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Future in the Stars

Page 25

by D Patrick Wagner

  Everyone watched as Igaklay, the Ballison, transformed into Igaklay, a human boy.

  A boy? Very dapper, Igaklay.”

  “No, Keiko. A Genie!”


  “Yes! When I get bored, I sometimes watch old human videos. I found a really old, two-dimensional video about a sailor named Sinbad. He is sailing a wooden, wind-driven ship on Earth’s oceans while transporting a wealthy man’s daughter. Kind of like you and Krag.”

  “Now I’m a pirate captain and Keiko’s a little rich girl.”

  “Exactly! They discover a genie who is a human boy. They fight monsters and save everybody. Just like you! But you didn’t have genie. So, here I am.!”

  “Genies live in a lamp, you know.”

  “Yeah, I saw that. So, I am using something you call ‘artistic license’. No lamp. I know! Griffin is my lamp.”

  “OK. You don’t look like an Elonian god, anymore.”

  Also, I built a protection shield into this avatar. And a gravity pack. I’m just like Buster!”

  Alright You can come. We might need you to take over some equipment when we get inside. Do you have any of those liquid quant-coms?”

  “Always, Commander.”

  “Strap back in.”

  Still in his genie form, Igaklay hopped back onto his chair and locked down his harness.

  “How are things going, Tribune?”

  “Everyone is onboard, Commander.”

  “Have everyone lie down. And hang on to something. We’re going in on a combat drop.”

  “The sonic boom is going to be pretty loud, Krag.”

  “That’s the idea, Keiko. I want you to put Griffin down right on the palace front porch. Can we fit?”

  “I’ll check.”

  Krag waited while Keiko worked her board.

  “Yeah, Griffin can fit. How about we land in the courtyard, instead? We can land there.”

  “Nice. We’ll do it.”

  “We’ll need to use landing jets for a vertical putdown. That’s going to melt a lot of ice.”

  “Good. The bigger the show, the better the entrance. Addy, you still listening?”


  “Keiko is going to send you a set of coordinates. Put down there and have your troops form up a skirmish line at the palace gates.”

  “I’ll follow you in, Hawk. Out.”

  “Shock and awe, Commander?”

  “Listening in, Sanchez? Yup. Tribune, are you online?”

  ”Yes, Commander.”

  “When we land and drop the ramp, I want everyone in chameleon and airborne. Except for the bees.”

  “Aye, aye, Commander.”

  “OK, people, let’s get ready. We have a party to crash.”

  Aboard Griffin – Elonia Palace Courtyard

  At the sound of the double sonic boom, the nobility, politicians and well-to-do looked up, into the Elonian sky. Those sitting on various benches or chairs in the royal courtyard stopped whatever they were doing and also searched the skies for the source of the window-shaking sounds.

  Their searches came to a quick ending. Griffin, with ramjets howling, thundered in, came to a combat stop and hovered over the richly adorned, well maintained area of leisure, politicking and gossip.

  Griffin hovered for a full minute, allowing the courtyard’s inhabitants to flee, then began its decent. As the hot-burning thrusters blew their fiery exhaust at the snow-packed grounds, plants burned, ice turned to vapor and a vapor cloud grew, concealing Griffin’s final touchdown.

  Simultaneously, the sonic boom from Fairstar also vibrated the palace windows as it rocketed down to the Elonian Palace parade grounds beyond the palace gates. After she also turned ice to vapor, her tailgate dropped with a crash, shattering whatever ice hadn’t been melted by her landing. Sixty-four Elonian Guardsmen, dressed in HEBA armor, jump harnesses and chameleon suits, rushed out and formed eight squares of warriors. The front row of each squad lay on the ice. The second row knelt. The third row stood. The last row hovered in the air, supported by their jump harnesses. All sixty-four Guardsmen had their weapons trained on the front wall of the palace, focusing on the main gate and the parapet. All remained visible.

  By this time, inside the courtyard, the former inhabitants had fled to the protection of the palace walls and pillars, and peered out, hoping to watch the proceedings. What they saw caused all of them to flee deeper into the palace.

