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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

Page 27

by L M Lacee

  Thanikis stood in one angry movement, which placed everyone on their guard. Iaan and Hue stood ready by the door as the angry male’s body seemed to vibrate. Thanikis’s hands clenched and unclenched in an outward display of his internal struggle to remain calm.

  Finally he lost his battle with his composure and slammed his fists down on the table, hissing between his clenched teeth as he leaned toward her. ‘I know who you are and what you did on Earth, my memory returned.’

  Peyton’s eyes filled with mirth as she asked politely. ‘Was it not meant to?’

  He forcefully demanded. ‘Where are my brother and sister?’

  Peyton eyed him as she pursed her lips and then said. ‘I want to say I am sorry for having to tell you they are dead, but I cannot force myself to do so.’

  Thanikis stood silent for a min as the others in his group looked down at the table, all except Gunner Cooper, his eyes stayed firmly on the Ambassador. Thanikis looked at Peyton, and his voice was devoid of emotion as he asked her. ‘They are dead?’

  ‘Yes. The Star Child rules this Universe.’ She looked at the officials as she reminded them. ‘Maybe you should all remember that.’ She looked back at the Ambassador and asked. ‘What did you think was going to happen Ambassador Thanikis when we found out what had happened on XYERE 567?’

  At his blank look she said. ‘I am sure you remember the planet your family used for hunting vacations.’

  He looked down as his face paled to ash, Peyton seeing it drove home her point as her voice turned glacial. ‘Then again on Duaim, did you expect the Star Child to smack your brother and sister on their entitled wrists, and ask them to not repeat their crimes. And make no mistake, Thanikis, we saw them as crimes.’ She said to the confused Governors. ‘I can see you have no idea what I am talking about. I strongly suggest you ask Emperor Jenerika or Ambassador Thanikis to explain what crimes their siblings were found guilty of.’

  Thanikis roared at her and she was sure if he had a blaster on him she would be dead where she sat. ‘You furin bitchre! I despise you and everything you stand for. If it takes me forever. I will kill every member of your family. Then I will kill you. You are dead.’

  Everyone stood as Hawk said. ‘Meeting is concluded!’

  Jarrod led Peyton and Darby from the room with Jerthem and Bendrix following. Netta and Hawk remained behind.

  ‘What just happened?’ Governor Wynn asked.

  Disgusted Gunner answered. ‘You do not appear uninvited and unannounced to an Embassy. Then demand a meeting and once it has been granted, call your host out and tell her you will kill her and her family. Truly you are amazing, and they call you the intelligent race.’

  ‘That is enough, General.’ Ian White said sharply.

  Gunner snorted. ‘That is the first intelligent thing you have said since I arrived here.’ He looked at Hawk and calmly asked. ‘May I wait to speak to the Star Daughter again about the females?’

  Netta said. ‘I will ask her if she will see you.’

  He inclined his head. ‘Thank you.’

  Netta with a look at Hawk left, signaling the kits to leave with her.

  Then without waiting for the others Gunner walked toward the door forcing the Governors and Ambassadors to follow. The door opened and Reeve and Coraan entered.

  Hawk ordered. ‘Commander, Warmaster, please escort these males from the Embassy.’

  Reeve looked them over, grunted, and turned to lead the way from the room. Gunner barely restrained his wince when he heard Ian White’s shocked exclamation. ‘Dear gods, he’s a big fucker!’

  Although he could not fail to see the effect, the words had on the Warriors lining the corridor as evidenced by the smirks on their faces. Hue drawled in English as the Ambassador came level with him, making him aware that he not only understood but could speak his native tongue. ‘He is also Specialists Roeah’s mate.’

  Ian White’s hands shook as he stared at the large back of the Warrior leading them into the lift. Gunner moved closer to Coraan, who wore a bland expression on his face and before he could stop himself, he ask the winged giant.

  ‘Could you tell me what species you are, I have never encountered your kind before?’

  Coraan did not reply immediately, and Gunner was unsure whether he would. Then he saw by the tilt of the male’s head he seemed to be listening to something. After a second he murmured. ‘I would be surprised if you had encountered my kind before. We are Maikonian Draygons.’

