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Captured by the Alien Dragon

Page 8

by Stella Cassy

  I reach out both hands and rake my nails down his chest. A sexy growl escapes from his throat and his thrusting becomes more forceful. When that happens, the ridges at the base of his cock collide with my clit, provoking sparks of pleasure. I scratch him again and again, barely aware that the tiny pinch of pain is pushing him right over the edge.

  Something about seeing his bulky form hovering above me and his wings peeking out of either side of his shoulders flips all the right switches for me. His eyes are darkened with lust and his expression communicates the erotic bliss coursing through his body in his slightly parted lips. I move sensuously against him even as my nails dig deeper into his flesh. His normally crimson skin is now slightly darker, and I can tell he’s hanging on by a thread.

  I run both hands down and cup his balls. The slight nod I get from him is enough for me to understand. When I’m about to explode again, I gently squeeze him in both my hands. He stills against my body as I convulse into a blinding orgasm. He erupts inside me as we continue to stare into each other eyes. I’ve never done that before, looked into another being’s eyes as we shared a peak sexual experience.

  “That was amazing.” I don’t know exactly why, but after getting the best sex of my life, I feel like I should say something. Unfortunately, those three words are the best I can manage at the moment. “I can’t believe you use your tail.”

  He laughs. “It’s not a tail. It’s a caudal. Animals have tails. I have a caudal.”

  Rolling over, I look up at him. He looks relaxed and sated. Something stirs in my chest when I realize that I put that look on his handsome face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be offensive.”

  “You didn’t offend me. It’s a common mistake.”

  Walking two fingers up his chest, my imaginary person stumbles over his bulging muscles, making him laugh again. “I really like your caudal. He’s a talented fellow.”

  I can tell I’ve shocked him again. “I guess it isn’t polite to talk about a lover’s caudal, right?”

  Though he’s still smiling, his expression turns serious. “Complimenting a Drakon male’s caudal is considered the strongest mating gesture a female can make publicly.”

  Tracing my finger along his square jawline, I murmur, “What kinds of compliments are allowed in private?”

  “What kind are you interested in making?”

  “It’s not polite to answer a question with another question.”

  “Don’t change the subject.”

  “I’d want you to know that thing you do with your breath is amazing.”

  “My mating heat is meant to prepare your body for mating.”

  “Well it works like a charm. The moment you do that, I can’t think of anything but mating with you.”

  “It must be more potent on humans than on Drakon females.”

  “You also have a nice cock.”

  “Do I now?”

  “Yep, and you’re not shy about using it.”

  “Human females get all the best cock.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes. They are desired for mates and mistresses the verse over.”

  “Then why aren’t you keeping me? You and I are really good together.”

  “Do you always talk this much after sex?” His voice is light and teasing but there is something heavy and dark underneath.

  “Not really. I just wanted you to know that I really like you and would love the opportunity to get to know you better.”

  All the playfulness evaporates from his voice in an instant. “Let us sleep and talk about this tomorrow.”

  “Whatever you say, big guy.”

  Well that cleared things right up. I’m good enough for a marathon sex session but not good enough to keep. Maybe the money is just too good. Then again maybe he’d be doing this same exact thing with a seducer on Pralor Six if he didn’t conveniently have me sitting in his hold. A dark thought flows into my mind. There is every chance in the world that he was simply using what he had on hand to save paying the exorbitant prices that pleasure planets like Pralor Six charge for a night or two of debauchery. Considering his post coital attitude, that sounds about right.

  Instead of drawing back, I find myself burrowing down closer to the big warrior. Regardless of how unattached he is, I opened up and allowed myself to care for him for a brief moment. Since this is the only night I’ll ever have with him, I decide to just relax and enjoy the next couple of hours. After that, all bets are off. I’ll get the hell off this ship one way or another.



  My dreams are filled with images of Carissa’s beautiful face. She’s innocently seducing me without even meaning to and I find that too charming for words. Taking her from her cell, I’d been thinking of keeping her in my bed for a bit and then selling her on. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that she has more stamina and want than even a Drakon female. That the tiny, delicate brooder can sate the needs of a Prime is as shocking and unexpected as it is delightful. She’s worth the wealth of worlds to me because she spoke of her want for me and asked to stay at my side.

  Forcing my eyes open, I stare dreamily at the ceiling. How many times have I laid in this very spot counting the seams and rivets as I daydreamed about my perfect female? It had been too many times to count. Even now, I enjoy the taste of her body on my tongue. The scent of our shared sex still permeates the room. My caudal is twitching with interest and body is warming to the idea of having another short round of sex before we start our day.

  Reaching over, I find the bed empty. I sit up with a start. She is nowhere to be found in my sleeping room. Unfamiliar nausea churns in my stomach and a feeling of dread creeps into my heart. Deep down inside I knew this was too good to be true. Now I’m faced with the prospect of verifying her betrayal, I find myself reluctant. Taking a deep breath, I speak. “Computer. Locate the subject I have assigned the designation of truebrooder34589.”

  “Subject not on board. Do you wish me to scan the planet below?”

  “Yes. Send footage of the security feed between my quarters and the nearest three loading bays.”

