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Money- Wealth Creation Guide

Page 16

by Phillip Seanego


  What makes different definitions? We all have our different definitions of success; what success is to you never means the same to the next person. This is why only you can make yourself happy. I don’t know what you want out of life. I don’t know ‘what’s your cup of tea’, or what you honestly want, so I will not be able to find you success. Only you can.

  As much as I want you to dream big and set big goals, I can’t make you if you are happy with what you are or have. I can only try to influence you. You must not allow other people to define success to you; you will end up in debt if you do. Does success mean driving that big car even if you know you cannot afford it? To me, if you can’t buy it for cash, you cannot afford it. You can disagree, but that’s just for me. Since everyone wants to be considered successful, people do anything to portray that image and they end up in debt.

  You must define your own success. You must not confine yourself to common beliefs about success because you will think less of yourself, and you will not appreciate what you achieve because you measure it with other people’s achievements. Run your own race, to your own destination. Don’t try to compete with people; it puts useless pressure on yourself and will bring you failure because of wanting to keep up with some people’s standards. Play it to your own standards, which will bring you success. Your true success is achieved in your own terms and definition of success.

  What makes people successful is that they set their own standard or own pace to succeed and appreciate their small success which might not be appreciated by other people. Other people are sometimes out there to tear you down. If you achieve something and then you expect recognition or applause, they just criticise and search for flaws in your achievement to make you feel bad about what you’ve achieved, so that you stop trying to achieve anything in the future. You become like them. They want you on their own level or lower, and that’s why they don’t appreciate your success. Only you can appreciate yourself; other people will not.

  So, feel free to pat yourself on the back; you are doing great. Don’t do things for recognition, do things for yourself, and do things because they make you happy. Happiness is success, nothing else. If you are happy with your life, that is success. It is not what I think. Make your own definition of success and go for it.


  One of the big hold-backs when it comes to pursuing your dream life is that people are coerced into debt by different circumstances, as a way of being able to get the things today they wouldn’t afford to get for cash, and pay for them later. It makes it difficult to grow when you have debts because it reduces the chances of growth in your life. It is a problem of patience; waiting for your time to afford things or saving towards the things you want to acquire. All this requires patience and people fall into debt simply because of the lack of patience and a plan for life.

  Today it is the norm to buy things on credit to the point that if you tell people otherwise it might be harder for them to accept or agree. But you need to know that debt also causes lack and a lot of unhappiness because it denies people their natural desire to grow. It is becoming increasingly stranger to hear someone saying that they are saving for a house. Many people don’t believe they can do that; you don’t believe that you can have enough money to buy that house for cash, you don’t believe that you can be successful, and you don’t believe in yourself. You might as well stop reading right here, as you will not succeed if you don’t believe you can.

  When you believe you can save for a house, you wouldn’t mind staying in a one-roomed house until that happens, but if you believe that you won’t be able to save that money, and that it will take you a lifetime to achieve, you are wrong. Paying up a house bond will take you a lifetime and puts you at risk of losing it if you lose your job, but saving and investing your money for a house makes it easier and faster to achieve your goal without any risks. It is also cheaper to buy for cash, as there is no interest to pay that comes with debt.

  I am not being hard on people who have taken out house bonds. I know a lot of people purchase high-cost possessions through debt, but you must know that there is a better way, and to have an advantage with your newly desired success you must first work on paying off the debts, unless you know you can manage changing careers without losing your bond, which is not always the case for a lot of people.

  They get to be stuck in jobs they don’t like just because of debts, and you know that if you resign or you can’t manage to pay the bank back, they take everything. That is why I say this is building your house on quicksand. You must strive to stay away from debt. Be a cash, not a credit, person. It is great to be debt free; it makes it easy to change things around if you feel you don’t like your career anymore or anything about your life. You can take risks freely because you know that even when things don’t go well, there will be no one on your back asking for payment.

  Some people have debts for business purposes. It is a good idea if it works out, but still, if it doesn’t, like all debts, it comes back to haunt you. The better strategy if you are not yet in debt is to stay that way, debt free. At the same time, it is still all up to you, I am just saying this since I’ve observed that many people are limited from financial growth by debts.

  The effects of our choices on our future

  Our choices are one of the most important things when it comes to living the life we wish for and really deserve. It is misleading to believe that we are not in control. To think you are not is better because you can easily change what you think, but to BELIEVE is the worst position to find yourself in. You have to work that much harder to change that belief.

