I tested a total of six people. People were tested before and after sitting with Sam for fifteen minutes. All people tested were used to meditating with crystal skulls and were able to make a deep connection with Sam, although the depth of the connection varied. A similar pattern was revealed in all test persons. Although the results were too limited and the variations too large to allow for more than general statements, it was remarkable to see that the overall physical and psychological condition improved. All systems became more stabilized and people became more relaxed.
The changes in the chakras were even more interesting. Before sitting with Sam, all the people tested showed frequencies related to the chakras that indicated they were more in a survival strategy mode than connected to their essence. But after sitting with Sam, the chakras showed the qualities and abilities of the people that reflected their essence. Although the degree of change varied per person, the general pattern was the same.
Let me give an example of one person to illustrate this. Gary has been a professional communicator most of his life. When I measured him before sitting with Sam, his chakras clearly reflected this (see Table 5). Indicated here are the colors that relate to certain frequencies. In this case, the colors are more helpful in understanding what happened than the frequencies themselves. The meaning of each color for each chakra is mentioned in Table 5 as well.
Table 5. Through RFITM, I obtained colors connected to the chakras of a test person to compare the conditions before and after sitting with the crystal skull Sam.
The purpose is not to present a complete analysis of the results but in this case to focus on one aspect only, which is communication. Communication has been the main aspect in Gary’s life. In the RFITM system, blue is the color of communication. Before sitting with Sam, the color blue was found in the first, third and fourth chakras. This means he believes that communication is his identity. For him, good communication is a very important way to deal with the stress and state of his mind, but also with his emotions. The color navy in the fifth chakra indicated that he tends to use communication to be in control in order to prevent unpleasant situations.
After sitting with Sam, Gary connected with a deeper identity that felt truer for him: that of the spiritual healer. He used the wisdom aspects more (purple). Now the only chakra that had blue was the fifth chakra. This means that he is using his wonderful communication skills in a healthy and balanced way. He no longer needs communication as a way to survive in this world. Gary recognized the old part and the longing for the new part. This example clearly demonstrates the effect a crystal skull can have on a person.
Joshua Shapiro mentions research done through testing meridians with different meridian stress test systems.3 These systems are all based on the same principle: They measure potential differences between a fixed point on the skin and different meridian points. These points can be measured before and after touching or meditation with a crystal skull. They did tests with contemporary, old and ancient crystal skulls, and compared quartz crystal skulls with pieces of quartz. They found that it is important for a person to connect with a crystal skull (in their case, through meditation while holding the crystal skull) to achieve the most optimal effect. People with a lot of experience with crystal skulls could more easily connect with them through touch. However, for proper comparison, it was better to meditate. The results showed that meditation with a crystal skull improved the condition of the test persons in most cases, although a few exceptions were found. They also noticed that when they worked with a contemporary skull that was used frequently (Portal de Luz), the results were comparable with those of an ancient skull.4
In general, the results Joshua Shapiro describes are in alignment with the impressions we got from our preliminary studies. Crystal skulls have positive effects on people when they really connect with them. They improve health and help people to connect deeper with their own essence.
Shapiro also describes experiments with different systems of aura measurements. Again the subjects worked with Joshua’s contemporary crystal skull Portal de Luz. With every system, the same results were achieved. The crystal skull Portal de Luz improved the health of all people tested.5
Summarizing, we can say that all the preliminary studies give the same indication: crystal skulls have a positive effect on human beings. A lot more research needs to be done to understand this phenomenon better and to see how crystal skulls can be used in the most optimal way to support healing processes and to help people to connect more with their true authentic selves.
Crystal Skulls and Meditation
Most people will say that for them the preferred way to connect with crystal skulls is by meditating with them. Others find it is easier to connect through scrying, which is also called crystal-ball gazing. Other people like to go into a trance state and channel information from or through the crystal skull. Interestingly, whatever method a person uses, it goes back to the same principle. Before we look at that principle, let us look first at meditation.
There are many methods of meditation. Many books have been written on the subject, and many other books discuss meditation as part of their subject matter. In the different systems, the emphasis on certain aspects of meditation varies or even differs completely. Postures, breathing, mantras, candles, music and many other tools are mentioned to improve your meditation. Many people believe that a meditation is good when they “do not think” and get frustrated when they still have not been able to stop the thinking (the “monkey mind”). We see the same frustration during the crystal skull meditations at our house. We often hear people share that they felt the meditation was less good because there were so many thoughts.