  “Loading footage now, Captain. There is no trace of the subject on Pralor Six.”

  There are few things in the world better than a computer that can multitask. “Send me an account of how many crew members I have on Pralor Six.”

  “There are thirty-eight crew members on Pralor Six and forty at their various stations throughout the ship.”

  “Do I have any escape pods, fighters or mini-freighters unaccounted for?”

  “One fighter is missing. It is Dak29.”

  “I believe that is Nakoo’s fighter. Verify if he is onboard.”

  “Yes. He is sleeping on the floor in Loading Bay Two.”

  “Fuck.” Crawling out of bed, I stalk over to my computer console. “Healer Jarnok, you are probably needed in Loading Bay Two. Respond immediately.”

  Lehar’s anxious voice drifts over my communicator. “Is everything alright, sir?”

  “Our visitor has escaped from my quarters.”

  “Did you not think to lock her up? She’s a slave who escaped her masters. That fact alone makes her a flight risk.”

  “I didn’t think to lock her up because she was quite a bit more docile and cooperative when I brought her to my room last evening.”

  Snorting a laugh, my first officer retorts, “A night in your bed is enough to frighten any woman.”

  “Start scanning for her exhaust trail. She took one of our fighters.”

  “Ah, I see she chose Nakoo’s fighter. It’s one of the fastest we own. The brooder must have wanted to put some distance between the two of you and fast.”

  “You’re not funny, Lehar. You’re strange and look as though you should be. Unfortunately, you’re just not.”

  “Ouch, that hurt.”

  “You had better be scanning while you dream up new and ever more interesting insults to hurl at your captain.”

  “I’ve got it, but you�
�re not going to be very happy.”

  “Spit it out.”

  “The ship was recently fueled and, as you well know, we have been following your orders to retrofit all our fighters with back up fuel tanks.”

  “I wish to increase our patrolling and scouting range.”

  “You just increased the human’s ability to travel thirty percent further between fuel ups. Nakoo was up half the night retrofitting his fighter to meet your new specs.” Lehar’s voice turns empathetic. “Sorry, sir. If you’d like, I can recall our crew members from Pralor Six and we can make haste after her.”

  “We’ll be making haste all right, but I’ll not disrupt my crew’s shore leave. Tell them to stay until our return. We have more than enough crew to track down one errant slave.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  As messages begin coming in, my worse fear is realized. The female that I thought was growing to care for me clobbered one of my crew members over the head and stole his fighter. The healer diagnosed Nakoo with a minor concussion and is certain he will be fine. The pilot reports someone hit him from behind with a metal tool he was using to work on his small craft.

  This is all on me. I never once suspected the human could brutalize someone. That’s what I get for trusting a feral animal. They always eventually bite the hand that feeds them. How my father controls his female is a mystery to me. No sooner do I think the words than I know how he does it. We are evenly matched in every way, save one. He was chosen by a mate and I wasn’t. The few who remained long enough to test compatibility left immediately afterwards. Carissa just did the same. It must be true what they say. I’m a flawed male with no hope of continuing his line.

  So be it. If I am to live my life being consoled only by the lies of a paid seductress, I will forgo all honor. Tarion of the Hielsrane will become the monster they all believe me to be, wreaking havoc on all who would turn their back on me and all who seek to take advantage of my kindness.

  Bloodletting will become my new sport, beginning with the betrayer of my heart. I will teach her that Tarion of the Hielsrane is not to be underestimated, used or double-crossed. When I get my claws into her, she will live just long enough regret every single one of her lies

  Stepping into the shower, I begin to wonder many things as the warm water flows over my body. It is apparent that she lied about wishing to stay at my side. It calls into question all the other things she said. Has she really been a slave all her life? Was she harvested into slavery as an innocent child or because of some criminal act? Does she really wish to seek out her mother or was that a lie to gain my sympathy? I’m disgusted with myself, as I realize that if that was her plan all along, she succeeded beyond her wildest dreams.

  I jerk on a clean uniform as I mull over my options. I will have my revenge, for I no longer care about subtle distinctions such as the difference between justice and retribution. As petty as it sounds, I wish to deal her pain for the pain she has caused me.

  I fold my wings carefully behind my back and walk to the bridge wearing my warrior’s face once again. Unwilling to allow them to see my pain, I lower myself into my chair and listen to reports from my crew.

  They tell me what I know already. The fighter that Carissa has stolen is faster and more maneuverable than my ship. That means we will be forced to track her for days. Our only chance of securing her is to catch up with her when her fuel runs out. Our likelihood of locating her is high since we’re following her exhaust trail. If she manages to refuel, our chances diminish. If another ship crosses her exhaust trail, our chances diminish. If she lands on a planet with a large population, our chances of locating her also drop considerably.

  Though I’m still smarting from the viper’s sting, even I must admit that her choices prove her intelligence. Even Drakon females are not half as smart. It hurts that such a worthy brooder turned out to be a deceiver. Her deception will make it difficult for me to trust again. She’s taken something important from me and can unfortunately never give it back.

