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Money- Wealth Creation Guide

Page 19

by Phillip Seanego

  They need their boss. They need their master; they need to be told what to do, and when and where to be. The fear is so deep that you don’t feel it anymore, because it is subconscious. Your mind will just give you logical reasons why you must not quit the job you don’t like, such as bills and so on. Those are the reasons. At the root is fear, and it sounds stupid when the real reason is expressed because your subconscious mind doesn’t take things on logical reasoning. It stores everything, whether good for you or bad, and makes you act around those guidelines.

  In your subconscious mind, the information stored, whether false or real, useful or outdated, controls how you act and react to different situations. Your subconscious mind is very sensitive to feelings and emotions, and builds up automatic actions around undesirable feelings like fear, pain, and so on. When you are employed at a new job, there is the initial fear around making sure you don’t lose the job. Depending on how badly you need that job, you feel fear when you wake up a little late for work, and you feel fear when the boss calls you to the office or when you made a mistake and your boss corrects you on it. There is that fear of losing the job, especially when you just got hired.

  This fear gets stored in your subconscious mind and habits are formed to make sure you don’t make mistakes and lose your job. As time goes you don’t feel the fear anymore; you just do things the right way and know how to keep the boss happy. When the time comes that you don’t want the job anymore, the fear is still there in your subconscious mind and it makes your conscious mind come up with all kinds of reasons why you must not leave the job.

  Also as a norm and with the social pressures that we live in these days, leaving your job without any other employment sounds insane to other people. Whether you agree or not, we don’t all want to look stupid to our peers. There is always that fear of the unknown. What if I leave this job, what if my income plan doesn’t work out and I become so broke I can’t face my friends and family, what will happen to your bills, and so on. Even when you’ve developed a plan, there’s still fear that it will fail therefore you take no action.

  This is how fear gets stored in your subconscious mind. You don’t feel pain when you see fire in your consciousness, but you will never put your finger in the fire again because of the stored pain that you felt ages ago. It is stored in your subconscious mind.

  People can’t live without being controlled – they need a leader. They are so caught up in this belief that they lose self-discipline when they are on their own. They can’t manage their finances and family life successfully because the boss is not there to tell them where to get off, and what to do. They can’t drop their lazy habits when they are on their own because there is no threat from the boss. That’s why they don’t act on their dreams.

  Fear controls a lot of our actions, but as much as it is very important in keeping us alive and safe from anything that endangers our lives, it also stops us from acting and doing things that are necessary for our existence. Be aware of this and ignore that fear. Feel it and do it anyway because you know you will not die if you decide to quit that job, or start that business or change that career.

  There’s also fear to act because things might not go right. Ask yourself what it is really that you stand to lose; nothing really. We fear taking risks. If you stay safe you die safe. You know that boats are meant to travel the wavy seas, and not just stay in the harbour. Humans are made to follow their dreams. That is living, not staying safe and avoiding disappointment and failure. Come forth and LIVE. We learn and grow from creating things, from trying out things, and pushing ourselves beyond our limits.

  Learn to manage your fear. We all feel fear; the difference is how successful people react to their fears. They face them, as they know that fear perishes when confronted. They know that fear is useless when it comes to the creation of wealth. It is horrible, because it denies you your life right, which is to be anything you want to be.

  It is important to manage your feelings, of which fear is one. Channel these feelings in a way that they bring you success. The magic is in how you use them. You can channel your fear towards not amounting to anything, your fear of being a nobody, and use it as a source of motivation, where you are afraid of being nothing in your life. Through that fear you work on being somebody. The same negative feeling can be used in a positive way. It is about knowing that you are in control. You can control how your feelings affect you, and you can channel your feelings, which are just energy. Channel that energy towards success.

  Fear of rejection

  Fear is the biggest killer of motivation. It stops people from living their dreams. Here, I want to deal with the most discouraging fear. People do nothing when they have developed this fear, and it is the king of all fears when it comes to people failing to achieve their dreams, and people accepting to settle for less. It is a common fear that kills dreams, and deprives people of the quality of life they aspire to. It is very important that you give all your attention to this. Know exactly how terrible it is and how it can stop you from living your life to the fullest.

  The fear of rejection is terrible, and it is very scary for a lot of people. I would say that we have all experienced this. We have all been rejected sometime. We once asked for something from somebody and have been denied. No one can tell me that he or she was never denied anything in his or her life. It is just the way it is. We all go through rejection; we do ask for some things and get a resounding NO.

