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Interplanetary Love

Page 8

by Shelley Munro

  His finger slid from her pussy.

  “More,” she whispered, her hips canting upward even further. “No more teasing. Please.”

  Ekim didn’t reply, but the stream of air moved closer to her clit. She felt the delicate stroke of his tongue at the rim of her clitoris. A shimmer of promise tickled nerve endings, pulling her nipples tight.

  “Carly,” he whispered, his moist breath winding her even tighter.

  Without warning, he popped something inside her channel. Cold. Intense cold made her still, then his mouth covered her swollen clit. Heat versus an icy chill. It was too much. Too much. One lazy sweep of his tongue and she shattered, exploding into an intense orgasm. Electric sensations streaked from her core. A gasp roared up her throat and emerged as a scream, and she could hear herself breathing, fighting for air, for equilibrium again.

  Carly came back to herself slowly, aware something momentous and life-changing had occurred. A masculine chuckle jerked her to full consciousness.

  “Was that good?”

  Carly smiled lazily. “You couldn’t tell? Heck, I’m ready for round two.”

  Ekim’s smugness faded. By the Goddess, she was no different from the other women. Give them one good orgasm, and they wanted a heap more.

  “Come here,” she whispered, crooking her finger at him.

  Ekim held her gaze, part of him ready to run and part of him wanting to haul her into his arms and go from there. Even Rajah seemed enthusiastic about the idea.

  He could do this. Love her. He wanted to thrust inside her body more than he required his next breath. Rajah wanted to taste full penetration.

  Ekim rose from between her legs and tugged Carly into his arms. The sensation of her breasts brushing his chest stirred a plethora of sensations and emotions—joy, excitement and the idea he could do this. He cradled her in his arms, and Rajah cuddled close, reveling in the lush feminine curves.

  A perfect moment.

  “Papa, can we go for a swim here?” a high, childish voice demanded.

  “As soon as Mama and I have set up the picnic site,” a deeper, masculine voice replied.

  “I don’t believe it,” Ekim said and glanced over his shoulder to see the small family group. He turned back to Carly and sighed.

  Carly clutched him for an instant then pulled away to stare into his face. Definite humor lurked in her eyes. “Your ass isn’t naked, so why are you worried?”

  “That’s true, and I’m not likely to remove my trousers with a family setting up camp over there.”

  Saved by a child. Ekim didn’t know whether to laugh or howl.

  * * * * *

  Two days later, Ekim helped Carly check her bag for her flight back to Earth. In silence, they walked over to study the departure board.

  “I…do you want to see me again?” Ekim asked in a low voice. He had to keep this discussion between the two of them. He’d found another of the I-know-your-secret notes in his ’puter inbox. After trying to trace the origin of the message, he’d finally given up. He wasn’t worried enough to call the cops. Not yet, but he suspected it was simply a matter of time.

  “Of course I do.” Carly threw herself at him, giving Ekim no choice but to catch her and clutch her to his chest.

  He fought his desire to kiss her but commonsense ruled because any of the public might be a newshound in disguise.

  Carly noticed his reticence. “Have I misjudged the situation?” she asked in a low voice.

  Ekim drew her over to a secluded corner and yanked her hard so she fell against his chest. His mouth was on hers before she could utter another word. When he finally pulled away, they were both breathing hard.

  “Does it look as if you’ve misjudged the situation? Believe me, my frustration levels are at an all-time high. I’m so sorry Mama and Rala kept interrupting our privacy. Are you sure you want to persevere with me?”

  “Yes, of course.” Carly’s smile was a thing of beauty, lighting up her whole face. “That’s great. I’ll contact you via computer link and let you know my schedule.”

  This might work, as long as Carly didn’t stumble across any stories about him. He was careful to wear a hat pulled low over his face these days or use a scarf to cover his features. It had been months since he’d seen a clear shot of his face in the media. On screen was another matter, but Carly had mentioned she didn’t watch much in the way of vid-coms. She didn’t get time.

  “I’ll give you my comm number,” Ekim said.

