Crystal Skulls

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Crystal Skulls Page 11

by Jaap van Etten

  Another way to use crystal skulls is in ceremonies. A number of ancient crystal skulls — such as Max, ShaNaRa and E.T. — have been involved in ceremonies led by Native people. The crystal skulls were part of these ceremonies, but as far as I know, they have never been the main focus of them. Contemporary crystal skulls have also been used to support ceremonies and events. The facilitator’s intent determines in what way a crystal skull will contribute during a ceremony. I have heard people describe ceremonies where crystal skulls were present as powerful. However, ceremonies can also be powerful without the presence of crystal skulls. To understand the contribution of crystal skulls, those leading the ceremony would have to share how they used the crystal skulls during that ceremony, and most ceremonial leaders do not easily talk about the details of their ceremonies.

  Crystal skulls reflect the energy of their environment. Through their interaction with their environment, crystal skulls create an energy field. Our intent is part of that environment and consequently codetermines the quality of the created energy field of a crystal skull.

  From the moment Jeanne and I started teaching workshops, we used crystal skulls for support. We always mention to the participants that we like to use crystal skulls to help us hold the energy field that we as facilitators cocreate together with the group in order to optimally support what we want to achieve during a particular workshop. I often say jokingly, “The crystal skulls help a lazy man.” By using them, we do not have to work so hard. When we use crystal skulls, the field is much stronger than without them. Jeanne and I also create energy fields as a basis for group meditations.

  I would like to give a couple of examples to help you understand what type of energy fields we have created over time and how to create them. First I feel I should mention that creating energy fields is Jeanne’s specialty. She has become a true master in creating different energy fields, much to the delight of myself and the participants of our weekly meditation evenings.

  Crystal skulls can be used to create any type of energy field you wish. There are, however, a number of factors that play a role. One factor is the size of the crystal skull. The second is the degree of activation of the crystal skull. The third factor is the number of crystal skulls that are used. And the fourth is the clarity of intent.

  I have mentioned that for individual use, the size of a crystal skull does not really matter. Smaller crystal skulls can even have an advantage above larger ones: they are not so heavy, which makes it more convenient to hold them and transport them. Small crystal skulls can even be put into your pocket or small handbag.

  When we use a crystal skull for the creation of an energy field, the size of the skull can become important. The size of an energy field that can be created by a crystal skull grows exponentially with the size of the crystal skull. This means that if the size of the field is important, than the size of the crystal skull as well as its level of activation is a factor in choosing which skulls are to be used. Anyone who knows how to dowse is able to determine the size of the energy field that is created by a certain crystal skull after it has been activated as fully as possible.

  Let me give a few examples of measurements of energy fields created by some of our contemporary crystal skulls. A two-inch clear quartz skull creates an energy field with a diameter of 10 yards. A clear quartz crystal skull of three inches creates an energy field with a diameter of 24 yards. Whereas the energy field of a six-inch clear smoky quartz skull has a diameter of 280 yards. The given sizes of the energy fields clearly show that even a crystal skull of two inches covers an area the size of a large room. A crystal skull of two inches can easily fulfill all personal needs and even those of small groups. None of the crystal skulls we used for the measurements was fully activated. They had reached the level of twelve polyhedral fields (PHFs), but not all twelve levels within the twelfth PHF had been activated.

  When we use fully activated crystal skulls to create energy fields, we see the same pattern: as we use larger skulls, the crystal skull field increases exponentially. However, the size of the field is much larger than when using less activated crystal skulls. For example, a 2.4-inch crystal skull from Nepal creates a field with a diameter of 40 yards, whereas a 3-inch clear quartz skull (Ti) creates a field with a radius of 120 yards. Sam, a clear quartz human-sized fully activated contemporary crystal skull creates a field with a diameter of 2 miles.

  For comparison, I estimated through dowsing the size of the energy fields of some crystal skulls that are considered to be ancient. For example, Max creates an energy field with a diameter of 2.4 miles, whereas the Mitchell-Hedges Skull creates a field of 10 miles. The size of the field that is created by activating the Mitchell-Hedges Skull is of another level than that of Max and Sam.

  The only written record on the size of the energy field of crystal skulls comes from Nick Nocerino. In Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed, he explains that ancient crystal skulls interact with the human mind and create a wall of energy that extends high up and spreads over a large distance. He mentions that the Mayan Skull creates a field that stretches nearly a mile.6 This means that the diameter of the field is around two miles. This is similar to what I have found for Sam and close to that of Max. He also talks about the existence of an energy field created by the Mitchell-Hedges Skull. He mentions that when he was two blocks away, the wall of energy was still moving away, indicating that the field was still growing. This time he did not measure the distance over which the field eventually spread.7

  The third factor that determines the size of the crystal skull energy field is the number of crystal skulls used to create the energy field. Our group of over 120 crystal skulls sitting in a dormant state has a field with a diameter of 0.7 miles. However, when fully activated, they create a field with a diameter of 8.2 miles. If we use three two-inch contemporary crystal skulls, they can create an energy field with a diameter of 120 yards.

