Cash: The Black Cobras MC #2

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Cash: The Black Cobras MC #2 Page 7

by Rylan, Savannah

  He was pulling my jeans down furiously, dragging my panties along with it over my butt. The intensity with which he wanted me was sexy. Like he couldn’t keep his hands off me for a moment longer.

  I grabbed the tree with both hands, leaning towards it so I could stick my butt out towards him. He squeezed and slapped it gently and I loved that feeling too, chewing down on my lip as I heard his belt come off.

  This was the kind of sex I could only fantasize about before I met Cash. I couldn’t even imagine this happening in my real life.

  I was sighing and trying to prepare myself for what was to come just as he grabbed my butt again and drove his cock straight into me from behind. I heard Cash grunt as he did this. I felt his cock push through my soft moist folds and fill me. Deep inside.

  I cried out with pleasure.

  “Please don’t stop!” I whispered but I knew he heard me, and he started thrusting harder. I could feel every part of me shaking as he took control of my body.

  His cock was pushing deeper and deeper inside me and I reached down the front so I could rub my clit. It was the most explosive feeling, to pleasure myself like that while he thrust his cock in me repeatedly. His hands on me were tight, clutching my butt; holding me tightly in place.

  His grunts were becoming faster and deeper and it was like he was in a trance. I made myself come, rubbing my clit to the edge of an orgasm and then letting me go. I didn’t even know if Cash knew I was coming; it seemed like the only thing he could focus on was his cock inside me.

  My orgasm started to fade just as he erupted inside me. Just like the last time, he was filling me up with the warmth of his cum. I could feel it dribbling down the insides of my thighs now. He growled and his grip on me became even stronger as he came inside me.

  It felt good to feel him filling me up, to feel his big throbbing cock deep inside me like that; rubbing against and stroking the deepest part of me there.

  When Cash was finally done, when he’d emptied every last drop of his cum inside me, he staggered backwards away from me.

  I leaned towards the tree trunk now, resting my chin against the bark while my bottom half still remained bare. I was trying to recover my breath, trying to calm myself before I faced Cash again. I had no idea if he even wanted to look at me now.



  Why did this keep happening to us? What was it about Vivian that made me lose control, every time I was near her? Every time I was alone with her even for a minute.

  I staggered back from her, hurriedly pulling up my pants while she stood still for a few moments, hugging the tree. What did she want?

  Just a few minutes ago, she was trying to get away from me. Put as much distance between us as possible and for good reason too. She had no reason to forgive me for what she’d overheard me saying to Patch.

  I buckled up my belt and now, slowly, Vivian started to turn towards me. Her own jeans and panties were lying on the ground and she picked them up, avoiding all eye contact with me as she did so.

  I tried not to watch her as she put on her clothes, just to give her some privacy. Meanwhile, I tried to decide what I was going to do with her, about this situation we found ourselves in now.

  It was getting late, there was too much chaos and confusion at the bar to return there with her right now. I could take her back to my own apartment, but was that what she wanted? She didn’t even want to look at me anymore.

  Vivian straightened up to face me once she’d dressed herself and now her eyes met mine. I could see a fire burning in her light brown eyes, her lips seemed to be quivering and Vivian seemed unsure of herself.

  What I should have said was that I wanted to see her safely home, that I was sorry for the way I kept behaving around her—but what I really did was just stare at her at a complete loss for words.

  She ran a hand through her silky dark hair, and I noticed the way her breasts rose and fell under that tight shirt she was wearing.

  “I should get going,” she murmured in a low voice. “I want to get to the bus stop before it gets too dark.”

  I cleared my throat, pushing my hands into the pockets of my jeans.

  “I can give you a ride to wherever you want to go. It’s no problem.”

  I said that, but in my head, I was thinking about how it was going to feel to have her arms around me on the bike, to feel her body pressed to mine.

  Vivian shook her head.

  “No, I’ll be fine, I can walk. The bus stop is just ten minutes away,” she insisted.

  There were a lot of things I could have said or done to stop her from leaving. Was it even appropriate to let her walk away like this? Minutes after we just had sex? Wasn’t it the right thing to do to offer her a lift back to her place? But Vivian was refusing to take it and I didn’t want to push her.

  The less time we spent alone together was best for everyone involved.

  “Okay,” I replied flatly, and she stared at me for a thick moment and then looked away. Was she expecting me to fight her on this? I had no idea what she wanted. I had no idea what any woman wanted.

  I remained standing there firmly, watching her, with my hands stuck deep in the pockets of my pants as I watched Vivian walking away. She glanced at me once as she went and when she’d disappeared out of my view, walked back to the main road, I felt a mixture of relief and discomfort.

  I was relieved that Vivian was gone, that I wouldn’t have to worry about these awkward feelings and thoughts in my head. I felt uncomfortable for the same reason though—because she wasn’t here; and I didn’t know which was stronger.

  Every time I had those creeping thoughts about something happening with Vivian…something more than just these casual sexual encounters we kept experiencing—I remembered Laura.

