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Captured by the Alien Dragon

Page 7

by Stella Cassy

  Today I am a hacker with a purpose. I gain entrance to the database through lower ship functions, turning off the emergency warning protocols before clawing my way through the system to find the engines and weapon controls. Since my ship is out of firing range, I bring down the ship’s engines first. By now, my warriors are standing around staring at me. The pressure is on to take the weapons offline. The software has an automated AI, but I give it a wide berth and pinpoint what I’m looking for instead. Punching in the command to bring weapons offline, I signal Lehar to move in through my wrist device and toss the tablet away. “We have less than four units to get the cargo to our ship and run.”

  My warriors run so fast, they’re a blur even to my eyes. The explosives blow the bay door off and they levitate the cargo out as my shuttle and the other fighters dislodge themselves from the freighter and head from our vessel. My men hang onto the huge pallet and my ship grabs it with a tractor beam.

  As my crew hauls our new treasure in, I keep pressing the homing button on my uniform. I never leave my bots behind for others to reverse engineer. Suddenly, they’re crawling down the walls and scurrying towards me. I can’t help the smile that eats up my face. No sooner does the last one attach to its tiny housing unit on my pant leg than I see furious Tandorians beating on the window of the door separating us. They’re screaming and making threatening gestures. It makes me laugh. I lean back and push off the edge of the bay door into the dark abyss. Three thrusts with my powerful jet pack and I’m inside the bay of my own ship. The doors slam closed, and I feel a slight jerk as Lehar takes us to light speed.

  The warriors climb down off the pallet and I use my holographic lock pick to break the code on the huge crate. We watch in awe as the sides slowly unfurl to reveal the treasure hidden inside. A hoard of gemstones comes spilling out onto the floor.

  I motion for the warrior leading this mission to take his bonus first. He bends down and carefully selects what he wants. Each crew member takes what can fit in one hand. The rest will be sold, and my crew will be paid equally. The crew members who risked themselves always get a bonus share.

  I watch with pride as each warrior picks through the pile of treasure for whatever catches his fancy. Some will sell their bonus to provide luxuries for their families, while others will save theirs for dowries or dole them out to the females in their lives. At last I kneel to take my share of the bounty. Running my hands through the pile, something catches my eye. I see several gemstones that reflect the color of the rainbow. These are incredibly valuable, so I gather them up and round out my handful with a variety of other precious stones. Standing, I pivot around to see my crew’s smiling faces. Sliding the gemstones into my pockets, I ask cheerfully, “Are we ready for Pralor Six? Where the drinks are cheap and whores are willing!” My words are met with a boisterous round of cheering and thumping of chests.

  Lehar comes to accept the responsibility of sorting, counting and stowing our latest haul. Of course, he will get a bonus to compensate him for the backbreaking and tedious work.

  “Do you have any specific instructions, sir?”

  Dropping one of the rainbow-colored stones in his hand, I flash him a smile. “These are worth more than the rest. Reserve them for the ship’s safe. They should be enough to power the ship and keep us in repairs for at least a solar year.”

  “As usual, I will separate out your sire’s cut from the remaining stones.”

  “Someday very soon the stupid fucker will be paying me tribute.”

  “I can hardly wait, sir. Shall I gift Alana and her daughters?”

  “Absolutely. It always royally pisses my father off when I send them trinkets.”

  “He’s a possessive bastard.”

  Slapping him on the back, I agree. “That he is, my friend. Happy counting.”

  Frowning, he responds dejectedly, “There’s nothing happy about sorting and grading thousands of stones, sir. I’ll be lucky to spend a day in the sunshine on Pralor Six, much less enjoy a professional seductress.”

  I turn on my heel and stroll towards the door. Glancing over my shoulder, I see him standing there staring at the gemstone. “You should take a double bonus for missing shore-leave to sort this out.” A gigantic smile spreads across his face. Since he’s grading the stones, his two handfuls will be of the finest quality. It’s a generous bonus but Lehar has more than earned it.