  “Carly. Ekim. I’ve been looking for you everywhere,” Rala said, pushing her way between them. “Did you enjoy the visit to Ynroh Temple? It was so nice meeting you.”

  Ekim grasped his sister by the shoulders and attempted to shift her from between them. He had no idea why she’d insisted on coming to the spaceport with them but had given up arguing and agreed to drop her off to visit the vet’s sister on the return journey. A loud squeak sounded. Ekim glimpsed a flash of brown a sec before sharp white teeth sank into his hand.

  “Ow!” He jerked his hand away with Luci still attached. “Get the devil creature off me. Dammit, Rala. We’re attracting attention.”

  “Let me take, Luci,” Carly said, and she gently removed the katmer from his hand. The creature glared at him, subsiding with a purr when Carly stroked her head.

  “I told you not to sit on her chair,” Rala said, a trifle defensively.

  “We’ll discuss this later,” Ekim snapped. “Now go away and let me say goodbye in private.” Talk about frustration. He’d never spent a weekend with so many interruptions. Rajah hadn’t had a chance to thrust anywhere near Carly’s body—within or nearby—and by the Goddess, he was feeling a mite testy because of the fact.

  Rala took Luci from Carly and stood on tiptoe to brush a kiss on Carly’s cheek. “I hope you’ll come to visit again.” Her plan to mate with Gregorius depended upon this.

  So far, the plan seemed successful—well, apart from Gregorius’ determination to meet with Papa and Mama. Carly and Ekim had spent most of the weekend together—the waking hours at least. The rest of the time, they had spent in their separate beds. And as for the little notes she was leaving for Ekim to find in his dressing rooms and ’puter…

  The bribe to the hotel staff had been a masterstroke. Her brother appeared distinctly nervous, and she didn’t even know for sure he had a secret. Guilt struck her without warning, then she thought of Gregorius.

  She loved him so much, yet…he wouldn’t approve of her machinations. She chewed her bottom lip and considered. Maybe she should stop. She’d got them together, and realistically, she couldn’t force either of them to commit to more. Yes, she’d cease her plotting and pray to the Goddess instead.

  Chapter Eight

  Ekim hung up his communicator, a scowl on his face. Goddess, he missed Carly. In the two months that had passed since her visit to Nidni, they’d communicated via ’puter and a handheld that bounced messages from satellite to satellite. He preferred the handheld because he liked to hear her voice. Low. Husky. Her sultry tones reminded him of synsilk sheets and the glide of skin against skin. It made him think of the unfinished business between them—Rajah and Carly—full penetration.

  Making love.

  A familiar pang of anxiety speared his heart before fading. His head told him this time things would work. Part A would slide into slot B without a hitch.

  “Ekim, you’re needed on the set.”

  “Coming.” He checked his makeup. The fake blood had dried. They’d need to spritz it before he started to make the wound appear fresh. As he wandered down the corridor toward the section of the building they were filming in, his thoughts wandered to Carly. Something had to change. He couldn’t stand much more of this long-distance relationship.

  “You ready?” the director asked, peering up at Ekim.

  “Yeah. I think my wound needs attention.”

  The director stood on his chair to check the makeup at closer quarters. “Makeup! Dammit, where’s the boy when you need h

  “He’s coming,” Ekim said, having glimpsed the boy from his greater height. A sharp tug on his sleeve made Ekim turn. “You’ve hit the scandal sheets again,” his leading lady said.

  “Oh yeah?” He grinned at Tara with real affection. She was happily married, and they’d worked together before. “What are they saying this time?”

  “They’re saying you’re in love with a mystery woman.”

  Shock punched him square in the ribs. A hoarse gasp escaped before he resumed what he hoped was an enigmatic expression.

  “Goddess,” Tara whispered with a touch of awe. “They’re right. Nidni’s greatest lover has succumbed.”

  “No comment,” Ekim said. “We have a scene to shoot. Let’s put it to bed.” Bed. An unfortunate word for him to use since Rajah reacted with enthusiasm. Thank the Goddess he didn’t have to wear the tight black trousers for this take.

