Crystal Skulls

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Crystal Skulls Page 9

by Jaap van Etten

  Later in my studies of PHFs, I discovered a phenomenon that has helped me to better understand the differences between crystal skulls and crystals. The increase in the number of PHFs when a crystal is carved into a crystal skull cannot truly explain the energetic differences between crystals and crystal skulls that many people experience. A crystal can also be activated and get to twelve PHFs with twelve sublevels in each PHF. One would assume this would make a crystal more or less similar to a crystal skull; however, that is not what Jeanne and I and other people have experienced. In general, I am not very visual in my meditations, but sometimes clear images come up or are shown. One day, when I was in meditation, again pondering about the differences between crystal skulls and crystals, I suddenly saw images that made it all clear and very simple to me. I had been able to feel that when a crystal is carved into a crystal skull, something shifts. Up until that moment, I believed that the only thing that changed was the number of PHFs. However, I found that it is more than that — also, the quality and frequency of the PHFs that are connected to crystal skulls are different when compared to those of crystals.

  Let me give an example and start with a crystal with four PHFs. If I activate this crystal as a crystal, the fifth and the sixth PHF will have a certain frequency range. However, when that same crystal is carved into a crystal skull, the frequency band of the fifth and sixth PHF will be even higher. The frequency band of the fifth PHF of the crystal skull will be in between the frequency ranges of the fifth and sixth of the crystal. This is true for all crystal skull PHFs — they are all higher in frequency than the same PHF of an activated crystal. Crystal skulls literally shift into a different state of being and energy field: the collective crystal skull field. As I explained earlier, this field is different from the collective crystal field, although these two fields share a common basis in the first four PHFs.

  It may be helpful to give an image of the different PHFs around a crystal skull [see Fig. 31]. The lines show the center of each of the twelve PHFs. In the image, I have not indicated the width of each PHF, because during the interaction with the crystal skull, the width of a PHF changes continuously. When the number of PHFs increases, the distance between the PHFs increases as well. Although the distance between the PHFs varies between the different crystal skulls, this difference is small. In Fig. 31, the average of eight crystal skulls is given. The distance from the edge of the crystal skull to the center of the twelfth PHF is on the average 171 cm (5 feet 8 inches).

  Fig. 31. The twelve polyhedral fields around a crystal skull. Due to the interference of the surface the crystal skull stands on, the lower half of the field will usually be deformed. Shown here are the centers of each of the PHFs. The distance is the average of eight measurements. Image © Joyha Baker

  The Six Additional PHFs

  At this point in time, I believed I had discovered all there was about PHFs. However, I soon discovered that there was yet another aspect. This revealed itself when Jeanne and I bought a six-inch nebula stone crystal skull [see Plate 16]. Nebula stone has had my deep interest from the moment I first connected with it in 1999. From the very beginning, the energies connected with nebula stone were different from what I was familiar with when connecting with crystals and crystal skulls, yet it was not easy to define in what way it was different. I jokingly called it “from outer space.”

  Nebula stone is a rare stone that is found only in the Sierras Madres in Mexico. It was discovered by Ron and Karen Nurnberg, and the exact location is known only to them. Research on the chemical composition has revealed that it is a new stone. So far it has not been scientifically described, because Ron and Karen have not revealed the exact location, which is required for a scientific publication.4

  I had looked at the number of PHF of two small nebula stone crystal skulls we have in the initial phase of my research, when I was not yet very experienced in establishing the number of PHFs. I use both scanning and sensing to define the different energies and, in this particular case, the PHFs. Scanning is the method I use to get a better feel for what type of energy I am dealing with. It feels like an built-in measuring device that enables me to define the energies in a more detailed way. This method was shown to me during a meditation and I have fine-tuned it over time. It looks like the screen of an inner monitor. Sensing is using senses other than the five normal senses to obtain information about the quality of energies. In general, this is called using psychic abilities.

  The new large nebula stone skull invited me to study the PHFs of this stone again. It turned out to be a challenging process. The nebula stone skull definitely has the twelve PHFs in common with all crystal skulls, but there was something more. There was an additional energy, a vibration I had not perceived before. It was obvious that my system was not yet used to connecting with this energy. It was so intriguing that I could not let go until I had defined these “new” energies. The final result was quite amazing. The large nebula stone has the twelve PHFs plus an additional six. The frequency of these additional six PHFs is much higher than the other twelve. Consequently, because I had not expected any additional PHFs, I did not perceive them.

  Needless to say, I was curious whether I could find other crystal skulls and crystals that had these additional six PHFs. It turned out that the extra six PHFs was a very rare phenomenon. None of our crystal skulls and crystals had those additional six, with exception of one type of stone (kambaba jasper, also called kabamba jasper, which comes from Madagascar) and a sphere of unknown origin. Some people call kambaba jasper, nebula stone, which is technically not allowed because nebula stone as such is trademarked. Initial unofficial research indicates that nebula stone and kambaba jasper have a similar composition, although the ratio of the components seems to be different. They seem to be the only two stones with a defined name and place of origin that have the same energetic characteristics that are expressed as six extra PHFs.

