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Gentleman in the Shadows

Page 10

by Karen Sommers

  Maria poked her head into the room. “Miss? Are you in here?” She cast a glance over her shoulder to the hallway.

  “Yes, Maria.”

  “Are you ill?”

  “No. I’m quite fine, Maria.” Gianni hadn’t sent her if she was sneaking, which she was, or she wouldn’t have been looking over her shoulder every few seconds.

  “Your mother...”

  “I know; she’s irate with me.” Shayna huffed out a sigh, not looking forward to their next meeting.

  “Not irate. She is horribly upset; almost in tears.” Maria stepped in the room and pushed the door closed. “It seems she went out of her way to invite someone in particular for you, and he didn’t show up. And you left the party without so much as a nod, she says. She bellowed about after the party until five minutes ago when she retired to her rooms.”

  Shayna sat, tossing the covers aside. “What? Why would she invite someone for me? Who was it? Do you know?” It had to be Luca.

  “Luca Bianchi.” Maria moved to sit on the end of the bed, facing Shayna. “Miss, may I tell you something in confidence? You swear the thing I tell you will never pass your lips? It is not mine to tell, but you may never know otherwise, and this rift between you, Gianni, and Alexandria will tear the family apart.”

  Fear gripped Shayna. What secret thing did Maria know? Did Shayna want to know this secret?

  “Yes, Maria. I swear it to confidence.” Of course, how could she not want to know?

  “Your mother had a love before your father. This man and your father were her suitors, and she had decided upon the other for a husband. Leonardo was heartbroken. Before the wedding was planned, Gianni found herself with child, Alexandria. The wedding was hastened along to try to save her reputation.

  Two days before the wedding, Gianni’s lover was killed in a duel over land ownership. Gianni’s parents were going to send her away to have the child in secret and likely never allow her to return. What other choice was there?

  Leonardo heard of the happenings and decided he couldn’t lose her. He met with her one evening and proposed, promising to raise the child as his own and keep her secret forever.”

  Shayna’s blood chilled. “If they never told anyone, how did Uncle Paolo know?”

  “Too many people already knew the truth, and those who didn’t know, figured it out quickly when Gianni gave birth to a perfect, healthy baby girl only six months and two weeks after the wedding.” Maria stared worriedly at Shayna.

  For once, Shayna was rendered speechless as the implications ran through her mind. A new light was shed on Gianni’s great bouts of locking her doors and remaining in her rooms, in the dark, crying for days on end. Now she understood why her mother said she had ruined Alexandria’s life before it had begun. Not being a true Ricci, Alexandria stood to inherit nothing of the estate. Too many witnesses knew the truth of her bloodline.

  “What of Alexandria’s family? Her father’s family? Could she not inherit there since so many know she is his daughter?”

  Maria shook her head. “Gianni never made a claim on any property or wealth for Alexandria when the family began dying off; they were elderly and had few heirs. If she laid a claim, her indiscretions would have been revealed. That would tarnish not only her name, but Leonardo’s as well, for he was part of the deceit.”

  “How terrible, Maria. But it doesn’t explain why mother invited someone to the party for me.”

  “She lost her first true love and now she’s lost her husband. She didn’t want to see you go through the same heartache I suppose.”

  Shayna mulled this idea. Had Gianni changed so much? When they were children, she always favored Alexandria and Leonardo favored Shayna. Now she knew why. Alexandria was the result of her true love; all she had left of him in this world. Shayna thought it made her a forlorn and lonely person but not a bad person. Her heart pained for her mother.

  “Maria, should I go to her now or wait until morning?”

  “She’s had a bit of the drink tonight. Mid-morning would be better for both of you, I think.” Maria patted Shayna’s hand and stood. “I told you there were things hidden from you which would explain much about her actions.”

  “Thank you, Maria.” Shayna stood and hugged the woman.

  Maria opened the door to leave and Shayna, having one last terrible thought, stopped her. “Maria? Does Alexandria know?”

  “What I just told you?”