This is not the place to go too deeply into details, but I would like to summarize a few points that hopefully will make your meditation easier, more fun and less a subject of judgment. Let us look first at what the principle of meditation is.
Scientific research has shown that the activities in our brain can be separated into four main states. Each of these brain states can be recognized by the frequencies the brain emits in that state (the activity); these brain-wave frequencies can be expressed in hertz (cycles per second). There are four frequency ranges that represent different states of our brain activity and also different states of awareness. These four states can be described as follows:
* Beta state: This state shows brain waves in the range from 12 Hz up to 30 Hz, although some researchers go as high as 40 Hz. These are the fastest frequencies and the patterns are generally very irregular. These are the brain waves of alertness, concentration and cognition. This state is associated with focused attention, peak concentration, clear thinking, processing visual information, hand-eye coordination, and also anxiety and worry, and fight or flight activity (heightened alertness). For most people, this is the dominant state of their brain waves during the day.
* Alpha state: The brain waves in this state have a frequency range from 8 to 12 Hz. Here the patterns are more regular than with beta waves. The keywords are relaxation, visualization and creativity. Its attributes are deep relaxation, detached awareness, non-drowsy, alert, reflective and contemplative, an open mental focus and introspective. This is the link from conscious beta (focused attention) to unconscious theta and higher conscious delta (deeper states of
awareness). When you sit quietly watching the sunset, the frequen
cies of your brain activity most likely move into the alpha state.
* Theta state: In this state, the brain waves range from 4 to 8 Hz. Keywords are meditation, intuition and memory. This is also called the waking dream state, and some call this the unconscious mind function. This state is found while in deep meditation and during dowsing, but also when we drift off to sleep, when we dream and after we come out of the delta state. This is the subconscious connection to the higher conscious and the akashic records. It is the state that leads to self-healing. Theta has been identified as the gateway to learning and memory. You need this state to connect
on a deeper level with, for example, crystal skulls and Earth energies.
* Delta state: This state has the lowest frequencies, ranging from 0.5 to 4 Hz. This state is defined as the higher conscious mind. It acts as a radar or unconscious scanning device for intuition (hunch or sixth sense), instinctive action, inner knowing and deep psychic awareness. Some people call it the gateway to the soul. Normally this state is only found in deep dreamless sleep. Neurons that are not involved in the processing of information are all firing at the same time. Certain frequencies in the delta range also trigger the release of human growth hormone, so this state is beneficial for healing and regeneration.
Summarizing, we can say that the delta state is the state of deep dreamless sleep, whereas the beta state is the state of the normal day activities. It has been shown that many types of meditation bring you into both the alpha and theta states. While falling asleep you are in alpha, then in theta (dreaming) and finally you move into delta (dreamless sleep).
What does this mean in relation to crystal skull meditations? In the first place, we can see that an important aspect is relaxation. When we have a concern that a meditation is not working, this very concern keeps us mainly in the beta frequencies and we cannot move into the alpha state. For that reason, I do not pay so much attention to a specific posture. To me it is more important that a person feels comfortable, which makes it easier to relax. Once in alpha, most people move quite easily into theta. Then we are already in a meditative state. This is also the state in which we can connect with information through senses other than the five physical senses. It is the first step toward getting insights about ourselves and others. Meditation is, in fact, nothing more than relaxing to be able to move into the lower frequency states of the mind. The deeper the meditation, the lower the frequencies will be. Ultimately we can even move into the delta state.
The meditative state can be used in different ways. In the first place, meditation helps a person to relax and move into a state of tranquillity. This is a state in which your system regenerates and balances itself, and healing takes place. The meditative state can be used to find answers to questions or to find solutions for challenging situations.
When you meditate with a crystal skull, you can use the meditative state to obtain information about the crystal skull, its history and its energies. The intent you set before going into meditation will direct what will happen during the meditation. During your meditation, you may feel that you have gotten your answer and you can move to the next question. This requires the ability to use the beta frequency without moving out of the theta. Once you have acquired this skill through practice, you can combine beta (asking a question) with theta and delta (getting insights and answers).
When you go into meditation with a certain question in mind, you may open yourself for a flow of information that might come from your higher self, from angels, from guides or from other beings. It is this process that can lead to automatic writing or to channeling words or images. When channeling, it is important to feel whether the source is from beings of light and is connected with love.
