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A Fantasy About Love

Page 45

by Opal Cole

  "Because you are a good person and like to help when somebody is in need -- and because I asked you to do it."

  "Let me understand this: I'll spend my Saturday away from you with another woman who is with you every day, helps you in your work, brings you coffee with a smile, and I've to help her? Isn't that a bit overdone? I remember talking to her on the phone and she sounded nice, but let me tell you why I'll go out with her: I'll tell her quite clearly that you are mine, and whatever she thinks about you, she better keeps it to herself."

  That was it and I thought it better not to go farther down this path. She got up with a serious determination on her face and I smiled as I whistled. Her little gown had somehow vanished during the night and it was nice to see how her face shifted from serious to amused. It was even better to watch her coming back to bed: her breasts jingled slightly, her hips went through a wall-to-wall sensual stride, and her smile had re-appeared. She presented her breasts for the good morning kisses and then asked: "Am I allowed now to prepare breakfast, oh Lord and Master?"

  I graciously allowed her to leave and stretched my body as once a while, it is nice to be lazy and do nothing. I may have relaxed too much because I woke up once more with the smell of coffee under my nose.

  "If you want breakfast, you better leave the bed, oh Lord and Master. I shall leave in an hour, and that leaves you with less than 30 minutes, oh Lord and Master."

  I believed that I heard some notes of sarcasm in her voice and thought it better to hurry up. To make my own breakfast on a Saturday morning when my future wife is at home? No way, for heaven's sake! I hurried through my morning obligations and joined her at the breakfast table.

  She was still dressed in the slinky short gown that almost covered her essential parts and to my dismay this morning the top was decently covering her nipples, but her peaks were very visible, and she smirked openly.

  "This is what you get, offering my help to other women. Perhaps you can read a good book now: I saw that you had that Hawkins book 'The Brief History of Time' on your table and if you played some music by Philip Glass, you just might idle your time away until I return, but be careful that you don't fall asleep, and if I take more time than anticipated you can always call Chinese delivery. OK -- I've to run. Please take the plates away, put them in the dishwasher and in general, clean up. I'll see you later."

  She blew me a kiss and went to change. When I was finished, she came back, all dressed up. Her hair was loose over her shoulders, her white blouse with its nice décolleté showcased the top of a lacy bra and her opal pendant, her short dark blue skirt and her high heels showed off her slender hips and long legs. She had put on a little bit of makeup to highlight her cheeks and her huge green eyes, and she was visibly quite satisfied with herself, and she had every reason to be. She was as beautiful as one could imagine a woman to be, and she was all mine -- at least when I was in her good graces. I believed that she thought the situation very funny as her grin could not be wider and her eyes less sparkling.

  "Bye, bye, James. Have fun in your loneliness. Imagine I could be your side, kissing you, giving you all my tender loving care, running to the kitchen to prepare tea and biscuits, and be at your beck and call. And now you'll be on your own: poor little you! But have fun! See you later, alligator!"

  She closed the door while I was still whistling trying to get her back, but this time it did not work. She just ignored me and was gone. Where had the 'Oh Lord and Master' gone?

  I picked up the Hawkins book, but dropped it after a few pages. It was difficult to read at the best of times, but today? No way! I took my laptop and started to work on two projects I had neglected for some time, put the Rachmaninoff piano concerts on the CD Player, and looked at options to convince the prospect that we were the best supplier of software and hardware in the world. It was difficult because he had offers from our competitors that (at least short-term) were better than what we could provide. My only game was to emphasize our well-deserved image of quality and service and hope for the best. I changed the Rachmaninoff to Orff, and tried to finish the first draft of a project. My thoughts started to wander about, however, especially wanting to know what was happening between Maureen and Mary Ann.

  I picked up another book when the phone rang. I heard laughter in the background and Maureen's voice was happy: "James, my love, you've to get something to eat on your own. We've a lot of fun here and I believe that this will go on for some time still. There´s still the manicure and the shopping mall, and whatever comes up. Have fun and we'll talk at night."

