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Blackmailed by My Teacher

Page 7

by S. E. Law

  I nod.

  “It’s great, just big enough to be comfortable without being too big. I have the snacks ready and we are ready to watch whatever movie you picked. Now come here, my arms are empty and I want to fix that.”

  I get into the fort behind her and immediately, she wastes no time in curling up against my shoulder as I start the movie. I’m only half paying attention though; the sight of her happily munching on popcorn and staring at the screen while her curvy form relaxes against me is utter bliss. Her warmth pressed against my side is a tempting reminder that I’m not alone anymore and how, if things continue how they have been, I will never be again.

  The thought of spending the rest of my life with Kim leaves a sense of rightness in my chest, as if she’s what I’ve been waiting for all my life. As I consider the thought more, my certainty grows. Maybe she’s what I’ve been missing through all of the lonely years. The curvy girl brings light to everything in my life. My previously lonely nights are now filled with warmth and laughter. Her smile is enough to have me walking on air for the rest of the day and when she’s sad, it’s as if I share her pain.

  The only thing that would make me happier is having children with her. Even if she’s not expecting yet, considering how often we go at it without protection, a pregnancy probably isn’t too far off. My mind wanders as I imagine a little girl with Kim’s brown hair and my blue eyes. She would be adorable, and I’d spoil her to the ends of the earth.

  Would my daughter like girly things? Or would she prefer things like cars and sports? I’ll be fine with whatever she chooses to do because my children will have the support and love I never got from my parents. And Kim will be right there beside me, going to school plays and setting up birthday parties for however all the children we decide to have.

  That sounds right: our children.

  My daydream is shattered when Kim turns to me and asks, “Are you alright? You’ve been quiet since we sat down.”

  I smile at her.

  “Nothing’s wrong, my mind’s wandering to the future and I got carried away. Sorry for not paying attention.”

  Instead of shifting her focus back to the movie, Kim turns to face me fully.

  “The future? What were you thinking about?”

  Is it too soon to tell her? I don’t want to spook her while our relationship is so new, but looking into her big brown eyes, I decide to throw caution to the wind and answer honestly.

  “Our potential children and all the different things we’ll get to do with them. Parties, school events, things like that.”

  I pause to see how she’s taking this so far. Her eyes grow wide and she stammers.

  “Our children?”

  I shrug and grin again.

  “Yes, our children. Nothing would make me happier than to see you curvy and round with our baby, sweetheart. You’d be a perfect mommy, and I would love to have a little girl that looks just like you.”

  Her eyes are like saucers now, and she’s breathing hard. I take this as excitement as I continue.

  “I want our children’s lives to be full of wonder. I want them to know that we’ll support them financially, emotionally, and in whatever way they need. Does that sound crazy?”

  “Our children, plural?” she breathes.

  I nod.

  “Yes, Kim. I’d love to fill you with my seed and watch you grow round again and again with our children. Again, you’d be a wonderful mommy, and I can’t wait to make babies with you.”

  Kim shakes her head, the tears in her eyes ones of love and joy.

  “That’s not crazy because I want the same thing. I just wasn’t sure if you did too, Adam.” Her voice breaks a bit with emotion at the end.

  I take her hands and look deeply into her eyes.

  “I do, my beloved. You’re mine and we should start a family together as soon as possible. I can’t wait.”

  I lean my forehead against hers, enjoying the quiet moment as we soak in the future and all the possibilities it holds. I never thought I’d find someone who actively made me look forward to the future, but now she’s here, and I’m grateful for Kim. It doesn’t matter that our start was unconventional because we’re working through it and forging the relationship to be stronger. A relationship I hope will last for as long as we both shall live.

  However, I can’t resist these luscious curves, and within seconds, I’ve ripped my shirt off her shoulders as I devour her mouth. Kim is more willing than ever, and squirms and pants beneath me.

  “Oh yes, Adam!” she mewls. “Give it to me!”

