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Future in the Stars

Page 24

by D Patrick Wagner

  “Someone takes his security seriously,” Kimberly commented.

  They heard the door click. Slim pulled the door open and held it for Kimberly, who nodded and entered.

  Scanning the surroundings as they entered the small foyer, Slim placed his hand on his holstered pistol. Kimberly just looked around the small room. It was empty. A solid door led to the back. Another camera stared down at them from above the door jam.

  Slim and Kimberly focused their attention on a biometric pad mounted and angled on the wall next to the door handle. They saw no lock or latch. The two of them stood, poised, and waiting.

  A voice come over a hidden speaker. “Please let me see your hands.”

  They complied, both holding their hands at shoulder height, palms facing outward.

  “And with whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?”

  Slim looked at the camera. “I am Captain Slim Long of Gypsy.” Gesturing towards Kimberly, he continued, “This is my Sub-Captain, Kimberly Baker. Commander Marston contacted you.”

  “Yes, Krag said you were coming. Please, one at a time, step forward and place your right hand on the biometric reader.”

  Long went first. Following the instructions, he placed his hand on the flat surface of the scanner.

  “It will be just a minute. Preceptor Igaklay sent me your fingerprints and DNA configuration. I just need to verify that you are you.”

  A light on the reader blinked multiple times as red then switched to green.

  “Yup, you’re you. Next?”

  Slim stepped aside and Kimberly repeated the process. Again, the light ended showing green. The two of them heard another loud click and the door swung outward, causing the two to hop out of its way.

  They cautiously walked through the door. A hallway led to a door which stood open. Taking the implied invitation, they both entered. The room they found themselves in looked like an office that a high-rolling financier might occupy. Artwork covered the walls. A luxurious lounging area occupied half of the room. In two of the seats, two dark-haired men sat, sipping drinks. Both turned as the door opened and the two crewmates of Gypsy entered.

  Slim’s and Kimberly’s attention were drawn to a full-service bar and cabinet covering one wall.

  A small, well-dressed man with a drink in hand turned from the bar.

  “Captain Long. Krag told me about your ship. Can it really create a wormhole and jump a thousand lightyears at a time?”

  “That’s what Eton says. Eton’s the A.I. that manages the ship. We’ve named her Gypsy, by the way.”

  “Yes. You told me, when you were being checked out.”

  The small man walked over to a high-backed chair and took his place behind a Plexiglas desk. After a sip, he pointed to the two seated men.

  “That’s Emilio. He handled my procurement needs before the Mortek invasion. And that one is Ruben. He runs the Medical Union for Latinia. Oh, and I’m Sheldon Moreno, Governor of Latinia. Take a seat.”

  Sheldon gestured towards a couch which angled so that it faced both the chairs and desk. Slim and Kimberly sat, Kimberly ensuring that a space remained between her and her captain.

  “Let’s see. Krag said that you need a procurement officer and a medical team. Well, since the Mortek attack, the non-traditional lines of procurement have dried up.”

  “By that, you mean weapons and illicit goods.”

  “Captain, let’s just say, non-approved Federacy inventory.”

  “I can go with that.”

  “With Preceptor Igaklay in the mix, whatever we want, we get. So, Emilio is out of a job.”

  “I see. Emilio, have you ever been in space?”

  “No, Señor. But I was raised with six brothers and sisters. I know how to live in cramped quarters.”

  “We have plenty of room on Gypsy. That’s not the problem. The problem is the Big Dark. You are surrounded by nothing. Some people get crazy from that.”

  “I do not think that it will be a problem, Señor Long. Test me out. If you do not like me, bring me back to Latinia.”


  “Why not. I say, give him a go, Captain.”

  “OK, Emilio. You’re on. Probationary, only. What’s your last name?”

  “Cortez, Captain. I will not let you down.”

  “Another thing. Eton is the A.I. that manages the ship. He knows every nut, bolt, and rivet. No five-fingered discounts while onboard.”

  “Never! Ask Señor Moreno! I am loyal.”

  “Good. One down, next, Governor?”