  I open the door to the lower hold and seek out the room we’re keeping the brooder in. She’s sitting on the floor with her back against the far wall, a blanket wrapped around her small frame.

  “I thought you might have forgotten about me.”

  “That’s not likely. You’re one of the most fascinating females I’ve met in a very long time. We’re stopping by Pralor Six. My warriors are going stir crazy. They need to blow off some steam.”

  “Well I guess I won’t be seeing anyone for a while. Thanks for the heads up. I’ll just sit right here, rationing my food and hydro packs.”

  Sighing, I shake my head. “Why are you always so dramatic?”

  “Why are you here, Tarion the Great?”

  “I don’t appreciate you mangling my name.”


  “You’re not.”

  “I know.”

  I grin. “Love the honesty, my pretty.”

  “I’m not yours, I’m mine.”

  “You’re under my protection for the time being and I have an offer for you.”

  “No, you can’t whore me out on Pralor Six. I’m aware that you probably think you’ll make a small fortune, but you won’t. After I maim a few of them, you’ll end up paying more than you earned.”

  That’s my fierce new female. “I’ve decided this cold lonely cell is no place for a woman of your obvious charm.”

  Snorting a laugh, she comes to her feet and begins moving towards me. The hopeful expression on her face makes my chest ache.

  “I was thinking that if you promise to behave yourself, I might let you stay in my quarters. We can fool around or not. We’ll see how it goes. What do you think of that offer?”

  “Yes. I’m dying to see your quarters. The fooling around or not is an obvious bonus.”

  “Not so fast. I have a few ground rules.”

  “Anything, you name it.”

  Cooperation is her middle name right now it seems. “No going through my things, stealing or hogging the bedding. In fact, you sleep on the floor.”

  Her enthusiasm wanes a bit. Chewing on my bottom lip, I look her over. Was she really that excited about sharing my bed? I wouldn’t have thought that would interest her at all after the last dressing down she gave me.

  “No running around the ship unescorted. No stealing. No fraternizing with my crew. No complaining to them or trying to get them to let you escape, either. Also, no talking about what goes on behind the door to my quarters.”

  “I agree to those terms.”

  I stand staring at her as she slides the blanket off her shoulders and steps closer to the door. For one brief second, I have the worst feeling that this is going to go very poorly.

  Her voice draws my attention. “I’ll do everything you say. I promise I won’t screw this up for you.”

  Her voice sounds earnest, and she looks like she’s being truthful. I reach over and place my hand on the scanning plate and a blue light begins to scan my finger and palm prints. I feel a tiny prick as the unit matches my DNA. “Release locking mechanism.”

  The computer replies, “Command accepted. Authentication complete for Captain Tarion of the Hielsrane.”

  The door to her cell slides open. She moves out towards me. “Do I need to get my blanket and stuff?”

  “Not unless you are partial to them. I have much nicer bedding in my quarters and it’s quite plentiful.”

  Nodding, she looks up at me. “Thank you for this. You probably can’t imagine how much it means to me to get out of that cell.”

  “Trust does not come easy to one such as me, Carissa of th
e Maeberry.” Reaching down, I wrap her arm through mine. “Please don’t disappoint me.”

  She looks like she wants to say something but closes her mouth instead.



  Walking up to his quarters with his wing slipped around my back, I can’t believe my crackpot plan worked. He actually wants me in his bed. Staying in his room is one step towards freedom. Having wild dragon sex is just icing on an otherwise perfect cake. I’ve been with a man with lizard DNA before. He was sweet and his forked tongue was just as dirty as it sounds. I loved every single second of being with him. I’ve never been with a dragon warrior before, but if I’m being honest, I admit I find the prospect exciting.

  We pass several groupings of warriors and they all seem ecstatic. I’m guessing it’s because we’re in route to a pleasure planet. Since I’ve always been worried about ending up in a painted house, I’ve never considered the other side of the equation. Males stranded out in space for years or months with no companionship. It must be hard on them.

