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The Mystic Cove Series Boxed Set (Wild Irish Books 1-4)

Page 41

by Tricia O'Malley

  “Thanks, you look nice as well,” Aislinn said stiffly.

  Baird watched her for a moment.

  “I suppose that I should apologize for my behavior at the cove that day,” Baird said.

  “Which part? The part where you accused me of manipulating the cove with my magickal powers or the part where you walked away from me and didn't talk to me for weeks?” Aislinn said sweetly, a bitchy look on her face.

  Baird sighed and ran his hands through his hair, making him look even more tousled and sexy.

  “I researched that. Still can't find anything on how it lights up. It has to be rigged somehow,” Baird insisted.

  Aislinn's mouth dropped open.

  He still didn't believe her.

  “You've got to be kidding me. You still don't believe, do you?”

  Baird shook his head and lifted his hands helplessly.

  “You're more of a fool than I,” Aislinn whispered furiously and made a move to get up.

  “Wait, please, don't go,” Baird said quickly.

  “Why should I stay? So I can listen to you bounce your ridiculous scientific excuses and explanations off of me? Blind is what you are,” Aislinn said.

  “Well, what the hell, Aislinn? This is new for me,” Baird whispered back, just as furious.

  “If you wanted to be with me, you'd accept what I am,” Aislinn whispered back.

  “I barely know you!” Baird all but shouted and Aislinn reeled back as the conversation picked up in tempo around them and curious locals looked their way.

  “Well, now you've gone and done it,” Aislinn said.

  “I don't care about them,” Baird said.

  “Well, I do. I live here and have known these people my whole life. And, since you barely know me and refuse to get to know me, I'm going to take my leave,” Aislinn said huffily and rose, turning her backside to him. She heard his soft curse, but kept moving through the crowd, bypassing the food until she found Cait.

  “I'm out,” Aislinn said and bent down to kiss Cait's cheek. Cait peered around her to look for Baird.


  “Aye, alone,” Aislinn said.

  “I'm sorry. Want me to kick his arse?”

  “No, mama, I'm fine,” Aislinn laughed down at her and hugged Shane quickly. Slipping through the crowd, she made her way into the night.

  Home, alone, to her studio. Her sanctuary.

  Chapter 22

  Aislinn shoved through the back door of her shop, afraid that she was dangerously close to tears.

  “I will not cry over that man,” she said to the empty room and threw her bag on the counter. A pounding at the front door made her almost jump out of her skin.

  Aislinn peered towards the front window, where a dark shadow was outlined in the lights of the street lamps. The banging grew more insistent.

  She hadn't turned on a light yet and wondered if she could pretend that she wasn't home.

  “I know you're in there,” Baird shouted through the door.

  “Is the man insane?” Aislinn muttered and ran to the front door before the entire village came to her doorstep to watch the show.

  “Are you crazy?” Aislinn hissed as she unlocked the door and opened it a few inches. Baird stood before her, his chest heaving, having clearly just run straight from the pub.

  “Aye, crazy for you,” Baird said and pushed the door open. Aislinn stumbled back and before she could respond – or even think – Baird scooped her up to wrap her legs around his waist. Aislinn gasped as his hands squeezed her backside and pulled her tight against him. She had barely a moment to catch her breath before his lips closed in on her.

  God, she'd wanted this. She'd dreamed about this for weeks now. Though in the bright light of day she could convince herself of all the reasons why they would never work, her dreams at night told her a different story.

  Aislinn wrapped her arms around his neck and ran her hands through his thick hair. Baird kicked the door closed behind him with a bang and walked backwards, deftly maneuvering between her stacks of art. His lips never left hers and Aislinn felt like she was drowning in lust for him. She moaned against his mouth and opened for him, desperate for more.

  Aislinn felt the edge of the desk hit her butt and Baird released her to stand between her legs. Cupping her face in his hands, he looked down into her eyes. Aislinn was mesmerized by his gaze, highlighted in the slash of moonlight that came through the window above her desk.

  “I can't get you out of my head,” Baird whispered against her lips.

