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Crystal Skulls

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by Jaap van Etten

  Copyright © 2007 by Jaap van Etten

  All Rights Reserved.

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  Photo Credits

  Mitchell-Hedges Skull Photo: Cover and Plate 1 Color Photograph, page 167;

  A Frank Dorland Photo, A9 Vandria Rayner-Dorland.

  For permission to utilize the Frank Dorland photographs, please inquire to

  Mrs. Vandria Rayner-Dorland, PO Box 6233, Los Osos, CA 93412-6233,

  or by email to

  Sam Photo: A9 Amayra Hamilton.

  Nebula Photo: A9 NASA and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/Aura)

  eISBN: 978-1-62233-555-8

  Print Edition ISBN: 978-1891824647

  Published and printed in the United States of America by:

  PO Box 3540

  Flagstaff, AZ 86003


  About the Book

  Interacting with the Phenomenon of Crystal Skulls

  This book, based on facts and personal experiences, summarizes the results of the author’s many years of crystal skull exploration and interaction. You will learn to understand crystal skulls, about their different characteristics and their special energies, and how you can use these energies and characteristics for personal growth.

  Become aware of your energetic connection with crystal skulls and how it affects your awareness and expands your consciousness. Crystal skulls invite you on a journey into a deeper understanding of who you are.

  About the Author

  Jaap van Etten, PhD was born and educated in the Netherlands. He received his PhD in biology in Amsterdam, specializing in ecology. For the past seventeen years, his focus has been on metaphysical ecology. He studies and teaches about human energies, Earth energy lines and vortexes, the energies of crystals and crystal skulls, and how these systems interact. In this book, he focuses on the interaction between the human energy system and the energies of crystal skulls. Since 1998, he has lived in the United States with his wife Jeanne Michaels, and currently resides in the Sedona, Arizona, area.

  Other Books by Jaap van Etten, PhD

  Gifts of Mother Earth

  Other eBooks from Light Technology Publishing

  Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper

  The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Vol. I & II by Drunvalo Melchizedek

  Living in the Heart by Drunvalo Melchizedek

  Kaballah and the Ascension through David K. Miller

  The Gentle Way I & II by Tom T. Moore

  The Explorer Race Series: ETs on Earth through Robert Shapiro

  Hearing the Angels Sing by Peter Sterling


  This book is dedicated to my beloved wife, Jeanne Michaels. She has stimulated me over and over to deepen my connection with the crystal skulls. We have been exploring crystal skulls for nine years. Without her abilities, qualities and deep connection with crystals and crystal skulls, this book would never have been written.


  No book can be written without the support of other people. Many have contributed in small or more significant ways to the information contained in this book. Some I have forgotten the names of, because they only were there for a short moment. Others have been there for longer periods or still are contributing to my ongoing journey with the crystals skulls. I would like to thank everyone who has been part of my crystal skull adventure.

  In addition to the many who have contributed in a more general way, there are those whose contributions I would like to mention in a more personal way. First I would like to thank Amayra Hamilton. You have been on my crystal skull journey from the beginning, starting in Holland, until today. We have stimulated each other in different phases, helping each other to grow in understanding of what crystal skulls are. You encouraged me in writing this book and contributed in many ways to it. You took most of the photos and your editing skills have greatly improved its readability.

  Michael Hamilton, you simply are always there for me. In that way, you have supported, challenged and stimulated me on my journey. Your friendship is deeply valued.

  Joe and MaryLee Swanson — many of our special crystal skulls came from you, especially in the initial phase, when we began to build up our crystal skull family. Our discussions have contributed to my understanding of the crystal skulls and of the people connected with them.

  Eric and Susan Youngman were always able to bring interesting crystal skulls into our lives. You often made us forget that “we did not need more skulls,” and in that way, you have largely contributed to the formation of a wonderful and special group of crystal skulls.

  Joshua Shapiro — I met you initially through emails and for the first time in 1999 in Las Vegas. Our paths have crossed each other many times, and our meetings have always been stimulating.

  Mary-Ann Mathot, you organized several workshops on crystal skulls and crystals in Holland. We have stayed in contact for many years, sharing our enthusiasm for crystals and crystal skulls.

  Additionally, I want to thank Joyha Baker, who made almost all the drawings in this book and contributed to the editing. I also would like to thank Dhee A. Koenig for the wonderful design of the cover.

  I would also like to thank the caretakers of old and ancient skulls that I met on my journey. Some of the caretakers and their skull(s) have had a significant impact on my understanding of crystal skulls, namely JoAnn Parks, Joky van Dieten, Frank Loo, Sherry Whitfield and several others I met only briefly or who do not want to be mentioned.

  For all the people who have participated in our crystal skull meditation evenings, I would like to thank you for the enthusiasm, feedback and support. I would especially like to thank Gary Palisch and Sandra O’Connor, who gave the impulse to start these meditations. I also want to mention those who have been our regulars — Sandra O’Connor, Gary Palisch, Amayra Hamilton and Joyha Baker — as well as those who have been frequent participants — Cher Lynn, Thelma Moeran, Elizabeth Keller, Donna Bius, Diana Rodriguez, Catherine Kubu and Rebecca Kilawee.

