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Money- Wealth Creation Guide

Page 18

by Phillip Seanego

  On the other hand, if you are doing nothing about your situation, and if you are not taking any actions to increase what you earn and improve the life that you are living, it reflects your self-worth. You think you are worth that amount, and that you are worth that life; this is why you are not even trying to change it. So, in a way, it is true that the money you earn can represent your self-worth, or what you believe you are worth.

  This comes down to what you believe you can do, and what you think you are capable of achieving. If you think less of yourself, less is what you will get or go for. You will apply for the lowest job, and so on. You will just go for average achievement, while the more you believe in yourself, that you are capable, that you are valuable, that what you do is important and vital to human needs, the more you get to achieve great things.

  Take note of this; what you believe about yourself on the inside gets reflected on the outside. If you believe you are ugly, it will be reflected in the way you carry yourself. You will not try by any means to make yourself look great. You will carry yourself as an ugly person, and you wouldn’t like to take the stage and have everyone looking at you. That is humiliation for you, all because that is what you believe.

  It is important to know that your belief plays a big role in the quality of life you get to live. Some people might describe it in negative terms. They might say you are arrogant, and that you have self pride. To me, all these qualities have positive outcomes when used in the right way, especially when it comes to having self- worth and achieving your dreams. You must take pride in who you are, and what you do.

  You must believe in yourself. Believe in what you do and your capabilities. This is what will make people believe in you. People will start seeing your value when you value what you do yourself. You have to believe in yourself before anyone can believe in you. This is where everything starts. Your wealth starts here. You have to believe that you deserve to be wealthy; you have to believe that you are worth more than you are earning to be able to change your earnings.

  So, in brief, believe in your talents, strengths and capabilities. Believe in yourself that you are capable of creating wealth for yourself. Believe in what you do; believe that it has value, believe that people need your services and that people need your product. This will drive you when it comes to selling your value. Believing in what you do is vital to your success.

  What’s your value?

  How much are you worth? Just like soccer players and basket-ball players, you must know your price tag. Are you worth the money you earn? This also touches on how much you value yourself. This determines how much you cost and how much you charge for your time and energy, which are the natural resources we have for investment.

  We all start with nothing but time. We must first invest our time and energy to be able to raise money to use it for further advancement. You use your time and energy as investments to increase your returns. Here, it is you who must decide. Are you worth thousands or millions? Can you use your time as someone whose time is worth millions? How you use your time reveals how much worth you put on it, and the worth you put on your time determines if you will have financial success or not. You must understand this and value your natural, freely given and very vital resource, which is time.

  Time is a commodity, and a very important commodity at that. You must use it wisely as you can’t reproduce it. You can start today to invest your time into a fulfilling life and to your growth; it is up to you. You can have all the money in the world but if you have no time in this world, if your time here is up, you can’t enjoy your money or the things it buys. Therefore your money becomes worthless to you; other people will enjoy it instead of you.

  Time is very important; it is for free but it is everything to our physical life. The worth you place on it, and how you invest and spend your time, will determine if you become successful or not. Don’t waste it on activities that get you nowhere. You must also put worth on who you are. Value yourself, because it gives you discipline. You know who you are or who you choose to be, and you don’t get confused or pressured into things you know are against your values.

  You know your worth, and when you know you are worthy you will become wealthy. You will be good to yourself because you will know you are perfect and valuable; you will not let anyone tell you otherwise. You won’t stay at a job when you know it is not paying you your true worth or allowing you the growth you deserve. So, name your price, know your worth, and don’t take anything less. Know what you want and don’t settle for less.

  What’s your worth?

  Are you worth that pay-check or more? You must ask yourself this question because what you are getting is what other people think you are worth. If you are employed, and if you accept your pay, it means it is what you think you are worth. It can mean what you think you are worth for now, if you are working on improving your worth through gaining knowledge and moving up.

  If you are not doing anything about it, it means the pay-check you receive is what you think of yourself. It is your self-value, your self-worth. You accept that amount in exchange for your life, which is your time. Your time is your life; time is not only money, it is life. To be alive in this physical world is to exist in time, so be sure that you exchange it for the right value. Look at what you do, and at everything about your life. What reward do you receive for your actions? Is it worth it?

  Be good at being yourself, and love what you do

  It is important to focus within yourself for wealth. This is why we preach that you must seek things that fascinate you, and things that you naturally like to do, and convert them to careers. When you do what you like and what you are naturally good at, and when you practise your strengths, you are in fact being yourself. When you do what you are naturally good at, which is what you have strengths in and love, you are expressing yourself, and your inner value. You are being good at being yourself.

