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Blackmailed by My Teacher

Page 8

by S. E. Law

  Marilou is crying now, and Bruce pats her shoulder before glaring at me once more.

  “Your brother told us,” he says. “Imagine our shock! We thought you were going over to study with friends on weekends. We thought you were a studious, god-fearing girl who cared about her grades. Instead, you were having … unholy relations with this stranger!”

  My parents can be very religious at times, and I ignore his reference to backdoor love.

  “Well, it’s my choice and Kurt shouldn’t have told you where I was. I don’t know why he did, anyways. I was only doing it to save his ass.”

  Marilou looks up with tears in her eyes.

  “What? What does Kurt have to do with this? My baby boy is innocent!”

  I share a look with Adam. Clearly, my brother hasn’t told them the whole truth. He’s conveniently left out his role in this turn of events, and I take a deep breath before looking back at my parents.

  “Kurt knows more about what’s happening than he’s letting on,” are my slow words. “I suggest you have a conversation with him because in fact, he’s a key character.”

  “But he’s been so depressed lately,” my mother sniffles. “He keeps acting like the weight of the world is on his shoulders.”

  “And for good reason,” I emphasize. “But you talk to him first, and then come back to me. But whatever your conclusion is, know this: I’m staying with Adam.”

  My dad interrupts.

  “You’ve been brainwashed,” he says. “You don’t know up from down at this point.”

  Adam literally begins to growl when I cut Bruce off again.

  “No, I do. Now leave. Go find Kurt, and after you’ve talked with him, give me a call. Then we’ll figure out if there’s a path forward for us.”

  My parents look like they want to protest, but then Bruce helps Marilou up. My mom appears unsteady, and my heart breaks. No parent wants to find out that their innocent, virginal daughter has taken up with a much-older man. But this is my life, and they have to accept it if they want to be a part of my future.

  “Let’s go, Marilou,” my dad grinds out while refusing to look at me. “We shall not stay longer in the devil’s den.”

  I roll my eyes, but they don’t see because they’re already hobbling towards the front door. Soon, the snick of the front door sounds, and Adam are I are alone in his mansion.

  That had gone considerably worse than I thought it would, but as I look up into Adam’s eyes, I know I made the right decision. His gaze is filled with love and support for me, and I smile with my heart in my throat.

  “Now that they’re gone, I want to thank you for helping me through that. You didn’t have to –” I begin. But his mouth cuts off the rest of my apology as his arm wraps around my waist. Shuddering against him, I coil my arms around his neck and curl against the safety of his chest.

  After the last few hours of emotional upheaval, I can use a lot of cuddles right now. His other arm drops down to complete the hug as his kiss slows down to an almost painful tenderness.

  The pain drains out of me as his fingers stroke up and down my back, the soothing touch helping me gather the strength to speak.

  “You love me?” I ask. My voice comes out with a pleading undertone, making me grimace at how pathetic it sounds. But he tightens his hold around me and answers.

  “Yes, sweetheart. I have since the first day we met. Watching you bounce around my kitchen, glowing from excitement as you made me lunch is when I began to fall for you. I didn’t tell you because I wasn’t sure if it would scare you, but I’m glad to know that isn’t the case.”

  I melt into him further.

  “Good, because I love you too, Adam. I have since the very beginning,” I think, is my shy confession. “I know I was put on your doorstep for a reason, and at first I thought it was because I was trying to protect my brother. But the more I get to know you … well, I guess I fell in love at some point, and I can’t lie to myself anymore. I’m not here because of him. I’m here because I want to be with you.”

  Adam nods, his gaze somber. He puts a finger under my chin to tilt my head his way.

  “Me too, sweetheart. In fact, the day you showed up on my doorstep, I called Adella Rogers and declared her debt paid. I didn’t want to keep you here against your will, and I didn’t want her to force you to do so either. So we’ve been operating in the free and clear for a while now. Both of us,” he emphasizes.

  I smile again, hope growing in my chest.

  “We’ve loved each other from the beginning?” I ask tremulously.

  He dips his head and captures my mouth in a kiss.

  “It seems so. Isn’t it funny how a little blackmail turned out?”

  I merely laugh this time, so safe and secure in the arms of the man I adore.

  “It is,” I concede. “But there’s just one more thing, Adam.”

  He looks at me somberly.

  “Anything, sweetheart. Ask and I shall provide.”

  I smile shyly at him.

  “Will you give me a baby? For real this time?”

  The touch of his mouth is my answer because the billionaire wants what he wants … and a little blackmail won’t stop him from getting the most precious thing of all: a child made from our love.



  Two years later.

  I watch as Adam rocks little Lily to sleep. The sight never becomes old to me as I sit at our kitchen table. My big belly makes standing interesting, but I wouldn’t trade this for anything in the world.

  After all, I’m expecting our second child, and I’m over the moon about the new baby on the way. My life is happier than I ever imagined it could be, and I’m grateful at how it’s turned out.