  I would like to thank Melody Swanson, publisher of Light Technology Publishing, and her staff for the creation of the final product, the book as it is. Thank you for your trust in me that led to the publishing of this book. I would also like to thank the staff for their contributions, especially Laura Monroe for her invaluable final editing.

  Lastly I would like to thank the person who has had the strongest influence and made the largest contribution to my crystal skull journey: my beloved wife, Jeanne Michaels. My love, without you I would never be where I am now. You have stimulated me when I needed stimulation. You have supported me when I needed support. You have reconnected me with the crystal skulls when I tended to move away from them. We have done so much work together which helped me to gather the insights and knowledge that have led to the writing of this book. Your editing, your questions and your advice have been invaluable. I want to thank you from the depths of my heart.


  About the Book

  About the Author





  Part 1: What Is a Crystal Skull?

  Chapter 1: C
haracteristics of Crystal Skulls

  Everything Has Consciousness

  Crystalline Structure and Crystals

  The Five Characteristics of Crystals and Crystal Skulls

  The Skull Shape Opens Us to the Information They Hold

  Chapter 2: Categorizing Crystal Skulls

  The Ancient, the Old and the Contemporary

  The Four-Group Categorization

  Chapter 3: Some Famous Crystal Skulls and Their Caretakers

  The Singing Skulls

  Fully Activated Skulls (Old and Ancient Crystal Skulls)

  Chapter 4: Contemporary Crystal Skulls and How to Find Yours

  Contemporary Skulls Have the Same Potential as Old/Ancient Ones

  Finding Your Skull

  Part 2: The Crystal Skull Energies

  Chapter 5: The Different Energies Connected with Crystal Skulls

  Crystals as Tools for Healing

  The Electromagnetic Field Around Crystal Skulls

  Piezoelectricity and Crystals

  Activation and Polyhedral Fields

  The Six Additional PHFs

  Crystal Skulls and Subtle Energies

  Chapter 6: Working with Crystal Skulls

  Crystal Skulls and Earth Energies

  The Effects of Crystal Skulls on Human Beings

  Crystal Skulls and Meditation

  Crystal Skulls and Empowerment

  Crystal Skulls and Energy Fields

  The Collective Crystal Skull Field

  The Effects of Crystal Skull Fields on the Environment

  Chapter 7: Crystal Skulls and Channeled Information

  The Mitchell-Hedges Skull through Carole Davis

  Mahasamatman through Kathleen Murray

  Sandra Bowen and Michael Kant

  Monitor through Harvey Grady

  Lazaris through Jach Pursel

  Bashar through Darryl Anka

  Part 3: The Thirteen Original Crystal Skulls

  Chapter 8: Pursuing the Legend of theThirteen Skulls

  My Introduction to the Legend

  Adventure in the Sierras Madres

  Searching for the Thirteen Portals

  Visiting the Portal Locations

  Bryan de Flores’ Thirteen Crystal Skull Accelerator Images

  Working with Portal Groups

  The Satellite Portals

  Reactivating the Portals

  Chapter 9: Other Stories of the Original Thirteen Skulls

  The Teachings of Harley Swiftdeer

  Other Native Stories

  Personal Visions and Experiences

  Spoon Bending and the Morphocrystallic Processes

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 10: The Number 12 + 1

  Christianity and the Numbers Twelve and Thirteen

  Sacred Geometry and the Platonic Solids

  The Function of the Thirteenth Element

  Chapter 11: The Legend of the Thirteen Crystal Skulls: An Integrated View

  Crystal Skulls Were Brought to Earth to Help Humankind

  Other Systems of Twelve

  The Twelve Star Systems

  A General History of the Crystal Skulls

  Color Plates

  Conclusion: The Future of the Crystal Skulls



  In 1994, I visited the Four Corners area in the Southwest of the United States for the first time. I was then still living in my home country of Holland. Over the course of our one month visit, my wife at that time, Carina, and I stayed in Sedona for eleven days. During our stay we visited many metaphysical bookstores. For a reason I did not understand at the time, I was strongly attracted to the books of Lazaris (channeled by Jach Pursel). I ended up buying two of the three books that were available, but I could not find the third book. Instead of being happy with the two books, I felt a strong urge to also get the third. Every day I tried to find that third book — it came close to a compulsion. I had almost given up when on the last day before our departure, I talked to someone at one of the New Age centers. He told me there was a woman who privately sold the Lazaris material. I was lucky: She was at home, she was willing to see us and she had the book I wanted so badly.