Many people ask what they need to do when thoughts come up during the meditation. You can recognize when there is a thought and observe whether the thought is related to the intent set for the meditation. If the thought is related to the intent, allow it to unfold, explore it. If the thought is not related to the intention of the meditation, you can choose not to pay attention to it. If you give a thought energy or attention, it will grow. When thoughts get stronger, you have left the theta state and gone back into the beta state; you are no longer in a meditative state. To prevent this from happening, focus on something else — for example, on the crystal skull you have in your hand, on your breathing, on a mantra or on music, whatever will work for you. When you meditate with a certain focus, bring back your attention to that focus and continue your meditation.
Some people complain that they fall asleep during meditation. Especially when you are tired, that will easily occur when you relax. As you may have understood from the description, the theta state is both a meditative state and the dream state during our sleep. These two states are close together. Both in the meditative state and in the dream state, we access our unconsciousness. We still process on an unconscious level whatever the crystal skull has set into motion, even when we “fall asleep.” In other words, the time is never wasted.
Realizing that theta is also the dream state helps us to understand that much of what we perceive during a meditation may come from our unconscious mind. That means that much of what we receive in meditation is probably at least partly symbolic, like in dreams. Therefore, it is wise to be careful with your interpretations.
There is a reason why we are often challenged by thoughts during our meditations. Especially when people meditate with crystal skulls or other objects, they like to know what happens during a meditation, to understand their experiences. In that case, we need a certain amount of beta activity in order to perceive what happens during a meditation and what information comes through. When people cannot remember what happened during the meditation and they obviously were not asleep, most likely their beta activity may have stopped almost completely. To be in a state of theta/delta is to be in a state of ultimate silence, a state of being. This is the state mystics and certain spiritual teachers talk about. It is a state of nothing and everything, a place beyond identity. Crystal skulls can be a tool to achieve this state as long as we are clear that this is our purpose.
Meditation is to a certain degree a delicate balance of different brain activities. For that reason, the quality of our meditations may fluctuate easily. The most important part is to stay relaxed, to allow anything to happen and to be without judgment. That makes it easier to stay sufficiently deep in the theta state.
Whether we meditate, whether we tune in to something or whether we do a reading of the energies of a person, we need to be in a state of theta or delta. Psychic ability is the ability to go into the theta and/or delta state and to be aware of the information that comes in. At the same time, we need to be sufficiently connected to the beta state to give form or words to the information that comes through.
Using crystal skulls for meditation helps us to stay in the theta and/or delta state. That helps us to have all the benefits of meditation (improved well-being and health), and it also opens us for the possibility to receive information. The meditative state may be the only way to resolve the riddles of the crystal skulls.
Crystal Skulls and Empowerment
Empowerment sounds like a strange subject in a crystal skull book: What relationship do crystal skulls have with empowerment? My answer is, a lot. In the time I have been active in the crystal skull world, I have seen and observed people’s reaction to crystal skulls. I have heard people talk about crystal skulls in various ways, which has prompted me to write this small but, to my opinion, very important section. I am very aware that some people may not agree with my view on empowerment and disempowerment. Feel for yourself what your understanding of empowerment will be.
Crystal skulls are wonderful gifts and creations. I am aware that every creation on whatever level has consciousness, and they are wonderful tools. For me the word “tool” refers to anything that can help us to understand who we are. To make a bold statement: The whole universe is a tool to help us understand our true authentic self. Crystal skulls are an aspect of that universe and, as such, are tools.
In our search for who we truly are, we learn to take full responsibility for every action, every feeling and every thought. This means we can never say that such and such told us and that’s the reason why we do what we do. When we do so, we give our power away to “such and such.” It does not matter who we believe has told us, whether it be a teacher, a guru, an angel or a crystal skull. If they are truly beings of light, they will never temper with our free will. Beings of light will always respect our free will. This does not mean that we do not receive signs or signals from wherever they come fr
om. But we have to make a choice whether what we hear is in alignment with what we feel as our highest truth or whether it is not. This is how we learn to understand and express who we truly are.
Going back to crystal skulls, it is important to never give our power away to crystal skulls. “The skull says” can never be the only reason why we make a certain choice. If we follow what the skull says without taking responsibility for our choice, we are disempowering ourselves. Only when “what the skull says” feels in alignment with our highest truth can we accept it and act accordingly. Then our interaction and relationship with our crystal skulls is empowering. Taking full responsibility for every choice we make helps us to grow and to connect deeper with who we are.
Crystal Skulls and Energy Fields
Most people work with crystal skulls one at a time. They interact with a crystal skull in whatever way feels appropriate. When talking about crystal skulls, generally people talk about their personal experiences with each individual skull. Books about crystal skulls mainly describe personal interactions with particular crystal skulls.
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