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To the Moon and Back

Page 23

by Melissa Brayden

  “Tell me about it. I want to live vicariously.” Carly wrapped an arm around Lauren’s midsection and snuggled in, taking a deep inhale.

  Lauren laughed. “Please, I’m the one in your world.”

  Carly blew out a jaded breath. “Not from where I’m sitting. You’re the one getting all the action.”

  “For bit parts maybe.” Lauren’s arm was draped around Carly’s shoulder. She began to play with Carly’s hair as they sat there, lifting it and letting it fall, which felt so amazing that Carly almost let go of the emotions that seemed to be taking their turns with her. Anger, desolation, and fear danced in a conga line of attack. The night seemed larger than she was, daunting in a new and unfamiliar sense.

  “A job is a job.” Carly forced a smile. “How did the auditions go?”

  Lauren scrunched her shoulders in that cute and hopeful way she sometimes did. “I think they went well. For this guest starring role on The Subdivision, they wanted to talk the scene out with me and try different motivations and tactics in the room. I’ve never had that before. Back in my auditioning days, they would just say thank you fifteen seconds in, and that’d be it.” She snagged a sip of Carly’s wine.

  “You have clout now. A quality credit from The McAllister and, even more importantly to them, UTA sent you. Everyone loves UTA.”

  Lauren shook her head, mystified, staring out into the night. “Who knew a stamp of approval from a reputable agency would pull such a different response to the very same person?”

  Carly pointed at herself and sipped her wine. “The second I was signed with Alika, the landscape of my career tilted dramatically in a positive direction. People paid more attention.”

  “I can’t imagine anyone not paying you attention. We walk into a restaurant and heads swivel.”

  “That’s not about me. I wish it was. That’s about the idea of me. The allure of fame.”

  Lauren turned in her lap to see Carly better. “You’re depressed tonight. Do me a favor and look at me.”

  Carly did. It was the best Band-Aid in the world. Lauren’s green eyes sparkled beneath the moonlight, and she suddenly had this urge to see her on Christmas morning, smiling as she unwrapped gifts. “I happen to know you pretty well after all this time we spent together, and I’m going to let you in on a secret. It’s about my first few days knowing you.”

  Carly grinned and gave Lauren a squeeze. “This should be interesting. A peek behind the proverbial curtain and into the mind of one Lauren Prescott.”

  Lauren looked skyward as she assembled her thoughts. Distantly, Carly heard a coyote howling. “I was prepared not to like you. Convinced I wouldn’t.”

  “Oh, this is off to a troubling start.” Carly stuck out her bottom lip.

  “Stay tuned,” Lauren said and bopped it. “The rumors were awful. Then you showed up late. You didn’t seem to care.”

  “Yeah, I’m really sorry about all of that. I feel like I’ve learned a lot since then.”

  “Not at all the point of my story. Do you want to listen or apologize some more?”

  God, Carly loved it when Lauren took charge and teased her. It got her all tingly and a little turned on. “I want to listen to you some more. Please go on. Regale me.”

  Lauren smiled, and Carly’s heart warmed. “But what happened, despite my preconceived ideas, is that I couldn’t stop stealing glances at you. I watched you work. I took note of how kind you were to everyone you spoke with. Your beauty took my breath away.” Carly’s lips parted, and she sifted through this new information. Lauren had noticed her that early on?

  “You’re not making this up?”

  Lauren shook her head. “The point of this story is that those heads turning have nothing to do with the fact that you’re famous. I’m sure it doesn’t hurt, but you need to take my word for this.” Carly blinked, realizing she was holding Lauren so tightly that she had to have noticed. “You come with a life force, Carly, a presence that draws people to you. You’re special in that way, and just being here with you tonight, I feel incredibly lucky. Getting to know you and seeing that what’s on the inside is just as beautiful as what’s on the outside has been the most amazing journey.”