  And then her voice became serious: "My love, everything is alright. I was very pleasantly surprised with her and am still evaluating the situation, but fear not, she's accepted. I love you."

  So I was alone for lunch and as I looked into the fridge, but did not see anything that interested me, I went back to my favorite emergency food place: Luigi's. He greeted me with his normal exuberance, but asked immediately where the beautiful lady was. When I told him that we were going to be married in a few weeks' time, he hit me on the shoulder and yelled: "You're more intelligent than you appear. Didn't I tell you to keep her? Where is she? I want to kiss her and wish her luck! She will need it with you! Come and have a glass of champagne! Tell me everything!"

  It was a good and liquid lunch and I took a taxi back, not trusting one of Luigi's waiters to drive my Porsche. I showered, changed and waited. It was almost dark when Maureen finally appeared. She must have a liquid lunch, too, because I had to catch her when she stumbled through the door.

  "James, you do not know what happened! I like her!"

  And she kissed me as if this was the last kiss in our life. And then she fainted. I caught her at the last moment and carried her to the bedroom. Laying her gently down, I looked at her; she was happy, smiling and asleep. I got myself a sandwich, opened a bottle of white wine and sat beside her, watching her. She was beautiful even asleep. I managed to take her clothes off with just a bit of moaning and protests, and when she was naked, I could not avoid stroking her body softly; not to have sex, but to show my admiration for my future wife. She started to purr and leaning into my hands, offered her body to me.

  I took my clothes off, too, and lay beside her taking her into my arms and holding her fast. She put her head on my chest and her hair tickled my nose. Then, still asleep, she offered her breasts for my goodnight kisses, kissed me and turned around, placing my hand on her breast, mumbling that she loved me very much. I wondered what I had done to deserve such a wonderful woman in my life, but decided to accept my fate without protest. I am not stupid, after all. Then I fell asleep, too.

  When I woke up the next morning, she was still asleep. She had turned back to me and her arms were embracing me. I managed to get out slowly without waking her, had my shower and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Strong coffee would be necessary, and lots of liquids to get her awake and well. I looked at the watch -- it was already past nine o'clock -- took a cup of coffee back to the bedroom and let the smell of it get under her nose. She mumbled something and tried to open one eye, but without success.

  Then she tried again and succeeded partially, but immediately complained asking to turn off the light. Since there was no light except through the open door, I realized that the problem was more serious than I thought. Gently I waved the coffee under her nose; she sniffed and asked me to help her up. I took her arms and lifted her to sit against the back of the bed, then waved the coffee again. She reached out and almost managed to get hold of the cup, but at the end I helped her holding it and she took a sip, then one more, and at the end she drank all of it. Now she managed to open her eyes completely, but her eyes were not very convincing, since there was still a lot of confusion in her mind.

  "James, more, please, and water, and an aspirin -- no, make that two."

  I got more coffee, a tall glass of cold water and the aspirin and she finished all.

  "When did I come home, James?"

  It seemed that she had
no memory of how she got home and what had happened before.

  "James, why are you up already? What time is it?"

  I told her it was past nine o'clock and she started to shake her head, but stopped immediately with a heartfelt moan.

  "James, this hurts! What happened?"

  "I believe that you had a bit too much to drink last night. What did you do?"

  "I took Mary Ann to a hairdresser because her hair was horrible and badly cut; then we went to a manicure and finally ended up in the shopping mall. She's an interesting person and I invited her to lunch, and we had a bottle of wine with the salad. Then I showed her some shops and she bought a dress. We had coffee, a cake and a glass of port and continued shopping. It gets confused now, James: I believe that we bought lots of things for her and had dinner together. There must have been more wine and the last thing I remember is that we took a taxi to get her home and then I arrived here. You opened the door and that's it. Blank memory. James, what did I do?"

