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The Mystic Cove Series Boxed Set (Wild Irish Books 1-4)

Page 42

by Tricia O'Malley

  Aislinn snagged the bakery bag and opened it, sniffing at its contents.

  “Cinnamon muffins?”

  “I asked the bakery what your favorite was,” Baird said with a smile.

  “Aye, and set the whole town to talking, I'm sure.”

  “So?” Baird said and started the car, directing it out of Grace's Cove.

  “So? You don't care that people will be in your business?”

  “As I'm not embarrassed to be dating you, I don't see what the issue is,” Baird said smoothly.

  Aislinn shoved a piece of muffin in her mouth to keep from answering.

  Baird smiled at her and reached over to flip the radio on. A bluesy sort of soul music came piping out of the speakers and Aislinn found herself instantly mellowed. At the very least, he had good taste in music.

  “Do you not date a lot? Here?” Baird asked casually.

  Aislinn choked on her muffin and reached for her coffee to clear her throat.

  “Um, it's not so much that. I've just learned to keep things under wraps in a small town until…you know.” Aislinn shrugged.

  “Until what?” Baird asked smoothly.

  “Until, you know…things are official. That you're a couple, is all.”

  “And what would happen if people knew you were dating someone casually?” Baird asked, curiosity lacing his voice.

  Aislinn shrugged and tore off another piece of the cinnamon muffin.

  “I suppose that nothing would happen, not really. Certain people in town might suggest that I have a reputation for being fast, is all,” Aislinn said.

  “And that bothers you,” Baird stated.

  “Yes, Dr. Delaney. Am I in a session right now?” Aislinn asked. She turned to raise her eyebrow at him and caught a quick flash of his grin.

  “Not in the slightest, though you do sound rather defensive, if you'd like my professional opinion.”

  “Seeing as how I haven't asked for it…no, I don't at that,” Aislinn said and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I like your outfit,” Baird said, smoothly changing the topic.

  “Do you?” Aislinn pushed her arms under her breasts so her cleavage pushed up against the pink shirt and angled herself so he'd have a good look. The car jerked as he lost himself in the view for a moment. Aislinn laughed as he swore and righted the wheel.

  “Trying to get us killed?” Baird asked.

  Feeling like they were back on even ground, Aislinn reached in the bag and handed him a muffin.

  “Here, have a muffin. You must get cranky when you don't eat,” she said generously.

  Baird's face looked thunderous for a moment and then he broke out in a loud chuckle, the sound bouncing around the car over the music.

  “I must, at that,” he concurred and snagged the muffin from her hand.

  Their banter continued over the hour as the sea disappeared behind them and they cut over the hills towards central Ireland.

  “And where are you taking me?” Aislinn asked.

  “Killarney,” Baird said.

  “Killarney? Why?”

  “Because I've never been and I've heard it's lovely.”

  Aislinn twisted to look at him. “You've never been to Killarney?”

  “No, but I've been to the States several times. Does that make up for it?”

  “Where?” Aislinn asked immediately, pouncing on the question.

  “New York City,” Baird began and Aislinn cut him off, clutching at her chest.

  “Ugh, just ugh. I'm dying to go to New York City!” Aislinn gushed.

  “Really? Why? I'm surprised at that…small-town girl such as yourself,” Baird said.

  “Small town doesn't mean small minded, might I remind you,” Aislinn said. “I could lose myself in the galleries alone.”

  “I suppose for an artist it would be wonderful,” Baird admitted.

  “I've always wanted to visit the Guggenheim,” Aislinn admitted.

  “It is amazing. The building itself is a sculpture, the way the floors circle up. When I went they had four of the Terracotta Warriors there. It was phenomenal to see.”

  Aislinn's mouth dropped open.

  “You like art?”

  Baird shrugged his shoulders. “Sure, who doesn't? What…you thought that I couldn't understand art?”

  Aislinn's mouth opened and closed a few times as she considered her words carefully. “It's not that I thought that you couldn't appreciate art. I guess that I just figured that art wasn't on your radar. That it was something more for the free-flowing, less rigid types.”