  Aislinn nodded, watching him silently.

  “Please tell me that it is the same for you…that I'm not crazy,” Baird said.

  Aislinn nodded again, not trusting herself to speak.

  “I don't know what to do about you,” Baird said.

  Aislinn felt herself getting angry and tried to dial it back down.

  “Oh? I didn't realize that I was a problem to be solved,” Aislinn said haughtily and stuck her nose in the air.

  “Knock it off, you know what I mean,” Baird said in frustration.

  “Do I?” Aislinn reached behind her and switched on the small lamp that sat at her desk. A cozy glow enveloped them and Aislinn wanted to invite Baird upstairs to cuddle and watch an old movie. In bed. Naked.

  Baird sighed and put his forehead down onto hers and just held her for a moment. Aislinn didn’t know why she suddenly felt like crying, but she had to work to keep tears from her eyes.

  “Listen, this isn't like me,” Baird began.

  “Oh? Really? I could have pegged you for a fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants guy from a mile away,” Aislinn said sarcastically.

  Baird moved his hands to her throat and mock choked her in frustration.

  “See? You drive me crazy. I've never had a one-night stand before,” Baird admitted.

  “It's not like I make a habit of them myself,” Aislinn said.

  “Aye, well, I meant what I said earlier…I don't know you,” Baird said.

  Aislinn felt her heart clench a bit.

  “But I want to know you. All of you,” Baird said.

  Aislinn tilted her head up at him and ran her hand down his cheek. His skin seemed to heat under her hand and she felt a shiver run through her at his words.

  “I'm right here,” Aislinn said and leaned in for a kiss.

  Baird leaned back, leaving Aislinn hanging. She gaped at him in confusion.

  “Aye, and that's the easy part for us. The rest…” Baird swung an arm out in frustration. “The rest is…muddled.”

  “I'd say so,” Aislinn muttered.

  “Listen, I'm not trying to discredit you or anything when I talk about the woo-woo stuff,” Baird said and made quotation marks with his hands when he said “woo-woo.”

  Aislinn raised her eyebrows at him in disbelief.

  “Did you just refer to my ability as woo-woo?” she asked icily.

  “Ahhh, yes, and no. Your ability. The cove…all of it is a little much for me.” Baird held his hand up to stop Aislinn from jumping down his throat. “But! I appreciate that you were upfront with me and for that I'm willing to give you a chance.”

  Aislinn slid her leg up between Baird's until it touched his package. With an evil glint in her eye, she pressed hard against him. Baird let out a little gasp.

  “Want to rephrase that so as not to sound so insulting, Dr. Delaney?”

  “Uh, I, mean that I think we should give us a chance. But in the real way. I want to take you on a date. Get to know you. Meet your family. All that stuff…” Baird said and watched Aislinn carefully.

  Aislinn pressed her leg a little harder against him just to see him sweat for a moment and then eased off.

  “Aye, so it's a courtship you're wanting then?”

  “I suppose so, yes,” Baird said.

  Aislinn thought about it for a moment. In some respects, Baird was right. They knew very little of each other. Maybe she'd find some common ground with him that wouldn't make her so reluctan
t to date him. Or…maybe they'd scratch their itch and call it a day. One way or the other, Aislinn knew she couldn't go on with Baird constantly haunting her thoughts.

  “Okay, I'll let you court me. On one condition,” Aislinn said, meeting Baird's eyes.

  “Name it.”

  “You have to keep an open mind. No hurtful comments about magick or people trying to pull one over on you. I'll do my best to explain it and I'll try to be understanding of the fact that you need some time to wrap your head around this stuff,” Aislinn said in a rush of breath.

  “Deal. But, then I have my own condition,” Baird said, his voice husky.

  “What's that?” Aislinn whispered, lost in his eyes.

  “No sex.”

  Aislinn jerked back and glared at him.


  Baird cracked a smile at her. “That's the easy part for us.”

  “Until when?” Aislinn demanded.

  “Until we decide we are ready,” Baird said.