  ‘Thank you.’ Gunner replied as he wondered what he had got himself and his men into. It appeared what they were told and what they had witnessed so far was a contradiction. If it had not been for the seer Marabela, he and his unit would not have taken the mission to oversee the Earth soldiers while here. So far he had been overridden on every decision he had made, as he had been today. When he had been forced to leave his men at the Embassy and come here with only a few Earth soldiers.

  Netta was waiting for them in the foyer. She stopped before Gunner, ignoring the other males.

  ‘General, the Star Daughter asked me to invite you to have tea with her and some human females that are here. She hopes this will ease your mind on their welfare.’

  Ian White smirked at the Capital Governors with a look that said, see I am important. He told Netta. ‘We accept.’

  Netta turned to him and gave him a look that said, do I know you. With a voice devoid of expression, she told him. ‘The invitation was for the General only.’ She looked toward Gunner again, but not before she saw Ian White’s furious expression. ‘Your choice, General.’

  ‘I would be honored to take tea with the Star Daughter.’

  He made to follow her as she walked back to a lift, but stopped when Ian White grabbed his arm. Gunner pulled his arm free from the vice-like grip, just stopping the revulsion from White’s touch showing. ‘General, I demand…’

  Gunner cut him off. ‘I am not here at your command, Ambassador. I will obtain the information you require. Other than that it will be better for you to return to the Embassy.’

  Ian White stared around him at the near silent foyer and realized it was filled with Prowlers and Warriors. There was no sign of the soldiers they had entered with. He nodded and stepped away, knowing that making a scene would not be good for him. He did not believe the General who had made no bones about not liking him, would interfere if he was attacked.

  At the same time Netta was waiting for Gunner, Jerthem had isolated the secretary Juet Quewtton from the Governors. Who were for the moment concerned with questioning Coraan and Reeve about where their soldiers were.

  Jerthem smiled as he coaxed the young male to remain with him. ‘Stay, we will keep you safe.’

  Juet looked at Jerthem, he knew what he was. He had the same abilities that he himself had. ‘You know what I am?’

  Jerthem gave him a small nod. ‘I do, like recognizes like, does it not.’

  Juet tried to smile, but fear kept his expression worried. Jerthem assured him. ‘We can help you.’

  He said bitterly. ‘I have a mother, she is frail and dependent on me. They keep her like that.’

  ‘I understand, we will retrieve her for you.’



  ‘Oh.’ He sighed. ‘I had hoped you could help her. It is why I asked to come today. I did not know you were here.’

  ‘And yet you were brave enough to come, be brave enough to accept the help we offer.’

  Hawk walked over to them, Jerthem told the youth. ‘Give Commander Hawk the address and the code for your mother. I know you have one.’

  Juet nodded and did as he ordered. ‘She will be frightened.’

  Hawk smiled briefly as he saw the Governors start to look around and told him. ‘We will be gentle.’

  Just then two units of Warriors and Prowlers walked pass them with Marlo and Brenda, Harm, Dinas and Rata. Hawk told Juet. ‘These people will secure your mother and anything she wishes to bring with her. The ladies wi
ll not let her come to harm. Is there anything you require?’

  He smiled shyly. ‘No, I have everything I need in here.’ He showed them a small pack he carried under his clothes.

  Hawk nodded and Jerthem said kindly. ‘Juet come this way.’

  He walked with him toward a lift, as Hawk quickly tapped a message on his link, sending the information to Marlo. He then turned his attention to overseeing the departure of the other males from the Embassy.

  Juet asked Jerthem as they entered the lift. ‘What happens now?’

  Patty and Sedeen stood waiting as the lift doors opened, Jerthem said. ‘We make sure you are well and not compromised.’


  Malchol arrived and assured the youth. ‘I will look into your mind and find anything that should not be there.’

  He seemed apprehensive as he stated. ‘I have never had that done before.’

  Patty asked. ‘Juet, I am Healer Patty, how old are you?’