  The last factor is the factor of intent. As we mentioned earlier, the person who induces the activation determines the level of activation. It is the level of consciousness in which that person is functioning at the moment of activation that determines the level of activation. A person who cannot activate the full potential of the crystal skull or the group of crystal skulls will create energy fields that are smaller than those who can.

  It may have become clear that when a person wants to use crystal skulls for energy support during a ceremony with a large group or to have a meditation during a large event, the size of the crystal skulls, the number of crystal skulls and the level of their activation, as well as the facilitator’s ability to activate, are all important. They all need to be taken into account to enable an optimal result.

  Although the size of the energy field you may want to create with crystal skulls is important, even more important is the quality of the field. It is important to be clear about what kind of energy field you want to create. With crystal skulls, you can create any energy field you can imagine. The only limitation is the limitation of your imagination. This may sound far-fetched to some of you as it initially did for me. Working with Jeanne for almost nine years has clearly shown me and those participating in our crystal skull meditations and workshops that it is truly possible to create any energy field we want. We can even do the same without crystal skulls. However, with crystal skulls it is easier and in general the fields are larger and stronger and consequently easier to perceive by the people who are participating. When we create energy fields with crystal skulls, this helps us to go deeper into meditation. Crystal skulls also reflect more clearly the meaning that the created field has for us personally.

  Let me give a few examples of the fields Jeanne has created over time. We have experienced dolphin and whale energy fields. She has created an energy field of archangels in general and those of certain archangels, such as Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel. We have worked with the energies of Quan Yin and Mother Mary. She has created energy fields that resonated with each of the chakras, and in tha
t way we worked with all seven chakras. We have worked with water that has been charged on certain vortexes or on certain sacred sites. We’ve even worked with pinecones that were found in the energies of a portal to Tau Ceti, giving people a very special experience. These examples show that there is no limitation in what you can do. Try it out for yourself and enjoy the journey.

  I would like to add one piece of advice: Especially in the beginning, use tools that help you focus on the type of field you want to create. For example, if you want to create a dolphin energy field, use images of dolphins, carvings or maybe even a piece of dolphin bone. It helps the creator of the energy field to connect more deeply with the dolphins and therefore the intent can be set more clearly and fully. Use your own imagination to see what works best for you. It does not matter what you put next to the crystal skulls to help you focus on the field you want to create; what matters is what helps you the most to connect with the field you want to create.

  What is important is not the crystal skulls themselves or the field that you want to create. What is important is what you learn about yourself when you do so. What do the different fields reflect to you? What do you feel, what do you experience, what images do you get? The true purpose is to understand who you are. Creating these fields is a helpful means to obtain these insights.

  The Collective Crystal Skull Field

  So far we have talked about energy fields that are induced by our intent and through our interactions with the crystal skulls. There is, however, another type of energy field that is formed by all crystal skulls together and that contains all the energies and qualities crystal skulls have — as I described earlier, I call this the collective crystal skull (energy) field. Again, this collective crystal skull field is the sum of all the energies that the crystal skulls radiate and have radiated, and in that sense, it is comparable to Jung’s human collective (un)consciousness field.

  My first understanding of the collective crystal skull field was that this field was rather homogenous, with all kinds of frequencies that dynamically interact. My theory was that, depending on the state of activation and the quality of the material the crystal skull was made from, each crystal skull resonated with certain energies from this field and, of course, contributed to that field when somebody activated it and worked with it. Although most of this seems to be true, the collective crystal skull field is less homogenous than I initially thought. In a meditation I received an image — which I fine-tuned during several consecutive meditations — that helps us to understand the energetic dynamics of this field [see Fig. 34].

  Fig. 34. The shape of the collective crystal skull field. Image © Jaap van Etten

  The image shows that the collective crystal skull energy field has four subfields, which are interconnected and interact with each other. Each of the four subfields holds energies of different types and frequencies. They relate to the four types of crystal skulls that are described in Part 1. The contemporary crystal skulls form the base, the fully activated crystal skulls (the old and ancient crystal skulls) form the second layer, the singing crystal skulls form the third layer and the original crystal skulls, the fourth (top) layer.

  The energies of the contemporary crystal skulls are represented by the basic layer. This layer contains all the energies (all the frequencies) of all contemporary crystal skulls, independent of their level of activation. The energies of the fully activated crystal skulls are represented by the two lower layers. This means that fully activated crystal skulls include the energies contemporary crystal skulls have. There are additional energies and frequencies contained within the second layer that are specific for the fully activated crystal skulls. Most of these energies (and information) were programmed into these crystals skulls in unique ways a long time ago. They are waiting for us to learn how to retrieve this information.

