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The Diary: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Page 25

by Kate Speck

  Chapter 32

  Elizabeth glided her fingers on her diary, truly thankful that the book was able to save Mr. Darcy from harm. She saw the tear on the leather cover where the dagger had cut through, and it had dug into about a dozen or so pages until the remaining pages had protected her betrothed.

  She opened to the blank page near the end, as she had filled her diary with the past several months’ events with heartbreaks and celebrations and was nearing the end of the journal. Elizabeth hoped Anne’s apparition would still remain even after the damage to the cover and began to write in it that night after dining with the Collinses.

  Are you still there, Anne? Thank you for protecting my William. Thank you for all you have done for me. Elizabeth wrote. I know I am here to do your bidding but I thank you all the same that you protected the man I love. I would have died alongside him if he had been hurt.

  The words on the page soon swirled and Anne replied on the blank sheet:

  You are most welcome, Elizabeth. His safety is my concern also. I will be with you a little longer but the time to move to another is approaching. Once you have completed your journaling in this book, have the cover reset onto a blank book so that I can be of use to another.

  Elizabeth’s eyes watered as she read that Anne would move on.

  Could I not start a new book with you? Can you not stay with me a little longer?

  The diary soon wrote back:

  All good books must have an ending. I will be with you a little longer, dear child. You will be blessed in your life and will not need me.

  Elizabeth smiled in understanding as the words disappeared and wrote no more. She closed the book after documenting her day and lay in bed in exhaustion. They were to awaken early to travel to London the next morning and she reviewed the day in her head of the incredible excitement she experienced. She was somewhat horrified that Mr. Wickham had died by Richard’s pistol but knew that justice had been served. They were able to catch the person responsible for planning to assassinate the Prime Minister and find out the reason why. She only wondered how Lady Matlock could be involved with Mrs. Jenkinson and if the Fitzwilliam family would survive if the Earl and Countess were found guilty of colluding with Mrs. Jenkinson somehow. The viscount was an excellent man and she absolutely adored Richard Fitzwilliam like a brother. She hated the thought of the jovial Earl and the generous Countess suffering and eagerly waited for the next day to come.

  She fell asleep quickly as she dreamt of Mr. Darcy, only to awaken sharply when she felt someone’s arms around her while she lay in bed.

  Elizabeth was prepared to scream when she heard a voice soothing her. “It is William, Elizabeth. I am sorry to frighten you. It is only I. I could not sleep and I snuck in here to ensure you were well. I kept seeing you with blood on your arm in my nightmares and I could not bear to be parted from you tonight.”

  “Oh, my love,” Elizabeth breathed out. “You should have given me some warning. I was dreaming of you and that we were married and racing on horseback. But I am most pleased to have you hold me in reality. I am well, William. You need not be afraid.”

  Mr. Darcy wrapped her in her arms completely and kissed her lips. “I know I should not be in your bed and it would be scandalous to be caught together, but as we are already engaged, I will break propriety for just a little while. I am comforted that you will stay at Darcy House with Mary for three nights and you might see me in your bed there also, but I promise to behave and wait until our wedding night to fully make you mine.” He climbed over her as he kissed her deeply while covering her body with his. “If you will allow what we have done so far for a quarter hour, I will be most content to return to my rooms for the rest of the night.”

  Elizabeth nodded with a broad smile and they proceeded to love each other as much as possible for the next twenty minutes and Mr. Darcy departed her rooms quietly with a grin on his face.


  Elizabeth yawned widely as she covered her mouth. “I apologise, everyone. I slept very well last night but it had been such an exciting day yesterday and I did not sleep long enough. I suppose it will be quite some time until I get more rest. The next week will be incredible.”

  Mr. Darcy quirked his brows slightly in amusement as he sat across from her in the carriage. “I hope you will find Darcy House more comfortable. I always have trouble sleeping at my aunt’s home, mostly due to the company there but I have found it most pleasant with you as a guest there.” He turned to Mary, “And you? How did you find Rosings? I know your time there was short but I noticed that you were speaking frequently with my cousin Anne.”