  ‘I am twenty-five in Capital yentas.’

  A little bemused as she did not know there was a difference she looked at Sedeen, who offered. ‘Terrans would call him a teenager.’

  ‘I see, well come with us Juet, your mother will be along soon. Do not worry, we sent a healer to collect her.’

  He looked relieved, and even more so when Jerthem told him. ‘I will stay with you.’

  ‘Thank you Domard.’


  Gunner and Netta stood at the opened lift doors and waited for Coraan to join them. The last Gunner saw before the doors slid closed, was the outraged Governors and Ambassadors being hurried from the Embassy. Accompanied by a slightly disarrayed female.

  A small smile played around his mouth as he wondered what had become of all the soldiers, then as if he could read his mind. Coraan told him. ‘We escorted your soldier’s from the Embassy, when they disrespected one of our females.’

  Gunner said. ‘They were not my soldiers and was it the delightful Lady Erin who greeted us when we arrived?’


  He nodded but said no more on the subject, instead he asked Netta. ‘Commander, what part of Earth are you from?’

  ‘It is Netta and the Americas.’

  ‘As am I originally.’

  ‘So Melody says.’

  ‘Huh! So this is where the General got herself to. Is she well?’

  ‘Yes.’ Coraan answered as Netta smiled. Gunner looked over at the large bronzed male, as his wings opened and closed, betraying his annoyance or displaying his strength. It was something to ask about later. For now Gunner was more intrigued with the notion that perhaps his friend had got herself mated. And if the vibe of possession coming from the male was any indication, it was to this winged giant.

  He wanted to laugh because everyone knew Melody did not like heights and here she was mated to a male with wings. He wondered if she saw the irony of that.

  He said. ‘We were not told of Draygons before we came out here.’

  Netta laughed gently as Coraan explained. ‘We are new to this part of the galaxy.’

  Gunner raised an eyebrow but refrained from commenting further. He asked instead. ‘Would it be possible for me to comm my men so they are not led to believe I have been taken hostage?’

  Coraan asked with a touch of disbelief in his voice. ‘Is that probable?’

  ‘Unfortunately, more than likely.’ Netta answered for Gunner. She gave him a small nod as she told him. ‘I will have a secure comm made available for you.’

  He thanked her as the doors opened and a male waited. Gunner looked a little askance at Netta but said nothing as Telfor said. ‘If you would come this way, General Cooper. I will escort you, so you may comm your Warriors.’

  It did not take him long to realize it would have to be an A.I. that was listening. He had watched Netta, she had not used her link nor had the Draygon. It made him smile to think how close to each other, Earth and the Star Daughter’s armies were in monitoring their people.

  As Telfor led the male away, Netta and Coraan remained in the corridor. ‘He knows of my Melody.’

  Netta smiled. ‘I think Melody knew everyone of importance in the army. She was very smart and very powerful in her position as a General.’

  He said with a frown. ‘And she is not here.’

  Netta turned completely to him and stated. ‘No matter where she is, Melody is clever and as for powerful… she has far more power here than she ever had on Earth. But more than that, she is happy. The happiest I have ever seen her, she loves you, is to have children and adores Bacon and her family, what more is there for us in life.’

  He ran his finger down her cheek in a gesture she had seen him use with Melody and his sister, and realized it was for his connection, his comfort. She secretly smiled as she thought, their Warmaster was layered, no wonder he garnered admiration from those that served under him.

  ‘Thank you Netta, although for an Earth male he is impressive.’

  Netta smiled as she squeezed his arm, making Coraan smile as the tension eased from him. ‘No, my brother, you are impressive, he is just okay. I mean you have wings and from what I hear, aerial sex is nothing to sneeze at.’

  Coraan roared with laughter as he observed. ‘My Melody likes to boast.’

  Netta watched the two males return as she replied. ‘Nope, she never said a word, but you just did.’

  ‘Sister Netta, do not tell my Melody.’ He pleaded as the males joined them.

  Telfor asked with raised brows. ‘Something I should know?’

  Netta shook her head, laughter in her eyes. ‘Just the use of wings.’

