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Daughter Of Ethos: Crystal City Book 6

Page 28

by L M Lacee

  ‘It is an ordained title.’ Kardan told him.

  ‘I see, it is good fortune to meet you Amahka.’

  ‘Let us hope it will be General.’

  Gunner took the warning for what it was and looked at Darby. ‘I could not ask before, but are you the famous Doctor Darby Kline?’

  Darby nodded. ‘Yes, but it is Roeah now.’

  Peyton grinned. ‘I forget that was your name. Weird huh, seems you have been Roeah forever.’

  Reeve entered. ‘They have gone from the underground.’ He stopped talking when he saw Darby. ‘My Darby, why are you here?’

  She arched an eyebrow. ‘Where else would I be.’

  Reeve said. ‘My heart, this male is not known to us, he could be dangerous.’

  Darby turned fully toward her mate. ‘Reeve, I am sure he is dangerous, but look at where I am and with whom, then think about that statement.’

  He dropped to one knee before her as he whispered. ‘I was not here was I?’

  Her mouth went round in surprise then she blushed. ‘Oh got it, a mate thing, sorry, still learning.’

  ‘It is well.’ He kissed her hand as he stood, once more.

  Gunner thought he was an impressive figure of a man and wondered what it would be like to spar against him. Then rethought that as Reeve took his place next to Kardan.

  Hawk gently seated Karen next to Darby and stood with his brothers.

  Peyton indicating Karen said. ‘Gunner, I wanted you to meet some of our females who came with us. I should tell you not every female here is mated to a Warrior, some like Netta and Melody are mated or will be soon to others.’

  He nodded. ‘Thank you, I was hoping to talk to any female you would allow.’

  She smiled and sighed when Melody said. ‘Oh, it had nothing to do with her, we decided we wanted to talk to you.’ She tipped her head to the side and studied the male she thought she had left on Earth. ‘Coop what are you doing here? I thought we had left enough for you to do on Earth, this does not seem worthy of you and your men’s talents.’

  ‘Why are you here, it seems like a foolish quest?’ Marlo grumbled the question at the male as he entered and took a seat next to Melody.

  Gunner sighed loudly. ‘I agree to both your observations. I came because I was directed here and secondly; I was worried about the females who were supposedly stolen from Earth.’

  Darby snorted her contempt at his statement but before he could question her Brenda arrived.

  Peyton introduced her. ‘Greetings Brenda, this is Gunner Cooper.’

  Brenda smiled. ‘Greetings Gunner, I am mated to Marlo Daimond, and I wanted to ask…’ She was interrupted when a loud screaming was heard.

  Gunner was the only one to appear startled and leapt from his chair, demanding. ‘What the hayda is that?’

  Several of the male’s hands reached for a weapon before realizing Gunner was not arming himself. Peyton sighed. ‘That is my baby girl, I think she is teething again, and she is quite grumpy.’

  Esther arrived holding Keylan, who threw herself at Peyton when she saw her. Letting out another loud cry as tears ran down her soft cheeks. When Kardan crooned to her, her big eyes looked tearfully up at him and his heart almost broke at the sight. ‘Hush now, sweet Keylan. My heart, what is wrong with our daughter?’

  Gunner lowered himself back into his chair, aware he had placed himself in a volatile position as he noticed the tense expressions on two of the male’s faces. He kept his hands where they could see them and made his movements with care, admiring at the same time the Warriors restraint.

  Peyton cooed to her baby girl while answering Kardan’s question. ‘I would say it is her teeth, they hurt, don’t they baby girl?’

  Keylan’s eyes opened wide along with her mouth and sure enough her bottom gums were full of teeth. ‘Oh sweetie, aren’t you clever? You have teeth, an entire row of teeth.’ Peyton sounded faint as she praised her.

  ‘Oh wow!’ Melody exclaimed.

  Brenda’s, ‘Oh my stars.’ Did not go unnoticed.

  Peyton asked the Warmaster. ‘Coraan is this normal?’

  He looked over at her and ran his finger down Keylan’s cheek. She quietened instantly causing all eyes to turn toward him. Smugly, he announced. ‘Why the surprise? I am the Warmaster. Yes Madam, this is how our young develop teeth. She will have a little more pain and then she will be complete.’

  Peyton cooed. ‘Your first teethies Keylan, you are such a clever girl.’