  Mary confidently answered, “I like her very much. She was distressed that she lost both her maid and her companion at the same time but after Lizzy helped us discover that her draughts were not actually helping her but that Mrs. Jenkinson likely used it to keep her sedated while seeing to her own businesses, she said her head felt clearer and was now looking forward to becoming more active in the parish with Mrs. Collins. Mr. Collins was much improved since I last saw him and I am confident that they will be helpful in bringing enjoyment to Anne’s days.”

  Elizabeth grinned, “And when you were not speaking with Anne, another gentleman certainly took all of your attention. It is only too bad that his head felt better that he could ride alongside on his horse today. With two prisoners riding behind us in the other carriage, he had wished to do his duty in guarding the perimeter.” She looked at Mr. Darcy, “You could have insisted that he sit with us again, William, but you commanded him to ride instead. Why?”

  Mr. Darcy sternly crossed his arms, “Mary is now under my protection and as my future sister, I must ensure that gentlemen who approach my sisters are deserving of my family. I will guard all of you with every power I have.” He smiled as he relaxed, “Leigh is a good man but still young. He is a third son of a baronet and his family is respectable, and in a year or two, perhaps he will be ready to settle down. Do not be in a rush, Mary. I have told the same to Georgiana and you never need to fear for your future.”

  Mary smiled uncharacteristically wide, “Thank you, Darcy. I finally understand what it is like to have a brother and I find myself appreciating it very much. Mr. Bingley has had his sisters who demanded much of his time and although he is a very good husband to Jane, I believe you are my favourite!”

  The group laughed merrily as they continued their journey to London and planned several outings and a trip to the Gardiners for dinner, as well as shopping to be completed with Madame Dubois to finish Elizabeth’s trousseau. Mr. Darcy had been generous and had already written to the modiste to work on three dozen dresses based on Elizabeth’s last measurements and she only needed to try on the clothes for the final touches. Elizabeth knew that Mr. Darcy was a very considerate gentleman already but the details that he went to bring her happiness brought endless contentment to her own heart. She vowed to herself that she would do all within her power to keep this worthy man from repining his choice of wife.

  Soon enough, the carriages arrived in London and as planned, instead of journeying directly to Darcy House, they were stopped at the front of the Parliament building, where two dozen soldiers awaited them and gave the group a grand welcome.


  Elizabeth’s jaw dropped as she saw the lines of officers saluting Mr. Darcy, or rather Brigadier Darcy now, as he had donned his uniform again today due to the official business to take place. She walked proudly holding his arm up the stairs, with Mary following behind her with Colonel Fitzwilliam. The other officers were seeing to Mrs. Jenkinson and Sarah so that the Prime Minister could visit them in person before they were to be carted off to Newgate Prison.

  “Lord Pemberley,” an older gentleman approached, while several younger men were writing in their notepads behind him, “congratulations, first and foremost on your betrothal to this beautiful lady after all these years. I know you had been keen on remaining a bachelor for decades more but you could not let this wonderful lady go, could
you?” He formally bowed, “Miss Bennet, I am Robert Jenkinson, Darcy’s close friend of many years, and I know how you have saved him. We could not have done without him and it is apparent that behind a great man is a greater lady and you two will be quite fearsome together.”

  Elizabeth coloured with such a distinction and could only curtsey, “Thank you, my lord.”

  Lord Liverpool turned to Mr. Darcy, “Shall we go to my office for some privacy?” He turned to his assistants behind him, “You may leave us. I will call when we are done.” The mass of gentlemen quickly rushed out of the Prime Minister’s antechamber. “Miss Bennet, Miss Bennet,” he faced Elizabeth and Mary, “it is not customary for ladies to join us but since it is an unofficial meeting, would you like to stay with us? I understand you had been instrumental in discovering the truth from my cousin’s wife.”

  Elizabeth was honoured with the request and agreed. It was most unusual for a woman to be allowed entrance to the Prime Minister’s office and for Lord Liverpool to acknowledge her so respectfully was incredible.