  The riddle is a two-inch sphere that I bought in 1999 on eBay in England. It was advertised as a nebula stone sphere, but as soon as I received the sphere, I knew it was not the nebula stone from Mexico, which was later confirmed by Ron Nurnberg. The person who sold me the sphere did not know where the material came from and also did not want to share with me where she got the sphere. The sphere has strong similarities with kambaba jasper, but there are enough differences to believe that it could be a different stone. Its energies feel different, but both nebula stone and kambaba jasper are quite variable in themselves. Interestingly, this sphere has the same energetic characteristics as nebula stone and kambaba jasper: it has six extra PHFs.

  One day I was meditating with a photo of the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull and with an essence somebody had made from that skull. In that meditation, I went very deep, feeling and exploring the energies of the Mitchell-Hedges Skull. This crystal skull has always felt to me to be different from the other ancient skulls I am familiar with. In that meditation, I suddenly knew what this difference was; I had studied it intensely. Along with the nebula stone skull and stones, and the kambaba jasper, the Mitchell-Hedges Skull also has the six additional PHFs! What makes this crystal skull different from the other ancient crystal skulls? Could it be that this is a characteristic of the singing crystal skulls I mentioned earlier? I am afraid we will have to wait until more singing crystal skulls surface. Only then can we find out whether that is the case. Meanwhile, my search for other crystal skulls or crystals with the extra six PHFs continues.

  Although the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull shares the additional six PHFs with nebula stone and kambaba jasper, there is an important difference: The six additional PHFs of the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull are all fully activated, which is not the case with those of crystal skulls made out of nebula stone and kambaba jasper. These skulls give us the opportunity to train our system to be able to activate this system of the additional six PHFs. I am convinced that this will give us the experiences we need to more fully understand the Mitchell-Hedges Skull.

  The phenome
non of the six additional PHFs easily leads to hypotheses. I’d like to explore one of them: Given the high frequencies of these PHFs, it may be possible that these extra six PHFs have been induced by a consciousness and/or knowledge that is beyond what we currently grasp. Later we will look at this idea in more detail.

  Crystal Skulls and Subtle Energies

  Subtle energies belong to what David Bohm calls the implicate order. Most energies that cannot be measured directly with current technology are called subtle energies. Although these energies are not yet measurable, there is an increasing amount of data that confirms their existence. The term “subtle energies” is also used to indicate several energies that alternative healing works with, such as meridians, chakras and subtle energy bodies. There are also subtle energies connected with the Earth in the form of energy lines, grids and vortexes (places where energy moves in and/or out of the Earth, or of grid systems connected with the Earth).

  We have already discussed one form of subtle energies connected with the crystal skulls: the energies connected with polyhedral fields. For those working with crystal skulls, there is no doubt that there are more types of subtle energies also connected with the skulls. An example is the subtle energies of crystal skulls that lead to healing. Another example is the subtle energies that are transmitted through certain crystal skulls. Also, the larger energy fields created by crystal skulls are fields of subtle energies.

  Since these energies are not directly measurable, there is not much information available about this subject. There are many personal stories that may indicate the presence of subtle energies, but the descriptions are often such that explanations other than the presence of subtle energies are possible as well. Due to an increase in the interest in crystal skulls, I expect that more information may become available in the future.

  * * *

  1 David Bohm has written many interesting books on the explicate and implicate orders. See Wholeness and the Implicate Order (New York: Routledge, 2002); and The Undivided Universe (New York: Routledge, 1995).

  2 For more information on Resonance Field ImagingTM, see the website of Innovation Technologies and Energy Medicine (ITEM):

  3 The term “copyrighted materials” is used by ITEM. What this means is, you need material that is copyrighted by them. You will receive these materials when you purchase the instruments and computer program that are needed to use the Resonance Field ImagingTM.

  4 The website on nebula stone is Nebula stone is mentioned in many crystal skull books.

  Chapter 6

  Working with Crystal Skulls

  We may not yet understand all the different subtle energies connected with crystal skulls, but we cannot deny one thing: Crystal skulls have an effect on the subtle energy systems of both the Earth and human beings. We will now look at these effects.

  Crystal Skulls and Earth Energies

  A large part of my personal research and work has been focused on the study of different types of Earth energies. During my research, I felt guided to use crystal skulls to activate different types of energy lines and vortexes. In my opinion, the energies in the lines and vortexes I studied were not optimal, and I wanted to see what would happen if I activated an Earth energy line or vortex with a crystal skull.

  The results were more than rewarding. As soon as I activated any type of line or vortex, there was a strong increase in the size of the lines and vortexes. Initially this was only used to see whether there was any effect at all, but later I developed a more systematic research method, measuring the effects of activation with my crystal skull Sam on a certain type of lines, which I defined through dowsing. These lines were very recognizable, because they contained clearly defined sublines. These sublines are called triads, because they always contain within themselves three small lines. Because of the presence of triads, it was easy to discover that there were lines with up to twelve of these triads.