  First, when this happens, we get angry, and we may even despise the person who rejected our proposals. We get angry because it is painful not to have your way, especially since we all have an ego. As much as it is important to your self-worth, it causes you to be angry when someone devalues you. We sometimes feel like we have been devalued when someone doesn’t see value in what we are selling and rejects our proposals.

  It is all true. As a result of our developed self-worth, or ego, we feel that what we do is valuable. It boils down to the fact that too much of anything is not good for you. As much as you must have an ego, and as much as you must believe in yourself, you must not allow it to grow to the level that you don’t respect other people’s values, or believe that you are far more important than other people, which will never be true.

  This is where everything goes wrong. You must know that as much as you are important, the next person is as important as you are. This affords you respect for the next person. This respect will help you to accept rejection; know that it is not the end of the road. Accept that not everyone is going to do business with you, or that not everyone is going to like what you do. It goes back to the fact that there are plenty of fish in the sea. You lose some, you win some.

  Here is where fear of rejection becomes the most dangerous; it is when it discourages us from selling our values, and taking our values to the marketplace. There is no way you can achieve wealth if you don’t do business with other people, and when you don’t trade with other people. You have to sell your product, and you have to show people what you do. You must send out business proposals; you must ask for business, and market your product or service, despite any rejection. Use the rejection as feedback to improve your product or service according to the market requirements; this is how you create wealth.

  Fear of rejection is when people no longer want to deal with others due to rejection they have experienced in the past. They don’t want to do anything that may expose them to possible rejection. This is why they think they have found security in their jobs, especially when it doesn’t involve any situation where they have to deal with rejection. People keep their jobs because of the fear that if they go for that business proposal, they will get rejected. Even when they can’t afford the life they want to live with their current job, the fear of the fact that they might be rejected stops them from quitting the job.

  I must admit that dealing with rejection was one of my big challenges in life. I was very blessed that the only professional work I had was in sales. I had to learn to deal with rejectio
n on a daily basis, which afforded me an opportunity to see beyond it; to see that it doesn’t matter, and that it is just part of life. You will be rejected from time to time as much as you do get your way from time to time.

  It is very important that you measure yourself here, and how you respond to rejection. At the end of the day you must be able to sell your value to people to achieve wealth, and if you have problems dealing with rejection, you won’t sell yourself to the best of your ability. You must attend to this and know that practise makes perfect. You get better at it as you experience more of it, and the more you are rejected the better you are able to deal with it.

  Note that fear of rejection also affects other parts of your life. As much as it stops you from sending out that business proposal, arranging that business meeting with prospective partners, and so on, it can also deny you a love life. If you can’t cope with rejection you miss opportunities of meeting the love of your life – it is that horrible. You have to approach your fears, and you have to deal with this fear. Know that you have more opportunity to live the life you dream of when you just go for it.

  Play your part by taking action, like approaching that prospective client, or approaching that woman or man of your dreams. How they respond is out of your control. If they reject you, it is their loss; they failed to see the best business deal you just presented to them, or they failed to see the love in your eyes. Move on to someone who can see real value when it is before them. Real recognises real, so move on to the next one, and seek people who appreciate your work. Don’t let rejection stop you from being what you are meant to be. You must learn to accept it and move on.

  Fear of taking risks

  When taking calculated risks, people are frozen by fear. They don’t take any action because they fear that they will fail, and they can’t take that risk. They want things to stay the way they are, and they don’t want to take any risk to get anything they aspire to. Even when they are not satisfied with what they’ve got, they settle for less. They worry that if they take actions they will lose even the little they have right now. They forget that when things are not improving, they are probably deteriorating. If your situation is not improving know that it is becoming worse, one day at a time. You will not notice it until you’ve lost what you thought you will lose by taking the risk, and by taking your chances.

  You will lose what you’ve got whether you use it to advance by taking calculated risks or you don’t use it at all. It is ultimately lost one way or the other. Even the money you have in the bank right now will lose value if it stays at the same amount. Prices are always going up, and your money will not be able to buy the things it can buy today in the future, a year from now. You can only get it on a par with the annual interest rate or even make more than you’ve got by taking calculated risks, and by using it and investing it in things that appreciate in value. The seed doesn’t grow in the storage container; it needs to be sowed in the ground to have a chance to grow.

  You achieve nothing when you don’t take actions or calculated risks because you must always use what you’ve got to get what you want. In the creation of money you must know that you will have to take risks to get ahead. Take calculated risks; the risk where you know exactly what you stand to lose and that you will recover from the loss. If you do win, you advance towards a better lifestyle and great future. I think that is worth the risk.