  After sitting down, Lord Liverpool offered wine to the ladies and brandy to the gentlemen. “Darcy, Colonel, I will see Mrs. Jenkinson and her daughter later but I wished for your counsel on the matter. They both might be tried publicly and it will be made known that my own cousin’s wife was behind an attempt of my life, and it is with certainty that Mrs. Jenkinson will be found guilty to hang for her crimes, but Darcy’s letter yesterday asked for leniency for the daughter, whom I have never met before. Why should I agree? She did her mother’s bidding and should be found just as guilty, should she not?”

  “My lord,” Mr. Darcy began, “although Sarah Jenkinson was aware of her mother’s plans, she had no wise counsel of anyone else to show her right and wrong, having been separated from everyone she knew at an early age and her mother kept her secreted away from family and friends in order to plot her revenge. Eli... Miss Bennet spoke with Sarah at length and had convinced me that although some punishment is absolutely necessary, to give her the death penalty when she did not know what was truly at stake with only her vengeful mother to instruct the girl does not seem like the right thing to do. Sarah readily helped us and we promised that we would ask for leniency.”

  Lord Liverpool turned to Elizabeth, “Beautiful and wise... a deadly combination.” He smiled, “What do you believe her punishment should be then, Miss Bennet?”

  Elizabeth immediately liked the gentleman who showed her respect, even though she was only a woman of no distinction, her only credential being Mr. Darcy’s future wife. “I believe she should be sent to a place with a relative perhaps, who can seclude her from bad influences and teach her right from wrong. I understand we might have found someone else related to Sarah on her mother’s side,” she glanced at Colonel Fitzwilliam, “and perhaps there is help from that corner of family ties. Not that she should escape all punishment, but she is only a girl of seventeen and I cannot imagine the death penalty for such a young woman.”

  Lord Liverpool contemplated silently for several moments then spoke, “Thank you, Miss Bennet. I will take your advisement into consideration. Darcy, keep me apprised of what you find with Lady Matlock. Your letter indicated that you had concerns of their involvement, however innocent it may have been, and knowing that Lord Matlock is a loyal peer of the realm, I only wish to clear their names should the connection be made known. I trust that you will do all you can for our country as well as for your family. Thank you for your service. I will see Mrs. Jenkinson and her daughter and take responsibility from hereon in.” He nodded his final command and everyone stood.

  After the Prime Minister kissed the ladies’ hands and shook the gentlemen’s hands, the group left the office with Elizabeth beaming her brightest smile. To be invited into private counsel with leader of England and for her voice to be heard was extraordinary and she could comprehend why William had been willing to dedicate a large portion of his life for the service.

  “When will we see your uncle and aunt, William?” Elizabeth asked as they boarded the carriage. “Today has been incredible and I am afraid the next three days will fly by in a blink of an eye!”

  Mr. Darcy smiled fondly, “I sent a note to invite them for dinner tomorrow. After you settle in at Darcy House, we will have you look over the rooms and have a quiet dinner tonight, an outing to your modiste tomorrow, dinner with my uncle and aunt, a trip to the museum, and then attend the theatre to complete our time in London before we return to Hertfordshire. We will have several public outings and our engagement announcement will be published in the papers the day after tomorrow, and the next few days shall be filled with activities and then we will proceed with our humdrum lives as man and wife.” He kissed her hand. “I hope you will not mind our dull marriage, even if I promise to give you as much adventures as possible.”

  Elizabeth laughed, “Time with you is never dull, William. You are a good man and a hero in my book.”

  The party travelled to Darcy House, where Elizabeth could only dream of her future with her beloved in the beautifully furnished home. She wrote in her journal of her trip to Westminster to meet Lord Liverpool and her excitement to be in town as an engaged woman to the best man she knew. She fervently prayed that the Earl and Countess of Matlock were innocent of any wrong-doings in regards to Mrs. Jenkinson so that the family could find peace before her wedding in ten days. When her betrothed arrived in her rooms soon after, she was comforted to be with him, falling asleep peacefully in Mr. Darcy’s arms that night.

