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Money- Wealth Creation Guide

Page 12

by Phillip Seanego

  The amazing thing that happens as you master investing your natural resources wisely, in a way in which you have a return which will be money in today’s world, is that you now have the last level of an investment resource, which is MONEY. You can now go to your financial adviser, where you can now invest your money and expect a return on investment, when you can invest in your business to grow your money, and where you can now pay to get more knowledge to reach a new level in your career. This is what happens when you first go through the first levels of investment, which are time and mind. Acquiring skills results in having money, which can now be invested to increase wealth, and to increase your quality of life.

  It becomes more amazing when you reach the last level of investing money, where you don’t have to work anymore. All you need to do is research companies that will bring a return on your investment and invest in them; give them your money to increase it. A lot of people reach this stage; they just enjoy life while you work hard to make sure they get their dividends. You must aspire to reach this stage. This is the ultimate security, and it is the ultimate life you need to want to live, where you no longer work for your money, but where your money works for you. After this, I don’t know what to say. I would guess good luck!

  You must invest; you must first give before you can receive

  Life is give and take. You give up some freedom for more freedom, you give up some peace to get more peace; it is just the way of things. You give up some money to have more money. This is how you get more from life; you give up more of yourself to experience more. It is investment, it is sacrifice; you sacrifice something for something better. Take note of this, and apply it to your life.

  How money makes money

  How do the rich become richer and the poor become poorer? As much as it depends on how they treat their money because of their knowledge (or lack of knowledge in the case of the poor) when the rich invest their money the poor spend theirs. It is also a big factor that the more money you have the more the possibilities of making more.

  This is why we encourage people to work towards having more money. The more money you have, the more money you make through investment, through growth, through the fact that you can seek and pay for any education you want, and through the fact that you are happy about your life, which gives you energy and a positive attitude about life. You get to make more money through your confidence, which is investor confidence. You know what works so you keep doing it while the poor have no idea how to make money. Money gives you the resources to be able to grow at any rate you would like.

  There are just so many advantages for you when you have money. You have unlimited resources, which makes it easy to make more. You can pay people to do the work you don’t like and concentrate your energy on what you like and do well at. This also adds to your success, because you can hire experts for things that expose your weaknesses. This makes the value you create more valuable because it ends up having more strong points than weak points. This is as a result of other people’s contribution. These are the people you have to hire and pay to support your strengths.

  This is how musicians, who are good as vocalists, can make a good record because they can hire a good music technician of their choice, or a good song-writer. All this they probably couldn’t afford when they started, with no money. When they can afford to hire these people, it adds more value to their value which results in an increase in the worth of their value, and this enables them to make more money. This is a good example that shows that people with more money have more advantages to make more; this is not the case for poor people.

  Another cause of the poor becoming poorer is that they grow dependent on the rich for everything and in the process forget their abilities. More often, they have no time to work on their value or dreams because they have to work for other people for a living. If success is what you want, you have to work towards having more money and using it wisely to make more of it. You must hire other people to assist you where you lack in the strengths to be able to grow the worth of your values. You must learn to make more money from any amount of money you are receiving at this moment. This is how you grow your estate and accumulate wealth.

  Sacrifices you make for success

  You give up something for something greater than that which you give up. Nothing is for free in this world; you invest something to get something better, like the farmer who gives up the opportunity of eating all his seeds (maize, beans, wheat) and instead plants them in the hope of a good harvest which is better and worth more than the seeds alone. We all sacrifice for something more or something better. One of the things we sacrifice more often is our time. Since it is lost whether we use it or not, it is what we mostly have to sacrifice. We spend it on something – whether it is working for something better or drinking and partying around, it is up to us.

  We must sacrifice the money we have in our possession to get more of it or a material possession. We make that sacrifice for things that we believe will bring us more or a better quality of life, like comfort. Going back to the example of the farmer, instead of eating the seeds (consumption), he eats half and sacrifices the other half (investment), thus sacrificing an opportunity to have more.

  Be aware of your sacrifices, and sacrifice with balance. Don’t try to sacrifice more than you can because when it takes time to see the results of your sacrifice you will get angry and give up on your activities. This will result in you not getting anything back from your sacrifices and that is not what we want. Know what you want, and make a good and reasonably valued sacrifice. Sacrifice things that promise to gain more, and make sure the things you sacrifice are worth the sacrifice.

  There is always something you have to give out to get something in your life. Understand that investments are a form of sacrifice. Instead of spending your money on consumables, you give up having all the good things today because of a chance to invest the money you have and grow it for something greater. So there are always sacrifices you have to make in life to reach the next level.