  Keylan laid her head on her mother’s chest and sighed again.

  Melody asked Peyton. ‘Is that really a word because I don’t remember it in any of my anatomy classes?’

  Peyton snarled. ‘Yes, not working Tivna, it is.’

  Melody snarled back. ‘So rude, I am working constantly…’

  Netta cut in. ‘Did you just make the word up because we told you about that?’

  Darby pointed out. ‘Peyton we did tell you, it is not really a word, if it is not in any dictionary anywhere.’

  Peyton ignored them and the smirks they gave each other and looked at Esther asking. ‘Has nothing worked?’

  ‘No, I tried all the usual remedies.’

  ‘Well, comm Heddro and ask him.’

  Esther looked at her. ‘Oh my, why did I not think of that?’

  ‘I recognize sarcasm you know?’

  Esther gave Lott a pat and ignored Peyton asking Coraan, ‘Any tricks, you know about?’

  He cocked his head to the side as his eyes clouded over. After a second or two his eyes cleared and he said. ‘Speak with Saytella, she has raised many young, she may know of something that will help.’

  ‘I will go now and comm her. Thank you Coraan.’

  ‘Anytime, Esther.’

  Helen walked in with a tray of food followed by two Warriors carrying trays of drinks. She took one look at Peyton’s disgruntled face and said. ‘Never mind dearle, take them to the mat later.’

  Peyton perked up. ‘Done.’

  Helen asked. ‘Greetings General, how are you?’

  Gunner had stood slowly at her entrance. ‘I am fine Ma’am and you?’

  ‘Very well, I am Helen Sillva and I am mated to Larson.’ He entered just behind her and nodded to Gunner. ‘I am Larson.’

  ‘Greetings to you both.’

  Helen asked. ‘Tea or coffee Gunner.’

  He re-took his seat as Larson helped her with the tray. Gunner sighed as his nose twitched at the smell of the coffee. ‘I would love a cup of real coffee. I have not had a decent cup since we left Earth.’

  Peyton’s shocked gasp was heard throughout the room. ‘Oh my stars, how do you think without it? Helen dearle make sure Gunner leaves us with some coffee.’

  Now other gasps were heard, she scowled. ‘So not funny, I share.’

  ‘Sure you do.’ Darby agreed, disbelief threading through her voice.

  ‘I do, it is not my fault you all like tea.’

  Karen retorted. ‘I like coffee.’

  Peyton sympathized. ‘Shame, you are gestating then.’

  ‘Seriously, can you not just say pregnant like everyone else?’ Darby demanded.

  ‘No.’ Peyton replied sweetly.

  Karen raised her eyebrows and told Peyton with an edge to her voice. ‘I won’t be pregnant forever.’

  Peyton stared at her as she stared back. Helen rapped the table with her knuckles. ‘That is enough, you two.’

  Peyton and Karen sniffed at each other and looked away, both secretly laughing. Helen ignored them and smiled at an amused Gunner as she handed him a cup of coffee.

  ‘Here you are, everyone else sit and we will answer Gunner’s questions.’

  All the males took their seats, no one refused Helen’s order, even the brothers sat. Gunner took a mouthful of coffee, not expecting the rich flavorful taste and sighed with delight.

  Coffee he and his men had discovered was not a common drink in this Universe. Everything they had tried so far had been insipid or
just plain bad. But as his taste buds thanked him, he savored the most divine coffee he had ever tasted. Before he could censor himself, he said. ‘This is incredible’

  Smugly, Peyton said. ‘I know, my Nina, who is also Terran, made that especially for me.’ She stared at Karen again, who sniffed and looked away.

  Gunner eyed the two females until Brenda said. ‘So dearle, what can we answer for you?’ She ignored as they all did Marlo’s growl.

  He replaced his cup on the table and said. ‘In all honesty I cannot think of a question to ask. It is obvious you are not here against your will and with Melody and Netta vouching for the females. I don’t know why we are here?’

  Karen said, ‘Okay then, I am gone.’ She said to Gunner as she stood. ‘I am mated to Hawk, and it is not a forced mating.’

  ‘I thank you for the reassurance, Lady Karen.’

  Looking at Peyton she asked. ‘So if you have no further reasons for me to be here. I have things to do.’

  ‘Nah! Thanks hon, see you later.’