  Carly couldn’t find words, and she was a person who always had them. Hell, she rarely shut up. After spending the day feeling inconsequential and small, Lauren, in under five minutes, had managed to make her feel like she mattered again. More than that, she felt important. What a gift Lauren had just given her. “Thank you for that. You didn’t have to, especially when I’m acting like a pathetic jerk and knee-deep in wine.”

  Lauren gave Carly’s chin a little shake. “It’s all gonna turn around. Just you wait. What did Alika say?”

  The corners of Carly’s mouth tugged. “She said I have an audition for a film on Thursday.”

  “What?” Lauren practically yelled, leaping off Carly’s lap and facing her. “And you’re just now saying so? Talk about burying the lede.”

  Carly laughed and held up a hand. “I’m not going to get excited about it yet, but the director knows my work, and if he’s asking me to come in, it’s a good sign. He’s aware of what he’s getting, right? And still asking.”

  “In my experience in the room with directors, yes, that’s been exactly the case. I think this bodes really well for you.” Lauren held out her hand, and Carly accepted it, standing.

  “Where are we going?”

  “We are going to your amazingly large kitchen where I’m going to cook us up some chicken carbonara while we sip wine and talk about our days.”

  “I have no groceries.”

  “Good thing I stopped at the store on my way home.”

  Carly shook her head. “God, you’re good.”

  “We’re not going to watch that video on your phone anymore because it’s stupid and not you. And if things go well in the kitchen, we might even fool around later. Who knows?”

  Carly blinked. “That sounds like exactly the kind of night I need.”

  Lauren kissed her hand. “I was hoping you’d think so.”

  As Lauren tugged her into the house, Carly raised an eyebrow. “You really think my kitchen is big?”

  “Do lesbians rent U-Hauls on Saturdays?”

  “That big, huh?”

  * * *

  Lauren shifted in bed as the early morning sunlight tiptoed in. She blinked against it, slowly waking up. Her body felt heavy and wonderful and warm. God, what was happening to her? She grinned. Carly was happening to her. Carly softly tickled Lauren’s stomach, waiting patiently for permission. Lauren had discovered early on that Carly loved morning sex, and it hadn’t taken much to make her a believer, too. She turned her head and found Carly’s baby blues. She still had those wonderfully swollen lips, a sign that Lauren had spent the night kissing them. Her blond hair fell across the pillow, and her hand circled Lauren’s belly button. Carly raised an eyebrow. Lauren shook her head with a chuckle, knowing exactly the plans Carly had. Except Lauren had plans of her own.

  “You’re sexy in the morning,” Carly said. Lauren pulled the sheet down from Carly’s chest for a more fulfilling view of her body. Carly followed her gaze down to her breasts and then back up again with a well, well look. Carly’s skin caressed by sunlight appeared so soft. Lauren wanted her.

  “I’m not the only one who’s sexy,” Lauren said. With the stirring between her legs propelling her, she eased Carly onto her side and pressed herself against Carly’s back. With her arm wrapped around Carly midsection, she had excellent access to the breasts she enjoyed so much. She cupped one, kneading it, pressing it, all the while listening to Carly’s quiet gasps. She pinched the nipple. Carly hissed in a breath. She slid her arm between Carly and the mattress, which allowed her to pay the same attention to the other breast. There was a bird outside, singing to them in the middle of November, Lauren realized distantly. The perfect soundtrack for the morning. She parted Carly’s legs with her knee and eased her hand between them from behind. She closed her ey
es at how ready Carly already was. She pushed against Lauren’s hand, but teasing her was so much more fun. She kept her touches light, fleeting, until she had Carly making the most adorable whimpering noises. Finally, she circled the spot she knew would take her over the edge and watched as her body flexed and clenched, her hips rolling in the most sensual abandon.

  “You’re shaking,” Lauren said, gathering Carly into her arms, once she’d gone slack.

  Carly smiled. “It was that good.”

  Lauren kissed her temple. “I think I like you.”