  The money game

  Just like casino chips, your money, energy and time are your chips. How you play them determines if you end up with more or less than you had. Yes, you gamble. You don’t need just luck to win, you need knowledge to win, which you get from trying, giving it a shot, and playing the game. You have got to be in it to stand any chance of winning it.

  We have our chips every day, and we go out there and play. Some end up with more than they had in the morning, some with less or nothing, depending on how they played the money game that day. The money you have depends on how you spend it to increase or decrease it. We all come into contact with money one way or the other. How it goes out is what determines if it will come back as the same amount, or with profit, or if it doesn’t come back at all.

  If money is spent on things that appreciate in value, which have a potential of making you more money, you are playing a winning game. If you spend your money on things that depreciate in value, like consumables, which lose value as soon as you’ve purchased them, you are playing a losing game. Based on this, play the game to your advantage. Put your money where your mouth is, and not where other people’s mouths are. Seeing life as a game gives you an advantage. You don’t take things that seriously; you have fun. It is another way of looking at things which I think will help you use your money more productively, for your own advancement.

  What role does money play in you becoming successful?

  This is the excuse most people use as a reason as to why they are failures, and why they cannot live the life they dream of. They believe success comes from money, and that you have to have money to make money. This is a wrong and silly excuse. This book delves deeply into explaining money as a tool; a tool of exchange that represents value. Value itself is not where things starts. Everything starts as a thought. Before it is produced into value that can be exchanged into money, it starts as a thought.

  From this, we can see that we don’t need money to be
come wealthy. We just need our minds, which create our thoughts. That’s where wealth comes from. You must also be willing to start small because you have to build your capital and grow your business one rand at a time. You can also find investors who will happily invest in you after you have created value and sold it to investors; people who will invest money in your ideas and make it into a business to make profits from. You just have to create value. Once you have created a service or product using your thoughts, you are a step away from wealth.

  Given this reason, not having money is no excuse. It is up to you. You can start small and grow your business capital or you can seek investors and be in business. It is that easy, so no more money excuses.

  Work with what you have

  When it comes to creating wealth and building your empire from the ground, you need to work with what you have. Everything discussed in this book on how to create wealth points to the fact that you must work with what you have to create the wealth that you want in your life. You have to use the resources that are available to you to create wealth.

  The first resource that you have is TIME. This is what you must first invest wisely to create wealth. The next resource you need is your MIND. These are the two resources that are available freely to you, and that can make you have all the wealth you desire. If you have TIME and your MIND, you can have everything you need from the world, and you can start creating wealth. This is how…

  By expressing the thoughts in your mind into physical form using physical material, you are able to CREATE VALUE, which is wealth. Value becomes wealth when you are able to sell it to other people; when what you create becomes useful to the other person. So far, no big money is involved; you just use your natural resources to create VALUE, which can now be transferred to MONEY, when you sell whatever you have created.

  Then when you have MONEY, you can use it to create further value, to advance your creations and to be able to reach more people with the value you have created, which is the product or service you have created. Then money becomes the last resource in what you can use to create wealth.

  You must understand this; you don’t need money to start creating value. You just need your thoughts, your time and your body. In other words, you only need yourself. You must work wisely with what you have. Even the smallest amount of money can go a long way in helping you create the wealth that you desire. The skill you have developed, whatever it is, if it is something that you enjoy doing, and something you are passionate about, it can be used to create wealth. Money will never be an excuse as to why you are not rich or why you are not living your dreams.

  Learn to work with what you have, and the resources you have at your disposal. It can be anything you’ve got, such as a skill, your love for something, your passion about something, your personality traits, your abilities, the resources available through the government, or people in the world who may be in a good position and willing to help you achieve your dreams. This just requires the use of your mouth, so ask for help.

  PEOPLE around you are the resource you have naturally. Put them to use, ask for help, request assistance to realise your dreams, and send out proposals. Here you just have to start the fire. Read the section in this book about starting the fire; it will guide you on how to successfully get investors, and how to get people to approve your business proposals. Instead of writing down proposals, show them what you can do. Prepare a demonstration for whatever business you are in. People buy into things they see, not what you tell them you can do. Show them what you can do; work with what you have and create something. People will buy into what they see you can do.

  The bottom line is that you have to use the resources you have wisely, to your advantage; your wealth will be created when you use your resources. There are a lot of resources like the ones mentioned above. There are natural resources you can use to create the wealth that you want. They are free, so put them to use.

