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Money- Wealth Creation Guide

Page 17

by Phillip Seanego

  Make every working day a productive day. Have something or some progress to show on your creations at the end of the day. The more value you create, the more products you have to take to the market, the more money you make; so if your time is wasted on unproductive activities, you have no value or create very little value to be able to achieve your dreams.

  Having a job will also make you unproductive and train you to be unproductive because there is only this much you can do at a job. You have your activities for the day planned and they are the same every day. If the activities are themselves unproductive, you get used to being unproductive. You learn nothing from doing the same thing over and over again. Most jobs involve a lot of waiting. You have to be at work for certain hours, and whether there is work or it is quiet, you have to laze about until it becomes busy or it is time to go home.

  You must work on being productive to be successful. Produce real value, and see progress towards your dreams every day. You must have a progress report and you must know how close you are getting to your dreams every day. It keeps you focused, it keeps you on track.

  There are people who rely on others for everything. They love to be dependent on others. When everyone is working or trying to be somebody in life, they do nothing about their lives. They are on welfare, and they live on grants. They just don’t do anything to create their future. They depend on the government, and just ask for everything. They become a dead weight to the economy, which has difficulty in growing and moving ahead because of this dead weight it caters for. You must not be part of that group. You must create value, and you must not rely on anybody for your life. You must take responsibility for your life by contributing to the growth of the economy by being an active citizen. Taking actions is how you get to choose your destiny, and your future.

  Job security

  There is no such thing as job security. Maybe it did exist before I was born, I don’t know, but talking from experience, people lose their cars, people lose their houses, and people get listed with the credit bureau because of so-called job security. The whole debt business is based on job security which most of the time ends up with people working for the banks, being listed with the credit bureau after losing their jobs or getting stuck in jobs they don’t want any more just because they have debts to pay.

  My proposal for you is to approach the job situation as an entry level to business. Have a purpose to work yourself up to independence, and keep your purpose in mind. Don’t acquire debt when you get employed, instead, save up to invest in your future career, your business and having more than one source of income. Working for someone is an entry level to the economy. You must not take it as a way of making a living; use it to find true independence, which is self-employment. That is if you dream of achieving notable success, freedom and the best quality of life.

  People stick to their employment because they believe in job security; they don’t trust that they will be able to cope without their job, even when they don’t like it. Let’s look at job security. It means knowing where your income will come from, but wait; if you don’t own your income resources, and if you don’t own the company you work for, it means you can lose your job anytime. Looking at this we can conclude that there is no job security.

  Most people who are successful in life don’t have one source of income; they have several sources of income. This is the security you must strive for. You won’t be able to live on a job salary alone with today’s cost of living. You must have your own career with multiple incomes and have investments here and there. Have an investment portfolio to manage to secure your dream life, your future and lifestyle. You must play the money game, be in it and share in the dividends.

  In short, understand that there is no job security; you must work towards multiple sources of income to be able to cope with the increasing cost of living. This doesn’t mean two jobs and so on, and it doesn’t mean only work hard. You must work smart as well. Create things that are valuable with your strengths. It can also be done in the form of investments, where you make your money work for you at other companies while you are busy at your dream job or career.

  When you choose a career also consider the growth options of the field you are in and maximise the money you could get from what you are doing. For example a journalist can write for newspapers, write books, offer writing lessons, do private promotional writing for companies, write blogs, and so on, the list is endless and it all relates to one skill, writing.

  This will help you have multiple incomes and still do what you like. You must think about this when choosing a career. Many careers are expandable; you just have to be creative. Think of a carpenter. What else can he use the skill of carpentry for? The other most common way of expanding a career is teaching. He can have trainees, or write a book about carpentry on the skills that go into carpentry and the material they use. These days he can even have a TV show showing people different carpet designs or décor styles and trends. There is just no limit, and you can easily achieve this by having a passion for what you do and thinking creatively.

  There is no limit to how many things you can do with only one skill. We see doctors owning health websites, writing health guide books, being involved in medical research, developing health technologies, owning medical products, having TV shows, teaching, and so on. There’s just no limit to this. You must know and accept that there is no job security; if you want real success you must have multiple sources of income. Most successful people do that. You can use one skill to do other related work to increase your income resources.

  Failure to achieve your dreams ends in unhappiness

  It is what we expect of ourselves that makes us miserable; it is when we don’t live up to our own expectations about ourselves. You are not happy or fulfilled most of the time because you are not living your ideal life. Satisfaction, fulfilment, happiness; all this is achieved when we live our ideal life. We must all work towards our ideal life and our dreams, to be able to live happy and fulfilling lives.