  “Krag indicated that you needed a medical team. Unfortunately, after the Mortek invasion, we have more injured than we can take care of. There’s no way that I can release any medical staff to you.”

  “I understand, sir.”

  “However, Ruben has another idea.”


  “Yes. He heard about this Igaklay’s medical robots.”

  “And you’re offering a trade.”


  “I can’t negotiate on Preceptor Igaklay’s behalf. And, I don’t have a quant-com. I can’t contact Ballison.”

  “No problem. I do. If we can work something out, would you buy into that?”


  The Governor of Latinia lifted his wrist to his mouth.

  “Preceptor Igaklay?”

  “I’ve been listening, Governor. You want to trade a medical team for some of my medical robots. Is that correct?”

  “Yes, Preceptor. That is what I had in mind.”

  “You want the best that I have. I am the protector of Clan Griffin, and the crew of Gypsy is part of Clan Griffin. Therefore, I want the best that you have. I believe that Gypsy will need a disease specialist, a traumatic damage specialist and a health specialist. Of course, accompanying nurses and support personnel would be part of the bargain.”

  “That’s a lot of people, Preceptor.”

  “Gypsy has requirements. Latinia is in need of assistance. Are you able to supply the three specialists, along with trained assistants and support personnel?”


  “That’s a lot of people. It will put a huge dent in my medical team.”

  “Then you will need a huge number or my robots. What I don’t currently have I can manufacture. That will not be a problem.”

  “I have people in mind that would fill the specialist bill, Governor.”

  “Along with assistants and support staff?”

  “Si, Preceptor.”

  “Like I said, that’s a lot of people, Preceptor.”

  “Not that many, Governor. I believe that this is an excellent opportunity for our two worlds to begin building strong political ties. One moment, while I contact Mistress Analyn.”

  “Governor Moreno?”

  Everyone heard the Elonian, female voice over the speakers. Captain Long and Sub-Captain Baker sat in silence, waiting for everything to play out.

  “Yes, Mistress Analyn.”

  “Preceptor Igaklay states that you wish to purchase Ballisonian medical robots. And that your payment will be in the form of a full medical team for Gypsy. Is that correct?”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “I have a further requirement.”

  “That would be?”

  “The human system, Dorogon, has informally declared independence from the Federacy. In time, that will be formalized. So has Tolimar. They have petitioned to join the H.E.B. Alliance. I wish that you would do the same.”

  “If we do that, we will have access to your technology?”

  “Obviously at a price, Governor.”

  “Prices to be negotiated.”

  “Of course, Governor.”

  “Throw in a cargo ship with the same goodies that Griffin has, and it’s a deal.”

  “No offensive weaponry, Governor.”

  “But, all the other stuff, including heavy armor?”

  “Yes, Governor. Preceptor, could we put together a ship for Latinia?”
/>   “I have one in mind, Mistress Analyn. A mid-sized cargo ship from Atlantius.”

  “Agreed. With one final stipulation. Land on Latinia is set aside for an Elonian city. In the coldest region on your planet. That will become the H.E.B. embassy.”

  “Our North Pole will fill that need. It is isolated, though. We have no people there, other than a few scientists and climatologists.”

  “That is fine. With jump drives, nowhere is out of immediate reach. Do we have a deal?”

  “We supply a full medical team for Gypsy. You supply us with medical robots. How many, Preceptor?”

  “I will deliver one thousand robots. Is that sufficient?”

  “A thousand? That is very generous.”

  “We do not believe in short-changing our allies.”

  “Compared to the Federacy, that is an interesting concept.”

  “The rest of our agreement?”

  “Right. Next, Latinia will renounce its membership in the Federacy and join the H.E.B. Alliance. Question. What happens when Vice-Admiral Weiskoff sends his ships to put us back under his boot?”

  “I’m sure that we can dissuade him from doing that. Commander Marston has decided to form a defensive fleet to protect Humanity from any further Mortek invasions.”

  “We set aside land in our north for a H.E.B. embassy enclave. And, finally, you supply Latinia with a jump-capable cargo ship.”

  “That is the proposal.”

  “One more thing. A jump-capable executive transport for my personal use.”