  Griffin’s ramp dropped. Four Killer-bees floated out and formed into the corners of a square, Griffin at the center. Once positioned, the four slowly swung back and forth, sectioning each of their quadrants, guarding against any threats.

  Krag, in full dress HEBA reds, complete with medals and headcover, led the way down the ramp. Buster, in his silver-skinned battle mode, waved a Gatling gun with one hand and a rocket launcher with the other. Igaklay, in his genie form, walked along side Buster. Both had their shield raised, bathing them in the blue light of protection.

  Krag pointed to one of the last Elonians attempting to flee.

  “You! Stop!”

  The well-dressed, obviously wealthy, Elonian stopped and held his hand-paws in the air. Slowly he turned to face these human invaders.

  “Lead me to the throne room!”

  At first, the Elonian just froze, his ears and eyes flicking from the tallish Human to the smallish Human to the terrifying war monster. Everyone had heard about the android who had protected this ship the last time it was here. Now, the Elonian saw this walking death in person. What he didn’t see were the twenty-four chameleon-cloaked Defensemen silently floating out and forming up behind Krag.

  With fear in his voice and his posture, the Elonian gestured then spoke. “This way, gentle beings.”

  Krag followed the conscripted guide. As they walked the halls of the royal palace, Elonians variously ran, ducked behind doors, or cringed in place, hoping that the monster would not notice them. Finally, the fearful Elonian pointed to the large, double doors.

  “That is the throne room, gentle beings.”

  “You did well. You may leave.”

  The three watched the Elonian flee as though his tail had been lit on fire.

  “Sanchez, status?”

  Krag asked this quietly, through his communication implant.

  “Locked, cocked and ready to rock, Commander.”

  The sergeant currently leading the platoon responded in soto, through her own implanted com unit.

  “Here we go. Buster, drop the doors.”

  Buster raised his Gatling and fired single rounds at each of the hinges. At each firing, a thunderous blast blew a hole where each hinge had previously supported the massive doors.

  After his eighth shot, buster stepped forward and executed a textbook side-thrust kick. The doors fell inward, crashing to the icy floor.

  Per the plan, Buster, still protected by his blue energy shield, stepped through first, raising his weapons and using them to scan the room. Multiple Royal Guardsmen around the room raised their weapons and dropped into defensive mode. Eight more took up position in front of the throne and King Daruke.

  Krag stepped forward and under Buster’s energy dome. Then he pressed a button on his belt. The dress reds quickly morphed into battle armor, including a helmet.

  Igaklay, still protected by his energy dome, also pressed a button. His nanite-constructed clothing, like Krag’s, quickly transformed into battle armor.

  “Do you really want to take on Buster, Guardsmen? I suggest you stand down or things will get very violent very quickly. This time, Buster will not just dig a ditch. He will return fire.”

  Daruke jumped to his feet.

  “Guardsmen, protect your King! There are only three of them. Attack!”

  “Hold!” Krag’s bellow momentarily froze the Guardsmen.

  “Look up!”

  Everyone looked where Krag pointed. They all saw twenty-four warriors, half Elonian, half Human, floating above their heads. They saw the variety of wea
pons pointing down on the crowd. Multiple barrels pointed at King Daruke.

  “You start it, we finish it. Lower your weapons!”

  Krag raised his hand. Twenty-four warriors disappeared.

  “Igaklay, please show King Daruke his front porch.”

  A hologram jumped from the small pyramid which Igaklay held in his raised hand. It showed the well-armed, well-disciplined forces arrayed across the entrance to his palace. He saw the massive ship parked behind this warrior force.

  “You do not want them to come and get us, King. Your call. Well?”

  Daruke looked up, trying to find the twenty-four warriors floating in his throne room. He refocused on the hologram. The image morphed into one of Griffin, cornered by the four killer-bees.

  “Those killer-bees do not use doors, King. They will come through the walls. Piss or get off the pot!”

  Daruke gave a hand motion. The Royal Guardsmen lowered their weapons, pointing them at the floor.