  The girl who had, almost a decade ago, changed everything for me. She was the one who technically changed my life and turned me into the man I was today. The man who didn’t want a family, who didn’t trust any woman with his life.

  I thought Laura was the one for me. I thought no other woman could ever make me feel the way she did. Even though I was technically just a kid, I was ready to start a life with her. I was ready to turn my own world upside down just to be with her forever.

  But it was too late when I discovered the truth; that Laura didn’t feel the same thing I felt. That she was laughing at me behind my back while I was busy declaring my love for her.

  What Laura really wanted to do was fuck my friend, and that was exactly what she ended up doing. Leaving me on the wayside with my pants down and my heart in my hand.

  Never again. I was never going to let that happen to me again.

  I was never going to let another woman take me for a fool, no matter how awesome the sex was.

  Once Vivian was gone and even though I felt a kink in my soul somewhere, I reminded myself of Laura and how she made me feel ten years ago and that was enough. It was all the reminder I needed.

  I returned to my parked bike and looked around to make sure there was no trace of Vivian anywhere. She’d probably reached the bus stop by now. It was good she was gone, because I was beginning to feel things for her that I was not prepared to feel ever again.

  The farther I stayed away from her, the easier it would be for everybody. Especially for Vivian.



  I woke up the next morning in my own bed and blinked at the light streaming in through the curtains. I’d spent all night thinking about Cash, dreaming about the previous day and how fantastical the whole day had seemed to me. Would anyone else even believe me if I described it to them?

  Outside my room, I could hear my roommates Nora and Melissa moving around the apartment. It was a small place and we each had tiny rooms in here, but at least we had some degree of privacy.

  I dragged myself out of bed and threw on a robe before stepping outside. Moss had already left for work. I knew Nora went to work in the afternoon, so she was sitting on the couch drinking a cup of

  “There any coffee left?” I asked and searched for the pot. I poured some in a mug and took it to the couch to sit down beside her. Nora was looking me up and down like she could sense something was different about me.

  “Wow! Where have you been? You look like you had quite the day yesterday!” She put down the mug on the rickety old coffee table. I had a flashback of Cash sitting right there a few nights ago, when he’d brought me back here.

  I jerked my head away from Nora, staring down at the mug.

  “Yeah, it was quite a day. Most importantly, I had a job yesterday, one I thought I was actually going to enjoy and now I don’t have one anymore.”

  She was confused and waited for me to explain but I didn’t even know where to begin.

  “I got a job at a bar, with flexible hours and good pay, all because this guy…this very sexy guy…wanted to help me out.”

  She looked excited now. I wasn’t doing an excellent job of explaining the situation to her, but I was making somewhat of an attempt.

  “And what happened to that job? What happened to this very sexy guy?” Nora’s eyes were bright with curiosity.

  “I had to walk away from it, the job, and him too. I don’t think I can go back there.”

  “Why not?”

  “He doesn’t want me around anymore.”

  “What? Within a day?”

  “We had sex a couple of times. Things got awkward.” It was strange admitting it aloud to someone else. I’d been dreaming about it so hard last night that I wasn’t even sure if it was real. If Cash was real, if any of it actually happened.

  Nora sat back in the couch.

  “You had sex a couple of times yesterday with a complete stranger?” she asked, looking amused. I could see why she didn’t believe me. Since I’d been in LA, since she’d known me; I had never brought a guy back home. I kept insisting to her that I wasn’t looking for a casual relationship…and now this!

  I nodded.

  “Wow. This guy I gotta see!” she exclaimed, but when she noticed how I wasn’t smiling at all, she must have figured something was wrong.

  “Do you have feelings for him?” she continued, and I looked up sharply at her.

  “I’ve only known him for like two days. How is that even possible?”

  Nora shrugged.

  “When you know, you know. Besides, you can’t stop your heart from feeling a certain way about someone. Even if you just met him.”

  I rubbed a hand over my face in frustration.

  “But he made it very clear to me that he wanted me gone. It’s clearly not how he feels about me, and I can’t go back there. I can’t see him every day at my workplace and feel the way I feel about him…I don’t even know what I feel.”

  Nora must have heard the quiver in my voice and thought I was about to cry because she pulled me close to herself and gave me a tight hug.

  “You’ll get over him soon, don’t worry. You only just met him and now he’s not going to be a part of your life anymore. It’ll be easier for you to move on from this than you think,” she reassured me, and I nodded.

  I was thankful now that at least I had one person who was on my side. Maybe I wasn’t quite as alone in the world as I thought I was. We smiled at each other and I drank some more of my coffee just as my cell phone rang.

  I wasn’t expecting any calls, especially not at this time in the morning and now I saw that it was from an unknown number. Putting my coffee down, I answered the call.

  “Hello, is this Vivian Aldren?” I heard a man’s voice.

  “Yes, this is she.”

  “I’m Jerry McAdams, from the agency.”