  “That is a little too much, Governor. These negotiations are for the good of our peoples, not personal enrichment.”

  “OK. Make it for the governorship of Latinia.”

  “Mistress Analyn?”

  “Yes, Preceptor?”

  “Commander Marston has delivered multiple personal transports which are too small for anything more than family vacations. They are much like the one which we delivered to the Baileys.”

  “Governor, rather than an executive transport much like Commander Marston’s Griffin, we will deliver a family recreational vehicle which is jump-capable.”

  “And gravity, and shields.”

  “Of course, Governor.”

  “Um, Mistress?”

  “Yes, Preceptor?”

  “The ship should contain the same special food replicator kitchen we developed for Clan Griffin.”

  “Yes, Preceptor. We will include an upgraded food replicator system.”

  “Done. I accept.”

  “Preceptor, please contact Buster and Vidhee.”

  “Yes, Mistress Analyn?”

  “Hello, Honorable Vidhee. We have formed a verbal agreement which needs to be formalized. Is the HEBA Legal Court available?”

  “Yes we are, Mistress.”

  “Thank you, Legate Buster. Preceptor, please apprise Honorable Vidhee and Legate Buster on the details of our agreement with Latinia. Have the three of you draw up the agreements. Include the smallest details so that there are no points of contention. As this is our first treaty between our two peoples, I want it perfect.”

  “You shall get it, Mistress.”

  “How soon?”

  “We will have the document ready in less than a quarter of a sedeca, a half an hour.”

  “That soon?”

  “Yes, Governor. The speed in which Igaklay, Buster and Vidhee act takes getting used to. If the Preceptor says that the document will be ready in thirty minutes, you will receive it within thirty minutes.”

  “Rubin, you better start rounding up your people. Captain Long, you can use the foyer office for your interviews.”

  “Alright! We’ve got our medical staff! Mr. Cortez, as our Procurement Officer, you need to start procuring medical equipment and supplies.”

  “En él, Capitán.

  Aboard Griffin – Elonia space

  After two stopovers and three jumps, Keiko watched Isaac handle the controls as he carefully sailed Griffin into Elonia space. Pleased with the beginning pilot’s progress, she turned to Igaklay.

  “Igaklay, have you found Enduring Spirit?”

  “Yes, Ambassador. She is floating in an asynchronous orbit over Elonia’s ruling palace.”

  “That is probably where King Daruke is holding Mistress Analyn and her people. Isaac, do you want to try getting us close to Enduring Spirit?”

  “Absolutely, Ma’am.”

  “Talk out your actions as you go, Isaac. I’ll watch and listen.”

  “Roger that, Ma’am.”

  Throughout the exercise and dialogue, Krag sat in his command chair, watching, listening, and remaining nervous at a beginner flying his ship.

  Krag spoke into the air. “Dean, how does Griffin look?”

  “Nothing major, Cap. I am currently replacing some circuit boards in the atmospheric unit. After that I’ll be putting together a maintenance list now.”

  “We are heading over to Enduring Spirit. Stay out of the cargo bay, as we are going to be bringing aboard some people and equipment.”

  “Okey-dokey, Cap.”

  Keiko caught Krag nervously tapping his fingers as she helped Isaac fly Griffin towards their destination. Looking first into Krag’s eyes then at his strumming fingers, she gave a small shake of her head. Krag stopped the beat and took a breath.

  Shortly, without mishap, Isaac braked Griffin to within a hundred yards from Enduring Spirit and aligned with the frigate’s launch bay.

  “Captain, Fairstar just arrived.”

  “Thank you, Buster. Igaklay, would you link me up with Addy?”

  “Addy, here, Hawk. Where do you want us?”

  “Get close to Enduring Spirit, Addy. We’ll play it by ear.”

  “Copy that, Hawk.”

  “Igaklay, please link me to Captain Jewels.”

  “Done, Captain.”

  “Ahoy, Enduring Spirit.”

  “Ahoy, Griffin. Welcome to Elonia, Hawk.”

  “You rang, I came, Baubles. Are we having fun, yet?”