  “Well, Addy, it looks like there’s no joy in your trip. King Daruke has seen the light.”

  With the excellent hearing of the Elonians, everyone heard Krag speak into his quant-com. They also heard the response.

  “I have some very angry cats out here, Hawk. They want their pound of flesh.”

  “Keep them leashed, Addy. Daruke here might yet do something stupid.”

  “What is the meaning of this! How dare you invade the Crown!”

  “The meaning of this, King, is that I have come for Mistress Analyn and the rest of the HEBA delegation.”

  “My baby sister has been accused of crimes against the Crown. She will be tried. And, when she is found guilty, she will be executed.”

  “I don’t think so. She came here in good faith. She came here to negotiate a treaty between Elonia and HEBA. You broke faith with her and, by extension, all of HEBA.”

  “The Crown does not negotiate with criminals.”

  “You mean, you will not negotiate with your sister. Well, this is not a negotiation. I am politely requesting that you bring Analyn and her delegation to me. Then we will leave. No one needs to be hurt.”

  “No. She is going to stand trial. If you attempt to break her free, I will have her executed on the spot.”

  Krag watched Daruke do the familiar freeze, unfreeze.

  “We Humans have a work animal called a mule. It is stubborn and cantankerous. But, when you can get it to work, it works hard. There are two ways to get that hard-headed animal to work. You can hit it with a stick, or you can bribe it with a carrot. That’s a food that the mule likes. I asked nicely. I tried the carrot. Now, we do the stick.”

  “You’re bluffing. I have notified the guards. If you try anything, they are ordered to execute Analyn.”

  “I don’t bluff. Igaklay, have you located Mistress Analyn and the Defensemen?”

  “Yes, Commander. Mistress Analyn is in the north tower, her previous quarters. The guardsmen are in prison cells in an underground dungeon.”

  “Mistress Analyn’s Guards?”

  “Two in her foyer.”

  “Igaklay, go get the Defensemen.” Krag looked up. “Sanchez, pick twelve Defensemen to follow Igaklay. Retrieve your brethren.”

  “How dare you!”

  “You said that once, already, King. You need to think of something else. Just sit down while you do that.”

  Krag raised his wrist to his mouth.

  * * * * *

  For three Elonian days, Analyn had stomped around the tower suite she had spent years growing up in. For three Elonian days, her claws would extend and retract, her ears would flick, and her tail would swish, matching whichever emotional state she currently experienced. she would fluctuate between rage at her brother, sorrow for her clan and self-punishment at her own stupidity. She would constantly review how she had gotten herself into this mess. When she didn’t prowl around the multiple rooms, she would sit in nervous anticipation, wondering when her dear brother would take some other ice-headed action. Throughout the three days she had kept doing busywork, trying to keep herself occupied, waiting for something to happen. She made a point to not stare at Mahajani, not let him see the sadness in her eyes concerning his physical impairment.

  Throughout her imprisonment in the tower, Rikka had played the role of the loyal pet. Wherever Analyn wandered, the synthetic snow-leopard remained at her side.

  Throughout those three days, deep in morose, Sir Mahajani constantly sat in a chair, continually faced the entranceway to his Mistress’s suite. Without His scimitar, he would repeatedly rub his paws on his legs, anxious for action. Periodically, the crippled warrior would rub the damage on his leg or scratch his artificial forearm, mentally berating himself at his uselessness.

  On the third day, while attempting to relax and read more about Humanity and its history, Analyn’s quant-com interrupted her study.

  “Mistress Analyn. Are you there?”

  Analyn recognized Krag’s voice.

  “Yes, Commander Marston.”

  “Your brother has ordered your death if I try a rescue. Are you still wearing your belt?”

  “Yes, Commander.”

  “Is Rikka still with you?”

  “Yes, Commander.”

  “Gear up. I’m coming to get you.”

  “Finally! I am tired of sitting on my tail. Where are you?”

  “In the throne room with your brother.”

  “You stay there. I will come to you. I have a few things to say to him.”

  “You’re imprisoned. What about the guards?”

