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Crystal Skulls

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by Jaap van Etten

  This book has four parts. Part One describes the characteristics of crystal skulls from a physical and metaphysical point of view. Crystals, the shape of skulls and the qualities of crystal skulls and crystals are also discussed. Different types of crystal skulls are defined, and some of the known old and ancient crystal skulls are described. Part Two focuses on different energetic aspects of crystal skulls and on the effect crystal skulls have on human beings. Finally, Part Three describes the legend of the thirteen crystal skulls as well as a description of the author’s personal exploration of this legend.

  To a certain degree, crystal skulls are an enigma. From a scientific point of view, they are no more than a crystal in the shape of a skull, or “an interesting archaeological find.” However, this is not the way people who connect with crystal skulls experience them. They experience them as special and as wonderful tools that awaken something in themselves. Experiencing strange phenomenon while connecting with crystal skulls, especially ancient ones, is common. From a scientific viewpoint, these experiences can lead to statements such as “fraud” and “unsubstantiated claims.” This response is not unique. We see similar responses with phenomena like crop circles, UFO sightings, alternative healing modalities, dowsing and other scientifically “unexplainable” phenomena.

  However, this does not diminish many peoples’ interest in these subjects. Actually, interest is increasing. Hard science seems to be losing its power. Science is no longer seen as the complete way to view our world. Alternative views have become more acceptable, and there is an increase in the value of a spiritual approach so that what you feel has a valuable place in understanding who you are. Besides the mind (science/logic), feeling (experience/illogic) now has value. Experiences, though subjective, have more value than science would like us to believe. The value of experiences also stems from quantum physics that tells us that as observers we have an influence on reality. In other words, we create our own reality.

  Only through our personal experiences can we understand what we need to believe in order to create the reality we experience. Our experiences reflect our state of mind, our belief structures and our emotions. We learn from our experiences and can decide whether we like or dislike them. By looking at our belief structures, we are able to understand what we need to change in order to create the reality we want. Crystal skulls can help us in this process and are therefore valuable friends. Crystal skulls can help us to connect with knowledge and to deepen our experiences. This leads to a deeper understanding of who we are, as understanding comes from a combination of information, knowledge and experience.

  Accepting that experiences are essential for understanding the phenomenon of crystal skulls does not mean that we should accept every experience as the truth. Each experience and the ideas connected with it are true for the person who has the experience. That does not mean that this is also true for others. Experiences have value when we share them and are able to see the common patterns that emerge. For this reason, it is important that the caretakers of crystal skulls work together and honor each other’s beliefs and experiences.

  However, the crystal-skull world reflects the larger human world in many ways. There can be a lot of competition. Certain skulls are considered “better” because they are considered older. Caretakers who claim to have an ancient crystal skull may be seen by others as frauds. It is important to realize that crystal skulls may reflect and reinforce what is already present, including criticism and jealousy.

  In this book, I describe crystal skulls and their age as they are generally accepted. However, I also show that it is not important whether a crystal skull is ancient, old or new, and offer a new way of categorizing crystal-skull groups. The energies and information contained in crystal skulls are not necessarily based on the age of crystal skulls. In addition, nobody knows for sure how long ago a certain crystal skull was carved.

  Each crystal skull has its own unique function as part of the whole. If we are open, each skull can teach us something. The function of the contemporary crystal skulls is more important than most people realize. This book will explore these different aspects without prejudice or judgment. Every experience has value. We are all still students in the understanding of crystal skulls. If there are any masters on the subject, they have not yet revealed themselves. Even being a caretaker of an ancient skull does not guarantee that we have mastered the subject.

  In conclusion, I invite you to read this book with an open mind. Some scientific elements are included, but this is not a scientific book. It reflects a study in which mind and feeling, knowing and experiencing, and the masculine and the feminine approach work together to come to a deeper understanding of a subject that intrigues an increasing number of people. Following the explorations of the author as presented in this book may open the door for you to find your own way in the exploration of the phenomenon of crystal skulls. If you enter it with an open mind and an open heart without expectations or judgment, taking in what you resonate with and leaving alone what you don’t connect with in the moment, you will experience their amazing value.


  In the following chapters, I will present several ideas about crystal skulls. Some of them are generally accepted; others may sound new or even like pure fantasy. A subject like crystal skulls would never lead to a satisfying publication if we restricted it to hard scientific facts. Crystal skulls and their attraction for an increasing number of people cannot be explained by scientific facts. They cannot be explained at all. They can only be understood if we allow ourselves to go into the area of experiences, sensing and feeling.

  This does not give us “evidence” that falls within the current scientific paradigms, but it leads to an interaction with crystal skulls that gives us unique experiences. Since there is no “hard evidence,” you, the reader of this book, are completely free to do with the information whatever you want. You can shrug your shoulders, you can see it as an interesting story of the writer, or you can use it as an invitation for your interaction with the crystal skulls.