  “Less rigid?” Baird pounced on her words and Aislinn saw his hands tighten on the wheel.

  “Well, yeah. I mean, you're kind of Type A,” Aislinn said.

  “I am not,” Baird said stiffly.

  Aislinn felt the laugh bubble up from deep in her stomach and she slapped a hand over her mouth, trying desperately to stop the sound, knowing that Baird would be deeply offended. Her nose squeaked unattractively as she held her hand over her mouth and the sound made her giggle even more.

  “Oh just stop, fine, I'm a little rigid,” Baird admitted and Aislinn let out a whoosh of air and giggles as she reached over and ran her hand affectionately over Baird's arm.

  “A little? I'm fairly certain you've ironed those jeans you're wearing.”

  Baird looked down at his jeans in confusion.

  “What's wrong with ironing jeans?”

  Aislinn threw up her hands and laughed even harder.

  “And that is why I am quite certain that we can never progress past dating. There are two types of people in the world: those who iron their jeans and those who pull them from a crumpled ball on the floor,” Aislinn said, sweeping her hands down to encompass her gray skinny jeans.

  “Those don't look wrinkled.”

  “Aye, 'cause they have stretch. But, still,” Aislinn said, leaning back into the seat, feeling a little smug that she'd been right.

  “I'm not always Type A. I surprised you with an impulsive trip, didn’t I?” Baird asked.

  “That I bet you have planned to a T,” Aislinn followed up smoothly and was rewarded with Baird's mouth dropping open.

  “Simply to make the best use of our time is all,” Baird defended himself.

  “Why don't you let me take the reins today, Doctor?” Aislinn asked, testing him.

  “But…I…but,” Baird sputtered and then turned to see Aislinn grinning madly at him.

  “Fine,” Baird spit out.

  “Oh, boy, this is going to be fun,” Aislinn crowed, thinking that 8:00 am on a Sunday wasn't looking so bad after all.

  Chapter 24

  “Jarveys?” Baird asked in confusion as he eyed up the line of jaunting cars that stood in a row on the street, proud horses stamping their feet, drivers laughing in a group.

  “Yes, a jaunting car. Come, you'll love it,” Aislinn said and pulled Baird towards a driver.

  “You all full up?” Aislinn asked.

  “Nope, a slow one this morning. Services.” The driver motioned to the church next door where Sunday services were running.

  Aislinn immediately felt the guilt that always came with skipping mass and she said a quick prayer in her head before smiling up at the driver.

  “A quick one, then? Ross Castle?”

  “Sure, and that's an easy drive on a nice day,” the driver agreed and motioned to his car. He stood at the side and held out his hand to hoist Aislinn into the cart, and Baird hopped up easily after her. They sat on the long wood bench, nestled against each other, as the driver patted his horse down before hopping into his seat, his back to them.

  “And I'm sure you know the history of Ross Castle, then,” the driver began.

  “No, we don't.” Aislinn cut Baird off and grinned up at him as the driver launched into a detailed and highly animated story about Ross Castle. Aislinn found herself hooting in laughter at some of his more exaggerated tales.

  The car wound down a lane and towards an ol
d castle tucked on the shores of a still lake that stretched wide, mirroring the trees and the sky. Sweeping trees stood at the back of the castle and Aislinn smiled at the beauty of it. Holding her hands up, she framed the shot for a mental image to paint from later.

  Baird tilted his head at her in question.

  “Just memorizing the picture. I can paint from memory.” Aislinn shrugged, feeling foolish.

  “As in you can paint the exact details or a concept of it?” Baird asked, his slate eyes glinting at her in the soft light of the morning sun.

  “Like I can paint exactly…I kind of have a photographic memory of sorts for images,” Aislinn said.

  “That's impressive. Why do you paint out in the hills then?” Baird asked. Aislinn leaned her head on his shoulder and thought about it as the cart rolled to a stop.

  “I think because I prefer the mood of being there in person. Though I can remember all the details, I read the colors and energy when I am in a particular spot. It adds a dimension to my painting that isn't always there if I just paint from memory.”