  “More. I think you have a crush on me,” Carly said, turning around in her arms and touching Lauren intimately. “Oh.” Lauren’s eyes fluttered closed. “I think…” Heat rushed downward. Her senses overloaded, and out of nowhere, the most powerful orgasm ripped through her just like that. Her body shook, the intense pleasure washing over, fast and hard. She arched her back while Carly’s hand continued to intensify her experience. The sounds she heard were from her, and she didn’t hold back. She could let go with Carly. She was safe. Finally, her muscles relaxed, and she lay satisfied against the bed. “That’s some kind of crush,” she murmured.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “I don’t know what you want from me. I answered your questions as best I could.” Carly blinked, then looked around the room, terrified.

  “Did you consult with the defendant before testifying here today?”

  Carly widened her eyes. “What? No. God, no. I haven’t spoken to Victor since that day in July. The day we lost Amy.”

  “You didn’t like the defendant’s wife, Amy, much, did you?”

  “I did.” Her lip quivered.

  “Do you always pull guns on your friends?”

  “Not always.”

  “Perfect.” Rick Hennessy stood from his chair across the room and approached her. The casting director hit pause on the video camera as Carly gathered her composure from the scene. This was the third reading she’d done for them that day She’d worked on the sides for hours to be sure she’d nail the audition, and while she wouldn’t say it was her best ever, she was still quite satisfied with her work. “You brought so much more to the character than even I saw,” he said and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Amazing work today. I know you’re not someone who auditions anymore, and I want to thank you for doing this for me. This has been just fantastic. My brain is firing.”

  “I’m glad. It felt good,” she said. “I love everything about the script.”

  “It’s a smaller role than you’re used to, but meaty as fuck, and I want to really highlight the character’s contribution to the main’s arc. Plus, there’s the whole shock factor of this scene that is going to have people talking once the reveal happens. You don’t see her admission coming.”

  “I didn’t, when I read the script.”

  He ran a hand over his stubble. “I can see you really killing this. It’s exciting. This has been good.” He looked to his casting director, still seated at the table, and nodded.

  Carly felt relief rise up in her chest, and she couldn’t stop smiling. She placed a hand on her chest. “I feel the same way. Honestly, for me, it’s not about the size of the role, it’s about the character.”

  “Totally.” He held out his arms for a hug, which she reciprocated. “Thanks for this, Carly. You were amazing, as you always are. Big fan. We’ll be in touch.”

  “I look forward to it. Thanks, Rick.” She waved to the group at the table and grabbed her bag. When she emerged onto the studio lot, she raised her shoulders to her ears and took a deep breath. For the first time in weeks, Carly felt like things just might be okay. She popped her sunglasses onto her face and headed home. Maybe she’d pick up a couple of iced coffees to surprise Lauren. After that, maybe they’d get dressed up and go some place fancy, romantic, and picturesque. She had something to celebrate.

  * * *

  The restaurant Carly had picked out for them was breathtaking. The Orchard Inn Restaurant was just what it sounded like, a little restaurant nestled inside an inn located on an actual apple orchard. Lauren had no idea such a combination existed and had never seen anything like it. It felt like they were having dinner in the most romantic of storybooks. She’d even worn the pretty red dress and her favorite silver bracelet to make her feel fancy.

  “I love you in red,” Carly said. “Not that I don’t like you in every color.”

  “I accept the compliment.” Lauren lifted her glass of Bordeaux in the soft candlelight. It had to be the most expensive wine she’d ever tasted, and it showed. She touched her glass lightly to Carly’s. “I missed you today. I’m glad we’re doing this.”

  Carly’s blue eyes sparkled, and matched the dress she’d selected for dinner perfectly. “I feel the same way. We were on opposite schedules all day, so I wanted to spend some time together.” She looked around. “I haven’t been here in years. It’s a little known LA secret.”

  Their set menu for the evening, which Lauren was told by the server changed nightly, was New York strip with pepper cognac sauce, creamed spinach, and poblano macaroni and cheese. For dessert, they’d have bananas Foster butter cake with a petite chocolate milkshake. It really was a fairy tale.