  Crystal skulls have all the characteristics of crystals. However, from an energetic point of view, the crystal skulls become “different” as soon as the shape of a crystal skull appears as it is being carved. When the crystal skull shape appears, the energy shifts in frequency. Due to this frequency shift, the crystalline structure moves from the collective crystal energy field into the collective crystal skull energy field. This field holds the energies of all crystal skulls, whether they are original, singing, fully activated (old and ancient) or contemporary skulls. Each crystal skull contributes in its own unique way to this collective field in the same way as each human contributes to the collective consciousness field of humankind.

  Crystal skulls help us to expand our consciousness. They help us to connect with what we feel about ourselves and what we think about ourselves. This means they help us to see what our beliefs about ourselves truly are. This allows us to make decisions to change what we would like to change and to keep what we like about ourselves and our beliefs. Crystal skulls also help us to connect with other-dimensional aspects of ourselves. We are multidimensional beings, and crystal skulls can help us to connect with other-dimensional aspects as far as it is relevant for understanding and expressing who we are.

  There is a certain hierarchy among crystal skulls. This is not a hierarchy that indicates which crystal skull is more important than another, but it is a functional hierarchy. Crystal skulls created in the different phases of humankind’s involution have different functions in the phase of evolution. The importance of all crystal skulls is clear when we understand this evolutionary process and the role crystal skulls can play in it.

  There are crystal skulls that are called the original crystal skulls. They consist of twelve groups, each having three crystal skulls. In addition, there is a central skull, which makes the total number thirty-six plus the central skull. The original crystal skulls contain information to help shift humankind’s conscious
ness. These skulls are not yet present in the physical world, and most likely they never will be.

  To connect and work with the crystal skulls in a physical way, the Atlanteans created the singing crystal skulls. They created a total of fifty-two crystal skulls: four groups of thirteen. I believe they did not carve them but had mastered the process of morphocrystallic generation and morphocrystallic transformation. Either their consciousness created a matrix (morphocrystallic generation) or through intent they used a human skull as the matrix (morphocrystallic transformation) to create the crystal skulls. I believe the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull was created through morphocrystallic transformation.1

  After the destruction of Atlantis, people went to different places all over the world and they took the singing crystal skulls with them. My sensing is that there are still thirty-one of them around, but they no longer form groups of thirteen. I believe that several of these crystal skulls will surface to help us to expand our ability to connect with them. This will ultimately lead to an interaction and connection with the original crystal skulls.

  Once they were settled in their new locations, the survivors of Atlantis began to carve crystal skulls. They carved them in order to stay connected to the information field of the original crystal skulls, hoping to re-create a highly developed civilization that would move into a golden new age. The carving of crystal skulls has actually never stopped and continues today with the carving of the contemporary crystal skulls.

  Due to the process of involution, the knowledge of how to create crystal skulls that are fully functional and optimally connected with the collective crystal skull field got lost. Also, the knowledge of how to use the crystal skulls was lost over time, or at least to a large degree. We see this reflected in the contemporary crystal skulls. Once carved, the crystal skulls are barely activated — that becomes the task of the caretakers. They are the ones that have started the process of evolution, which will eventually lead to the connection of all crystal skulls on all levels. This will allow us to use the information stored in them to create a new time in which we again understand who we truly are.

  I believe that the legend of the 12 + 1 crystal skulls has a basis of truth. There are portals through which the original crystal skulls have come to Earth, but these portals are no longer fully activated. The understanding of how to activate these portals may be the answer to the question of how to access the information given by beings with a different consciousness to Earth through these original skulls. It may even be possible that the original crystal skulls are the portals themselves. In a channeling, Bashar, a multidimensional being who speaks through channel Darryl Anka, called crystal skulls doorways to other dimensions.2

  Crystal skulls also have a healing function. This has been described by many people. I believe that healing (which means becoming whole) takes place through awareness and expanding consciousness. That may be the reason why crystal skulls are such good healers: they expand our consciousness and help us to see ourselves, allowing for conscious or unconscious change.

  I believe that contemporary skulls ultimately can do what all ancient and old skulls can do. However, it requires growth and understanding from the caretakers to allow this to happen. I believe that the process will go quickly in the coming years.

  In this book, we will look at many aspects of crystal skulls. In some ways, we seem to know a lot about them, but on the other hand, there is even far more that we do not know. We are in a phase of exploring many spiritual tools, and crystal skulls are one of them. These explorations are important because they help us to see who we are.

  * * *

  Author’s note: Whenever I use direct quotes, they are always between quotation marks; they are literally taken from the source. But when the quotations come from audiotapes, what results is my interpretation of what I thought was on the tape. This is especially the case with Bashar.

