it has taken a while but we have finally found him. Welcome also to his bondmate Runner. We welcome you both home.’

  Jarrmeru stood with Runner surrounded by his family and bowed. ‘I thank you Madam, it is good to finally be with my family.’

  Peyton grinned. ‘Now if Bendrix would like to tell us about his people and why they are here, we would appreciate it.’

  Bendrix moved forward. ‘Thank you Madam. We appreciate the invitation to make our home with you. As you know our home world was Menturian and we are birthed with Nanites, it is technically…’

  ‘Please.’ Peyton held her hand up and said in a pained voice. ‘Don’t go into the science of it, can we just stipulate, we know about Nanites and if we wish to know more, we can ask.’

  ‘If it pleases you Madam.’ He said without expression, having been told by Netta and then Darby this was more than likely to happen. It was not, he was assured, that she would not understand him, she just did not care to, especially today, as she desperately wanted to shop.

  ‘It really does!’

  Darby and Jean grinned at her tone, as did a few of the Menturians.

  Bendrix inclined his head. ‘So stipulated Madam. There is no more I can say on that other than we commune with the Elysium.’

  At more than one blank look, Darby explained. ‘It is what we would call the ether, the metaphysical stream of information that lives in and around us.’

  Bendrix nodded, not surprised she knew and could explain the Elysium. ‘We of course call it the Elysium. The Elysium advised me to open our world to the Universe. I as King proposed this event to my people and was overthrown by others of my family and advisors who wished to remain a closed society.’

  The pain of that betrayal was still heard in his voice and seen in the faces of the others with him. He looked at the forty people who had risked everything to be with him and softly explained. ‘These are my loyal family and friends, who came with me when I made my escape and for that I can never truly thank them. Unfortunately, as far as we know we have death orders against us.’ He bowed to his people and then to Peyton. ‘Madam, more is just science.’

  Peyton smiled. ‘Thank you Bendrix as I told you and Jerthem earlier. We need Ambassadors.’ She spoke to his people now. ‘If this is what you wish to continue doing, we would welcome you to help and advise us. If not, we will find other employment for you. Whatever you choose, remember we just want you to be a part of our evolving worlds.’

  They all looked pleased as they smiled at each other. Peyton turned to Harm and asked. ‘Now Commander Harm, what do you have to report?’

  He stood as he told the room. ‘We have, with Willian and Peneria’s help, found the poisoners and the ones who contracted them, they are in holding.’

  ‘Were our people unhurt?’

  He smiled. ‘They were.’

  Peyton grinned at him. ‘Thank you. I think as it was Lady Rita, you can manage the interrogation and disposal of the prisoners. Find out what we need to know Commander.’

  He nodded as he sat again. ‘I will Madam.’

  ‘Now Jean, the gas in the car.’

  Jean stood and to relieved sighs said. ‘It was accidental. A compression seal leaked, and finally the pressure of the Gravatron made it split open.’

  ‘So, not sabotage.’

  ‘No, just bad maintenance, which the agent for the Star Daughter made the owner who we received the cars from aware of.’ She looked at the ceiling as she said. ‘There may be a complaint laid against her.’

  Peyton asked. ‘Really, did you kill anyone?’

  Jean gave her a dry look. ‘No Madam, I yelled a lot and used words he was unaccustomed to hearing, at least from a female.’

  ‘Was there crying?’ Darby asked, she was furious, her son had been in the vehicle.

  Jean solemnly shook her head. ‘I am sad to say no, there was cussing and blaming other people but no tears or sobbing.’

  Darby nodded. ‘Well, that is not good enough. I demand sobbing and copious tears. In fact, I expect it, he could have killed our children. Reeve dearle, you will have to speak to him.’

  No one doubted she meant it, and as they looked at Reeve, who stood with folded arms, they knew he was just as angry. ‘Do not concern yourself my heart. I will go speak to this male for you and our Jean. My language he will understand and I promise there will be many tears and much sobbing like a little girl!’

  Again, no one expected the owner to come away unscathed by Reeve’s talk. ‘Also I like sobbing.’ He glared at Peyton watched by all the Menturians as he pointed at her. ‘When I do it, when you do it, they reach unspeakable levels of noise.’

  Peyton pouted. ‘See, that is just wrong, Nina never screeched.’

  He growled. ‘It was only a matter of time.’

  Nina called out. ‘Hey, it was only a little crying and justified if I say so.’

  Telfor kissed her hand. ‘Of course it was my one.’

  She smiled up at him, her heart in her eyes as she whispered. ‘Aww honey.’

  Reeve stated in tones not to be argued with. ‘Hush female, you were the noise maker, therefore you do not know how loud you were.’

  Peyton widened her eyes at him. ‘See, I would not go there.’

  Reeve raised both eyebrows as he replied. ‘Of course not. She controls her sister, who controls your coffee plants.’

  Darby said. ‘We are done with this.’