  “Yes. Does she know she’s not a Ricci and stands to inherit nothing?” Shayna’s heart ached. All these years she had believed she stood to inherit the least and Alexandria would get the lion’s share.

  “It was revealed to her during your last Switzerland trip, I believe.” Maria ducked out of the room and closed the door.

  The time during which Alexandria had gone through serious characteristic changes. Her usual aloof manner became cold as the snow on the Swiss Alps. She distanced herself from everyone as much as possible. Her normally mischievous pranks became intentionally cruel. She began to dislike Leonardo, not responding when he spoke to her, or only giving him a hateful look in response. She had been unaffected by his death and that had been the most difficult part for Shayna. Her love for her sister had shifted, cooled, and she wanted less to do with Alexandria.

  The revelation also explained Guillermo Rossi. Her interest in him was only superficial, she was thinking only of her future financial security. Rossi had no other family and would therefore likely leave everything to his wife and children, if they conceived.

  To imagine having to bed the prune-faced, bigot who thought lowly of women in general disgusted Shayna. She couldn’t imagine what Alexandria must be feeling. She couldn’t see Alexandria going through it. It must be stopped. Leonardo might not have been her father, but Alexandria and Shayna still shared their mother’s blood and that made them sisters.

  Instead of returning to bed, Shayna remained awake, plotting, planning, putting ideas to paper to examine them more closely for flaws.

  The first golden rays unfurled over the mountains and found Shayna sitting at the table by the window with ink-smudged fingers and a fire in her soul.

  Chapter 14

  Midday came and went at the market and Luca had seen no sign of Shayna. Antonio helped him fill the stalls and pick up the deliveries from Luca’s vineyards and Giuseppe’s. Keeping busy did little to keep his mind from conjuring up the worst-case scenarios, one after another, to explain Shayna’s continued absence as afternoon marched into evening.

  Worried his kiss had offended Shayna, Luca rode hard toward home early that evening while there was still much daylight left in the sky. Passing his parents’ house, Luca urged Mario on faster. He would ride to the Ricci castle and beg entrance. He had to see Shayna; find out why she hadn’t come to the market; make sure she was safe, and she wasn’t upset over the kiss.

  Dismounting, Luca patted Mario’s neck, “I’ll be right back, don’t cool down, boy.”

  He ran to the front door and stopped cold. Under his door was another piece of folded parchment. His heart crawled up into his throat, making swallowing nearly impossible. He picked it up with trembling hands and opened it before he opened his door.

  My dearest Luca,

  I am sorry I could not make it to the market today as we agreed upon, but something has come to light which I cannot ignore and must deal with immediately before serious and perhaps irreversible damages are done. I am discussing with Gianni about us and I feel she will give her blessing in light of this new information I have discovered. I will come to you tomorrow at your home at six in the evening. Hopefully, I will be bearing good news.

  Until then, my love,

  Shayna Ricci

  All the wind knocked from his sails, Luca pushed open the door, paused as Rosalyn promenaded past him, and went to the kitchen. Habit took over as he gave the cat her cream and crumbles of cheese—he recalled the fish he’d purchased at market, but had forgotten in the back of the wagon. It was a tiny fish, too
small to sell, and he’d purchased it to bring to Rosalyn.

  “You shall have fish tomorrow, Rosalyn.” He rubbed her head and sat heavily in a padded chair by the window.

  Whatever this new development was, it must be very important to cause Shayna to miss their meeting. He could do nothing except wait it out now. Difficult as it was.

  Skipping dinner, he decided if Shayna was taking him as a suitor, he should be working in the shop, finishing the cradle and starting the wedding table and mantle he had planned.

  Rosalyn trailed along when Luca took Mario to his stable and brushed him down, gave him oats and water, and freshened his hay. Watching her play with a mouse, Luca laughed. The sound in the quiet startled him.

  Walking to the shop, Luca stopped and turned in the direction of the larger house he had been constructing for five years now, adding rooms and furniture along the way. It was a thing of beauty to him. It was a house built by love. Soon, it would be brought to life with the family he and Shayna would start.