  Two years have flown by since that fateful day when Adam and I declared our love for one another. We found out that I was pregnant shortly after the confrontation with my parents, and it was a difficult decision, but Adam convinced me to finish high school. I graduated just before Lily was born, and am relieved that I’m no longer in class. After all, it would be so difficult to mother a newborn while also studying and taking tests.

  Unsurprisingly, Mrs. Rogers didn’t come back to teach History the next school year. Adam swears he had nothing to do with it, but I know my man. He’s a very powerful businessperson with many resources, and he’s able to work behind the scenes to get things done. Plus, he’s never forgiven Adella Rogers for terrorizing me, even if it all turned out well in the end.

  The real problem is my family though. I was never able to really get an answer from Kurt about why he threw me under the bus. I understand that he was anxious, depressed, and confused, but is that ever really an answer? Fortunately, after graduation, my brother got a job teaching English overseas, and we don’t see each other much anymore. He sometimes chats on video with his niece, but we never talk much as a brother and sister. When he finally owns up to his betrayal, maybe we’ll have something real to discuss.

  But therein lies the rub. Kurt’s “betrayal” led me to this point in my life. It made me realize my feelings for Adam, and acted as a catalyst for our relationship. We declared our love for one another that day, and have been an item ever since. Adam and I don’t talk much with my parents, but they seem to be coming around. They love Facetiming with Lily, and my mom seems really excited with this new pregnancy.

  Now I sit in our kitchen, our second baby ready to be delivered any day now as my bulging stomach can attest to. I’m wearing nothing but the tiniest lingerie and a smile.

  I thought being pregnant would be a turn off for Adam, but the weight gain is an aphrodisiac for him. He can hardly keep his hands off of me, even more so than before. His obvious delight in the changes my body has undergone helps my confidence by leaps and bounds on the bad days.

  “How are you feeling?” he asks, once Lily’s asleep.

  I stretch and yawn, and a big breast pops out of the cup of my bra.

  “Oops! I’m good,” I say with a teasing

  Adam grins as he stalks over to me, as agile as a tiger.

  “Good, because I’m good too,” he growls, leaning forward to kneel between my legs. He pushes my knees apart and nods approvingly at the sight.

  “Sweetheart, you’re so wet. Even wetter now that you’re in your third trimester.”

  “I know,” I reply. “And I need you so bad,” I coo, pulling the fabric at the crotch to the side to show him my pulsing slit. “Put it in?”

  Of course, my man doesn’t hesitate, and in a moment, I’m impaled on that huge shaft.

  “Oh yes,” I moan with delight, my eyes rolling back in my head. “Mmmm, it feels so good!”

  Adam groans too.

  “I love being stuck in you baby, but I have one request.”

  I giggle.

  “I can hardly say no to anything while I’m in this position.”

  He growls and grins, pulling me even further down his hardness.

  “I know, that’s why I’m asking now. Will you marry me, Kim? Will you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Adam Jackson?”

  At that moment, my pleasure peaks and I let out a scream.

  “YES!” is my squeal. “Yes yes yes!”

  Adam swallows my cries while kissing me passionately, and I climax again and again as my fiancé strokes my curves. After all, I was meant to be with this man, forever for the rest of our lives.


  More from S.E. Law

  Who falls in love with her friend’s dad and stepdad? Read Marni’s story in Her Honey Pot, available here.

  Even worse, I decided to fall in love with both of my mom’s ex-husbands. It’s filthy, but I still like calling them “Daddy.” About My Daddies is available here.

  The two cherry farmers are plucking Courtney’s cherry this season in Her Juicy Cherry, available here.

  My prom night was a disaster when I caught my boyfriend cheating on me with my best friend. But the older alpha male made it all better in Forbidden Fruit, available here.

  Getting pregnant? A big deal. Getting pregnant by your handsome, hands-on personal physician? An even bigger deal. And don’t forget, he has a business partner who loves being in on the action as well. Playing with Her Doctors is available here.

  After I blackmailed my dad’s best friend, the alpha male swore revenge. But what we didn’t expect was the attraction between us … and now we’re having a baby. Pick up Blackmailing My Dad’s Best Friend here.

  My dad’s boss caught me in a naughty position, and now he says that I have to let him enjoy my curves. Sound delightful? Then you’ll love Blackmailed By My Dad’s Boss, available here.


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  Sneak Peek: Blackmailed By My Dad’s Boss


  Tammy breaks into her dad’s workplace, only to be discovered by her dad’s handsome boss in a compromising position.

  I’ve been lying in bed for hours, too wired to fall asleep. My parents asked so many questions tonight. It’s like they knew I was about to do something insanely stupid once they were both asleep. Then again, they seem to have a sixth sense for nonsense that I think comes with parenthood. Who knows? Either way, it made me extremely nervous. I just hope they didn’t pick up on that.

  But I need to stop thinking and get moving. It’s late enough that I know Mom and Dad are long since asleep. I left an already packed bag in my car, so I won’t have to lug a bunch of heavy equipment with me. After all, the goal is to make as little noise as possible as I leave the house. Stepping out of my room, I tiptoe downstairs, feeling like a thief.

  It’s time to do something reckless.