  “Nothing’s going on down there. Typical politicians. Lots of talking, nothing getting done.”

  “Where is Lieutenant Negiani?”

  “He’s down with the other three Defenders, in the dungeon.”

  “Oh. Then, link me up with Corporal Sanchez.”

  “It will be a moment, Hawk. I believe she is taking the Defensemen through some drills.”

  “Don’t bother. Just tell her to get the team ready. We’re going to go get some lost furballs and mud-ducks.”

  “Hell yeah, Hawk.”

  “Same with the Killer-bees.”

  “Roger that, Hawk.”

  “We’ll butt-bump to transfer them to Griffin. Your pilot up to that?”

  “Yeah. Kafer has switched from stick jockey to heavy pilot pretty quickly. Captain Kakkarna was right. Pilot Nemoni has been a great teacher and mentor. He’ll get it done.”

  “We’re coming about now, Baubles. See you in a few.”

  “Out, Hawk.”

  Igaklay terminated the link.

  “Keiko, you take over the controls, OK? This maneuver is going to be a little tricky.”

  “From what you called it, I get what you want. How close?”

  “Ten feet?”

  “No problem.”

  This time, Krag held no trepidation as he sat in Griffin’s command chair. Keiko, as Krag knew she would, deftly brought Griffin around to Enduring Spirit’s loading ramp and flipped the ship. Then, using positioning thrusters only, she backed Griffin up and brought her to a stop, relative to the Mortek frigate.

  “Sorry, Captain,” Keiko joked. “I’m within seven feet.”

  “I don’t know, Pilot,” Krag joked back. “You may need more time running through the training modules. Tribune Ambakai, are your people secured?”

  ”Yes, Commander. All are in their barracks and suited up in their hazardous environment suits.”

  “Good. Dean, where are you?”

  “I heard you talk
ing with Tribune Ambakai, Cap. I have verified that the hatch to the bay is buttoned down and am in the engine room.”

  Krag looked over Griffin’s bridge and counted heads. Keiko, Buster, Igaklay and Isaac all sat, waiting. He then worked his console, viewing the cargo bay, verifying the bay’s lack of personnel.

  “Evacuating the atmosphere in the bay, now.”

  Krag worked his console. The ship shuddered as the pumps withdrew the atmosphere in the bay into the holding tanks. While this occurred, Krag turned to Igaklay.

  “Igaklay, please contact Captain Jewels.”

  “Nice flying, Hawk.”

  “Not me, Baubles. Sparrow.”


  “Ambassador Suzume.”

  “Sounds about right. I heard that she had turned into quite the pilot. Our bay is evacuated. The Defensemen are suited up and ready to go. Same with the Killer-Bees. We are ready to drop our ramp whenever you are.”

  “Mine, too. Sounds like we both have some gung-ho people. On my mark. Mark!”

  As Krag spoke the word, he pressed the icon to open Griffin’s ramp. Everyone watched the main screen as Enduring Spirit’s ramp dropped, leaving her launch bay open to the emptiness of space.

  “Send the Bees across first. Tribune Ambakai, after we repressurize, have your people get them lashed down.”

  “Aye, aye, Commander.”

  “Buster, full combat mode. Armor, jets, the whole shebang.”

  “No jump harness?”

  “Not this time. I want a big entrance.”

  “Do I get to roar again?”

  “Whatever floats your boat, Tinman.”

  “Now, you’re just channeling Mack,” Keiko added.

  “Maybe a little.”

  “We all miss him, Krag. Sue too.”

  “Igaklay, I want you to stay here. I think that Kokali showing up might ruin the entrance.”

  “Wait! I’m in my new avatar!” Igaklay hopped out of his chair and held his skinny, overly long arms out, while spreading his two fingers and thumb.


  “It’s armored, like Buster. And, I have a new form. Watch!”

  Igaklay’s avatar began to distort and twist. His head became smaller. His limbs shrank and two new fingers grew on each hand. Dark hair sprouted from his now-human face. The nanites on his Griffin tunic crawled around, rearranged, and changed colors. Tan, baggy pants formed. A loose blouse grew to cover his chest and arms.


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