Dear Diary, I Have A Mate
Page 19
Ty is just so sexy lately. I just want to kiss him all the time. After the whole Addie matter it's like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders, not to mention Isaac hasn't tried to contact me since our fight.
I don't know, it's like his eyes are sparkling more and lips are more kissable; I must be going crazy.
I heard Carter say that we are all just in summer heat or in other terms this is when wolves are most on edge with it being the end of spring. I guess I'm just catching the vibe from Ty or something.
Anyways Addie and Paxton are doing great now. Addie has let a lot of her walls down and even came to visit us last week. Paxton keeps thanking me for all I have done to help his mate. Honestly, I did it for Audrey, but I also love bringing the wonderful world of wolves and mates into people's lives. I mean mates are just so special and not everyone finds their mate.
“Are you trying to make me attack you?” Ty groaned.
“What?” I asked, turning my head towards him.
We are currently lying out in the grass just watching the clouds the go by.
“You've been in deep thought for the last ten minutes.” He chuckled.
“Sorry.” I giggled.
“You're so beautiful,” he whispered, rolling over and on top of me; however, none of his weight was on me.
I smiled up at him. His hair was getting longer and I think I like it better that way; it has the whole shaggy look to it, making me want to reach up and scruff his head. His eyes are piercing down into mine, making me never want to look away.
“I love you.” I smiled.
“I love you, and I love when you smile when you see me. I like that I can make those dimples of yours appear.” He winked.
“You're a psycho,” I mocked.
“Only for you,” he teased. I smiled and closed my eyes as his head inched closer to mine. Instead of planting his lips on mine like I had thought he started planting small kisses all over my face.
“TY!” I laughed, opening my eyes.
“What?” he asked innocently.
I pushed at his chest and then stood up.
“If you run away,” he started to say.
“If I run away what?” I mocked.
“I will capture you and never let you go.”
“Haven't you already done that?” I teased.
“Take that back,” he joked, moving towards me.
“RUN THERE'S A PSYCHO ON THE LOOSE!” I screamed even though we were the only ones out there besides Audrey and Carter who were on the porch swing.
They both laughed in amusement at us as I raced past them and into the house. I ran past the living room and was planning on going into the garage but Ty was now in front of me with his arms crossed.
I spun around but I felt two strong arms around me, caging me in.
“HELP!” I laughed as Ty picked me up and carried me upstairs.
“No one can hear your screams.” He chuckled.
He placed me in the bedroom and shut the door.
“I love you so much babe and you are so sexy,” I started to enumerate as he backed me into a corner.
“What else?” he asked in amusement.
“Um you're the strongest person alive and you are really fast,” I squealed as his hands made contact with my hips.
“I'm not going to tickle you.” He chuckled.
“Yay you're the best.” I laughed.
“But I am going to hold you prisoner forever.” He smirked.
“Deal.” I laughed.
He pecked my lips, which turned into the hottest make out session yet; I don't know how this boy has such a great effect on me.
* * *
“I can't believe you have never seen fireworks!” Ty nearly shouted.
“I can't believe you have,” I said defensively, even though I could.
“Well it is Fourth of July and so after tonight you will not be able to say that anymore.” He smiled.
After a long drive we were at a small river. Ty laid out a blanket and told me this was going to be the best show ever.
We lay on the blanket and not long after fireworks erupted in the sky. I gasped. This is not like anything I could have ever imagined! This was amazing.
It all ended too soon.
“I don't know what was better, the fireworks or your face when you saw them,” Ty whispered, rolling on top of me.
“That was the best thing I have ever seen.”
“We can come again next year babe.” He chuckled.
“Really?” I asked hopefully.
“We can come every year as long as you want to keep coming.” He smiled.
“Thank you, Ty,” I whispered.
“I love you.” He chuckled.
After the drive home we headed upstairs and I changed into a tank top and short shorts; it was hot!
I walked out of the bathroom and sat on Ty's stomach.
“Are you trying to get me worked up?” He chuckled.
I think I am ready for this. I am ready for Ty. I know I am. I love him so much and I know he has been waiting for a long time to have me; he just hasn't said anything because he doesn't want to push me. Needless to say, I have been with Ty for a while now and I want him.
“Aria, are you sure?” Ty asked in shock but I knew he was ready to rip out of his clothes. I slid off his stomach and nodded grinning.
“You want to? You're sure?”
“Yes Ty, I love you and I'm ready.”
“You need to tell me if you feel any pain, and I will stop.”
“I will, promise.” I smiled.
With that he beamed at me and then rolled on top of me. I attacked his lips while he slipped off my tank top.
He moved his lips down to my neck where my mark was making me moan.
This is a night I will never forget. Ty had taken me to see fireworks for the first time and now I feel fireworks all over my body. Right when I knew I had all of Tyson I felt a swarm of pleasure that I can't even put to words.