  It felt wonderful to be somewhere so quaint, so charming. Lauren’s day had gotten away from her. When she’d stepped into her callback for a bit part on an action movie, the casting director had taken a good hard look at her. After her reading, which she honestly felt she’d bombed, the woman met her in the hallway. “Do you have time for one more? I can’t help but wonder if you might be right for a hard-to-cast project. Something very different from this one.”

  “Um, sure. Of course.” She checked her watch and realized it was now late in the afternoon. How had that happened?

  The woman scribbled some directions on the back of her business card. “You’re looking for an office building three down from this one. I’ve messaged ahead and they’re expecting you. But hurry, because they’re wrapping up for the day and have agreed to squeeze you in.”

  “Okay. Great. I appreciate it.”

  Lauren quickly read a text from Carly about iced coffees as she scurried across the lot, halfway wanting to ditch the additional audition and join Carly at home instead for that iced latte poolside. Yet she reminded herself that she’d come to LA for an exploratory mission, and she needed to use her time to do just that. Carly would be waiting after.

  “And how was your day today?” Carly asked, swirling her wine from across the table. Lauren noticed a nearby table smile in their direction. They raised a glass to Carly, and Carly raised hers back. She’d been recognized but didn’t miss a beat in their conversation.

  “You first. Tell me all about the audition,” Lauren said, resting her chin in her hand.

  Carly lit up. “It went as well as I had hoped. We ran the scene a couple of different ways. They put me on video, which is customary, and by the end, I think the director was really happy.” She leaned in. “Hennessy is a straightforward guy, and I don’t think he would have gushed as much as he had if the offer wasn’t coming, you know?”

  “Of course.” Lauren sent a silent thank-you to the stars, which, on their way in, had glistened extra bright. Carly needed this pick-me-up in a big way. “I knew you’d nail it. Have you worked with this director before?”

  “Never, but we run in a lot of the same circles. I like his style.”

  “I liked the director from my audition today, too. I wound up with an extra one, which is why I was late. A casting director thought I might be a fit for another film her office was handling. So I ran over with it being so close and got to read for the part. Let me tell you, it felt like a much bigger deal than the low budget indie I read for first.” She hugged her shoulders together. “I felt Hollywood fancy. It was fun.”

  Carly laughed and sipped the wine. “Sometimes you find the very best possible projects that way. What’s the film about?”

  “I’m not sure. I didn’t even get the title of the film b
ecause it was such a whirlwind getting there, but the sides were from a scene in a courtroom and I read for a witness. We did some workshopping, and then they had me read with another actor who’s already been cast.”

  “Oh.” Carly inclined her head to the side. “That sounds like they really liked you.” She paused and set down her wine, as if mulling something over. “You said it was a court scene you read today. That sounds like my audition for the Hennessy film, strangely.”

  Lauren froze. “I don’t think so. The director’s name was Rick.”

  Carly nodded, her smile now tight. “Rick Hennessy.”

  “Oh, wow.” Lauren didn’t know where to go. Had she known this was Carly’s audition, the one she’d been so excited about, she never in a million years would have gone in for it.

  Carly shook her head ruefully. “We read for the same director today. Can you believe that? Crazy.”

  Lauren blinked. “I honestly didn’t realize. I’m so sorry.”

  Carly appeared unfazed, but almost as if she was trying for that. “You have nothing to apologize for. This town is pretty small at the end of the day.”

  Lauren sat back in her chair just as two amazing plates of food were set in front of them. She laughed. “I don’t even know what to say now.”

  This was certainly awkward.

  Carly took a deep breath. She stared at her plate as if she’d lost her appetite. Lauren hated that. This was their celebratory dinner. “I don’t think we have to say anything. It is what it is.”

  “Listen, I’m nobody and you’re Carly Daniel. There’s no competition here. Trust me.”

  Carly shook her head. “Don’t say that.” She seemed genuinely bothered by that sentence. “You’re Lauren Prescott, and you’re definitely somebody important, and the only person to call me on my own bullshit in a very long time.”

  Lauren smiled. “I think I was the only person crazy enough to.”


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