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Interplanetary Love

Page 9

by Shelley Munro

  “Yes,” he said simply.

  Not the right moment to confess to a lie. A sliver of fear hit him without warning. The knowledge he could lose Carly, if he wasn’t careful, sucked the pleasure out of talking to her and the communicator sex.

  “When is your next long weekend off?” he asked.

  Carly sighed again. “Not until the end of next month. I have a week this time.”

  “Can you come to Nidni?” Ekim waited anxiously for her reply. Everything, his future—their future—depended on her answer.

  “I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to.”

  Ekim grinned at her uncertainty. Good to know there was confusion on her side too. “I was wondering if you’d be interested in spending some time at a resort on the other side of Nidni.”

  “With your mother?” A note of caution appeared. “And your sister?”

  Ekim snorted. “I don’t think so. I had something more romantic in mind. Just the two of us.” And Rajah.

  Chapter Nine

  Ekim had thought the fuss in the media would die down. He’d been wrong. He peered out the front window of his private dwelling. The newshounds had erected a syn-vas shelter. His mouth dropped open. Goddess, they’d brought stones and set up a cooking ring with a synthetic fire inside. Ekim huffed out a disgusted snort and stomped over to attend to his pot of chai. Preferring to make his drink in the traditional way, he whipped the tin pot off the heat and poured the milky liquid into a mug. So much better than dialing a chai via the autofood machine. The tang of cinnamon and spices filled the air, and he sighed.

  Ekim planted his butt on a high seat and contemplated his chai with irritation. Not only were the newshounds making his life hell by dogging his every move, but his phantom note dropper had started contacting him on the comm.

  His announcement bell rang, bringing a scowl. Probably another impatient newshound demanding a story. The ringing stopped for an instant, then continued. They were leaning on the bell control. Ekim flicked the control switch.

  “I’m not home,” he growled.

  “Ekim, it’s me,” his sister said in clear exasperation. “Let us in immediately.”

  Oh, great. That was all he needed. “All right. Secure the door after you come inside. I don’t want any of those villains inside.” He pressed the button to open the door and sat back.

  Rala marched indoors with Aisha following a full two minutes later.

  The companion glared at her charge, her chest rising and falling while she fought to regain her breath. “It is not ladylike to run.”

  Rala ignored the reprimand, turning her attention on her brother instead. “Where have you been? Mama wants to know if you’re coming home this weekend for the festival. She has tried to contact you all week.”

  Which was why the newshounds were a mixed blessing. He’d guessed his mother would want him at home during the festival and had dodged calls so he didn’t have to lie. “I have work commitments.”

  “Over the holidays?” Rala’s dark brows rose to punctuate her disbelief.

  “That’s right,” Ekim said, meeting her stare without a flinch. He intended to meet Carly and nothing was going to get in the way of their romantic rendezvous.

  “Oh. I was hoping you would invite Carly. I liked her.”

  Ekim’s attitude softened. He liked Carly too. Very much. He thought of the approaching week he and Carly would spend at the resort. His hopes. Rajah reacted with gratifying promptness at the thought of cozying up to Carly, and Ekim was glad Rala didn’t notice.

  “I talked to Carly yesterday. She has one day off this week since she is working on a big case.” Ekim matched her stare for stare, determined not to look away first. “We have to wait for another two months before she has a long weekend.”

  “So you are seeing each other?”

  Ekim shrugged since he didn’t like the gleeful expression on his sister’s face. “We’ve talked a couple of times, but I think she’s still in love with her ex-husband.” He waited with bated breath, wondering if his sister would buy the lie because he wanted privacy, not a horde of family and relations constantly interrupting, when he saw Carly next. The festival celebrations would not be private, so he didn’t intend to tell anyone about Carly’s visit. Not this time.

  “Her ex-husband? Do you think so? She didn’t mention him to me.” A frown puckered Rala’s brow.

  Aisha scowled at her charge and tsk-tsked. “No catch male like that. Stay ugly if winds change.”

  Rala glared back at Aisha before turning back to him. “I’ll tell Mama you’re working.”