  1 When I was shown this information in meditation, I did not have the proper terms for this process. Later I found the terms I am using, which perfectly describe the processes, in Sandra Bowen, F.R. “Nick” Nocerino and Joshua Shapiro, Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed (Pacifica, CA: J&S Aquarian Networking, 1988).

  2 Darryl Anka (Bashar), undated channeling, Los Angeles, California.

  Part 1: What Is a Crystal Skull?

  Crystal skulls are carved from crystals, either recently or in ancient times. This means that each crystal skull, besides having the characteristics of a crystal skull, also will have the characteristics of the crystal it is carved from. In this context, crystals can be a singular crystalline structure (i.e., clear quartz) or a mixture of crystalline structures (lapis lazuli, ruby in zoisite and others). For that reason, we will look first at crystals in general and then at the characteristics that crystals and crystal skulls have in common. Next we will look at the skull shape, summarize information on most of the known old and ancient skulls, and then finally look at some aspects of contemporary crystal skulls.

  Chapter 1

  Characteristics of Crystal Skulls

  All crystals have been created through processes in the Earth and thus are an intrinsic part of the Earth. When we buy a crystal in a shop, we may not always connect with the awareness that we are actually buying a piece of the Earth that has been taken from her. We are so separate from the Earth that we think nothing about what it means for her to be mined or for the crystal to be ripped apart from her.

  When a crystal is taken from a mine, we literally disconnect the crystal from its source. As long as a crystal is in the Earth, there is a direct connection and a free exchange of energy and information between the crystal and its natural environment. When we take the crystal out of that environment, it will no longer have that direct connection, nor will it have that exchange of energy. When we fully realize what happens to a crystal, we may be more grateful for the gifts that crystals bring and treat them with gratitude and deep respect. Crystals are a wonderful gift of the Earth to help us to understand who we are. What that means in the author’s opinion will become clearer as you read this book.

  Everything Has Consciousness

  Remembering that a crystal has been a part of the Earth may help us to understand the beliefs of many Native traditions. They believe that stones and crystals contain information of the Earth’s history. Crystals can give us this information if we learn how to listen to the messages that are stored in them. Listening to the stories of the Earth helps us to reconnect with her.

  The Earth is truly our mother who nurtures and supports our physical system — our physical body with its connected energy systems like meridians and chakras — in an optimal way. People tend to forget that we cannot complete our spiritual journey if we do not also fully embrace our physical system. Crystals not only support our spiritual development but also support our connection with this physical system. They help us to recognize the importance of our physical body, because the only way our soul can express itself in this physical reality is through the physical system.

  Esoteric teachings and quantum physics help us to accept that everything is and has consciousness and interacts with each other. This means that we relate to and interact with everything that exists. Many people have a special relationship with crystals on a consciousness level. This relationship is important for the understanding of the effects that crystals and crystal skulls have on us. To help the reader to understand this relationship, I would like to give the following description:

  First there was the One. The One was in a state of being that can be described as “Is”-ness. Then the One became self-aware: I am that I am. With this realization, the “I” became explosively the All That Is. The One is in Itself Consciousness. With self-awareness, the Consciousness began to express Itself in an infinite number of ways. One of the ways Consciousness expressed Itself is through the physical world as we know it and what we call our existence.

  In order for Consciousness to be able to express Itself in a physical form, It has to lower I
ts frequencies. The last step before Consciousness manifests in a physical form is called electromagnetism. According to Bashar (a multidimensional being who speaks through channel Darryl Anka from what we perceive as the future), the most pure form of solidified electromagnetism is a crystal.1 That also means that crystals are the purest aspect of consciousness in physical form. Is it then surprising that people who are exploring increasing their awareness and expanding their consciousness are attracted to crystals? (For a clear description and a more scientific point of view of the concept of consciousness and creation, read Stalking the Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of Consciousness by Itzhak Bentov.)

  Many books about crystals mention that crystals affect our consciousness. The best description I have heard about the relationship between crystals and consciousness comes from Bashar. To describe and understand the relationship between crystals and consciousness, I have integrated ideas from Itzhak Bentov, Bashar and my own personal vision. It explains the process of creating physical reality from an energetic point of view, stepping away from religious or scientific evolutionary ideas.

  Crystalline Structure and Crystals

  The characteristics of crystals are based on the crystalline structure. Each type of crystal has its own defined crystalline structure based on its atomic and molecular structure. For example, many believe that clear quartz is the most important type of crystal for crystal skulls to be made of. The fact that there are so many skulls of other types of crystals and stones indicates that not everybody agrees. However, quartz has certain characteristics that make it one of the best crystals to use for the creation of crystal skulls. Nearly all crystal skulls that are considered ancient are made from quartz. For that reason, the structure of quartz is given as an example.


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