  Ekim and Tara took their places in the middle of the room. Ekim sagged against a wooden desk while Tara hovered nearby. Furniture littered the office set, a broken chair blocked the doorway, and files and papers covered the floor.

  “Action,” the director called.

  “Nazrat!” Tara threw herself at him, sobbing loudly. “We have to leave in case they come back.”

  Ekim pressed his lips to her temple and held her for an instant before pushing her gently away. “Help me stand.” Ekim staggered to his feet, leaning heavily on Tara. When they were both upright, the music started—the cue for them to launch into their musical number. Extras poured onto the set and flowed into dance. The music and dancing became loud. Frantic. A signal of the suspenseful scene coming up. Tara held the last note, strong and clear, and raised her arms high in the air in a flamboyant finale.

  “And cut! Great! Well done, people,” the director yelled. “We’ll film the chase scene in fifteen minutes.”

  Tara strolled at Ekim’s side as they headed back to their dressing rooms.

  “Will you retire if she says yes?” Tara’s eyes danced with lively curiosity while a smile bordering on a smirk flitted across her lips.

  Ekim frowned. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” But unfortunately, he did. He didn’t know how the info had leaked, but he hoped the story hadn’t made it to Earth.

  “I’ve heard rumbles of discontent from the female extras. You’ve been dodging them. No naughties. In fact, I heard a rumor they’re touting Mahesh as Nidni’s greatest lover. Better watch it if you want to keep the crown and all the fringe benefits.” Tara waggled her eyebrows up and down in a suggestive manner.

  Ekim managed a disapproving snort, glad they’d reached their dressing rooms. Sometimes silence was the better course of action. “See you later for the night scenes.”

  Tara waggled a finger at him. “You can run, but you can’t hide. I’ll worm the story out of you. I’ll wear you down.”

  “Promises. Promises,” Ekim mocked. “And what would Soj have to say about that?”

  “We have an understanding,” Tara said with quiet dignity. “I’m allowed to look but no touching.”

  “But what about me? What does he think of you cuddling up to Nidni’s greatest lover?”

  “Second greatest lover, dahling.” With a wave of fingers, she disappeared inside her dressing room.

  A newssheet. Dammit, he needed one right now, so he knew the exact damage. He wrenched his dressing room door open and found a copy of the newssheet along with another familiar white envelope.

  “Damn sporting of them making sure I didn’t miss out on the big news.” Ekim opened the sheet. A huge face stared back. A photo of him taken during the South Universe Sector Entertainment Awards with his costar at the time, Marlana Singh. Snooty little cow. Surely they didn’t think he was involved with her? He scanned the story written by Nisha Storrisome and sighed in relief. It was speculation based on the fact he hadn’t appeared in public with a woman for over two months.

  His gaze strayed to the white envelope. The appearance the envelope at the same time as the newssheet made him wonder if his mystery note leaver had prompted the story from Nisha Storrisome.

  “I don’t understand why I haven’t received a blackmail demand,” Ekim muttered. He picked up the white envelope and ripped it open.

  I know your secret.

  Same message. Same paper. Same writing.

  There were no distinguishing marks—nothing to give a clue as to the identification of the author.

  “Damn!” Ekim ripped the note into dozens of small pieces and discarded them. One clear course of action came to mind. He had to contact Carly and tell her the truth.

  It was late when Ekim put the call through to Carly. He waited nervously while the telecommunication satellites connected. His palms were sweaty, and he wiped them down the legs of his trousers. During the delay, he planned what he’d say.


  “It’s me. Did I wake you?” Of course he’d woken her.

  “I’m awake now,” Carly said, her voice still full of sleep. “What’s up?”

  “I wanted to talk to you.”

  “I can’t wait to see you again, to kiss you. Touch you.” Carly’s tone softened to low and intimate.

  They were both silent for a few secs. Ekim swallowed. The lie. No matter how he dressed it up, Carly was gonna get pissed. She’d made it clear how she felt about the truth and men who were economical with their facts.

  “Ekim, I miss you.”

  The confession froze on the tip of his tongue. “I miss you too,” he managed.