  "My love, you had an interesting day and since you like wines, you seem to have exaggerated a bit. What happened to Mary Ann?"

  "James, I know that I like her, and we had long talks about her, about her job and about you. Did I say that I like her? There's something else I have to do, but I cannot remember!"

  "Well, I suggest that you get up slowly, have a nice, long shower and come and have breakfast. We'll sort out what happened."

  She nodded and got up, very slowly and holding her head. When she was at the bathroom door, I whistled, and she looked at me in consternation.

  "Please don't make so much noise, my love."

  I whistled again and she remembered, coming back for her good morning kisses. She went one way and I went back to the kitchen. I prepared more coffee, and placed toast and jam on the table as she was not prepared to eat more, if anything at all. Then she appeared in an old sweatshirt, baggy trousers and a painful expression on her face. This was the first time I had ever seen her like this, but she was still the most beautiful woman in the world for me. I kissed her and sat her at the table. She had more coffee and a toast.

  "Why did I do what I did yesterday? And what did I do yesterday? I'm trying to remember but there's a blank starting about ... when? When did I arrive home, James?"

  There was a knock on the door and the doorman gave me a handful of shopping mall plastic bags, saying that Miss Monahan forgot these last night at the building entrance. Maureen almost fainted again when she saw those bags.

  "James forgive me, but I do not know what happened. We had lunch with a bottle of wine, then there was a tasting of port wine at a Portuguese restaurant, we did some shopping and I believe we had some drinks at a bar. Mary Ann is quite interesting, and we really clicked together; she's like the sister I never had. We conversed over dinner and then things blur for me. James, I've not done this in years and don't know what happened to my common sense. I believe that we took a taxi and she wanted to get me home, but I insisted to take her home first. I said something to her but cannot remember what I said. Then I came home, and I remember that I kissed you and that I woke up this morning. Please forgive me: it'll never happen again!"

  I told her to calm down as things happen once in a while. Then I offered her another toast and said that I had planned to take her to brunch at the Hilton, but decided that she was not in the condition to enjoy this.

  She nodded and suddenly jumped up (holding immediately her head with a groan). "What time is it, James? "

  I looked at my watch and told her that it was almost 10:30.

  "James, I invited Mary Ann for brunch at 11.30! Do you have her telephone number? I'll cancel this."

  I confessed that I did not have that number and she looked at me completely upset.

  "I invited her, and she'll be there at 11.30. We've to go now. I don't want to disappoint her! She was disappointed so often in her life and I don't want her to believe that I don't keep my word."

  I tried to argue that we could call the hotel, but she insisted that we should go. We just made it, but Mary Ann was already waiting. I almost did not recognize her: her former lifeless dark hair was now cut differently, shiny and curly, there was some makeup on her face, and her drab dresses were gone. There was a very pretty woman before me, in an egg-white silk blouse with a narrow dark brown skirt going to the top of her knees and showing some very impressive long legs, and her sandals matched the skirt perfectly. Her smile exploded when she saw us, and she stepped forward to hug Maureen.

  "I didn't believe that you would come. I believe that we were a bit high at the end of the evening and I thought that you might have forgotten it. But here you are! James..." and she smiled and said that she assumed that she could call me James here. "You've an absolutely wonderful wife! Maureen is beautiful, intelligent, and a wonderful person. Thank you for giving me that day with her."

  I stepped forward to shake her hand, but Maureen was decisive. "James, she's my friend now and I don't want any formalities between you. I understand that this will be necessary in the office, but here she's my friend. Give her a kiss!"

  I looked at her not quite understanding what was happening, but she nodded and pushed me forward. Who was I to deny kissing a pretty woman? Mary Ann's lips were soft, and she closed her eyes and leaned into me. I gave her a hug and she put her arms around my neck. It was a nice feeling, but the situation was dangerous. I looked again at Maureen, but she nodded once more and said: "One kiss, the two of you."