  Aislinn didn't have to look at Baird's face to feel his disbelief radiating from him. She sat up and turned away from him, smiling brightly to the carriage driver as he held up his hand to help her down.

  “I'll give you a half hour or so to poke around?” the driver asked.

  “That's perfect.” Aislinn beamed at him and picked up her pace a little, forcing Baird to catch up with her as they approached the weathered stone castle.

  “Aislinn,” Baird said quietly.

  “Yes?” Aislinn turned, a wide smile plastered on her face.

  “You're angry with me,” Baird said.

  “Nope, not at all,” Aislinn said and took his hand, deliberately ignoring her feelings as she pulled Baird through an arched doorway to a stone staircase that hid a small door in the pocket beneath it. The energy and history of the building pulsed at her and Aislinn found it hard to stay mad at Baird when she wanted to get swept away in the memories of the castle.

  “You are,” Baird insisted, pulling her back against his chest for a moment. Aislinn closed her eyes, knowing that she would have to have the conversation with him soon.

  Why not now?

  Turning, she met Baird's eyes.

  “Baird, the natural world has energy that I can feel. Just like I could feel your disbelief in the cart. Just like I can feel the history of this place. I can see it, feel it, paint it…it's all part of who I am. My gift.”

  Aislinn watched as Baird's eyebrows rose and a polite smile fell across his lips. This must be his psychiatrist face, she thought. Polite interest when inside he thought she was nuts.

  “Stop!” Aislinn shouted and Baird's hands came up automatically to shush her.

  “Shh, stop what?” Baird asked, his mouth dropping open in surprise.

  “Stop…that look. Your polite doctor look. I know what you feel. I can feel it. Do you get that? I know that you are trying to be patient with me but you completely don't believe in anything that I am saying. It's insulting. You could at least pretend to humor me.”

  Baird's hands dropped to his sides. “I…I thought that was what I was doing.”

  “You're not doing a very good job of it,” Aislinn said and walked away from him, tracing her toe in the dirt as she thought about how she wanted to handle this situation.

  Handle him.

  Turning, she crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him across the courtyard. Frustration radiated from him. She could see it in the way he stood, all sexy and rumpled and angry. Thrown him off his course is what she'd done, Aislinn thought.

  But underneath it…she could see it.

  He cared about her.

  It wasn't love. Maybe not yet. Maybe not ever. But it was the beginnings. She could see it peeking out beneath all the confusion of his surface emotions. That was enough to make her stop and consider.

  “Here's the deal,” Aislinn said, walking slowly back towards him. “Today, I'm going to vocalize everything that I see and feel. I'm used to tuning it out so that I barely pay attention to it that much unless I am immersed in my art. But, today, I'm going to show you all of me. You just need to stop trying to figure me out for the day and listen, okay?”

  Aislinn stopped in front of Baird and tilted her face up to look at him. He seemed to mull over her words for a moment, which she appreciated. He cared enough to take her seriously and to think about his answer.

  “I can do that. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to hurt you. I just have a hard time with all of this,” Baird said and ran his hands down her arms. Aislinn tried not to bristle at his words.

  “All of this? This…is me. It isn't a thing that is separate from me that you can analyze. It's just me,” Aislinn said, needing him to understand that concept. “It's offensive to me when you refer to my gift…my essence…as “woo-woo” stuff.”

  Baird stiffened and Aislinn could feel the shame wash through him.

  “I'm sorry. I am. I wasn't thinking of it like that. I've gone and been right judgmental, haven't I?”

  “A wee bit,” Aislinn said, smiling up at him.

  “I'm sorry for that. I'll keep an open mind. Wow me with your gift, oh great one,” Baird teased.

  Aislinn laughed and threw her arms around his neck, reaching up to brush a kiss over his lips. She squealed into his mouth as he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her in a dizzying spin, deepening their kiss.

  “Sure and it's nice to see some lovebirds,” their driver called to them and they broke apart, laughing at getting caught.