  ‘I will see you all at eve-meal.’ She assured them as she walked with Hawk to the door. They spoke for a few seconds, then she reached up, kissed him and fled.

  Peyton asked with concern as he returned. ‘Is she alright?’

  He shook his head. ‘Apparently the scent of the coffee made her feel ill. It is to do with the babe.’

  Peyton smiled and tried for sincere and missed by a mile when she said. ‘Oh did it, poor Karen.’

  Hawk looked at her. ‘Do not.’

  ‘What?’ Again she tried for innocence.

  ‘Do not tease my Karen about the coffee smell, I will be most annoyed.’

  They stared at each other until finally she pouted. ‘Fine, so not fun.’

  Hawk nodded and re-took his seat as Helen handed him a cup of tea. Kardan lifted a questioning brow to his brother.

  Hawk told him. ‘When our females get with young, the horwamoans follow them around. They cause sick stomachs, restless nights, mood changes. We still cannot find them.’

  ‘I see, this happens to every female?’

  ‘Yes, it makes many angry and cry tears.’ Reeve said as he stared at Peyton and shuddered. ‘Then they make that unimaginable noise, it has to be heard to be believed.’

  Peyton asked him. ‘Why do you stare at me like that, I don’t do it?’

  ‘You could stop it, if you would just kill the horwamoans.’

  ‘What are they?’ Interrupted Kardan, a frown marring his handsome features.

  Gunner opened his mouth and Darby hurriedly told him. ‘Save your breath, it makes no difference. We have explained, even shown pics, and they still do not believe us.’

  ‘I do not know what to say to that other than amazing!’

  ‘Yep,’ said Melody, ‘that about sums it up.’


  Jarrod asked as he entered, ‘Why do you not tell Madam, who it is you are really wanting to find and why you are here General Cooper?’

  Gunner looked at Jarrod and his mind raced with surprise. He had not been sure before but now as he looked at him, he thought Jarrod held a resemblance to… no, it was impossible! Frowning, he said. ‘Why do you not Kail, you seem to know?’

  ‘You have brushed against my kind before.’ Jarrod stated as Telfor tensed.

  Gunner answered, aware the room had become quiet. ‘It is possible, it is a big Universe.’

  Marlo snorted. ‘The Universe gets smaller every day.’

  Esther reentered and sensing the tension in the room and knowing Keylan would become upset, said. ‘I will take her now.’

  Peyton nodded. ‘As you will Esther.’ She handed a sleepy Keylan to her and with Lott they walked from the room.

  Gunner stared after them, then turned to Peyton. ‘Madam, you are surrounded by many extraordinary beings.’

  ‘That I am, what was the name of the Master you met?’

  Gunner jerked at the change of topic and he heard himself answering. ‘His name was Jarrmeru, we lost touch a few luneras ago. I and my men have been searching for him. When we got drafted to come out here, we hoped we would find some trace of his whereabouts.’

  Then he felt as though the hand that had taken hold of his thoughts released them. His heart bet a quick tattoo of trepidation, as he realized he had walked unarmed and without back-up into a dangerous situation. Benign as these people appeared to be, every one of them would kill him without a thought if he endangered this female. This small human who held the Universe in the palm of her hands. His eyes involuntarily went to those delicate hands, and he swallowed the flash of fear, the first he had experienced since he had reached adulthood.

  Peyton’s fingers curled into fists as Gunner’s eyes lifted to hers and in their depths he saw the truth. Life existed because she allowed it.

  Before he could censor his words, he whispered through dry lips. ‘What are you?’

  Peyton’s eyes turned black and flames flickered in their depths as she replied in a voice that seemed to sparkle with sunshine. ‘I am someone who has not been seen for millions upon millions of years. I am the arm of justice for our Star Child. I am the Star Daughter!’

  Kardan took her hand in his and her face softened as he quietly reminded her. ‘My heart, calm.’

  She nodded, took a breath and her eyes returned to normal and her voice became her own once more. ‘The male you are looking for was stolen from Earth and placed in stasis as near as we can tell sometime in the last yenta.’

  Gunner shook his head to clear the fog that had hazed his thoughts. ‘Who did this?’

  Hawk answered. ‘Your Masters, who else.’

  Gunner stood slowly. ‘I am no man’s toy, you have proof of this?’