  Luca worked on the wedding table until the wee hours of the morning, carving every detail into the wood with love in his heart and guiding his hands.

  Chapter 15

  Shayna went to Gianni’s office and opened the shutters and the drapes wide, flooding the room with bright light. Dust motes, disturbed from their long sleep on the drapes, danced in the sunlight.

  Shayna had spoken with her mother about Luca, asking her not to answer or interject any remark until the next day. Then she moved on to cajoling the truth out of her about Alexandria’s father. Gianni hadn’t wanted to speak of it, but Shayna had assured her it would be kept in confidence until Gianni decided otherwise.

  Confirming that Alexandria knew the truth and all it entailed, Shayna went to her sister. At first, Alexandria had been outraged and then embarrassed. Several ineffective threats to Shayna followed. Useless threats of violence against her if she didn’t keep the secret and leave right away, never to speak of it again. The tirade ebbed, as they always did, and Alexandria settled.

  Shayna witnessed the transformation in her sister and was hurt by what she saw.

  Alexandria had always come across as stoic, strong, and determined, knowing exactly where she was going and what she needed to do to get there. What lay underneath the charade was very different. Alexandria was a normal girl on the brink of being a woman who had fear in her eyes and uncertainty in her heart.

  At the end of their hours’ long conversation, Shayna hugged Alexandria—halfway expecting her to shy away or refuse the contact.

  Shayna had gotten both Gianni and Alexandria to agree to a meeting the next morning in the office.

  Now Shayna stood in the center of the office awaiting their arrivals. She didn’t have long to wait.

  Shayna motioned Gianni toward the desk and Alexandria to a seat in front of it. “Mother, please read over what I’ve proposed there on the desk.” She turned to her sister. “I want you to read it, also, but we will wait on Mother’s approval first.”

  Gianni read slowly, reading a few parts more than once, and then laid the papers on the desk. Her expression of disbelief remained as she spoke. “You cannot be serious, Shayna. You cannot do this.”

  Alexandria cast Shayna a distrustful look.

  “Mother, I absolutely can, and I shall. I’ll not have my sister marrying a man whom she loathes. The thought of him sent her crying to your chambers only two days ago. No. I won’t allow it.” Shayna stood straighter, held her chin a little higher.

  Tears shone in Gianni’s eyes, the sunlight reflecting little colored prisms in them. “There is no law stating you are responsible for either me or Alexandria, Shayna. I don’t understand. Why would you do this?”

  “Mother, I don’t need any law or lawmaker to tell me what I should do. I don’t need a law to tell me it’s only right to take care of my mother or my sister. There is no catch. Let Alexandria read them, please.”

  Gianni passed her the papers and Alexandria read through them much quicker than her mother had. “Why would you give this up, Shayna? You shall be left with nothing.”

  “I’ve thought all my life you would inherit almost everything, and I would have nothing. So, it’s not a change for me. Besides, if Luca and I marry, I am sure I’ll not need any of this. Luca doesn’t need it, either, he prefers to earn his wealth, not absorb it. So, why would I think of keeping it when you two are the ones in need?”

  Gianni asked, “If you and Luca don’t marry?”

  Shayna took the papers from her sister. “As I’ve stated, everything will be divided three ways, equally amongst us. Emphasis on equal.”

  After several moments of silence, Shayna spoke up again. “If you are both in agreement with the contract, sign it, and we shall keep it in the vault.” Shayna bent and put her signature to the papers and handed the quill to Gianni.

  All three signatures dried while the women sat in silence, surely each debating the new development in her own way.

  Gianni spoke, breaking the silence. “Shayna, I want you to know I did invite Luca for your benefit. I saw how your eyes lit up and how you smiled with a faraway look in your eyes when you spoke of him and I knew you loved him. It isn’t a new development. I believe you fell in love with him six years ago, when he came visiting with his father.” Studying something in her lap, she continued, “I put a stop to his visits and to the family’s rise within the peers then. I was afraid you might end up in the same predicament as I had. I only acted out of love for you back then; I only acted out of love when I invited him here.” She made eye contact with Shayna.” I also know how it feels to lose someone you love, especially your first love, it’s always the strongest and is remembered the longest.”