  As we chase down my errant slave, my mind drifts back to all the human media I’ve consumed. Humans thrive on conflict, deceit, and turning on each other with alarming regularity. I believed that all the conflict and mayhem in their shared stories was mythical. Good always triumphs over evil after all. Now I am forced to consider that they might be actual representations of human morality. If that is so, I have been grievously deceived by the human female.



  Relaxing on a long sandy beach, my eyes drift closed. The sound of the ocean waves lapping against the shoreline helps me to enter a state of peace. I dream about water a lot, but this dream is different. There are so many boulders strewn along the beach that it is difficult to find a spot for my lounger. A row of large, jagged stones separates the beach from the water, and another separates the beach from the rest of the island.

  After the endless dreams of being chased by a crimson dragon, it’s a relief this dreamscape looks totally different. Soaking up the sun, I don’t worry about being sunburned because none of this is real. It’s so peaceful that when a furious roar splits the air, my shocked body jerks to attention. The enraged crimson dragon is diving towards me.

  I’m lucid dreaming and fully aware that I’m projecting my own anxieties about being recaptured by Tarion into my dreams. Although that makes perfect logical sense, I’m still terrified when the creature lands a few yards away. He’s the size of a small shuttle and his eyes are fixed on me. I’m too scared to move, my pulse racing as he begins to stalk toward me. When he starts running full stop towards me, smoke rising from his flared nostrils, panic rises from my chest to my throat.

  Jumping when the dragon lands on me, I nearly fall out of the pilot’s seat. Rubbing my eyes frantically, the cockpit of the small fighter comes into focus. Since running out on Tarion, my dreams have been filled with images of the same crimson dragon. It’s funny that I’ve transformed the big lug into an actual dragon in my dreams. Something tells me dreaming about the real Tarion would make me want to go running back the only man I’ve come close to loving. That little nugget is a new epiphany I’ve had since being on the lam. I must have been developing real feelings for him. Why else would I be spending every waking moment wondering what he’s doing and if he misses me?

  He’s not only a talented lover with amazing stamina, but he’s also someone I can really relate to. Three days ago, I realized that we have several important things in common. We both lost our mothers at an early age, which clearly stunted our emotional development. Additionally, while I spend all my time fighting my masters, Tarion’s fighting his own battles, thinking that if he kicks enough ass and amasses enough wealth, he’ll get back all the respect he lost by failing to be accepted by a Drakon mate. We both keep everyone else at arm’s length, but for some absurd reason, we trust each other with our innermost secrets. I’m fairly certain he’s never shared that story about being locked in the ventilation system as a child with anyone else. For some godforsaken reason we click, and I miss the hell out of him.

  Transforming him into a real dragon is my mind’s way of keeping him at arm’s length. Despite that, I can’t help but feel like something else is happening. When we are together, I feel an undercurrent of something dark and dangerous. It’s like our connection is more than just the two of us.

  Maybe it’s all in my head. I’ve been in the black for over five days and it’s looking like I might need to make a refueling stop soon. One of my fuel rods has gone dark, and the other four are fading quickly. I won’t breathe a sigh of relief until I find a populated planet where no one will ever find me. If I keep my head covered and don’t draw a lot of attention to myself, I’ll be able to avoid capture. It’ll work because there is no other option.

  Trading in this fighter might be worth the effort of seeking out black market operatives. No legitimate dealer will buy stolen property. Stealing a valuable craft from the only person who ever gave me a chance at something better weighs heavy
on my conscious, however.

  My mind drifts back to the night I ran from Tarion. For some reason, leaving him had been difficult but necessary. Standing at the foot of his bed, he’d been gorgeous sprawled out naked. His wings were folded tightly against his back, covering the nice backside that I was dying to see. His beefy crimson arms were above his head, showing off his bulk. The guy even had nice feet.

  My heart and body were both on the same page; they wanted me to climb back into bed and just forget all about making a break for it. My more pragmatic brain had thought the situation through, however, and knew that in the end, mercenaries always go for the credits. Tarion is a complex being. He may have seemed interested in my life and wellbeing on the surface, but he abducted me and threw me in a cell. He slapped me across the face. It was nice of him to feed me and even nicer to let me out of the cage he put me in, but none of that makes him a decent person. He’s the snake that will bite me when I least expect it. If only I had my epiphany then instead of now. I wouldn’t be running short on everything from air to hydration fluid. Maybe I could have talked some sense into him. Jesus, even now I’m conflicted about him.

  His words whisper through my mind yet again, reminding me that he was the bad guy in our little scenario. I’m glad they put you back into circulation. That statement alone should tell me he doesn’t have a freaking clue. What kind of person is glad about another being made a slave again? Tarion just doesn’t get it and he may never really understand my plight. If that’s true, why do I miss him so much? It’s obviously because I allowed myself to care. I should have kept to the job at hand and closed off my emotions.

  Wiping at my eyes, I lean over the console to check my heading. I’m going to be just fine on my own. I don’t need anyone. My insanity has kicked up a notch. Talking to myself is a sure sign of mental instability and it’s happening a lot more lately. Maybe it’s just an outlet for anxiety. It’s mentally draining to be on the lookout at all times.


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