  “What are you wearing?”

  Communicator sex? A slow smile of appreciation curved his lips. Rajah shot to full alert. Maybe communicator sex was the perfect way to see if Rajah had what it took to pleasure a woman.

  Ekim propped up his pillows and settled back in comfort.

  “I’m wearing a pair of synsilk trousers. Remember the trousers you purchased at the market?”

  “I’m wearing my pair,” Carly whispered. “It makes me feel closer to you. Are you wearing a shirt?”

  “No, my chest is bare. It’s hot here tonight.” Goddess, what was he doing? He needed to confess, not think about sex.

  “Slide your hand across your chest. Pretend it’s me touching you.”

  Ekim inhaled sharply before slowly dragging his palm across his breastbone. The tips of his fingers flicked across a flat nipple. Rajah filled and lengthened as Ekim closed his eyes and slid deeper into the fantasy.

  “Are you touching your chest?”


  “Imagine my lips following the same path as your hand. Imagine me kissing your lips. Slow. My tongue thrusting deep.”

  Ekim moaned. He had no difficulty imagining the picture she painted with her sultry words.

  “My hand is sliding lower, under the waistband of your synsilk trousers. My fingers wrap around your cock. You’re hot to the touch. So hard. When I touch your cock, it grows even bigger, longer. I pass my thumb over the very tip. You’re so eager to slide into my pussy you’re weeping for me. Can you feel all of that?”

  “Yeah.” Ekim breathed hard and slid his hand down his belly, tugging the synsilk away to take Rajah in hand. Rajah leapt at his touch, and his heart thundered in response.

  “I strip off your trousers and unwrap you like a present. Now I’m sliding down your body and taking you in my mouth.”

  “Carly, that feels so good.” Ekim swallowed. “I’m touching you too. My hands cup your beautiful breasts, holding them so I can taste you. I pinch your nipples until they go hard and turn rosy red.”

  Carly’s breathing sounded louder than normal. “Ekim, I love the way you touch me. And you taste good. You fill my mouth. I’m licking you while my hands fondle your balls. They’re hard and drawn up tight, close to your body. Can you feel how much I like having you in my mouth?”

  “Yeah. It feels great. Hot. I feel like I’m going to explode.”

  “You do that,” she murmured. “Come for me. Let m
e taste your essence.”

  Ekim pumped Rajah in his hand and imagined Carly with her mouth wrapped around his cock. The sensation built slowly but surely. His breathing became faster. Louder.

  “I’m sucking on you, licking you like one of those Nidni icy treats we bought at the market. But you taste much better. Go on, Ekim. Thrust into my mouth.”

  Goddess, she didn’t need to tell him. His hips jerked. His hand squeezed and pumped. Sensation increased. He could feel Carly’s hair, soft like synsilk, sliding across his lap. Her hot mouth driving him higher.

  “I can feel how close you are to coming. Come for me, Ekim. Please.”

  Carly’s voice curled through his head. Seductive. Full of passion and desire. Ekim pumped Rajah again and exploded, his jet of semen shooting upward and hitting him in the chest.

  He groaned, his heart thundering as the spasms continued then trailed off. “Carly. Can you feel me between your legs? You’ve made me so hot I’m hard for you again. I’m drawing the tip of my cock through your juices and teasing your clit until it swells. How does it feel when I put the tip of my cock into your pussy?”

  “It…it feels… You’re stretching me, making me feel full. I can feel your strength. Your heat.”

  “I’m pushing deep inside you now. Slow. Easy. You’re wet for me. Tight, too. It excites me knowing you want me so much.”

  “I do,” she whispered.

  “Each time I thrust, I rub your bud. Does it feel good?”

  “Yes. I’m so close to coming. Kiss me, Ekim.”

  “My lips cover yours and my tongue slips between your lips to taste you. I keep thrusting into you. Deep and hard. Fast plunges.”

  Carly gave a soft cry, her breaths coming in raspy gasps.

  “And I slip my finger between us so I can rub your button just enough to—”

  “Ekim.” She was quiet, then sighed. “That was amazing. Thank you.”


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