  Telfor nodded, his face remaining serious as his eyes filled with laughter. ‘Oh the acrobatic aerial sex.’

  Gunner’s eyes locked on the winged male as Coraan looked at the two who were trying to remain serious and desperately asked. ‘Who else knows of this?’

  Telfor countered. ‘If you all would not do it where we can see, no one would know.’

  ‘Oh my stars!’ Melody screeched from behind them.

  Coraan quickly turned around, his wings flying out a little in his agitation.

  Reeve coming off the lift roared. ‘What is that noise?’ He spied a red faced Melody and yelled. ‘Why are you making that obnoxious noise?’

  Peyton came out from a door half-way down the corridor. ‘See, it wasn’t me causing it this time. What happened?’

  ‘Seriously!’ Melody screeched as she pointed at Peyton. ‘You told.’

  Reeve roared again. ‘Cease that noise this instant!’

  Waving her hands around as she neared the group of people, Peyton yelled back. ‘Told what... who... why are you screeching at me?’

  Reeve added to the fracas as he, Peyton and Melody and a reluctant Coraan all started yelling at each other. Netta moved until she was standing beside the highly amused Gunner and growled at Telfor. ‘Bad Mystic.’

  Telfor shrugged. ‘Amusing.’

  She leaned nearer to Gunner and asked. ‘You doing okay there?’

  Gunner grinned. ‘No matter how far from Earth we are, we still manage to create chaos and find humor in it.’ He pointed to Peyton and Melody saying. ‘It seems overly dramatic but they are human females, nothing weird about it really!’

  Hawk arrived with Karen and roared to be heard. ‘SILENCE!’

  ‘Now that… that is unusual and really brave.’ Gunner murmured as everyone went quiet immediately.

  A Warrior interrupted the scene as he jogged down the hall. ‘Commander Reeve, they want you in the comm unit.’

  He grunted his response, then gave Peyton and Melody a hard look each and went with the young Warrior.

  Hawk said. ‘This is no way to introduce the General to our world. Return to the restaurant, so we may proceed in a decorous manner.’

  ‘I’m not sure if I should be pleased or insulted?’ Gunner told Telfor and Netta as they watched Peyton and Melody sheepishly look at each other.

  ‘Well, when you
figure it out, tell me?’ Netta muttered.

  Hearing Netta’s reply, Peyton stated as she pointed at Gunner. ‘Huh, he should get used to this.’

  Melody growled. ‘Pointing.’

  Peyton quickly put her hand behind her back and scowled at Melody and muttered. ‘You were pointing a min ago.’ She turned and marched herself into the restaurant with Melody scowling and following her.

  The others walked slowly until they heard her call out in a reasonable voice. ‘Brenda, I need coffee please.’

  Netta said. ‘General Cooper, please allow me to escort you into the restaurant.’

  He inclined his head and whispered. ‘I know of your exploits Netta Howl, it is finally nice to put a face to the reputation.’

  Netta nodded with a grin. ‘I know of you as well Gunner Cooper your reputation also precedes you.’

  He grinned, and they said no more as they arrived where a composed Peyton and Melody waited. Peyton said. ‘Thank you General for accepting my invitation.’

  He saw none of the dramatic female from a few mins ago, bowing, he said. ‘It was generous of you Star Daughter to issue the invitation after the travesty of the meeting.’

  ‘Please call me Madam Peyton, it is pretentious, I know, but it is my title now. How may I address you, do you prefer to be called General?’

  ‘Thank you Madam Peyton, please call me Gunner or Coop.’

  She nodded. ‘Well Gunner, let us sit.’

  Darby and Kardan entered and moved silently toward Peyton. Darby took a seat in the chair next to her as Kardan stood behind Peyton, who looked up and grinned. ‘Thunder, I thought we were pass that.’

  ‘My heart, so did I.’ He never took his eyes from Gunner as he answered her.

  Peyton introduced Gunner to Kardan. ‘This is my mate, Amahka or Kardan Roeah.’

  Gunner nodded. ‘Greetings, I do not have a translation for Amahka.’


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