  “Thank you.” He could afford to act graciously now that it appeared he’d escape the festivities. Goddess, he couldn’t wait for the weekend.

  * * * * *

  Bloody newshounds. Ekim paced the perimeter of his dressing room, trying to figure out how he would leave for the spaceport without gaining a posse. He’d never lose his virginity at this rate. A disguise was the obvious answer—that and a decoy to help him leave the studio with a minimum of fuss. But who the hell did he trust? No one yet, he decided. He’d try to leave the studio on his own first.

  Ekim opened a drawer and pulled out a short black wig. He picked up a tub of concealer and applied it with a deft hand. Next came a black mustache and sideburns, and finally, a bushy beard. He dressed in a plain blue pair of trousers and matching shirt. There, he thought, glancing in the mirror. He doubted his family would recognize him. Of course, he might have problems explaining his disguise to Carly but he’d face that problem later.

  * * * * *

  Carly filed through the doors leading into the main meeting area of the spaceport, searching eagerly for Ekim. Her heart pounded and adrenaline pulsed, giving her a pleasant buzz of anticipation. She and Ekim had spoken to each other every few days via communicator, they’d had communicator sex several times but it wasn’t enough. Carly hungered for him with an intensity she hadn’t felt since meeting her ex. The thought sobered her for an instant. No comparison between the two men. Ekim looked tough, and no doubt, he needed mental strength to do his job, but he contained an inner goodness. He was protective of his mother and sister, and he made her feel special. Ekim was a keeper. A sudden sliver of fear knifed to her inner being. Her heart was involved here. It had happened quickly and scared the hell out of her.

  She couldn’t see him anywhere. Carly switched her bag to the other hand, hesitating while she wondered what to do next.

  A man appeared, his face obscured with facial hair. He held up a sign bearing her name.

  “You here to meet me? Where’s Ekim?”

  The man didn’t answer but seized her bag and gestured for her to follow.

  “Wait! Where are we going?”

  The infuriating man kept striding through the spaceport, detouring past a group of men holding up cameras, and Carly had to hurry to keep up. He stopped at a ticket counter and handed over tickets to the woman behind the desk.

  “Now look here,” Carly snapped. “I’m not going anywhere with you unless you tell me where Ekim is.”

  “Ekim? Do you know Ekim?” the woman behind the desk demanded. “Ekim Ramuk?”

  “Yes,” Carly said, before directing her attention to the bearded man at her side. His eyes widened with a trace of panic. Ekim’s eyes. “Let’s go. We’ll talk through the other side once we’ve boarded the spaceship.”

  The man relaxed noticeably, confirming Carly’s suspicions. He’d had to bring work with him for some reason. Okay. She was fine with that. At least he hadn’t cancelled. Explanations could wait.

  “How do you know him?” The woman licked her lips, her eyes glinting with greed and excitement. “The newshounds are offering a cash incentive for information about his whereabouts.”

  Carly frowned. “He’s a passing acquaintance. I don’t know him well.”

  “He’s so handsome,” the woman gushed.

  “Do you think so? Personally, I think his nose is too large and his ears stick out like an elebats.�

  The man at her side snorted before taking her by the arm and dragging her away from the desk. They went through a door and boarded the waiting spaceship. A hostess showed them to their seats and brought them a glass of sparkling purple bubbles. Carly watched her walk away with a waggle of pert buttocks.

  “My ears do not stick out like an elebats,” Ekim said with great indignation. “My nose is not big.”

  Carly saw he didn’t sneak a peek at the beautiful woman, and this cemented him even more in her heart. They might have been apart for a large portion of the time they’d known each other, but during their calls, they’d talked about everything. Their hopes for the future. Their hobbies and interests. Their fears. Carly knew more about Ekim now than she’d learned about Matt during their three years of marriage. She grinned and leaned over to plant a kiss on the tip of his nose. “It is on the large side, but I like it. What are you doing dressed like that?”

  A scowl drew Ekim’s dark brows together. “It’s a long story. Can we leave it for later?”

  Carly shrugged. “We have all week.”

  “We certainly do.” Ekim’s voice lowered, the intimate edge sending a shiver of anticipation dancing down her spine. “Do you know how badly I crave your kiss?”