  Nina laughed as Peyton said. ‘Jean hon, thank you for the quick diagnostics.’

  She inclined her head, laughter in her voice as she said. ‘It is what I do Madam.’

  Peyton smiled. ‘So before we go much further, let me introduce to all the new people who have joined us, one of the most trusted and valued citizen of Maikonia. Jax, who is a sentient life form that operates all our systems, he is our.... Well he is Jax.’

  Jax said. Thank you Madam, I am willing to speak to anyone about how I ca
n integrate my life force with all technology. Even Menturians, your Nanites are no barrier to my abilities.

  Bendrix’s face became expressionless and his eyes sharpened as mistrust hung in the air. Except for Jerthem, he watched Peyton as well as her people and noticed hands shift toward swords and blasters. He witnessed Netta’s and Hawk’s subtle shift of weight onto their back feet as Dinas and Reeve responded to the tension with wary eyes. He was amused to see his Lucca move a step in front of him. Violence hung in the air, whether the Star Daughter intended for this to happen or not. Jerthem could not say, but he felt it was unintentional. He decided before the outrage that was quickly building was allowed to escalate any further, to ask in his calm way. ‘Madam, do you have safeguards in place for us?’

  Peyton nodded, her face immobile, her eyes let him know she had been waiting for him to take control of the situation and in that second. He realized she had far more depth to her than he had assumed and knew he had read her wrong. She had intended for the confrontation to happen. He assumed it was to see how his people would react to the knowledge that a life form was able to infiltrate their Nanites. He wondered what her reason for doing so was.

  ‘Of course, it is trust, my trust in Jax’s ethics and all of you to never step over the line.’

  Jerthem’s head jerked as he realized she knew exactly what she was doing and why. He almost smiled was she truly that innocent? Did she not know what Universe she lived in? And as he looked into the depths of her eyes, he saw she knew, and yet she had faith in her people, in him. He shuttered his eyes and felt shame that he did not feel the same. Her voice whispered across his mind, making his heart lighten with relief. Hush Domard, in time you will remember what faith in your fellow man feels like. What it is to trust in others, you are mine now. I will believe for you until you discover it again.

  ‘What if he becomes corrupted?’ Demanded a young male.

  Peyton asked. ‘You are?’

  He bowed his head with a half-smile on his handsome face, he was a younger version of Bendrix with onyx colored hair. ‘I am Kern Mentu, I am what you call a cousin to Bendrix.’

  ‘Welcome Kern. Everyone here understands, with your recent history, how you may be concerned about corruption, but please remember Jax is a life form. If I cannot trust him, how can I trust you?’

  ‘You question my honor!’ And with those words he morphed his hand into a twelve inch blade.

  They heard Marlo say. ‘Dearle stars, save me from the young.’

  Bendrix paled and hurriedly placed his hand over his cousin’s arm, forcing it down.

  Hawk moved between Kern and a surprised Peyton. His voice was soft and the more deadly because of it. ‘He is young, I assume?’ His tone indicated the answer better be yes.

  Kern opened his mouth, but no sound escaped, although flash of pain crossed his face as Bendrix squeezed his wrist. ‘Yes, please forgive him, he is still under fifty yentas and is prone to not think.’

  Hawk nodded, his eyes like black granite. ‘I understand, so allow me to school him and anyone else who is unsure of how to conduct themselves when in the presence of our Star Daughter.’

  Bendrix nodded slowly as Hawk stated. ‘I realize the situation and people you woke to this morn are new for you.’ He spoke directly to the adolescent male. ‘I as her First Commander will forgive once the disrespect you just spoke with and the manifestation of a weapon in our Madam’s presence. If you fail to take my warning, I guarantee you, your cousin will not save you from the repercussions a second time.’

  Kern vigorously nodded his head, realizing the position he had placed himself and his cousin in.

  ‘Now Madam has said she trusts Jax as we all do, he is a member of our world as you are becoming. The trust we have in him, we hope to develop in you. We know what your Nanites are capable of.’ The stunned looks on all their faces, including Bendrix and Jerthem’s, almost made him smile. ‘You assumed it was a secret, it is not. Between Specialist Darby, Jax and Specialist Jean, nothing was overlooked.’

  At the expressions of surprise on some of their faces, he nodded and said. ‘Yes, I deliberately placed Specialist Darby first, think on that while you calculate how very intelligent she must be.’

  If they had looked toward Darby, they would have been equally surprised to see a blush stain her cheeks at his praise.

  Hawk continued. ‘So between the three of them, your capabilities have been investigated and dissected, and still Madam trusts you.’

  Bendrix inclined his head in what was definitely a royal manner, which Peyton envied, unaware she used that exact gesture at times. He said. ‘We apologize, it was not our intention or my cousins to disrespect you, was it Kern?’

  He frantically shook his head. ‘No, I was surprised. I apologize Madam, Commander.’ His admiration for Hawk was seen in the look he sent him. If Peyton was not mistaken, Kern and a few of the other Menturians would be signing up for the cadets when they got home.