  Okay, so my idea is something that many people would consider totally stupid and idiotic. But my reasons for this fool’s errand are justifiable. It’s not like I’m doing this purely out of morbid curiosity or because I’m trying to steal stuff. But what I’m about to do is still technically a crime. And if I’m caught, I just might go to jail. Because of this thing called “trespassing,” which is part of my plan.

  So it would be best if I don’t get caught…

  Oh golly, I can’t believe I’m about to break into Brick Productions. My dad has worked at Brick as a video editor for years. He’s been with them almost since the very beginning, when CEO Brick Barrister founded the place. Lucky for me, Dad’s seniority means I’m familiar with the company, so I know its approximate layout. I used to tag along with my dad on days when I didn’t have school or when he wanted to show me something new and cool.

  I guess what I’m doing is technically called “breaking in,” but then again, who’s keeping track? It isn’t going to be hard, but that doesn’t make the activity any less criminal. I just have to make sure not to get my dad, or myself, into any trouble. Legal or otherwise. My family would be devastated if I went to jail.

  Focus. I need to stop thinking about how illegal what I’m doing is and just get on with it. It’s important to turn these thoughts into actions because if I can get this audition tape made, I might be able to finally achieve my lifelong dream. Besides, I’m not really breaking in because I’m using my dad’s key. I’ll just consider my actions as coming in during off-hours without informing anyone and using property that isn’t mine without permission – but only briefly and while being careful not to destroy anything. Sounds reasonable, right?

  I pull into the parking lot, and turn off my headlights. Then, I tiptoe towards the building, avoiding the main entrance. Instead, I head over to the side door. I take out my dad’s key and quietly, let myself into the building. Not wanting to make any excess noise, I take the stairs and tiptoe to one of Brick Production’s many sound stages. I try not to breathe. There probably isn’t any night staff around these parts, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

  The studio has top-notch equipment, which is key. They have video cameras that literally cost as much as a house, as well as fancy sound equipment and lighting of various sizes and strengths. I’m making an audition tape for Fantastic Florists, a new reality show, and this equipment will help me produce something professional-quality.

  After all, I used to watch an educational TV series about plants called Flower Power when I was a kid, and the show fueled my interests in everything floral. My childhood dream was to be one of the assistants on the show, but it was canceled right after I got started in my career.

  So when a new show, Fantastic Florists, was announced recently, it felt like a sign. I have massive stage fright, but I’m putting all of that behind me because the prize is $50,000. Imagine what I could do with fifty big ones! I could open my own floral shop, which I’ve dreamed of doing for ages. It would be so great to beautify the community while interacting with customers every day.

  I’ve scrutinized the numbers. Having my own outfit is definitely possible if I use the 50K prize wisely.

  Plus, I’ve gotten so much experience while working at Greener Thumb, a local shop in downtown Merryton. I’m practically running the place, to be honest, and it makes me feel proud yet resentful because I hate my current boss, Abigail.

  It wasn’t always like this. When I first interviewed for the position, Abigail was all smiles and really sweet. Even my first few weeks on the job were pretty great, but she revealed her true colors in time. She has this way of getting under my skin. She loves throwing around her authority and acting like just because she signs my paycheck every other week, she can do whatever she wants. I haven’t been able to quit because I really need the money, but this reality show just might be my ticket out. It’s time for me to strike out on my own in the floral industry.

  But first, the audition tape. Upon arriving at the sound stage door, I use my dad’s keycard to buzz me in. This causes about five seconds of anxiety when I realize that I don’t actually know if
these things work at night. Thankfully, the door clicks open without protest. Once inside, I switch on the light. It illuminates the room, and I gasp at the sound stage before me. Everything here is so professional.

  Cameras, booms, mics, lights – literally everything is within reach. Brick Productions is a film production company, and they make all kinds of movies, including documentaries, thrillers, Hallmark-type holiday romances, and indie films. I haven’t seen all of their productions, but I have watched my fair share. They do good work.

  But now it’s my turn to make something stellar.

  I brought a huge tote bag full of my supplies. There’s already a table set up in front of the camera, so I don’t have to find one myself. Convenient.

  Reaching into the bag, I take out scissors, shears, ribbon, vases, and some flowers – all tools of the trade. It’s everything I’ll need to make the perfect audition tape. I quadruple-checked this bag before leaving the house; I wasn’t about to let tonight be ruined because I forgot to bring the right flowers or the perfect ribbon.

  I need to nail this audition, which I’m sure will happen. After all, I’ve practiced this an infinite number of times in front of the mirror. I’ve remade my audition arrangement so many times, I’ve started to dream about it every night.

  I just need to be confident.

  My dad showed me how to use all of this fancy camera stuff a while back. He’d thought it was a fun way for us to bond. I enjoyed our days together, toiling with tape decks and editing software, even if it was just a casual hobby for me. I’m not saying I could shoot an Academy Award-winning film, but I should be able to produce a decent tape tonight.

  I lay out all of the tools before me, making sure they look nice and neatly arranged. I don’t want the judges to have any reason to reject me. I’m going to do such a good job that they have to choose me.


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