  Shooting Mister Crazypants a quick look, I wonder if his shitty disposition would improve with a round or two of hot sex. How could it not? There is every chance in the world that I’m just subconsciously talking myself into jumping into his bed, of course, but he smells fantastic. The scent of smoke, musk and just a hint of his cleansing foam makes me wet for him.

  The moment we enter his opulent quarters and shut the door behind us, I throw my arms around his neck and practically climb up his body as my mouth finds his. Wrapping my legs around him, I let all my desire come to the surface, hoping and praying he’ll respond in kind.

  He freezes instead. For one long, horrible second the idea slams through my brain that I seriously misjudged his interest in me. My mind flies in several directions at once. Maybe he’s just not that into me. It could be that he thinks of me as a sister. He could even be gay. It might be taboo for a woman to initiate sex. Sweet Jesus, this was a bad idea.

  Just when I’m thinking of getting off him, I feel something hard press against my clit through the thin fabric of my stolen dress. Within seconds, I feel his claws shred through the tattered dress, his talons grazing over my bare skin. If I’d thought he would be terrifying, I’d have been very wrong. A dark, sensual growl escapes from the back of his throat and his hips instinctively move against me. He’s one sexy beast.

  By the time his forked tongue snakes into my mouth, I’m practically vibrating with excitement. Feeling the air whispering past, I break the kiss. His wings flap as I realize he’s lowering me down on his massive round bed. Shock tears through my chest as I realize he just flew across the room with me.

  Even though I stopped kissing him, his mouth is trailing kisses down my neck and he’s nipping and licking the tiny stings left behind by his teeth. He’s not breaking skin, but I can tell his teeth are sharp.

  We’ve landed on our knees and somehow, his jacket and shirt are already off. When did he do that? Pushing him back, I take a long hard look at the man. He’s ripped with a double six pack all the way down to his happy trail. Reaching out, I run one hand over his muscular chest. Though visually I see red, iridescent scales, his skin is silky smooth. He’s practically panting, and his facial expression has a thick overlay of lust as he gazes down at me. His long black hair is disheveled, making him look like he just tumbled out of bed. His lust filled expression likely mirrors my own, his pupils narrowed to blazing slits. We’re here together, feeling the same thing in the heat of the moment. Everything about him is luring me in, turning me on and making my clit throb for him.

  His raspy voice sounds in my ear. “If you want to, I’ll let you run.”

  His words are so out of sync with the moment that I can’t get my head around what he’s trying to communicate. “Why would I want to run?”

  “If you stay, I’m going to fuck you senseless and make you come all night long. If I’m too much or not to your liking, there’s an empty room across the hall. Make a run for it and I’ll head down to the surface to work off this.” Gesturing down to the huge bulge in his pants, I suddenly catch his drift.

  Shoving him back, I reach out, cupping his bulge in my hand and squeezing slightly. “When I’m the cause of your arousal, you don’t get to work it off with another woman. You save it all up for me. Got it, big guy?”

  Tearing savagely at his pants, he doesn’t take his eyes from me. I want to help him with his pants but I’m honestly afraid of getting mangled by his claws. When he shoves them down, I gasp. His thick cock has rows of bumps running down the full length on the top and a long, ribbed section on the underside with a thick vein running down the center. His balls are covered with more pronounced ridges and bumps. His skin is a darker shade of red and he’s so hard that his cock is almost flush with his body.

  “You don’t look horrified.” His voice is deep and slightly indignant.

  Jerking my head up to look into his eyes, I notice a glint of accusation. Gesturing to his cock, I respond honestly, “You have the nicest cock I’ve been privileged to see, Tarion of the Hielsrane. I can’t wait to try it out.”

  His nostrils flare as his gigantic wings come out to lift him slightly. Once the rest of his clothing is gone, he reaches for me. I come willingly into his arms, inpatient to experience intimacy with him.