  In short, put yourself to use. You have to use yourself wisely to create the wealth that you want to see in your life. Use your mind, your time and your abilities to your advantage; that’s where wealth comes from. All wealth starts from creation. Wealth starts from the fact that we are all creators; we create different values. Wealth is the combination of these values.

  When you have different values and creations from other people, you are wealthy. You get values from other people in exchange for what you have created. Wealth is that simple. Money is just the tool that facilitates the exchange, so if every one of us creates value, we will all be wealthy. This is what this book is encouraging you to do, to create value, which is creating wealth. It is that simple.

  How to create value? The answer is all over this book. In short, put your mind to use, think, study your strengths, and discover your strengths. Everyone has strengths. Sometimes what we regard as our weaknesses are in fact our strengths. Think creatively about your personality traits; study human needs, human challenges, where your strengths will fit in, and what challenges your strengths solve.

  Study the things you love and know how to do, and what you are naturally good at. Allow yourself to think creatively. Forget the rules, forget what other people are doing for wealth, don’t look for what’s in the world, look within yourself and at your abilities. Express them in physical form; put hands to the ideas in your brain, transform your thoughts into physical form, and then transform physical form into money by selling your creations, your product or services in the marketplace.

  Everything starts from thoughts. Don’t undermine yourself; you are no different from any great inventor. You have a brain, you can think, you can take in knowledge, and you can study. Your mind can perform miracles; it is the source of wealth, it is the resource you have for free. Your mind is capable of creating value, which is its ability to create wealth. Seek knowledge, and feed it with knowledge; that’s what it consumes, knowledge. It will expand it to create value, which will become the wealth that you desire. Work with what you have.

  Invest what you have today for a better tomorrow

  Our future is created by what we choose to do with what we have today; what we do at this moment, now, and what we do with our current possession. It can be time, skills and that small amount of money you have. What you do with it at this moment makes all the difference in your near future, and in how your future turns out.

  Your future depends on what you do today with what you have; anything you have NOW. Investing it determines your future. Carelessly spending it will also result in a future dominated by lack. It is vital that you invest what you have towards your future. We all have something to invest, so invest it for a better future. Use what you have for your advancement.

  Starting a fire

  I’ve waited long enough for a good Samaritan to come my way and give me support in the form of an investment which will enable me to live my dreams and start that business, or pursue that career. I am still waiting. You can go out there and tell people to give you some value and promise them you will be successful, and that their efforts in making that possible will be recognised when you make it big. This is called asking for investment, and for people to invest in you. No one will believe you, and no one, sometimes even your family, will see your vision.

  People want to see things to believe them; they want to see your success not hear your promises; they want to see what you can do. They will only recognise you when you have something to show, not dreams, or proposals on paper. That’s not enough anymore. They need a demonstration, a sample of what you do, to make a decision on what they see.

  Your family will probably support you to a certain extent. There are also people who will support you but for that vision to be realised, you have to take it upon yourself to realise that dream. Not everyone will be willing to invest anything in your dream unless they are quite sure that it will pay off for them. Everyone has the potential to make it big, but only a few lucky ones get recognised and get support to make that dream possible in the shortest period of time. Bu
t how about the rest of us? We must make our dreams a reality, because no one else will.

  Something magical happens when you stop looking for help and support, and when you stop looking for capital investment and take things upon yourself. When you start making the fire with that little you’ve got, people start getting interested in helping you. People offer support because now it is not just talk; they can see the fire. It can be the smallest fire, but it is a fire, and not just smoke. That’s when investments will start rolling in; that’s when your investment proposal will have some weight on it. You are not presenting plans; you can show people what you can do. Every proposal this day and age is based on what you’ve got for the investors; don’t tell people what you can do, show them.

  Start the fire. You will see, most people support winners. If a soccer team loses all the time, people stop showing that much support for it, but when it starts winning, the stadiums are full. This is how the game goes. No one wants to be associated with losers. This world has no place for losers; it gives everything to the winner. Be the winner, go for it.

  You will be alone now when starting that fire, no matter how small. Being alone also helps you as you can make sacrifices without anyone else’s concerns; you can cut back on things so that you can have enough money to start that business. No one wants to make sacrifices for your dreams which might not come true. Only you can make those sacrifices.

  You will be alone when you start that fire, but as soon as there is some flame visible in your fireplace, no matter how small, you will see people gathering around. Everyone will bring their wood to make your fire bigger and keep warm. The wood is investment to grow your business, career support, and so on. All this will only come when you start the fire. You just have to start that fire of your dreams, and you will see how many people will start showing up to support you.


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