  “I can’t wait, baby,” I growl. “Your sweetness is mine.”

  With that, we begin a round of frenzied lovemaking. Within seconds, she’s nude and parting her thighs, welcoming me into those lush depths. I plunge inside, sampling her sweetness while roaring my approval. This woman was made for me, and our frenetic lovemaking is proof of that.

  However, after our first round, I’m not done. I need this woman on every surface of this mansion, and soon, I have her nude and willing in the foyer.

  “Really?” she asks, giggling as her lush curves shake. “Standing up?”

  I nod.

  “Yes, sweetheart. Turn around and put your hands up on the wall. That’s right. Now lean forward and show me that bottom.”

  She giggles and does as I command. As that big heart-shaped ass rises in the air, I can’t resist and press a kiss to her swollen pussy lips. She sighs and her eyes flutter closed as those big breasts sway.

  “Ooooh, Adam,” she moans. “Do whatever you like with my body. I love being with you.”

  That’s my cue. I stand again, and slowly ease my hard shaft into her wet folds.

  “Oooh,” she moans again, already approaching the edge. “That feels so good.”

  I stroke in and out a few times before pulling out and lining up with her back hole.

  “I know you like getting both holes taken, sweetheart, and now I’m all wet and lubed up. Hold still, baby girl. Here it comes.”

  With that, I begin easing my giant shaft into her backdoor. It’s difficult because she’s always so small back here, but Kim takes a few deep breaths and then leans forward again.

  “That’s it,” I rasp. “Good girl. Loosen your sphincter and give it to Daddy. It feels good, doesn’t it?”

  She takes a few more deep breaths and then lets out a guttural moan. Sure enough, that tight core of inner muscle gives way and with a pop, I’m in. Oh fuck. Her asshole is so tiny, and I seize her hips with trembling hands, before pulling out and then sliding back into her asshole.

  “Fuck,” I grunt. “Oh shit shit shit!”

  But then disaster strikes because a blood-curling scream fills the foyer. What the fuck? Halfway through a stroke, I turn my head, and catch a glimpse of a middle-aged couple standing at the door. The man is stout, with graying hair and a purplish face. The woman is thin and small, with a look of horror on her face.

  “Kimmie?” she screams before covering her mouth. “Oh Kimmie!”

  My sweet girl is too far gone though. She loves getting her ass pounded these days, and with a cry and a squeal, Kim reaches climax. Her body shudders, those anal walls clamping tight as hot tremors run through her curvy frame.

  “Oooohh!” is her delighted squeal. “Oooohhhh-mommmmm??!?!!” she screams again, her eyes going wide with shock as she registers our unintended visitors.

  Oh shit. These are Kim’s parents. I must have left the front door unlocked, and they must have pushed the door open. Either way, we’re fucked.



  What can I do but apologize? I pull out of Kim even as the curvy girl lets out another wail of mixed pleasure and horror. Of course, I’m buck naked but I begin to apologize.

  “Mr. Jones, Mrs. Jones, this isn’t what you think. Or rather it is, but there’s an explanation.”

  My huge shaft is dripping with Kim’s fluids and Mrs. Jones covers her eyes with horror at the sight. Meanwhile, Mr. Jones looks
like he’s about to explode.

  “What the hell are you doing with my daughter?” he bellows. His shout is made louder by the echoing in the marble foyer. “Kim, get dressed this instant! You, you …”

  Her dad’s voice trails off because what is he going to say? He just caught his daughter in the middle of hot anal sex with a much-older man.

  “Daddy!” cries Kim before running off into the living room. She grabs my white shirt and wraps it around her curves before running back. Her hair is askew and her skin flushed. She’s never looked so beautiful as in this moment.

  “Daddy, I can explain!” she cries desperately. “This is Adam, and we’re friends,” she begins lamely.

  Her father’s face changes to a dark purple coloring as his rage froths.

  “That’s all you have to say for yourself?! We find you in this state of undress with a man three times your age and you have the gall to say you’re friends?”