  One of the best gifts of life is free will; our choices are the power that determines our life experience. You wake up every day and right away you need to make a choice; get up or sleep some more. Whatever circumstance you find yourself in there are always choices to be made. There is not just one option but several choices, and if you think positively enough, there are endless choices.

  You are where you are today because of the choices you made a few seasons back. The most outstanding thing about choices is that they come in opposites just like everything else; you have the right and left, north or south, east or west option. Even now it is still your choice what you do with your life. Do you want change or more of the same thing? Change and no change are opposites.

  It is still your choice if you will use the knowledge and advice you learn from this book or not. Most of the choices that are better are the hardest for us to take because they are against our mind’s desire to stay in the comfort zone. They take us out of the comfort zone; they bring change and require new adjustments, a change of habits that we are used to; this makes our minds likely to refuse these choices. They make us feel uncomfortable because they stretch our minds to new levels.

  Your mind, just like a muscle, is stretched by new knowledge and new ways of doing things. It is a little bit uncomfortable initially but it is necessary for your growth. We also look stupid to other people if we make those choices; when we make big decisions because they are against common beliefs. It is those not so obvious choices that puzzle everyone. You left your job? How can you do that? Are you mad? If you want success, go against the crowd.

  The choices we make today influence where we end up in the future. It is very important that you choose wisely. You don’t try to take short cuts, you don’t try to make up for the things you dream of with things that are not part of your dreams, and you don’t settle for less because if you settle for less you settle for trouble. This will lead you in a different direction from where you initially set out to go, and you won’t get the results you hoped for, so no short cuts.

  It is important that you study the choices you make. Don’t fall into habitual choices; don’t fall into repeated circles of failures because of your habitual trail of thought. When you make the same choices that lead you to failure, and when you’ve made it a habit to take short cuts, it becomes a habit. In everything you do you want
to take a short cut to get it done, and you will always seek the fastest way of doing things, which will result in failure when it comes to the creation of wealth. Our choices are instrumental in us reaching our goals. You must know what you want. Be clear about it and do not be prepared to settle for less. Focus on what you want out of life and work towards it, through your choices.

  Our choices controls our destiny

  We create our destiny by the choices we make; whatever happens to me can mostly be traced back to a choice I’ve made. What we experience more often than not in life can be related to the choices we take. I am 100 percent responsible for what happens to me based on the choices I’ve made. Everyone is or should be responsible for the actions they take, and for the choices they make. Life becomes what you choose; life is what you make it. The power is in your choices.

  How giving away your value for free or for a little causes poverty and lack

  We have to exchange values to accumulate wealth. You can’t give away your value without receiving a real value. This is what causes lack. You can’t take other people’s value without giving them a value. Doing this is a big cause of poverty and lack. If you take without giving, you cause all this world’s troubles because all the world’s troubles are born from lack. People go to war because of lack or fear of lack.

  Most people don’t know what is responsible for poverty. It is caused by people, by us, when we ignore the rules of exchange. The normal and natural status of people is average, but people can get more from life when they choose to, or less for that matter. When they are fair to themselves, their growth will be identical to the growth of those they do business with; it will be the same as those they trade values with. Are you enjoying the same growth as the company you work for? If not, you are not being fair to yourself; you are causing lack for yourself.

  Our natural status is average. The problem is a lot of people don’t even live average lives. They struggle to survive, and you cannot grow and evolve if you are just trying to survive life day after day, pay-check after pay-check. This is caused by breaking the rule of exchange. Instead of increasing your value, you decrease it by giving your value for free or less that you are worth.

  You must receive value when you give out value. Here is how lack is created; when you give no value to other people, you cause lack to yourself, and when you give value to the other person for less or for nothing, for free, you have caused lack for yourself. You now have nothing to show for the value you gave away, which is wealth. The wealth you seek is a combination of values from other people; that is wealth.

  You must create value. Place a price on the values you have, and value what you have. Even when what you are really giving away is time, it is your time. It is valuable, and you must get real value for it. Life is born of abundance, so where does poverty come from? It is created. We can easily change our circumstances, by creating value and sharing it for a price, for a value from another person.

  People who work for other people for the rest of their lives give up their dreams to help the people they work for achieve theirs. That’s what you are doing if you are working for other people and have no plan to also start working on your dreams and hiring people to help you achieve yours. You must have your own dreams and work to see them come into reality. Partner with other people who share the same interest as you. Don’t work for other people forever; work for people with a plan to use the job to achieve your dreams of financial independence.

  By just working for someone, you are giving value that your salary will never be able to match. You are giving away your time, and your life. How much is your life worth, a pay-check? You can turn things around now, by working for yourself or using your job to advance towards your dream life, your dream career, and so on.