  In addition to the Lazaris material, this woman, Lin, had a large collection of crystals in her house. At the time I already had a strong interest in crystals, so it was exciting to look at her collection. At a certain moment, she looked at me and asked me to sit down and close my eyes — she had something she wanted me to experience. I felt a bit silly, sitting there with my eyes closed, but at the same time, I felt an expectation similar to that of a child about to unwrap his Christmas present. I heard her coming back into the room and I suddenly felt a heavy cold smooth stone in my hands. Without even knowing what it was that I held, I started to cry. I had no clue why I was crying, and I still had not opened my eyes. I then heard Lin say to Carina: “This has happened several times before.”

  After sobbing for about half an hour, I was ready to open my eyes. I was sitting with a crystal skull in my hands. I had never heard of crystal skulls, let alone seen one. I did not understand why somebody would want to make a skull out of this beautiful crystal. Finally I was able to ask some questions. It turned out that I was sitting with a contemporary skull carved a couple of years earlier by a Japanese carver. Lin was only a temporary caretaker of this crystal skull she called Ted. She told us she had seen strange things happening around the skull, including spontaneous healing. Her stories only increased my confusion.

  I left Sedona with the three bosddoks of Lazaris in my suitcase. To this day I have not read them; I have actually given them away. I did not go to Lin’s house because of the Lazaris book — I went there to meet my first crystal skull. The books were the way my guidance got me to the right place to make my first contact with crystal skulls.

  I went home with many questions in mind. Why had I reacted the way I did? What were crystal skulls? Like many people, I grew up in a society that associated a skull with death. However, what I had felt had nothing to do with death. On the contrary, I felt very much alive when I connected with the skull. I later learned that there are societies where the skull is the symbol of knowledge and wisdom. It was that aspect I connected with when I held the crystal skull in Sedona. It was an unconscious recognition of what the crystal skull stood for: wisdom, knowledge and consciousness.

  My experience in Sedona started a personal search into the meaning of crystal skulls. It also induced a longing to have my own crystal skull to work with so I could study and experience this phenomenon. It took me two years to get a human-sized clear quartz crystal skull called Sam that was carved in Brazil on my special request [see Fig. 1]. That started a period of research and of experiencing crystal skull energies. My current wife, Jeanne, and I now have one small ancient crystal skull (carved more than fifteen hundred years ago), two small old crystal skulls (carved between one hundred and fifteen hundred years ago) and more than one hundred and twenty contemporary crystal skulls of different sizes carved from different types of crystals.

  Fig. 1. Sam, the author’s personal favorite fully activated contemporary clear quartz crystal skull. Photo © Amayra Hamilton

  Until the mid-1990s, crystal skulls were a rare phenomenon. Not many people had the opportunity to see one. If they had, it was most likely the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull or Max, the Texas crystal skull. The Mitchell-Hedges Skull traveled around the United States until the beginning of the 1990s, where it could be seen in special gatherings and at metaphysical fairs. This crystal skull stirred up people’s imaginations. Many stories have been told about it, and people reported all kinds of strange phenomenon and experiences when they were in its presence. Max, like the Mitchell-Hedges, is an ancient crystal skull that has traveled many places in the United States. While the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull was “in hiding” due to the health of its caretaker Anna Mitchell-Hedges, Max, with its caretaker JoAnn Parks, traveled almost every weekend in the United States and to Europ
e as well. This does not change the fact that, at the time, connecting with a crystal skull was still a rather rare opportunity.

  This changed around the mid-1990s. A large number of contemporary crystal skulls became available as peoples’ interest grew. Soon the number of people who were caretakers of one or more contemporary crystals skulls began to increase. When a person makes a deep connection with crystal skulls, he or she usually becomes the caretaker of more than one. The person feels so attracted to them that before he or she realizes it, he or she has built up quite a collection [see Plate 10 and Plate 20].

  Many wonder what kind of person has this strange attraction to crystal skulls. Are these people connected to death? Do they belong to a strange cult? When meeting these “crystal-skull people,” it soon becomes clear that neither is true. I, my wife and our many friends who have connected with crystal skulls are intelligent people with sound minds. So what is so special about crystal skulls that people feel attracted to them? This question is especially relevant because the attraction is often very strong.

  My story turns out to be in no way unique. I have heard many similar stories of a deep first contact, leading to a search for the meaning of crystal skulls. This book is a reflection of my search for that deeper meaning.

  This book is not meant to duplicate existing books. There are some very interesting and informative books written, such as Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed, by Sandra Bowen, Nick Nocerino and Joshua Shapiro, and The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls: Unlocking the Secrets of the Past, Present, and Future, by Chris Morton and Ceri Thomas — both which are considered the most informative books on the subject at this moment. Although this book contains general information that you might find in other books, its purpose is to summarize different aspects of crystal skulls in a new way, adding new discoveries as well. The information in the book will help us to see that crystal skulls are one of the most amazing gifts to humankind. It will show that crystal skulls help us to explore many aspects of our awareness and expanding consciousness, and of our interaction with the Earth and the universe. Crystal skulls invite us in different ways to embark on a journey that leads to a deeper understanding of who we are.


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