It did hurt, a lot for the first thirty seconds probably, but after those thirty seconds I know why I had made this decision. I love Tyson and I know for sure he is my first and last.
* * *
I woke up feeling amazing. I looked over and blushed when I saw my nude body pressed against Ty's nude body.
I slipped out of his reach and grabbed shorts and my tank top that had been thrown on the floor last night and went into the bathroom.
After changing and going to the bathroom and I climbed back into bed with Ty. I cringed a little at the pressure as I sat back down.
“Are you okay?” Ty asked.
“Yes.” I blushed, turning my head the opposite way.
“Don't turn your pretty little head away from me.” He chuckled, kissing my flushed cheeks.
“Are you sore babe?” he asked in concern. I looked at him and my blush deepened.
He asked that question as casually as if he was asking about the weather.
“A little,” I admitted.
“Then you my princess stay here.” He smiled, slipping on a pair of sweatpants.
Ty came back with two plates of waffles.
I smiled as he handed me my plate and he sat down with his.
“Thanks babe.” I smiled, eating up, I am starving!
All I know is that I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here eating waffles with my gorgeous mate after the most wonderful night of my life.
Chapter 36
Dear Diary,
Last night was amazing.
Ty and I “mated.”
Carter and everyone can tell and apparently, I'm glowing.
I don't care though because it is just proof that he is mine and I am his.
“So the girls win,” I declared.
We are currently sitting on the couch in the living room arguing over watching Rise of the Planet of the Apes or The Last Song.
“How? Carter and I both voted for this and you two voted f
or that, so it's a tie,” Tyson replied.
“We are going to cry,” I threatened, crossing my arms over my chest. Audrey glanced over at me and imitated my body language.
“Are you kidding me?” Tyson groaned.
“Nope.” I smirked, and Audrey smirked at Carter. I've taught her well.
“How about if we watch Rise of the Planets of the Apes now, we can play night games tonight, and then watch The Last Song before bed?” Tyson reasoned.
Audrey and I looked at each other. It was a fair trade and when Audrey shrugged her shoulders I took that as confirmation.
“Okay deal.” I nodded.
“Yes boys win!” Ty shouted.
I flicked my middle finger at him, making him smirk.
“Whoa babe maybe later,” he replied chuckling. Carter burst out laughing and my cheeks turned flame red.
“Tyson Dalton!” I shouted.
“Love you babe.” He winked.
* * *
It was now dark out and we are about to play night games. Ty is finishing up a phone call in his office and then we are going to play.
Some of the other pack members are joining us as well.
There is going to be a bonfire and we are going to play games like “Ghost in the Grave Yard” which is just and intense version of hide and seek in the dark with way more running.
Ty came out looking a little conflicted but his face softened when he saw me.
“Ready?” he asked.
“Ready.” I nodded, but winced slightly at the pain in my stomach.
“Are you okay Ar?” he asked.
“Yeah I just have a stomachache, I'm fine.” I smiled.
“Alright let's go.” He nodded, grinning down at me and grabbing my hand.
After an exciting round of Ghost in the Graveyard Tyson was the tagger. I ran off as fast as I could and hid behind a tree.
In all honesty I knew Ty would find me first and attack me.
He has been holding onto my hand all night long and hiding with me. Somehow Carter managed to tag him though.
I felt two strong arms wrap around me, making me laugh.
“Tyson you can't just sneak up on people.”
He grunted in response. I got a bad feeling all of the sudden. I didn't feel the sparks right now when we were touching and his arms didn't feel as strong or safe.
“Ty stop dragging me. Where are we going?” I asked.
“ARRABELLA!” I heard someone call. It was Tyson.
“TY?” I screamed.
A hand was slapped over my mouth and before I knew it I was being shoved into a van.
I screamed and screamed until I realized who was driving.
“Isaac what the hell?” I shouted.
“You wouldn't return my calls.”
“What are you talking about?”
He then parked the van and climbed over the seat and into the back with me.
“I kept calling and calling and Tyson said he would tell you I called.”
“He didn't tell me.” I whispered, mostly to myself.
“I didn't mean to kidnap you Ella I swear. I just needed to talk to you.”
“Okay but Ty's going to be pissed.”
“I just want to let you know I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything. For our past and for coming across as a maniac,” he sighed in frustration.
“I know Isaac, I just think we are both different now than when we were little kids.”
“Exactly which is why I wanted to call you and tell you I'm so happy that you found Tyson, and I'm going to move back in with my mom and I wanted to say goodbye and hope we keep in touch.”
“We will Isaac and you're going to find someone great.” I nodded.
“Thanks Ella.” He smiled.
“Now Ty is probably looking for me.” I worriedly told him.
Just then the van door flew open and I was being pulled out.
“Hell yes we are looking for you,” Carter growled, hugging me and pulling me out of my seat.
I looked over and noticed Ty ripping Isaac out of the van.
I ran over to them and pushed at Ty.
“What did you do to her?” he asked.