  Love, Aislinn thought. She wondered if she was on the tipping point and then shook the thought from her mind. It wouldn't do to fall for Baird. She'd only get hurt.

  Chapter 25

  Hours later, Aislinn stretched out her legs in the grass of a park and leaned against a tree, enjoying the sunshine that fell across her face. A giggle snorted out unattractively through her nose, and she slapped a hand over her mouth and slanted a look at Baird.

  He raised an eyebrow at her, his face set in a scowl.

  She hadn't meant to tip the canoe.

  The black swans had shocked and excited her. In her rush to get a better look at them…she may have leaned too far from the boat.

  Another snort slipped from her and she heard Baird grumble next to her.


  Aislinn smiled sweetly at Baird and handed him a slice from the takeout box she had grabbed from the pizza joint across from the park.

  Baird took the slice silently and Aislinn handed him a napkin with it.

  “Probably a far cry from what you had planned for lunch, huh?” Aislinn said easily as she bit into her slice. The heavenly taste of pepperoni and cheese filled her mouth and she groaned around the pizza, losing herself in the taste.

  She really needed to eat pizza more often, Aislinn decided.

  Baird sniffed and took another bite. “I'd only planned lunch at one of the best restaurants here. Wine, steak, linen tablecloths…”

  Aislinn shrugged and bumped his shoulder with hers.

  “This is nice.” She gestured to the park with her slice of pizza.

  “I suppose it is,” Baird admitted. “Good pizza.”

  “It is at that. I try to get to this place once in a while. It's worth a trip.”

  “I can't believe you flipped the canoe,” Baird said indignantly.

  Aislinn snorted again and then let the laughs roll from her gut. Bending over, she slapped her sodden jeans and then looked over at Baird. His clothes were a mess, wrinkled, stained, and his hair was all mussed up.

  He'd thought to grab his glasses as they tipped. He had good instincts, Aislinn thought. She liked seeing him like this. Mussed, out of his element.

  Like a real person.

  “I really didn't mean to tip it. You'd think that I'd know better, having been raised on the water. I can get a little exciteable at times,” Aislinn admitted.

  “I see that,” Baird said s
tiffly and Aislinn laughed at him.

  “I like you like this,” Aislinn admitted.

  “Oh yeah? Then I think you owe me,” Baird said. He reached out and snatched Aislinn under the arms and pulled her until she sprawled across his body. Her slice of pizza went flying and Aislinn glared at him.

  “Hey! My pizza.”

  “I'll buy you another slice,” Baird said and pulled her tight against him, crushing her lips in a searing kiss. Instant heat shot through her and Aislinn forgot about the pizza, about their wet clothes, and lost herself in the kiss. Baird kissed like he did everything else, with complete concentration on the task at hand, and with a dedication to ensuring their pleasure.

  She gasped against his mouth, craving more, wanting all of him.

  Baird eased back and held her there, his eyes boring into hers.

  “See? I can be impulsive.” Baird's lips twitched in a smile and Aislinn's heart cracked open…just a bit more.

  “I'm impressed, Dr. Delaney. I wouldn't have expected you to be so brazen in public. In front of children, no less.” Aislinn hooted out a laugh as Baird's cheeks pinked and he looked hurriedly around for kids.

  “Teasing…” Aislinn said breathlessly, happy to break the intensity of the moment.

  Baird reached up and ran a hand down her nose, tracing her lips and then her cheeks.

  “Your face. It's so beautiful. Such a contradiction. Much like yourself. Yet it all fits together to make something so unusual and interesting.”

  Struck by his words, Aislinn eased back from him. Afraid to spill too much, afraid that she would do something impulsive like ask him to be with her. Forever.

  “Thank you, I find you handsome as well,” Aislinn said and moved to sit next to him.

  “Yes, I can see that, since you stalk me and take pictures of me,” Baird said and Aislinn groaned and threw her hands up.

  “I most certainly did not. I was photographing the village and life in the village. You are alive. In the village. That is all,” Aislinn said determinedly and took another piece of pizza from the box.

  “Uh huh, you want my body, don't you?” Baird teased her.


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