  His voice booms and I feel Kim flinch. There are tears in her eyes, and she wipes at them with one small hand.

  “Daddy,” she begins again. “Please understand that this isn’t what –”

  But her dad cuts her off. He seizes her elbow as if to drag her out of my house, half-dressed and crying. Rage burns through my veins as he jerks the curvy girl to the door. How dare he come to my home and scare the woman I love? How dare he raise a hand to her?

  “Back off asshole. You’re trespassing on private property and harassing my partner. Lower your voice or I will remove you from my doorstep by force if necessary.”

  I know that there are better ways to handle this situation, but I refuse to stand by as this man terrifies Kim. She is a legal adult and there is nothing he can do to make her leave against her will. I’ll ensure it.

  Mr. Jones’s face becomes molten, just as I expect it to. Spit flies from his mouth as goes into another round of shouting.

  “If you think I’m going to leave my daughter here with you, then you’ve got another think coming! Come on, Marilou!” he shouts at her mother. “Let’s get our daughter away from this reprobate.”

  Now, the burly man has both his wife and his daughter in his clutches, and he begins forcibly hauling them towards the door. But Kim resists, and his arm lashes out and grasps her shoulder, the action startling her and enraging me. His grip is too tight and as Kim screams as I snap my own arm out to grip his, stopping him from trying anything else.

  “Stop, please!” she pleads, but I’m not listening. I don’t want to injure Mr. Jones, but I would never stand by and allow someone to hurt Kim. As I tighten my grip, I watch as her father’s face grows even more purple.

  “Stop!” Kim screams again. “He has high blood pressure! He’s going to have an aneurysm!”

  At those words, I stop applying pressure because I don’t actually want to kill the guy, although I’m nearing that point. I whirl at him and growl.

  “Your daughter is trying to explain something to you. Now I understand why you’re furious, and I would be too if I was in your place, but that gives you no right to come in here screaming the roof down. I will happily explain everything if you come inside, but keep in mind that I can still call the police for your trespassing on my land.”

  I finally back off, watching silently as Mr. Jones takes a few deep breaths. The purple color recedes a bit, and he loosens the top button of his collar. To his credit, he does stop shouting but as his eyes focus on Kim, I know that it’s far from over.

  “Put some clothes on, Adam,” she whispers to me. Oh right. I’m still stark naked, and angrily, I stalk to the living room to pull on my jeans before reappearing in the foyer.

  “Are you going to allow him to talk to me in such a way?” Bruce Jones is hissing at his daughter. Immediately, rage flushes through my veins. He just finished shouting at her, and now, he expects her to defend him? Before I can rip into him again, Kim steps forward, her chin tilted up.

  “Yes, I will, because you’re acting insane. You come here without knowing the whole situation and then try to intimidate me into leaving without even an explanation. Either you come inside calmly and I’ll explain everything or Adam will call the police on you. I’m over eighteen now, so I can legally be anywhere I want. You have no grounds to try to force me.”

  Pride blooms in my chest as I listen to her standing up to her father. I know better than most how difficult it can be to set boundaries, and she’s doing it for our relationship. Wrapping my arm around her shoulders, I tug her back against my chest before locking eyes with her father again.

  “As I said before, I know why you’re angry but let me assure you that despite our rocky start, I love your daughter more than anything. She is here of her own free will and as long as she’ll have me, I’ll be right here by her side. No one will change that, not you nor anyone else.”

  I feel Kim stiffen a bit in my arms, but I don’t look down. I didn’t mean to confess my love in this way, but it’ll have to do. I can always restage it later and do it again, but for now it’s more important that I convince her father of my intentions.

  Slowly, Bruce Jones begins to calm down. I don’t know what does it: my declaration of love or Kim’s threat to call the cops, but I don’t know nor do I care.

  When he finally speaks, his voice is considerably lower but it carries no regret over his previous rage.