  The singing crystal skulls are represented by the third layer. They contain all energies of the first two layers plus the third layer, which contains energies that make the singing crystal skulls unique. We are learning how to access the energies and information of this third layer. The original crystal skulls are energetically characterized by the top layer, but they actually contain the energies of all four layers indicated in the image. They are also directly connected with the sources that have created them. This connection is indicated by the vortex on top of the fourth layer.

  A vortex is a place where energy and thus information is exchanged. It is actually a doorway that allows energy exchange and communication in both directions. Those who work with crystal skulls can use this doorway to connect with other-dimensional and even extraterrestrial consciousness. At the same time, these consciousnesses can use the crystal skulls to connect with us. It is because of these connections that people sometimes say that a crystal skull is from Sirius, or from the Pleiades, or from Orion. We will look more extensively at these extraterrestrial connections in Part 3.

  The strongest interaction between subfields takes place between the first two layers of the contemporary and the fully activated crystal skulls. The skulls of these two layers are all carved from existing crystals, which makes them different from the skulls of layers three and four. At this moment, the number of contemporary crystal skulls grows rapidly and the number of people working with them increases. Consequently, the field of the contemporary crystal skulls is quickly growing in strength, though not necessarily in its range of frequencies. Most contemporary crystal skulls are not yet fully activated and their energies are indicated in the lowest subfield by the dark band at the bottom.

  However, there is a growing understanding of crystal skulls and how to activate them, which will increase the number of contemporary crystal skulls that become more or even fully activated. This is indicated by the area of overlap in energies between the existing fully activated (old and ancient) crystal skulls and the contemporary crystal skulls. This overlap will become larger as more contemporary crystal skulls become fully activated and more information gets programmed into them. At the same time, there will always be a unique part of the old and ancient fully activated crystal skulls that differs from fully activated contemporary crystal skulls. This unique part has been formed by special programming by the ancients and by the different people who have worked with these skulls over time.

  The unique energies of the third layer are represented by the six extra PHFs that were described earlier. As we will see in the next part of the book, they contain energies that have been induced through the processes of morphocrystallic generation and morphocrystallic transformation.

  This image of the total collective crystal skull field has given me a better understanding of the energies of the different groups and the interactions between them. In theory, a person can connect with an original skull while using a contemporary crystal skull. This connection is possible because all layers are interconnected. However, the likelihood that a person makes such a connection is very low. The energies of the lower subfield and the higher subfield have such a big difference in frequencies that the probability of creating a direct connection between a contemporary skull and an original or a singing skull is small. Nonetheless, it is possible and it may explain why certain people have such profound experiences when they connect the first time with a contemporary crystal skull.

  The Effects of Crystal Skull Fields on the Environment

  We have seen that we can create energy fields with crystal skulls that cover quite large areas. The question may arise concerning what effect such fields might have on the energies of the environment. There is not a simple answer to this question. A great deal depends on the frequencies of the energies in the created field. Different frequencies will have different effects on different systems or interact with different systems. Earlier we saw that crystal skulls have powerful effects on Earth energies.

  We have studied the effects of crystal skulls on specific Earth energy systems. So far, however, we have only studied a small part of the total number of Earth energy systems. Much m
ore research will be needed to get a deeper understanding, both of the Earth energy systems and of the effect that the crystal skulls have on these systems. Initial research (reported in chapter 5) indicates that crystal skulls, once activated, greatly contribute in the creation of an energetic environment that supports us by improving our health and our emotional balance and stability.

  Every time we create a crystal skull energy field, it will affect all people who are within that field. For example, when we have a crystal skull meditation with the more than 120 crystal skulls in our house, it generates a field that spreads many miles. Everyone within that field is affected, although the degree of the effect depends on many factors. However, there will always be a positive effect.

  Studies have shown that meditation positively affects the environment. These studies have been done with practitioners of transcendental meditation. As I mentioned earlier, results show that in large cities in which about 1 percent of the population regularly meditated, the crime rate significantly decreased.8 This indicates that meditation has a positive effect on people and that they do not have to be aware that these meditations are happening. I believe the same is true for the energy fields created when people meditate with or activate crystal skulls.

  The fact that crystal skull energy fields have such a powerful effect makes it even more important to have a clear intent when working with the skulls. The more clearly the intent comes from love and respect for ourselves and everyone around us, the more powerful the positive effects on the environment will be.

  * * *

  1 Research supporting this is available online on the Transcendental Meditation Program website:, under Scientific Research/Decreased Crime Rate in Cities. See also


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