  “They will not be a problem. Give me ten minutes.”

  “Ten minutes. Then we come and get you.”

  The link broke.

  “Sir Mahajani, we are leaving.”

  Analyn saw her life-long protector and dear friend labor to rise and come to attention.

  With a final look at her previous living quarters, Analyn gave Mahajani a nod. He opened the door. After he stepped into the foyer, Analyn followed. The two guards jumped from their seats and raised their weapons.

  “We are leaving, Guardsmen.”

  “King Daruke has not given his permission for your release, madam.”

  “And he has given you orders to execute me if I try.”

  “That is true. We will stop you if you try to leave.”

  The two Elonian guardsmen became more physically aggressive.

  “Rikka, on guard.”

  The two guardsmen froze as they watched the artificial Earth animal. They watched as it transformed.

  Quickly, a silvery, metallic, four-legged weapon replaced the furry snow cat. Where it once was a furry animal, all softness and curves, it became a machine of angles and hard, flat surfaces. Its eyes turned from deep green to fiery red. Its claws extended, becoming weapons sharper and harder than diamonds.

  As this occurred, Analyn touched a button on her belt. The nanites of her dark-red tunic reformed. Quickly, Analyn’s clothing changed from her HEBA uniform into a hazardous environment suit, complete with a head covering and facemask. Now, protected by her armor, the Royal Guardsmen’s weapons were no longer a threat.

  Sir Mahajani followed his Mistress’s lead and armored up in the same manner.

  Analyn pointed to the exit. “Open that up, Rikka” she commanded.

  Two laser beams jumped from the now-weaponized eyes of the synthetic cat. The heavy door burned and smoked as the Synthetic cut an Elonian-sized hole through it. Once done, the level-two A.I. stepped forward and used a paw to punch out the separated piece of wood. After clearing the opening, Rikka stepped aside and waited for her next command.

  “Guardsmen, we are leaving.”

  The two Guardsman pressed themselves back against the walls of the foyer, all thoughts of using their weapons dissipated. They watched as Analyn nodded to her guard cat.

  “Lead. Take us to the throne room.”

  Being a level two A.I. and having been there before, Rikka knew the way. The guard cat led. Analyn fol
lowed. Sir Mahajani, trailed.

  “We are on our way, Commander. We will be arriving shortly.”

  “Copy that, Mistress.”

  When Analyn, accompanied by Mahajani and Rikka, arrived at the entrance to the throne room, she saw the large doors laying on the ice-covered ground. After walking over them, she approached Krag.

  All eyes focused on the four-legged war machine that accompanied the armored Elonians. Everyone in the room pulled back when those red, burning eyes swept over them. Senator Sanjinan had to stop himself from dropping to the floor and hiding behind the low barrier separating the senators from the main room.

  Krag saw the tension in the armored Analyn drain from her body as she drew closer. By the time she joined him, and Buster, she moved smoothly and normally. Rikka continued to guard. Curiously, the Mistress of Elonia inspected the you, human cub.

  “You could have knocked, Commander.”

  “I was going for the effect, Mistress.”

  “Did you come with anybody else? Or is it just the two of you? Not that you aren’t enough.”

  Krag raised a hand. Twelve Defensemen blinked into existence then back out.

  “Well done.”

  “Fairstar is parked at the gates with a phalanx of your father’s Guardsmen. Igaklay is taking twelve of your Defensemen to get their comrades.”

  “I hope that my dear brother didn’t give the Guardsmen in the dungeon the same stupid orders he gave the two guarding me.”

  Daruke jumped back to his feet. “How dare you!”

  “He says that a lot.”

  “That is true, Commander. He said that to me a couple of times when I first arrived.”

  “What do you want to do with him?”

  “Address your King, Sister!”

  Analyn ignored her brother.


  “What about the assassination attempt?”

  “I don’t think Daruke was in on it. Were you brother? Were you complaisant in the attempted assassination of your parents and sister?”

  “Never!” Daruke flashed a glance at Senator Sanjinan as he answered.

  “See? But I think I know who was.”


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