  What’s at stake?

  At stake is what having money brings to your life and what the lack of it takes from your life. Yes, the lack of money takes away something from you, something you are born with. It is still there but it becomes invisible to your consciousness. You forget the true you, as it takes away the real you, who you are and your true values. The real you is self-value, it is self-respect, it is knowing the true you; that I AM.

  When people can treat you anyway they want and you have to put up with it, when they make you do things against your will because you have to, otherwise what will you eat, and where will you stay, you lose your self-worth; it takes away your pride. You can’t be a proud father if you can’t even provide for your kids and family. It takes away the part you have to play in your life, in your family and your community.

  Take for example people who sell their bodies. Don’t you think they are selling their souls? Do you think they hold the same self-respect as everyone else? I don’t think so. Remember in the end it is who you think you are that matters most. Feeling and thinking less of yourself will not make you happy or fulfilled. It makes the world a cold place. These are the people who really need to be told “rest in peace” when they pass on.

  You lose your power, and you become vulnerable. It becomes easy for you to be used by other people, and you have to accept whatever is offered. Having money gives you freedom to pursue whatever it is that will make you grow and evolve as a living soul; freedom to pursue your own happiness, to be all you can be. Do you think people living in poverty are free? Free to do what? They are very limited; they have very little resources to use for growth.

  It is very important to explore what is at stake when it comes to creating value and going for gold; going for your dreams. You must understand this so that it pushes you into actions; for it to motivate you to take your future into your hands so that you can influence it to be the way you want it to be. Knowing what you stand to lose out on when you do nothing about you
r future will help you make an informed decision about what you will do about your life. Here are just a few of the things that you miss out on…

  You won’t live life the way you want, as people who don’t create their own future are faced with having to live life accepting whatever gets thrown their way. They don’t have a choice in the matter; they have to accept whatever is given to them. I am sure that is not what you want. Well, if you are not prepared to work towards influencing life to be the way you want it to be, you won’t choose how to live your life. Your fate will be decided by other people. People who make decisions that affect you, and people you choose to depend on, will choose your fate. You have to accept whatever comes your way, and you just have to pray and hope that you will like your fate.

  On the other hand, people who choose their future and people who go for their dreams get to experience life on their own terms; they get to live where they want to live, in the neighbourhood they want. They influence more things that happen in their lives; they get to experience life more, they travel, and they can afford a lot of life experiences that a broke person can only see on TV. This is just the icing that comes with choosing your future.

  When you don’t choose your destiny and when you don’t influence it, you will lose respect for yourself. When you depend on other people, they will disrespect you and you will have to put up with them because they provide for you. This will result in you losing respect for yourself, which is losing your self-worth. This will drag you more into negativity, and your actions will be bad for you. You will self-destruct because when you lose respect for yourself and your body, you stop loving yourself. You hate yourself, and you hate other people. Life sucks for you and you start using substances that kill you. You don’t take care of yourself. This is what I call to self-destruct. There is nothing to live for, so you don’t care what happens.

  People who choose their future develop a lot of love for themselves and for other people. They live life joyfully, and they enjoy being alive because they get to choose the things they want in their lives. They have more power to choose who they get close to and who they stay away from, while when you are broke you are forced to put up with the boss from hell. People who choose their future can move away from business acquaintances they don’t like. They are proud of themselves; they have a lot of self-worth, they respect themselves, and they respect their bodies which results in them being able to have good morals and take good care of themselves.

  When you are not living your dreams, life becomes a burden. This is really what happens. You just can’t wait for life to pass on; you think maybe it is better on the other side of life. Remember how life seems to go quickly when you are having a good time, but life drags on when you are not happy. It loses meaning; there is nothing to look forward to. To just be alive becomes a burden because you can’t support yourself and people who are close to you. Many people cope with this by using substances to distract their attention from their circumstances. Some just fantasise without fulfilling reality, but the only great solution here is to create value and go for your dreams. It is a fun exercise that leads you to more life, more joy, and more success to achieve.

  You cannot be a blessing to other people when you are not a successful person. When you don’t create value you become useless to the next person. You are not contributing to the wellbeing and sustainability of humankind, and you cannot even be a blessing to your own kids. People can’t look to you to help them with anything. Your life doesn’t affect anybody in a good way, which also makes you lose your self-worth.

  When you are successful in your life, you become a role model. People look up to you, and your kids are proud to have you as a parent. Everyone wants to be associated with you; you become a symbol of success and gain more influence in the society in which you live. You become a leader and as a leader, you are able to influence people and the environment you live in, through your financial power and leadership. Your life has more meaning; there is more to live for.