  For example, when you love taking care of people, it is your inner value. It is just who you are; you love taking care of people. If you develop this strength and end up being a doctor, you have in fact developed yourself, to be good at being yourself. There is nothing foreign to what you studied, as it is connected to your inner value. This is very important when you are choosing a career; to truly know yourself – your natural inner value to people and the relationship you have with people, and what you like to share with people. If you like to care for people, being a doctor is not far-fetched. It is just being more of yourself; that caring person within you. You become a good and successful doctor when you have the natural required attributes of a doctor, one of which is CARE, as mentioned above.

  This leads me to this other fact; wealth seems to be cleverly designed to make us have a good relationship with each other. When we are act badly towards each other we cause poverty and lack, because we fail to provide for human needs; we fail to desire to answer to human needs because we hate each other. Wealth is the expression of love. It is from the love of farmers, from their love for life, and their love for us, that they choose to create food to feed us. It all starts from love. When you want wealth, look within yourself. Look at that love feeling towards the other person, within yourself. What do you want to share with the next person? Develop your value from that. This is gold, man. This is where your wealth is, within yourself.

  Another interesting thing I just thought you might need to know is this. If wealth is from within us, what causes the troubles that we see in the world? These are the financial troubles which are affecting the same people that express love and are currently in a position of wealth. What are the farmers doing wrong that makes them fail as farmers? Here is the answer: it is because they stopped cultivating from love. They focus more on money and forget the love, the initial spark that got them to that field. Others fail at what they do because they didn’t have that trait within themselves. They went into farming because they thought that there was money in farming, which is why they failed.

  Yes, there is money in f
arming, but that is not enough motivation; love is the deeper motive. You have to have love to succeed at what you are doing. Without it, it will be hard for you to create the value, and face the challenges that the real farmers, with a love for farming, face every day. But they don’t give up because they love what they do; they make it look easy. It is not that easy if you don’t have a natural love for it, which is why people fail.

  You must love what you do to be able to succeed. It is vital. Some farmers forget the love and concentrate on the money, and on making profits. They forget that their calling was to feed people, not to be able to charge the highest price. They get greedy and ignore the fact that they have to still meet the primary human need they set out to meet. This results in them failing, since no matter how much money they receive, they won’t get satisfied because of the greediness they’ve developed. AND the people who are supposed to be buying their products get poorer, which will result in poor financial results for the farmers.

  You must keep in mind that the same people who buy from you, your customers, are everything to your business. If you don’t take them into consideration, with your prices, your level of production, finding cheaper ways of production to accommodate your customers through prices, and so on, they get poor because of higher prices and interest rates. Then you also lose your market, and your business fails. Many businesses forget this. They stop seeking innovative ways to develop their market, their customers, forgetting that the wealthier your customers are, the wealthier you become. So love, that passion for what you do, is very important to your success. Think about this, and apply these principles to your life. You will find success.

  Love yourself to be yourself

  This is very vital to your success. Wealth is easily achieved when you become yourself, when you become the real you and express yourself to the world. This is how your strengths will stand out and you will be able to express your wealthy part which will result in you becoming wealthy when you share your strengths with the world. But to be yourself you first have to love yourself.

  You have to love yourself to be yourself. This is one of the reasons why many people fail in achieving success and living their dreams. You have to learn to accept who you are, and know that by nature you are made to be different to the next person. Sometimes what you take as your imperfections are the roots of your strengths. Instead of hating these parts about yourself you have to love them. These are the things that set you apart from everybody. They make you unique, which is important to the creation of wealth. You have to share your unique attributes with the world. It is the uniqueness of a computer nerd that leads him to be the wealthiest person alive. If he hated his unique attributes, and his obsession with computers, and if he wanted to fit in with everyone, he wouldn’t have had the time to master his craft to achieve all the riches that came with his obsession and believe in his uniqueness and difference to other people. I am not talking about Bill Gates, I am just saying…

  It is only when you love everything about yourself that you use your difference to other people to your advantage. You create a unique product or service based on your natural uniqueness which maximises your performance in the marketplace. You will make more money because of being unique, being real, by just being yourself.