  Chapter 33

  Elizabeth’s next morning was filled with being outfitted with her new dresses, all made with the finest fabrics and best stitching she had ever seen. Mrs. Gardiner was able to join her nieces for the excursion and was in awe of Mr. Darcy’s generosity and learning of his future barony. Mr. Gardiner was allowed to reveal that Mr. Darcy had been instrumental in securing contracts with the Home Office that boosted his business to securely send needed supplies to the continent and that after the war eventually ended, the agreements would continue and they would be able to retire to become landowners in two or three years. Mr. Bingley was already looking for an estate in Derbyshire and Mr. Gardiner was very interested in purchasing Netherfield from Mr. Darcy, to become a gentleman in the village where he grew up in and be near his sisters and raise his children in the clean countryside.

  Mary also received a new dress and Elizabeth made sure to purchase additional ribbons and gloves for Kitty and Lydia, and picked out the most beautiful bonnet for her favourite sister-to-be. Georgiana was flourishing in Hertfordshire, with Jane to serenely mentor her and Kitty and Lydia to bring out her liveliness as appropriate for a girl of sixteen years in age.

  Word had spread like wildfire that Mr. Darcy had returned to London and that he was seen with a young lady on his arm. Elizabeth knew that once word of his engagement was out, it would be chaos when they ventured out in public with all the gawkers who would be curious as to what woman could have finally captured the elusive bachelor.

  Elizabeth took a deep breath as she looked at herself in the looking glass at Madame Dubois’ Shoppe. The dress she chose to wear for the theatre outing the next day was the most beautiful dress she had ever seen and she hardly recognised herself in the glamorous fabric that was fit for nobility. It was still incredulous that her life had changed so much and that not only did she truly love Mr. Darcy but that he had chosen her to be his wife. He would receive his title and she would become the wife of a baron in three weeks and it was still surreal to her that so many changes happened in her life since her diary had found her in Ramsgate only last summer.

  After taking tea at the Gardiners and visiting with her young cousins after the shopping trip, Elizabeth and Mary boarded the Darcy carriage to return to Mayfair. Although Wickham’s threat was gone now, Mr. Darcy still insisted on the ladies being guarded and along with the driver and two footmen, two additional guards rode on horseback and watched over the Bennet girls at all times.

nbsp; Elizabeth noted a carriage outside of Darcy House that she did not recognise and wondered who could be visiting. Lord and Lady Matlock were not due for dinner for several hours and Mr. Darcy was to have had several businesses at the Home Office and with his solicitor and there had been no mention of any expected callers.

  She entered the townhouse and handed her outerwear to the butler and asked, “Mr. Mason, is Mr. Darcy home? I saw a carriage outside. Who is visiting?”

  The butler, who was always unfailingly cordial to Elizabeth lowered his eyes and avoided looking at her. He solemnly replied, “The master is in his study, Miss Bennet, and he has... an old acquaintance calling on him.” He swiftly left the foyer to put away Elizabeth and Mary’s articles of clothes.

  Elizabeth did not know what to make of it but turned around when Mary spoke, “Lizzy, I am quite tired and would like to rest for a bit. I want to be refreshed before meeting Lord and Lady Matlock tonight.”

  Elizabeth nodded in agreement and walked towards Mr. Darcy’s study to greet him. She stopped dead-cold near the door when she heard a woman’s voice from within, and as the door had been left open, she could not help but hear the conversation inside.

  “...that we are destined for each other and I know you have been waiting for me. I am finally free and I will never betray you again, my love, since it was a lapse in judgement when I was but seventeen years old, and I beg you to forgive me. Do you not see? It has been eight years and the time is right for us now. I love you, Darcy, and I am your first and only love. Make love to me now and I will give you all of myself.” The woman spoke no more.

  Elizabeth stepped into the study in shock to hear this woman speak so to Mr. Darcy and nearly collapsed when she saw them together. The fair-headed woman had her lips on William’s face with her arms wrapped around his neck, kissing him wildly as she sat on top of him. Elizabeth gasped loudly to catch them in such a position and Mr. Darcy immediately stood up, dropping the unknown woman onto the floor.


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