  “Yeah, I do,” Carly said, eyeing his sinful mouth. “Because I want to kiss you just as much.”

  Ekim took her hand in his and squeezed it tight, his dark eyes lingering on her mouth. “Hold that thought.”

  * * * * *

  The resort was private and as beautiful as the advertising literature promised. Ekim relaxed at the check-in desk and curled his left arm around Carly’s waist. He signed the guest register.

  “Thank you, Mr. Ramuk. I’m sure you’ll enjoy your stay. If there is anything I can help you with, please don’t hesitate to come and see me.”

  Carly stiffened beside him. Ekim’s eyes narrowed on the woman behind the check-in desk but she continued to meet his gaze with guileless blue eyes. “Do you have any suggestions of how to spend our afternoon?”

  “Of course, Mr. Ramuk. I’d suggest a picnic lunch on the small island off the beach.” She flicked through a small black book. “None of the guests are using it at present.”

  Ekim glanced at Carly, and she nodded. “Sounds great. Who do we order the lunch from?”

  “I will take care of that for you, Mr. Ramuk.” She made a notation in the black book and reached for the phone. “What time should I tell the boatman?”

  “In half an hour?” Ekim asked Carly. When she smiled and nodded, he said, “We’ll be at the jetty in half an hour.”

  They followed a young boy who led them to a beachside suite with views of the cove. He showed them around the luxurious room then left them alone.

  “I’m dying to kiss you,” Carly said. “How about getting rid of the facial fungus so you look like the Ekim I know?”

  Ekim’s heart kick-started at the promise he saw on her face, the soft curve of her lips. He strode over to a mirror and grasped one end of his mustache, ripping it off in a quick jerk. “Ow.”

  “Don’t be a baby. Let me help.” Carly stepped close enough for him to smell the flowers in her hair. Her hand trailed across his cheek and an instant later, she held his beard in his hand.


  “Aw, want me to kiss it better?” She brushed soft lips over his stinging chin, and Rajah woke from his slumber. A second kiss from Carly, this time on his mouth, turned Rajah hard as stone. He scarcely felt the removal of the first sideburn. “One more to go.”


  Carly chuckled. “I don’t believe you’re a big, bad cop when you’re such a baby.”

  The guilt was instant. “I—”

  “We’d better hurry. Our half an hour is almost up.” Carly grabbed her bag and tossed it on the synsatin bedcover. Ekim admired her backside as she bent over to unzip the brown bag.

  “Hey,” Carly said, glancing over her shoulder and catching him ogling her butt. She shook her fist at him, although Ekim thought his attention pleased her. “You can do that later.”

  Sounded promising. Ekim couldn’t wait to touch her luscious curves. He pulled his hair back into a tail and turned to grab a hat from his bag. The bed distracted him.

  One bed. Large. Made for two people—him and Carly.

  Rajah lurched to greater prominence—an expression of sexual joy, and Ekim murmured a soft prayer. No chances this time. He rifled through the side pocket of his bag and pulled out a bottle of argaiv tabs. After unscrewing the top, he swallowed one tab then another.

  “What are those for? Are you sick?”

  “Vitamin pills,” Ekim said, uttering the lie without a blink. Hopefully, the argaiv tabs would work. Goddess, he prayed he could get Rajah up and keep him up long enough to lose his virginity and satisfy Carly.

  * * * * *

  The island was idyllic and private, although it wasn’t far from the shore. They set up camp on the sandy beach on the far side of the island that faced out to sea. The waves ran into shore before receding with a gentle whoosh. Over to their right, the putt-putt of motorboats sounded spasmodically, but the area around the island remained off limits to the public.

  “I’m not hungry,” Carly said.

  “Me neither.” Ekim set the picnic basket down, his gaze following a lone white lug bird diving for fish. He swallowed, unaccountably nervous. Although he knew a lot about satisfying a woman with his hands and mouth, he worried about taking the next step. The argaiv tabs had kicked in, and Rajah appeared erect and eager to do the job.

  The widow’s whisper came back to him. Carly and Ekim forever.