I almost groaned in frustration I don't know if Ty actually thinks I'm in danger right now or he's just being jealous!
“Nothing man.”
“Tyson stop!” I screamed.
He glanced over at me, and Carter pulled me back a little.
“Carter let me go,” I calmly said.
“Let her go,” Ty confirmed.
“Did you not just hear that conversation?” I asked.
“I heard you worried and telling him I was looking for you,” he replied, glaring at Isaac.
“Let him go Tyson,” I snapped.
The sharpness in my voice must have hit him because he let go of Isaac.
“I'm sorry Isaac,” I said.
“Bye Ella.” He waved, getting in the van and driving away.
“Aria?” Ty asked.
“I don't want to talk to you right now,” I replied, walking away.
“You don't even know how to get back,” Ty pointed out, appearing next to me.
“I can figure it out.”
He stopped and stood in front of me.
“I'm lost Ar. Isaac kidnapped you and I'm the bad guy?” he asked.
“How many times did Isaac call?” I asked.
Understanding dawned on his face but it quickly turned to anger.
“Aria that scum doesn't need to talk to you.”
“Is that really why you didn't tell me?”
“I can make that decision for myself Tyson,” I groaned.
“You're better off without another man who hits you,” he replied, standing in front of me and looking into my eyes.
“Ty he just wanted to tell me goodbye and that he was happy I found you.”
Shock flashed over his face.
“Yes, he's going to live with his mother again.”
“I was just trying to protect you.”
“I know babe. I'm sorry I yelled at you.” I sighed.
“I deserved it, and you can be pretty scary,” he teased.
“I know babe.” I laughed.
After that we walked back to the house and went up to the bedroom, and let me tell you the makeup sex was better than ever.
* * *
“Aria you're a brat,” I teased, letting her put in The Last Song.
“I'm not a brat. You just think that because you're a jerk,” she remarked in her very “Aria” way. I rolled my eyes and let them wander to Audrey who was in the kitchen getting popcorn. Since Aria somehow got kidnapped from a bunch of wolves last night we didn't watch the chick flick with them, which is why we were all sitting here on a Thursday afternoon about to watch The Last Song.
I looked over at Tyson and Aria, who was already on Tyson's lap, and snorted just loud enough to bug Aria.
“Carter you're a child.”
“Okay whatever you say princess,” I mocked, using the name Tyson always called her earning me a warning glare from Tyson.
“From the boy who believed the ice cream truck was out of ice cream when it played music,” she sarcastically remarked. I can't believe this girl spent most of her life not talking. I mean she never misses a beat.
“Come on babe!” I called to Audrey. I missed her, and Tyson and Aria cuddling made me want Audrey in my arms even more.
I love her so much. I just don't know when the right time to tell her would be.
“Hold on,” she called, glancing back at me with those light brown eyes of hers.
I sighed just for dramatic effect, plus I knew it would get on Aria's nerves as a bonus.
There's something different about Aria. I can't quite get my finger on it though. I mean she smells different for sure but that's probably from finally mating with Ty. If Tyson doesn't notice anything then it probably is nothing.
nbsp; Audrey then came skipping over in obvious excitement about the movie we were about to waste two hours of our lives watching!
But the look on her face right now is the reason I'm sitting here about to give two hours of my life I'll never get back.
I already know I'll be watching my angel more than the movie.
“Carter can you stop staring at Audrey and press play?” Aria mocked, interrupting my thoughts.
“I can't help it. She's beautiful.” I shrugged, making Audrey blush, score. I love her blush.
“I can't help that the remote is way over there, so press play,” Aria teased. Wow she is really getting good at comebacks.
“You are the little sister I never wanted,” I mocked, pressing play.
“You are the boy about to watch a two-hour chick flick,” she reminded. I rolled my eyes and pulled Audrey closer to me.
In most ways Aria basically is my little sister. She sure acts like one and I sure do take the big brother role seriously, especially after I heard about what happened to her real brother. I mean Aria sure had a tough life but you would never guess that looking at her today.
I kissed Audrey's head making her smile up at me. Man I love this little family of ours.
Chapter 37
Dear Diary,
Ty and I are constantly well you know in bed.
I love him so much, and getting to know him on this level is amazing.
“Babe where is the nearest bakery?” I asked.
“I don't know five miles from here.”
“I need a chocolate cupcake!” I pleaded.
“Okay princess. I'll send someone.” He chuckled.
“Yes! Thank you!” I shouted. I can already taste the warm chocolate cake melting in my mouth.
* * *
Five cupcakes and three bags of Doritos later and I am still hungry.
“Babe what is up?” Ty laughed.
“I don't know but look I've grown a pouch.” I laughed, lifting my shirt up and showing him the stomach I have slightly developed. It's weird though because it's more like a bump and not fat.
“I think it has a heartbeat.” I laughed, holding my hand to it. I felt a slight pound from the inside and gasped.