  It was a nice kiss, soft and gentle: different from the way I kissed Maureen, but very pleasant. I stepped back and said we should sit down and have our breakfast. I helped them into their chairs and looked for the maître. When I asked for a bottle of bubbly, both Maureen and Mary Ann shook their heads, and Maureen stopped shaking her head almost immediately. It was funny, but I did not dare to reflect on this. They wanted Jasmine tea and toast! I tried to remind Maureen gently that the price was Au$ 60 per head and just to drink tea was a bit too much, but she ignored me.

  I had my full meal, but the two ladies continued with tea and toast. The conversation was lively, at least as Mary Ann and I were concerned, and I discovered that she was a completely different person from what I had expected. She had been brought up in Perth by her grandmother since her parents had died early and had decided to try her fortune in Sydney. That had not gone well until she was hired by my company and saw a brighter future for her to come. She blushed and said that she was very grateful for my help and assistance and would never forget the trust I had shown for her intelligence and loyalty. She would never disappoint me, and I could count on her for whatever I wanted from her. She blushed again, and I saw Maureen glancing at her with questions in her eyes.

  I paid the bill and we went back to my car. Maureen looked at me and suggested that we take Mary Ann for a spin; I wondered about the convenience of this suggestion because the Porsche was a wonderful car, but the room at the back was for two children (and perhaps a toothbrush) and not for an adult person. But Mary Ann was all for it and crawled into the back (showing some very pretty legs and I looked away fast when I saw Maureen watching me). But I'm definitively not a Eunuch and if Maureen offered me this opportunity, I would not deny it.

  With the hood down and the sun shining bright, both ladies enjoyed driving down the beaches, making sometimes quite indecent remarks about some old men and young women, and showing off. Actually, it was I who was showing off the two beautiful ladies who graced me with their presence.

  After an hour I was ready to get Mary Ann home and asked for her address, and her telephone number. I saw a decision forming in Maureen's eyes and she told me to drive home directly; she wanted to talk to Mary Ann and discuss the dresses and other things they had bought yesterday. For me, the situation got more confused at every moment, but there was no way to change her decision.

  Mary Ann was very quiet, since she was probably as mystified as I was. When we arrived, Maureen asked me to prepare tea and vanished with Mary Ann in the b
edroom. After a while she came out to model a summer dress she had bought on sale. It was form-fitting and very cute with a nice décolleté and the color matched her hair. Then she came out with a different dress: more formal and this time matching her eyes. And then Mary Ann appeared, blushing all over with another dress: a bit daring with a low front and a very low back. The color was close to her blue eyes and it showed that she seemed to have a perfect figure: high firm breasts, slender waist and narrow hips. Maureen asked her to turn around and the view from the back was as nice as from the front. I complimented her and she practically ran back to the bedroom. I looked at Maureen, but she whispered that she knew what she was doing, and that she would tell me everything at night.

  Both ladies came back in their original outfits and I could finally offer my tea and some biscuits. Maureen seemed to be very satisfied and Mary Ann finally contributed to the conversation. It did not take long, and the talking turned into teasing, and we all were contributing. Mary Ann had bought clothes also and Maureen was telling me in great detail that this one emphasized her breasts, that one her slender figure, and that the other was a bit daring; probably just for a private party. Mary Ann had a quick wit and Maureen took advantage of this to go after me. It was difficult to hold my side having two women on the other side; I could never win a conversation where women could change at will the subject and often also the logic. But it was fun.

  At night I ordered a cab to take Mary Ann home and when she said goodbye to me, she did not hesitate to kiss me soundly. She hugged Maureen and said that she was so happy as never before in her life and that she had wonderful day. I took her to the cab and before leaving she brushed my cheek with her hand.

  "James, you don't know what this day means to me. Maureen is just wonderful, and you're not far behind. Thank you once more."

  When I got back to the flat, I asked Maureen to sit down and tell me what was happening.


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