  Shayna wanted to believe her mother. Needed to believe her. And, indeed her mother was much changed since their talk before the dinner party.

  “Thank you, Mother.” A kind of peace settled in Shayna’s heart. Maybe with the secrets revealed, their relationships could be mended, and the family could become stronger for it. That meant more than all the wealth in the world to Shayna.

  Chapter 16

  Shayna arrived with good news and a smile. She had delivered the full message before Luca helped her from her horse and invited her inside. Dimitri gave an excuse and said he would return in three hours to collect Shayna and escort her home.

  Shocked, but not disappointed, Luca led Shayna into the house. He had only ever used the few rooms on the first floor, leaving the others new for the day he brought home his wife. These were the rooms into which he took Shayna.

  Searching for a place to sit, Shayna’s attention was not on Luca, and she startled when he laid hold of her. He couldn’t resist any longer. He had to have her in his arms, to know she belonged to him, and he belonged to her now. The sweetness of their first kiss; the innocent way she reacted; her soft moan all mingled in his chest and drove him to taste her mouth again. This time without rush, and without the worry of discovery.

  She looked up at him with wide, startled eyes, and he crushed her perfectly luscious lips to his, greedily taking in her smell, her tenderness, her desire. Luca believed she was totally inexperienced with the desire from her swooning when he kissed her at her home.

  He wanted to guide her, teach her, show her how beautiful and boundless the ecstasy could be when skillfully managed. His hands plunged into her hair, the silken softness of it wrapping around his fingers, pleasing his senses as he pulled her tighter to him. He wanted more than a kiss. Much more.

  Panting, he pulled away but didn’t release her. “I love you, Shayna.”

  Looking near to fainting, she answered. “I love you, Luca.”

  “Then we must put some distance between us for a bit.”

  “Why? Do you not enjoy kissing me as much as I enjoy kissing you?”

  “I think I enjoy it more than you do, dear. That’s why we need the distance.” He let his hands fall away from her and stepped back.

  “I don’t understand.
I never want to stop kissing you, Luca. I could kiss you all day every day forever.” She reached for him, and he caught her hands in his.

  He laughed nervously. “You say that now but I’m sure after about a week, you’d rethink it.” He kissed both her hands.

  “I don’t want distance, I want closeness.” She stepped forward and tried to put her arms around his neck.

  Still holding her hands in his, Luca backed up another step. “No, Shayna. I’ll have you on our wedding night and not before. I’ll not risk damaging your reputation by having you before.”

  She stopped. “Have me? What do you mean?”

  Her wide-eyed innocence heated his blood—and his loins. “Oh, my innocent Shayna.”

  She gasped. “But I don’t understand.”

  “My dear Shayna; all in its proper time.” He couldn’t suppress the laughter.

  “Oh, right.” She tried to feign a knowledgeable expression, as if she knew what he meant.

  Chapter 17

  Luca denied her more kisses and told her things she didn’t understand fully. Those things had weighted heavy on her mind and in her chest ever since.

  Shayna had also not gotten the tour of the house as she wanted. Luca told her it was a surprise for their wedding day, and he wanted to keep it special.

  Alexandria let Guillermo down as gently as possible, for her, anyway. Rossi had been irate when she announced she would no longer entertain him as a suitor. He tried to bribe Gianni with monetary gain, if she would make Alexandria see him.

  Shayna wondered if the bribe would’ve been accepted had she not drawn up the contract beforehand. It was almost certainly a moot point. If Shayna hadn’t drawn up the contract, Alexandria never would have stopped seeing Rossi.

  Several weeks had passed since the day of the contract and tensions in the castle had almost vanished. Alexandria smiled quicker and more genuinely than she had in a year; Gianni moved about the house, taking new interest in how it was running and its upkeep; she didn’t take to her rooms with a jug of wine these days, making Shayna happy about her decisions.


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