  He leaned in gently and brushed his lips over hers, sending a warm tingle down through Aislinn's core. She sighed against his mouth and reached up to tug his arms.

  “Want to come upstairs?”

  Baird stepped away and smiled at her.

  “With every ounce of my being,” he said.

  Aislinn jumped off the desk and stopped as she knocked a folder of her pictures onto the floor. “Shoot.”

  They bent at the same time to gather the pictures.

  “But, I won't. I want to take you to dinner tomorrow. A real first date,” Baird said as he knelt next to her to help her slide the pictures into the folder.

  Aislinn looked at him in amusement.

  “Don't you feel like we've already moved past some of that?”

  “This matters. We matter. I want to do it right,” Baird said stubbornly and then his hand stilled on a picture.

  Aislinn felt her cheeks heat and she could have sworn that sweat broke out across her back as she realized what picture he was holding. Grabbing for it, she toppled onto the floor as Baird held it just out of her way.

  “Well, now, that's a nice shot,” Baird said in glee as he held the picture of his biceps in his hands. Aislinn groaned and covered her face with her hands.

  Baird leaned over and kissed her head. “I'll be keeping this. I'll call you in the morning,” he said cheerfully.

  “I swear you just ran into my view,” Aislinn called after him.

  “Sure, I understand.” Baird laughed all the way out of the door.

  Aislinn groaned and shook her head. Of course, the man would find the pictures she took. She knew that she should have burned them.

  Chapter 23

  the ringing of her phone pushed Aislinn from a deep sleep. She fumbled around on her bedside table and then swore when the phone clattered from the table onto the floor.

  Slitting one eye open, she glared into her barely lit room and heaved herself over the edge of the bed, snagging her cell phone from the floor.

  “Hello?” Aislinn answered, accusation ringing in her tone.

  “Good morning, beautiful.” Baird's warm voice slid through the phone and straight to Aislinn's core. She squirmed a bit as she leaned back onto her pillows, pulling the cover up to her chin.

  “It was a good morning up until a moment ago. You know…because I was sleeping. Peacefully,” Aislinn grumbled.

  “Not a morning person, Ash?” Baird laughed into the phone and Aislinn rolled her eyes at the ceiling.

  “I have my moments. Sundays are sacred sleep-in days.”

  “Do you open the shop on Sundays?”

  Aislinn shrugged her shoulder and then realized he couldn't see her. “Sometimes. It depends on my mood. I don't keep regular hours.” Aislinn smiled. She could all but hear Baird's grimace through the phone. The lack of regular business hours would probably drive him crazy, she thought.

  “How's that working out? Running your business based on mood?” Aislinn stiffened at the censure in his voice.

  “Quite well, thanks. Not only am I barely able to keep my work in stock, I've been asked to give an exclusive show at a prestigious art gallery in Dublin. But, thanks for your concern, Dad,” Aislinn said scathingly.

  A long sigh greeted her from the other end of the line.

  “Okay. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come across as disapproving.”

  “Well, you'll need to get used to me doing things differently than you, Baird. I run my business the way that I want to. It hasn't failed me yet,” Aislinn said.

  “Point taken. And, congratulations on the show! That's marvelous,” Baird said, warmth lacing his voice.

  “Thank you,” Aislinn said primly.

  Another sigh greeted her.

  “Would you like to know why I am calling you at 6:00 in the morning, aside from lecturing you about your business acumen or lack thereof?” Baird asked stingingly and a wide smile broke out on Aislinn's face. It was nice to see that Dr. Delaney could have an edge himself.

  “Go ahead,” Aislinn said sweetly.

  “I'd like to steal you for the day. Our first real date. Can I?”

  Warmth bloomed through Aislinn and the smile stayed on her face.

  “And where would you be taking me for a whole day then?”

  “It's a surprise.”

  “What's a girl to wear on a surprise date that will take her away for an entire day?”

  “Something pretty. Wear something that will drive me crazy. But that you can walk in,” Baird decided.

  “Hmm, sexy but serviceable?” Aislinn decided.