  People who succeed in life take risks all the time; they know that they must do that to get ahead. They can’t have their hands full and expect to receive anything else. They must give up something to be able to receive. It is just like that. If that means giving up your employment, then that’s it; you will then have more time to work on your career and the future you desire. It is the rule of money and success creation, and you have to obey it to succeed.

  Approach your fears

  You will only rise and fly when you stop being afraid of falling. You get rich if you are not afraid of being broke. Here is something very confusing that most of us do; we can be broke, but we still can’t risk the little money we receive by investing it because we are afraid of being broke. Instead we choose to spend it. It is still confusing even when it is written down. We are broke but we are afraid of being broke. When you are broke, you have nothing to lose. You can risk the little money you receive to have a chance at changing your condition. Spending the money doesn’t give you any chance at changing your conditions. It still doesn’t make sense.

  Some of it is caused by the fact that people are broke but are in denial of this fact. They spend every cent they come across on fancy things to affirm that they are not broke. They go into debt to affirm this; it is all denial. The first thing you must do is to accept the circumstances you find yourself in, and accept that you are broke! If you can’t afford fancy stuff, stop being ghetto fabulous; owning a car when you can’t afford petrol, looking cool in the streets but living in a mess, wearing fancy clothes while you can’t afford a meal. If you can’t afford food because your income is not up to the standard you have set for yourself, it is simply stupidity.

  It is wise to start by improving your income. Invest in your earnings. How can you improve your income to match the standard of the life you want to live? You must first improve your income before you improve your status. First things first, otherwise you will fail. Every little bit of money you receive must be invested in things that will improve your situation. Know that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Know this and start investing. There is no risk here; there is nothing to be lost. Don’t be afraid to be broke, accept it and keep investing to change your condition and become financially successful.


  Basic human needs; how to create business ideas based on them

  This is how you turn human problems to be your cash cow. You strive to solve human needs, which are human challenges. Things they can’t live without or things that make their lives easier; this is what makes problems opportunities. It is when you solve these problems that you find success. This is where you expand thoughts to make new business ideas. They are created based on human needs, human problems or challenges.

  Think about how much wealth you would achieve if you were to find a cure for any uncured disease. It is a human challenge, and if you solve it, people will pay you for your solution. Successful people meet human needs; they solve challenges that people face. Human beings always have challenges. Just to be alive is a challenge on its own. There are many needs that arise from just being alive. For example you have to eat, and people who provide for that need are rewarded with whatever you have. Every business is based on providing for some human needs or wants. This is what will make you successful. Study human needs; look at the challenges they face and the problems you face, and find a solution for them. Create a business idea based on your solution; this is how you will find success.

  What does it take to succeed?

  There is a combination of factors that result in success. Success is not something that depends solely on one thing, and there is no magic pill when it comes to success. It is going to take all the combination of tools written in this book to find success. You have to look at things from both sides; you have to take into consideration a lot of things and situations to come up with a good plan which will help you succeed.

  It starts from your personal attributes; your attitude towards wealth and money. It is your psychology, your personality; how open you are to ideas and how open you are to advice. You must construct your plan to wealth taking your situation and your circumstances into consideration; you must know where you are to go where you want to go. Take your independence. Do you take responsibility for yourself? Do you know and accept that your future is in your hands? It is up to you. No one will look out for you other than yourself; no one watches your back more than you do. It is in taking all these factors into consideration that we become best placed to achieve success in our lives.

  Factors that affect your money and gr
owth rate

  We all have to consider how our money is affected by the circumstances we find ourselves in and how to make changes to the way we do things in order to be able to have enough resources or enough money to use for our advancement towards our dreams.

  We also have to consider these factors to avoid getting ourselves into things that hinder or slow down our progress towards financial freedom. Most people are broke because of the way they do things. They end up struggling from month to month because of the things they do themselves. One of the common factors that hinders a person’s growth and stops us from living our dreams is that we are in debt. We owe the bank and only have a little income because the bulk of the money goes to the bank. We are literally working for the bank. This makes your progress very slow to the point that sometimes it makes you give up on your dreams.

  It sets you back. It is difficult to live your dream life or even work towards it when you are in this position. It is better to have a zero balance at the bank than to have a negative bank balance. The homeless guy with no bank card is wealthier because if he decides to change his life and work towards his future, he will pass your level of lifestyle and success in no time. He holds more advantage than the person with a desirable lifestyle but a negative bank balance.

  The first thing to do when you find yourself in this position is to work on paying up your debts. Take it seriously and start paying off everyone you owe, then you can start thinking about the future. This negative bank balance is also caused by adopting lifestyles we can’t afford. Why not work towards that lifestyle? Why not try to achieve it by making enough money for it other than having to make yourself poorer through debts?


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