  A man can only achieve so much in a day. To do more, he will need to partner with other people to help him advance. That’s what work is for. You are in a partnership with your employer to raise capital for yourself to start working on your dreams, while he is in the partnership to grow his business and be able to share his values with more and more people. If the two different goals are not being reached for either of the partners, the partnership must end. You must make sure that you get the true value or the initial expected goal for the value you give out to your employer; at the end of the day, it is your responsibility.

  Does it take some luck to succeed?

  When there are people who stumble on success by chance. A very small amount of people get that success; a lot of us have to work with patience to get what we want out of life. As the saying goes, you make your own luck. It is in taking actions that we stand a chance of any luck; you will not stand a chance of winning the lottery if you don’t even play it. That’s making your own luck.

  Some people get lucky and make it when they are still young, but you must understand the fact that this only happens to a very small number of the population. Success is success; no matter how long it takes you, growth is growth, even at one cent at a time. It is still growth, and the most perfect and matured growth takes time, one day at a time.

  You must run your own race. People cause lack by trying to match other people when they are not on the same level, and when they don’t start on the same level. That’s why there is so much debt. You must run your own race at your own pace.

  Success breeds success

  Also emphasising the importance of focusing on your strengths, it is very important to do things you succeed at. This is what happens when you focus on your strengths. You succeed more than you would probably fail, as you are born to do these activities. They come so naturally to you and they are easy to learn. You can reach higher levels of performance with these activities, effortlessly.

  Now, success gives birth to passion. You might not be that interested at something, but once you’ve tried it and seen how good you are at it, you start loving it. I have never met someone who is good at something he hates. Unless they are lying to you, there is no way they can hate what they are great at.

  Most of us don’t know our strengths; we don’t know what we are good at. This comes from a lack of activity and passion, mostly caused by having to do the same thing over and over again at your place of employment. If you don’t do things, and if you don’t try things, you will never know or find out what you are good at. You must get out there and try whatever you can think of. Be an active human being; it is good for the health of your mind and your pocket because you will find your strengths, career and activities you excel at and create wealth for yourself.

  How does a young guy find out that he has the potential of being a big soccer or rugby star? By playing it, that’s the only way. When you become successful at something, the more you believe in yourself, and the more motive you have, the more success you want. You know what it feels like to be successful; you will want more of it, you become inspired to do great things, you have a positive outlook of life and positivity adds to your life. Most importantly you believe in yourself, and that you are capable of success. It boosts your self- esteem, it boosts your spirit, and it drives you to greater heights.

  Failure on the other hand destroys your confidence, kills your desire to try again, beats you down, makes you inactive, and you develop a negative outlook on life. Failure after failure makes you feel like a failure; you start feeling like a failure, and you become a failure. It tears you down, and you become a failure for life because you stop trying things. Recurring failure makes you invite more failure in your life. This can simply be avoided by focusing and cultivating your strengths. You succeed easily at things you are naturally good at. Success makes you explore and succeed more in other things as you find out other strengths you have got.

  The important thing here is not to fall into the trap of dream-killing failures, failure after failure, is to focus on your strengths. Your strengths are the wealthy part of you; the wealthy part that you are born with. It already exists in you; it is within you right now as you read, and you become wealthy whe
n you express it to the world. Your weaknesses are what make you poor; they get you poor results because you are expressing your poor part. We all have strengths and weaknesses. The rich become richer by expressing their rich side, their wealthy side, just like the poor who express their poor part. You don’t work on your weaknesses or failures, you ignore them; you focus on your strengths, your successes. They will bring more success and make you wealthy and achieve your dreams.

  Learn to recognise success. No matter how small your success is, you must take note of it, and have gratitude for it. This allows you to stay focused on your dreams. When you see yourself making progress every day you become inspired to work even harder towards your dreams; you also reward yourself, which keeps your mind committed to your dreams, to make sure that they come true.

  Unproductive people

  People who are very busy doing nothing are very busy people but they achieve nothing. They are broke because they have no value to give, and they have done this to themselves. They stay on the sidelines and try to mind other people’s businesses. They complain, applaud, criticise, and become fans or haters. They just watch other people and play judge; they judge who is good and who is bad.

  You must not belong to this group of people if you want success in your life. They end up stealing or cheating because they have nothing to bring to the marketplace; they have no value to give because they spend most of their time looking at what other people are doing. You must make a habit of being productive, a habit of creating value for other people to use.


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