  The next thing I know he’s lifted us again. We’re hovering in midair with his wings flapping gently. When our lips meet, something about being naked with our chests pressing against one another seems so right. He rakes one talon roughly through my hair as his other cups my bottom. He easily holds me in place as he tugs my head back to lick and nip at my throat. God knows I love every single dominant thing he does. His touch is such pure pleasure that I can’t help the tiny sounds that drift from my lips. The more he touches me, the more confident and relaxed he becomes. I remember he’s never been with a human, and suddenly, I’m envious of every woman he’s ever touched.

  Wanting this to be just as good for him as it is for me, I run my hands over his body. When I scratch my nails gently over his skin, it sends him into a kissing frenzy. Suddenly, we’re kneeling on the bed again. Instead of folding back his wings, he slips one under each of my arms and lifts me. Hovering just over his face, I look down to see him close his eyes and inhale deeply before exhaling, a low growl rumbling in his throat. The moment his hot dragon breath flows over my pussy I almost come from the prickling sensation spreading over my nether regions like wildfire. His forked tongue slithers over my tender flesh repeatedly, each time teasing and tantalizing me, driving me closer to the gigantic orgasm that I sense just beyond the horizon. Half-crazed with lust and afraid of falling, I grab onto his wing with one hand and try to balance myself. In doing so, I discover his wings are a lot softer than they look.

  My thoughts are ripped away on a wave of pleasure so strong it threatens to rip me apart. This dragon god is far too good at handling my body and making it sing to his tune. Suddenly it seems like all the air has been sucked from the room. In my mind’s eye I see a proud crimson dragon flying just above me. He’s staring down at me with fire in his eyes. I slide back into the moment as the strongest orgasm I’ve ever had shatters my soul.

  Nowhere near done with me, he flips me over onto all fours, claws raking gently down my sides, before I feel his eager cock nudging against my opening. I don’t know where the energy comes from, but I feel revived. Pressing back enthusiastically against him, I force him partially into my body. Grabbing a handful of my long hair, he turns my head around. “In my bed, I decide when and how to fuck. Don’t try to rob me of my power again.”

  “I won’t. You just make me a little crazy for you.”

  A smile replaces his former dark expression. “You want me badly?”

  “You’re a sexy beast. Of course I want you very badly.”

  A proud smirk turns the corners of his mouth up, his eyes burning with desire as he gazes down at me. “Then you shall have me. Prepare to be taken by a Drakon Prime.”r />
  His silly pompous preening is a bit odd and funny, but I honestly do ache for him. Therefore, I force myself to wait patiently as he slowly slides home. Each and every incremental move forward feels absolutely amazing. The pliable ridges and bumps hit all the right spots. I find myself whispering words of encouragement. Not that he needs any encouragement. The man knows exactly what he’s doing.

  Grasping one of my shoulders, I feel his claws tighten against my waist. It’s the grip he needs to pound into me with force. He shifts slightly with each stroke until he finds what he’s looking for. We both know it instantly because I scream with pleasure.

  “That’s the spot, my beautiful little brooder.”

  Being called a brooder would have sucked the fun out of getting the best sex of my life if it weren’t for the breathless, almost revenant way he speaks the word. Just when I am beginning to wonder how rare fertile women actually are among the Drakon, he rocks my world all over again when a gentle pressure nudges between my legs to find my clit. Something isn’t right. I still feel his grip on my shoulders and waist, his claws pressing into my skin in possession. Looking down, I see his tail snaking between my folds, searching for just the right spot. Before I can get my head around what’s happening, the damn thing finds what it’s looking for.

  The crimson dragon is giving me everything I could ever want from a man. Pulling me up and back against his chest, the sexy beast nips and licks my neck as his claw-tipped hands slide around to cup each of my breasts. Meanwhile his cock and tail seem to have a mind of their own. It’s too much. When a claw brushes against my nipple, I explode.

  He rides me through the orgasm and then flips me over so that my back is against the bed and plunges back in without putting up a pretense of asking. Do I object? Hell no. I want him to continue giving me a thrill a minute and he doesn’t disappoint. I lift my legs to make it easier for him to get the penetration he needs. The expression on his face immediately morphs into a mixture of raw lust and gratitude. He’s on the edge, I can tell because his movements are getting slightly jerky.


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