  “Fine, I’m calm. But if you’re lying and she’s here against her will then I don’t care what I have to do. She’ll be leaving with us.”

  I nod easily; I expect nothing less from a father.

  “Fair enough, but if you start shouting again, I will pummel you to a pulp.”

  The pudgy man glances at my biceps and cringes a bit. I don’t blame him. I work out a lot, and my arms and chest are sculpted and defined. This is the perfect time to put my hard work in the gym to the test.

  But Bruce Jones takes another deep breath, and lets it out with a whoosh.

  “Fine. Let’s talk.”

  That’s all I need to hear, and I lead the way into the living room.



  I can’t believe this is happening. My parents walked in on me and Adam having anal sex in his home. It must have been terrifying because as far as they’re concerned, I’m a virgin. Imagine having that curtain ripped away, revealing a whole other reality.

  But what’s happened has happened, and I bite my lip. This is all so wrong, and even now, I smile weakly. Adam’s seed is trailing from my bottom hole, and subtly, I shift on the couch. He senses my unease, and grips my hand.

  “You okay?” he murmurs, those blue eyes intense.

  What do I say? My parents just got an eyeful of your enormous horse cock buried in my bottom? What parents ever want to see that happening? Instead, I merely smile weakly again.

  “I’ll be okay,” I say in a trembling voice.

  “Good,” he says, giving my hand another squeeze. Please let Bruce and Marilou understand, I pray silently. While their approval isn’t mandatory, I want it. I don’t want to spend every holiday remembering how my parents disapprove of my relationship. I will, if they try to make me choose between them and Adam, but I won’t like it.

  I love Adam too much to go back to how I used to be. Before, I was a naïve teenager who knew nothing about the real world. Adam makes me come alive and I won’t let anyone separate us, not even my parents.

  Bruce and Marilou take a seat on the couch opposite us. My dad glowers as my mom looks about to faint.

  “You can’t expect me to give my approval for this…disaster,” Bruce begins.

  All of my hopes come crashing down with that sentence. Clearly, my relationship with my parents is dissolving. I wish that there was a way for me to salvage it, but it seems unlikely.

  I take a deep breath and speak.

  “That’s fine. While I’d like your approval, I’m not going to break things off with Adam to get it. I love him just as much as he loves me, and I refuse to be separated from him. If you have a p
roblem with that then you know where the door is.”

  My parent’s jaws open in shock, closing and reopening. Generally, I’m a pretty obedient daughter, but as they’re about to see, things have changed.

  Marilou takes a deep breath and implores me with tears in her eyes.

  “Darling, think for a moment. You barely know this man and he’s three times your age! Don’t you want someone else who’ll age with you? And what about your dreams of going to college? Are you just going to give up on those now that you’ve met him?”

  Mom’s voice is oozing with pain that I do my best to ignore. If she wants to be in my life, then she’ll have to accept that Adam won’t be leaving anytime soon.

  I stare pointedly back at her.

  “Mom, I know Adam better than you two know me. I’m not bothered by his age; I love him for who he is, and not how old he is. As for college? I never had dreams of going, but you two did. I would have been just as happy working as a librarian, but you wanted children who were geniuses. You wanted to be able to brag to your friends that I was a doctor, lawyer, or some other prestigious professional. But the problem is that I don’t care about any of that, and now you have no say over my choices. If I eventually decide to go to college, it will be because I want to and no other reason.”

  Marilou sits back, one hand over her heart as she stares at me with something close to total shock in her eyes. I’ve never talked back to her before, so this dynamic is new. But I steel myself and refuse to give in because I’m not changing my decision. Adam is my everything, and I’m not giving him up for the world.

  Meanwhile, Bruce wraps an arm around Marilou’s shoulders before glaring at me.

  “How can you do this to your mother?” he snaps.

  I snap right back.

  “Why won’t you let me choose my own path in the world?” I demand. “I don’t want the things you want. Don’t you get it? We are different people. How did you find us anyways?”


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