  Jax said. I was offered the chance to integrate my life in the Maikonia System for the Star Daughter.

  Bendrix said. ‘We have many questions for Jax.’

  Peyton said. ‘If you wish to ask him questions that is your prerogative. It is up to Jax whether he answers you or not.’

  ‘You cannot command him to do so?’ Asked a female.

  She was a beautiful pale blue female with sparkling gray eyes and long steel gray hair.

  ‘I am sorry you are?’

  ‘Excuse me, Madam, I am Dinada Fentuu.’

  ‘Lady Dinada, I did say Jax was a sentient life form and I try not to command or order. Also, you should have accessed the information from the download on how our worlds are run and what is expected of us all.’

  Hawk was still annoyed, as he said. ‘I suggest you spend today making use of the information that was given to you, then mistakes like this will not happen again.’

  No one commented as Peyton said softly. ‘So, as I said, if you have questions, please feel free to ask. Answers are his to give. Thank you Jax.’

  As always Madam, it is a pleasure.

  It seemed he was as annoyed as Hawk. Well they would have to work it out for themselves she had shopping to do. ‘So only a few things left to discuss, Sevna Avana, please tell us what you discovered from Rayvan?’

  Avana stood. ‘With his Mama’s permission I spoke to Rayvan, he had what I believe was a vision. I have spoken to his Urnu and Lady Esther already. This vision concerned Hope, he feared she was lost and hurt, which was all I could get from him. So my thinking is let us be more vigilant with her and the young ones, someone somewhere may have thoughts of them.’

  Peyton said. ‘Thank you, now Jerthem please can you give us a brief rundown on who a Domard is. Oh, and for all of you who are unsure how to pronounce that, it is doe-mard.’

  Darby asked as she eyed a smug Peyton. ‘Are you happy with that pronunciation?’

  Peyton nodded with a gleam of amusement in her eyes. ‘Yes, definitely.’

  Darby sighed. ‘Is it really or are you making up words again?’

  Peyton frowned as Netta said not so softly to the newcomers. ‘She does that all the time.’

  Melody added in a loud whisper. ‘All the time.’

  Peyton frowned at the three of them. ‘I am perfectly sure it is correct.’

  Trina said quickly. ‘It is.’

  ‘Enough.’ Bellowed Reeve startling just about everyone there. ‘Cease this prattle. I want cotton candee.’

  ‘Prattle? Have you been letting him watch old vids?’ Netta asked Darby who had no chance to answer as Marlo said one word that stopped the discussion. ‘Shopping!’

  Jerthem amused at the interplay said. ‘Thank you Madam. I as Domard am a caregiver or guardian. When I belong to a world, I take on the guardianship of everyone. I of course include planets and all living organisms in this.’

  Darby looked at Peyton who nodded and mind-sent, I’ll explain later, I swear.

  Her reply was a narrow
ing of her eyes, and Peyton knew she would be getting another lecture on sentient planets sometime in her future.

  Jerthem said. ‘I am pleased to be this Embassy’s temporary Ambassador. The Star Daughter and I have agreed that I will become the Maikonia Embassies Steward. Lucerra will command my guards. We feel that these positions will suit our talents.’

  Zenerra asked Lucerra. ‘You are leaving home?’

  ‘No, we will live at home and go off world, when we have too.’

  ‘Oh good, I would miss you.’

  ‘As I would you. My mate says he understands our need for our home.’

  Jerthem smiled. ‘I do.’

  Zenerra nodded with relief, as did several others. Coraan smiled at Jerthem and said. ‘Domard, I am sure Lucerra explained the need to see me.’

  ‘She did Warmaster.’

  Peyton smiled at Coraan and Jerthem. ‘Hawk and I will schedule a meeting with you Coraan and you Rage to decide how we want our Embassies to work. So we have that taken care of. Now what has been arranged for today.’

  Marlo said. ‘We have constructors coming for the second floor, which will be the new holding level and for the fourth floor which will be the play level, plus training areas.’

  Fanharr said. We need more work done on the Prowler level too.

  Helen said. ‘We have staff to hire, we lost some overnight.’

  Miko said. ‘I have accounts to go over today, sad to say Madam, we are being stolen from.’

  ‘Oh, that is not good.’

  ‘No Madam, it is not.’

  ‘Do you need help?’

  ‘Thank you Jax, and I have it under control.’

  ‘Alright, any other business?’

  When there was not, she said. ‘People who are leaving to go shopping, make sure you have escorts. Carrick, Esther, the boys and girls will be going shopping, the babies will remain here today.’

  Avana asked. ‘Do we know where we are going and with whom?’

  Netta said. ‘We do, Darby has the list of places we are to go to. She has given them to Ipeara and your drivers.’

  ‘Well, I am away, to get the young ready.’ Esther told them.

  Carrick said. ‘I will gather the guards.’


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