  Ekim was starting to believe the whispered affirmation, but still he dithered, trying to decide how to proceed.

  As if she could read his mind, Carly tugged her black shirt over her head and tossed it on the sand. Her breasts were unbound and swayed gently with each move.

  Ekim shook his head, pulling from his mesmerized state. “Let me undress you.” His hands slid around her waist, pulling her flush with his body so her nipples brushed his chest. Under his fascinated gaze, they pulled to tight peaks, tempting him to take them into his mouth and suckle.

  “You’re a big boy,” she whispered, her hand burrowing between them to grasp Rajah. “I’m so ready for you. It feels as though we’ve had months of foreplay.”

  Carly’s hand tightened, and Ekim squeezed his eyes closed at the intense wave of pleasure that came with her touch.

  “Take off your clothes. All of them. I never got to see you last time.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Ekim said, remembering being chaperoned by his mother and sister. “Talk about an aggravating weekend, but nothing compared to the frustration I’m feeling now.” And it was true. Rajah throbbed, each squeeze and stroke from Carly shoving his need to the level of desperation.

  Carly fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, almost ripping the synsilk fabric in her haste to remove his clothing. Ekim rolled his shoulders and allowed the shirt to drop to the ground. Her cool hands slid across his belly, slipping lower to tease Rajah. She unfastened his belt and tugged his trousers and underwear down his legs. He stepped out of them, self-conscious but proud of Rajah’s performance.

  “Nice.” She smacked her lips, and Ekim imagined her mouth wrapped around his cock, the heat of her mouth, the sly slide of her tongue. Carly ran her hands down his chest before pausing to strip off the last of her clothes.

  Ekim spread a blanket on the white sand, then lifted her in his arms and set her down. Their lips met and desire flared as they struggled to get closer to each other. Determined to savor his first time, he gently bit at her bottom lip, tormenting and tasting while her fingers entwined in his hair and tugged the strands from his queue.

  “I’ve missed you,” he said. “The communicator calls weren’t enough.”

  “I know.” Her hands crept over his shoulders and down to grip his butt. For a moment Ekim worried about Rajah holding up, but one gla
nce at his groin told him he had no problems in that department. The argaiv tabs were working.

  Carly’s heartbeat lurched crazily while her hands took advantage of the prime male hovering over her nude body. He nuzzled at the valley between her breasts before running his tongue in sweet, agonizing circles around one nipple. Each touch, each kiss became a primitive throb in her veins. She stirred restlessly, parting her legs in silent invitation. Love in the outdoors didn’t seem so bad after all.

  “Do you know what I’d like?” he asked, the corners of his eyes crinkling in humor.


  “I’d like you to ride me, watch the sway of your breasts. Feast my eyes on your body.”

  “Yes.” Her favorite position. She loved to take control, but most men liked to assume authority during the first time. “Yes,” she repeated.

  Ekim rolled, taking her with him so she ended up on top of him. She moved back a fraction so she had a better view of his cock. She closed her hand around his hard, hot arousal and shuddered. Soon, she’d impale herself on him. Carly sucked in an excited breath. Not soon. Now. She’d anticipated this moment for months. They’d take it slow next time. Carly grasped his cock, placing him at the mouth of her pussy. With one easy move, she pushed downward until he filled her.

  Ekim groaned, his eyes screwed shut and a hint of red showing in his cheekbones. “Don’t stop,” he begged.

  “Not a chance.” As if she could. She lifted then took his cock inside her again.

  A motorboat sped by the island, but Carly didn’t stop, her movements becoming increasingly frenzied. Ekim moaned, a dark sound that thrilled her to her marrow. She set a steady rhythm, the frissons of excitement building so fast she knew it wouldn’t take long to climax. Beneath her, Ekim shook.

  “Look this way,” a feminine voice shouted.

  Carly froze while Ekim cursed and almost threw her off his cock as he bolted upright.

  “That’s it, Ekim. Got the image. Who’s the mystery lady? Gonna give us a name?”

  “Fuck,” Ekim said, lifting her off him effortlessly. Both anger and worry flitted across his face. “Get dressed.”


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