  “Perfect, I'll be there in a half hour.”

  Aislinn shot up in her bed.

  “A half hour? That's not enough time for a surprise date. Hello?” She pulled the phone back and looked at it in awe. A dial tone greeted her and she wanted to throw her phone across the room.

  “A half hour? Has the man gone insane?” Aislinn cursed steadily as she launched herself from the bed and ran to the shower. Pulling the curtain aside, she set the water to hot and ran to get a cup of coffee started. That in place, she whirled to her closet and began to dig.

  Sexy but serviceable…she thought and rolled her eyes. Only a man would ask for something like that.

  Digging deep in a pile of pants on the closet floor, she pulled out her dark gray skinny jeans. Flipping through her hangers, she spied a neon pink tank top with a deep V at the neckline. It fit her well and showed her best assets. The jeans fit like a second skin and left little to the imagination. Nodding, she tossed the clothes on her bed. Running past her coffeemaker, she poured a cup and took it into the shower with her, blowing on the steaming cup as she stepped under the hot water.

  And laughed at the contradiction of her trying to cool her coffee in a hot shower. She shook her head at herself and placed the coffee on the edge of the shower wall and dipped her hair under the spray. It felt heavenly and did more to wake her up than her coffee would.

  Though she wanted a longer shower, Aislinn had little time. Jumping out, she wrapped her sopping curls in a towel and quickly dried her body. She stepped to her vanity and considered her scents.

  What would drive Baird crazy?

  Her eyes settled on her vanilla body oil…the newest product that Keelin had developed for her. Aislinn could swear that she had read somewhere that the scent of vanilla was the most arousing to men.

  She took the bottle and dabbed some oil on her wrists, at her cleavage and behind her ears. It smelled heavenly and made her dream about baking chocolate chip cookies and the scent filling the house.

  Glancing at the clock, she swore and quickly brushed on some eye makeup before shimmying into her sexiest bra and underwear.

  No sex, Aislinn reminded herself.

  But, that didn't mean that Baird wouldn't see her underwear, she thought with a smirk and began to imagine all the ways that she could torture him. Aislinn pulled on her jeans just as she heard the knock on the door below.

  “Coming!” she y

  Pulling the pink top over her head, she stood in front of the mirror and flipped her damp curls back. Aislinn ran a quick handful of gel through the curls and then clipped them back from her face, knowing they would take a while to dry. She snagged her purse and her cell phone and then skipped down the stairs.

  Baird stood at her window, looking far more awake and cheerful than anyone should at this hour, and waved to her.

  Of course, he was a morning person, Aislinn thought with a grumble.

  She pulled the door open and squinted at him in the soft morning light.

  “The only thing that I get up this early for is my art,” Aislinn said.

  “It's honored I am then.” Baird smiled at her and held out his hand.

  Aislinn turned and locked the door, making sure the closed sign was faced prominently in the window. It was too early to call Morgan to come cover for her. Her business would be fine if it was closed for a Sunday.

  And wasn't that the charm and frustration of small towns? Things ran on their own terms, including her shop. Baird would have to get used to that, Aislinn thought as she reached out and took his hand.

  “It's a nice morning,” Baird commented as they strolled towards the water.

  “Aye, I suppose it is. Though it would be better with a cup of coffee,” Aislinn mumbled. Baird chuckled and brought her hand to his lips to brush a soft kiss over her knuckles. Her skin tingled at the contact.

  Baird tugged her towards his car, the sedan that she had previously rolled her eyes at. Unlocking the passenger door, he held it open to show a steaming cup of to-go coffee and a bakery bag sitting on the console.

  “Nothing but the best for you,” Baird said dramatically and Aislinn laughed up at him.

  “Okay, so you covered the bases. You get points for coffee,” Aislinn said and trailed her hand down his chest to his hard abs and toyed with his belt buckle as she passed him and slipped into the car.

  “You smell good,” Baird breathed as she settled into the car.

  “To drive you crazy, remember?”

  “Mission accomplished,” Baird mumbled and closed the door, coming around to the driver's side.


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