  You cannot be a role model when you are unsuccessful in your life. No one wants to be associated with failure. Even your kids can’t look up to you as a mentor; they don’t look at you as someone who they aspire to be like when they grow up. Most of these people here become bad role models. They are negative about life; they influence people who look up to them in a negative way, which creates lack and causes poverty for people who choose to look up to failures.

  I know these are extreme situations but it is important to look at the results of lack. The most immorality we see in the world is born from lack. People steal because they fail to aspire to know the creation of value and create wealth for themselves. They do all kinds of bad things mostly to themselves to get a meal for the day; they take substances to avoid facing themselves, and to avoid facing the fact that they’ve failed themselves. It is only when they face their failures that they can change things around. Knowing what is at stake helps you to motivate yourself towards success to avoid achieving nothing in life. You are motivated to have a lot of people look up to you, and to be the symbol of success.

  Fail, get up and try again

  Keep trying for what you want, doing whatever it takes; legally of course, trying again and again. Don’t be afraid to fail and don’t beat yourself up when you fail. Life is about trying things out until you get what you want. People find fortune, treasure is searched for and found; this means you must look for it by trying different approaches, and trying again and again. Only the strategy changes, the goal stays the same. Find the right mindset for success, which is trying. Successful people are failures who never stopped trying; just keep trying.

  Move on from failure

  In whatever you do, if things don’t go your way, the motto must be ‘you lose some, you win some. I lost but I had fun and learned a lot to help me succeed next time’. That’s the spirit; that’s what will make you succeed.

  Go on and make mistakes and learn from them

  There are mistakes which we must just commit to learn from them. We seem to try hard not to make mistakes, and we even stop taking actions to avoid making mistakes, but making mistakes is a vital part of learning. So live, make mistakes, talk rubbish, do foolish things, follow your heart and learn from all the mistakes. Open your mind to the fact that creation tests things and commits errors until it finds a way to work around those errors. As said before, you are nature, and if you err, nature errs too. This is the only way you can find out what works, by making mistakes.

  Have a base to take a leap from and fall back on if you fail to fly

  Having a base where you take risks from is very important to your career and finding success in your life; it gives you peace of mind and takes away the fear of having nothing to fall back on. We all need that assurance from time to time; that if what I do doesn’t go well, I will be fine. What’s your base? What do you fall back on?

  This is why I encourage self-employment. When you are able to earn an income without anyone’s assistance or depending on an employer, you can take risks. If you are not successful, you still have an income to fall back on. It will still be something; you have to make a living after all. When it is possible to be self-employed, you can change cities, quit your job and start a career, and so on, without being scared. You know that there is still income to rely on, and that there is something to always fall back on. It is that security that allows us to take the leap of faith, to take risks and challenge life.

  So, build yourself a base, and have an independent income resource that you secure as your base, where you can take risks from and fall back on. The best way of creating an independent income is through self-employment. You will know that no matter what happens, you will always have income to cover your basic needs.

  It can also be that you have reliable support at home. When the world gets cold, you can go back home and there will be no problems. The only catch with using home as a base, is that you will have to tell your parents about your actions. If you are lucky they might not c
ontrol you or try to dictate or interfere in what you are up to. This is never usually the case, but anyway, if home works for you as a base, go out there and take risks for your career and future, knowing that whatever happens, you will have a base to fall back on. This is a good way of dealing with your fear of taking risks.


  Your level of self-worth; what you think you can do

  Self-worth is very important when it comes to the creation of wealth, and when you want to achieve your dreams and aspirations. You have to have self-worth. Know that you are important in this world. Your value, and your self-worth, can be measured by the value you receive from other people. This is what you charge other people for your values, your time, skills, and so on.

  Now, this might cause a lot of arguments among people. Many people would not like to hear that what they earn defines how they value themselves. I agree to a certain extent that the money you earn will sometimes not equal your self-worth. I only believe that this will be true if you stay in the same situation, without the desire to change it or without even trying to change your situation. It makes it true that the money you get is a measure of your self-worth, when you are not doing anything to change it.

  To expand on this further, when we have dreams about the life we want to live, and when we are working towards something, it means that we think we are worth more. It is because we believe we deserve more from life. It is that simple. You can’t want to change something for the better if you didn’t think you deserve something better. So if you have a dream, if you are working towards financial freedom, and you want to have more money, this means you have a higher self-worth. No matter what you are earning at the moment, your desire to want to change it, and also taking actions to change it, shows that you value yourself more than what you earn.


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