  I stood up from the couch with a jerk. Now that he told me his name, I knew exactly who it was.

  “Jerry, hi! Great to hear from you.”

  “Well, good, because I have some even better news than just hearing my voice early in the morning. You got the job!”

  For a moment there was complete silence as I tried to register his words. Was he serious? I got the job?

  “Oh my God!” I was shrieking now, somehow managing to keep holding my phone to my ear. Nora jumped off the couch too and we were hugging. Jerry was saying something over the phone, but I was barely even listening to him.

  I had the job! I didn’t need to worry about making rent this month! I knew this job was going to pay well…and maybe it would be the steppingstone I needed for my career.

  Best of all, now I didn’t have to consider going back to the bar ever again. Cash and the rest of the club were now officially out of my life. I couldn’t stop smiling with relief!



  We let twenty-four hours go by since the Sons of Satan attacked our clubhouse and now, we were standing in a row facing the warehouse where we knew they stored most of their cargo.

  Of course, we were not going to just sit back and accept whatever heat they threw at us. We had to plan some sort of retaliation towards them too. Make them pay for the damage they did to our club.

  This was what we needed to do, so this was what I planned for our club to do—but it was not ideal.

  A planned shootout like this on their precious warehouse could only mean one thing. It was going to lead to more violence.

  It was late at night the next day and nobody seemed to be watching the warehouse at this hour. Their cargo and their property were like sitting ducks for us now. All we needed to do was open fire.

  Patch and I were standing at the head of the formation, cigarettes dangling from our mouths. Our weapons were drawn. The rest of the men behind us were just waiting for my command to start fire. I was waiting for something. I wasn’t quite sure what I was waiting for—maybe for something to go wrong?

  From the corner of my eye I saw Patch look over at me.

  “We good to go, Cash?” he asked, and I flicked the cigarette on the ground and stamped on it with my shoe. There was no other movement around us. For whatever reason, the motherfucking Sons of Satan had no intel on our plan. They weren’t expecting us here at the warehouse.

  Technically, this shootout and destruction of their property was going to go completely smoothly. We were going to come out on the other side; as the victors. Feeling great about ourselves.

  I looked over at Patch then and gave him a nod of my head. He held up his hand and the guys started shooting. We were using machine guns to drill holes into the walls of the warehouse. It sounded like an explosion.

  I knew we had at least half an hour before any alarms were raised and before any member of the Sons of Satan could reach us here from the city.

  The main shutter of the warehouse had a big gaping hole in it now and my men moved closer towards it, so they could shoot at the cargo inside.

  Within minutes, it looked like everything was fucking obliterated. There was smoke everywhere and now the sound of the shooting had stopped and was replaced with the joyous celebration of the guys. Everyone was suddenly in a great mood now that we had our revenge on the Sons of Satan.

  The fact that our own clubhouse was in tatters too, hurt less knowing that these fuckers had lost something tonight which belonged to them.

  I gave the signal for retreat. We needed to get out of here as quickly as possible before the others arrived.

  * * *

  Back at the clubhouse everyone was in a festive mood. Bender had opened up the bar again and tried to restock the place with as much alcohol as possible. Drinks were free flowing and the whole club was celebrating because we had won this round. Grimm was in a joyous mood too.

  So, was it only me that was feeling the heat and worrying about the possible consequences of our actions?

  Maybe it was because I felt partially responsible for what was happening to all of us now. Vivian, even though she was not in our midst right now, was always going to be in the center of this.

  Bender hadn’t asked any questions about Vivian yet when she didn’t turn up for work this morning. I was hoping that she had fin
ally taken my advice and decided to stay away from this bar and away from this job. Even though I knew she wanted to give it her best shot, it was for the best that she kept her distance from all this.

  I could have turned up at her apartment to check up on her, of course I was curious to find out how she was doing—but being alone with her again would force me to lose my mind and that was not something I wanted to experience again.

  I was hoping that in a few days, with some effort, I would be able to easily forget about Vivian and move on. Just like I had done with Laura all those years ago. All I had to do was draw my attention to other things. For instance, this big massive fuck up that our club was now involved in.

  All around me now, my friends were celebrating, including Patch. They were living in the moment. For us tonight, just for tonight, it was a small victory and we had carried out an appropriate payback for the attack on us.

  But things were only going to escalate from here. I could feel that in my bones already. Just like we didn’t; the Sons of Satan were not going to sit back and take our attack without retaliation.

  And how long were we going to keep doing this? Our club was an underdog, we were not as big as the Sons of Satan. How long were we going to hold down our fort without permanent damage?

  And all because I’d stopped on the side of the road one night to rescue a helpless woman from a pair of thugs. A woman I now had feelings for. A woman who was thankfully not even a part of my life anymore.

  And that was how it needed to stay so I could carry on with my job. I didn’t need a distraction like Vivian in my life. Just like I’d been better off without Laura, I was going to be better off without Vivian too.

  It was just a matter of time before I wouldn’t even be able to recall her face.


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