  The system is rather complex, and this is not the place to go too deep into the characteristics of these lines. However, activating these lines with Sam gave a very clear increase with all twelve different triad lines [see Fig. 32]. I used the term IF (intensity factor) for comparison of the lines. This factor was calculated by multiplying the height of a line with the width of that line. This increase in size was local but immediate and quite explosive. Within a couple of minutes, the energy began to spread through the lines and the local effect began to dissipate. I called this type of activation a direct activation.

  Fig. 32. This graph illustrates the size of the energy lines of the twelve human consciousness grids that are connected with the Earth, indicated as intensity factor (IF), which is calculated by multiplying height and width of the line, both under natural conditions and after activation with Sam. Image © Jaap van Etten

  I also looked at the phenomenon of indirect activation of Earth energies. Every week we have a crystal skull meditation in our house. One day I decided to measure the size of two vortexes that were located close to our house. One vortex has an energy that resonates with our second chakra and is located about sixty yards away from our crystal skull circle. The second one is a vortex of the triad type I just mentioned, which has twelve triads and is located about forty yards away. I monitored the size of the two vortexes over a couple of weeks, and the results are summarized in Fig. 33.

  Fig. 33. This graph shows the measurements of the size of two vortexes taken over the course of one month near our house where we held weekly meditations on day 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30. Image © Jaap van Etten

  After every crystal skull meditation, the size of the vortexes increased. Realize that this was not the intent of any of the participants of the meditation. Initially, the participants were not even aware I was taking these measurements. After the increase, there was a slow decrease throughout the week until the next meditation increased the size of both vortexes again.

  There is no doubt that meditations with crystal skulls generate an energy field that has a positive and expanding effect on Earth energies. I believe that we as human beings interact with these Earth energies and that we need them for our health, balance and spiritual growth. This belief ties in with research showing that when at least one percent of the population of a city does transcendental meditation, the crime rate in that city will decrease.1 Most likely we are talking about a similar phenomenon.

  Meditation improves and expands the existing energy that supports our well-being. Our research indicates that the natural Earth energies in cities are strongly depleted.2 Consequently, these natural Earth energies insufficiently support us in living healthy and balanced lives. Through meditation, these conditions of the Earth energy systems improve considerably, resulting in less crime. Using crystal skulls to support these meditations will increase the effects.

  The Effects of Crystal Skulls on Human Beings

  Many people who work with crystal skulls believe that the skulls have an effect on their health and well-being. However, what these effects are is not very clear. Is the increase in well-being a consequence of meditation, or do crystal skulls directly influence health and well-being? As far as I know, there are no in-depth studies on the effects crystal skulls have on us. There are, however, some initial studies that help us to get at least some impressions about the effects of crystal skulls on human beings. I would like to summarize the information that is available at this time.

  In 1999, I attended a crystal skull gathering in Las Vegas where the speaker, Joshua Shapiro, brought his crystal skull Portal de Luz, a wonderful contemporary crystal skull. In many ways, it was an interesting gathering for me, because it was the first time I brought out in public the crystal skulls I had at that time. I brought Sam (my human-sized clear quartz skull), Aron (a very clear, almost human-sized smoky quartz skull), and Lanara (a three-inch clear quartz skull made by the same carver as Portal de Luz).

  During the gathering, there was the possibility to get your aura photogr
aphed using Kirlian photography. I had one photo of my aura taken with Aron and one with Sam. I was not meditating with the skulls at that moment; I just took them on my lap one at a time. When the photo with Aron was taken, there was a lot of white light on the aura photo. The person who owned the Kirlian camera said that she had never seen this before. Interestingly, this light disappeared when the second photo with Aron was taken. As somebody noted, a signal needs to be given only once. The interpretation of those present was that this was a strong invitation to work with crystal skulls. Although the follow-up photos did not show the light again, with both Aron and Sam there was an improvement of my aura. As it was summarized by the person explaining the aura photos, they showed more of who I am and more clearly what my qualities are.

  The results of my photos triggered the interest of several people, and they wanted their aura photos to be made first without and then while holding a crystal skull. When people picked up a skull they felt attracted to, the colors of their aura changed considerably. But if they were given a skull they did not make an immediate connection with, there was either no change or hardly any change in the colors of their aura. These experiences suggest that the degree of connection determines the effect crystal skulls have on people.

  Although these experiences inspired me to find out more about the effects crystal skulls have on people, it took several years before I actually did more research. By that time, Jeanne and I had over a hundred skulls, yet my favorite skull to do research with was and still is Sam. In these first studies, I used RFITM (see chapter 5) . To study the aura and chakras, the energies of forty points around the human body were measured according to a standard protocol. In this system, electromagnetic energies in the range of 1 MHz to 3 GHz were measured. The electromagnetic energies were divided into energy bands, and these energy bands correlate with one of the fifteen colors that this system uses. This means that each color has different energy bands. It also means that the qualities associated with the different colors can exist at different levels of vibration. Based on the agreement RFITM researchers have with ITEM (Innovation Technologies and Energy Medicine), it is not possible to publish both the frequencies and the colors, so a researcher has to make a choice.


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