  People make this mistake often. They want to be like somebody, so they copy what other people are doing. As a result they fail to succeed because there is nothing special about what they do; there is nothing unique about what they do. This makes whatever they create fail in the marketplace, or they face too much competition which results in failure. You are allowed to see what other people do, but do not copy them. Aim to improve on what has been done. Add your ideas, and add your uniqueness, which is your character.

  To succeed easily in business you have to be unique. There must be something special about what you do that pulls people to you. This is achieved by just being yourself. By nature, no two people are the same. This is the human survival tool. Just like any living creature, by nature you have survival tools that allow you to live well in this world. Your survival tools are more advanced because they can evolve; they can be made better as you use them. Your uniqueness is the tool that will set your apart from the rest when it comes to business and creating value.

  You just have to be yourself. You don’t have to be somebody to find success. You will become successful in your creation of wealth and living your dreams by first embracing who you are. That’s when what you saw as your weaknesses turn out to benefit you. You can now use them to create your wealth, and to create value that can be shared with the world. The same thing that can be seen as a weakness when it comes to social life can be your strength. The only way you can use it as a strength is by first accepting it; accept who you are, embrace who you are and love who you are, then you can start turning the same thing that is your weakness to your advantage, to create value that will make you wealthy.

  You are becoming the best version of yourself

  The most important thing about life is becoming somebody; by growing to be somebody. Everything about life is becoming. You evolve from an infant to an adult, from less to abundance, from nobody to somebody. It is about who I become, not who I was. You need growth to be all you can be; you need all the resources you can get to give the world your all. It is about fulfilling what you think is the purpose of your life. You need resources to live your ideal life, which is what you think life is. We evolve through growth, and we are happy when we grow. That’s why most of your resources must be used towards your advancement; that’s how you get to live a fulfilling life. My inspiring goal is to be more that I am already. I want to live and thrive. I guess that is your goal too, since you are reading about wealth.

  Unlock your potential

  Just like we need the right key to unlock the door, we need the right key to unlock our potential, or our strengths. The only way to find our potential is through taking actions and trying different things, as this is how we discover our strengths. Remember your strengths are not what you think they are; it is when you do things and they come easy and you are good at doing them. It has nothing to do with what you think. Through taking actions, you discover your strengths, which are your key to success.

  You must first accept and value who you are to become successful

  Adapt to who you are, and be yourself. Don’t try to be anybody; adapt to your natural persona; work with yourself and with who you are, not against who you are. When you try to be like other people, you work against yourself; you try to change who you are. You will fail because your character has been developed over time. It has been influenced over the years and is usually completely formed in your youth.

  Even when you can still develop other attributes of yourself through life-changing experiences as an adult, most of people’s conduct is developed when they are young. That’s why it gets hard to learn things as you grow up. It is impossibly hard to change your qualities; they are natural. Some of them are inherent, within your genes. You cannot change who you are, the true you; it is by nature that you are made differently. What you can change about yourself is who you were not in the first place. It is those wrong beliefs about yourself; the wrong beliefs about who you are and wrong beliefs about life overall – that there’s no wealth, that not everyone can be capable of achieving wealth – this is what you can change, but you can’t change the true you. The truth stays. You can only change the lies; the truth prevails in everything.

  It is just like when a person without legs wants to catch a chicken. Someone with legs can just chase it until he catches it, but a person without legs has to think creatively to catch it. He has to work with who he is; with his strengths and weaknesses. He can make a trap and catch the chicken. It is the same goal, but different approaches depend on different people. The same applies to wealth. This is why we are not all in the same business. We are by nature pulled towards different business fields. You have to work with who you are, otherwise you have to moan about your weakne
sses. If you do this, you will never catch the chicken.

  When you accept who you are you start realising your best qualities, and you discover your strengths. The problems people face with realising their strengths sometimes is that they don’t accept who they are. They don’t like themselves; they want to be like somebody else. They don’t like their personality and other things about themselves. This stops them from realising their talents, and their abilities, because their talents and abilities are within their personality. What they sometimes hate about themselves can be exactly what will make them succeed in life and live their dreams. Accept who you are, and use those qualities of your personality to find your success.



  Ooh, this is the big one. You know an employed person always lives by someone’s rule. In this case it is the employer. The employee fears that if he makes one mistake he will be FIRED. What a scary world. And all kinds of bad things will happen to you when you lose your job. It is the end of your life. It sounds stupid when it is said but a lot of people are stuck in dead-end jobs they don’t like in fear that if they lose their job, they will not be able to cope alone.


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