  Jarrod nodded. ‘I have better.’

  He indicated Gunner should look behind him. Turning, he found his friend standing in the doorway, a Prowler by his side. Gunner’s composure faulted as he raced to embrace him. ‘Jarrmeru, I am so pleased to see you. We thought you had been killed.’

  Jarrmeru embraced his friend in return as he murmured. ‘My friend, I am amazed you would be here. I am so very sorry I have not contacted you. I was only released from stasis a matter of days ago. It has taken me time to orientate myself. I had not forgotten you or my promise.’

  ‘And what promise would that have been Mystic Jarrmeru?’ Peyton asked from her seated position.

  Jarrmeru moved further into the room with his bondmate Runner and his friend Coop by his side. ‘Madam.’ He bowed. ‘Forgive me, Coop, my friend and his brothers in arms were what I needed to talk to you about.’

  Peyton inclined her head. ‘Please Mystic Jarrmeru take a seat with General Cooper and perhaps you could explain now.’

  No one, least of all the two males, heard her request for anything other than an order. They nodded and took seats facing Peyton.

  Jarrmeru spoke first. ‘Madam, I went to Earth when the existence of the emerging Star Daughter was felt. Unbeknownst to me, the Elders had also commissioned two Masters to go to Earth. One to obtain information about Earth and their defenses, the other to Assaenate the Star Daughter before she came into her powers.’

  ‘Obviously he was not successful.’ Kardan said.

  ‘Not for lack of trying.’ Gunner told him. ‘He roamed Earth seeking them, which is how Jarrmeru and I came in contact with each other. While the Masters searched and failed to find out anything about the Star Daughter. My unit and Jarrmeru were looking for them.’

  ‘The question begs how did you know about the existence of the Masters?’ Darby asked with a sharp look at Gunner.

  ‘We were asked to look for them by Ambassador White. How he knew at that time we did not know, now of course we do.’

  ‘Yeah, I see that.’ Darby muttered as she looked at Melody and Netta.

  Telfor asked Gunner. ‘You know my uncle how?’

  Gunner laughed as he looked at Telfor. ‘I thought I recognized you and the Kail. You both have the same feel about you,
which is very much like Jarrmeru. We met when I tried to arrest and subdue your uncle. He grimaced. ‘We learned quickly how impossible that was. He is very competent at making himself blend into any group of people. We constantly lost him. Until one night Jarrmeru walked into our Hydramotel and asked to speak to me. We sat and talked well into the morn. He told me what he believed to be going on. I told him what I believed to be going on and together we decided the Masters did not have to leave Earth, which they have not. It took us some time, but we finally took them out. Two nights after we completed our mission, Jarrmeru went missing. As it happens about a lunera or two later, I met a Sene on a small moon called Helop.’

  Seeing everyone’s confusion, he quickly explained. ‘It is like an away station at the edge of Earth’s galaxy. The Sene told me she felt Jarrmeru was still alive and before the yenta was finished. I would not only discover what had happened to him but also meet the Star Daughter.’

  Peyton softly said. ‘What else General Cooper, she told you two more things.’

  He took a breath and dipped his head. ‘She did, she said I would find the one that would be my mate and that the Star Daughter held within her heart my heart’s desire.’ He looked at Peyton. ‘Madam, so far she has been right.’

  Peyton inclined her head. ‘So she has. Please, what was the Sene’s name?’

  Gunner’s face softened as he said. ‘Marabela, last time I spoke to her she told me she was safe and on her way to the Capital.’

  Jarrod said. ‘Avana felt the presence of Senes and Masters. She and our father have gone to greet them, they should be on their way back.’

  Gunner asked. ‘You think she may be one of the Senes?’

  Before he could reply, Jax stated, Sevna Avana and Lord Cemeru have returned with three Senes and four Mystics, they are in medical. There is a problem, Kail Jarrod an Elder is masquerading as a Master.

  Jarrod rose with Telfor and hurried from the room as Jarrod told Jax. ‘We are on the way, isolate him Jax.’

  It is done, Healer Dinas subdued and sedated the male.

  They heard Jarrod and Telfor race down the corridor into the lift. Jarrmeru stood to follow them, when Peyton told him. ‘They can manage Mystic Jarrmeru, this is what they do, unless you think your powers are equal to Kail Jarrod’s?’


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