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College Threeway: A First Time Gay Romance (Bareback University)

Page 4

by Lovecox, Angel


  Alex closed his eyes. The sensation was so strong it was almost painful. He felt his whole body contract and then extend, as spasm after spasm of delight shook through his body.

  Leighton was good at this. He was sucking with pressure, his tongue making little circles along the length of Alex in a way that sent bolts of feeling straight up his nerves, flooding his mind.

  He moaned and thrust and moaned as Leighton sucked noisily. The room was silent but for the sound of his lips and Alex, moaning painfully. It was almost painful.

  Every lick, every motion of his head as he lapped at him in little, firm laps, was lighting him, setting him aflame with a feeling so raw, so powerful, so unbelievable that he shook with spasms and cried out.

  “I'm coming...I'm coming....” he moaned aloud. The pressure was growing in him and becoming more and more and more unbearable. Then he came.

  He felt his body twist and shudder and Leighton kept him in his mouth, drinking him in. Alex felt his body spasm and then relax, all the tension draining from him as quickly as it grew.

  When they were done, they lay back together on the bed. Leighton looked at him. Alex smiled. The look on Leighton's face was deeply satisfied. Almost as satisfied as he felt.


  “That was amazing,” he whispered.

  “Thanks,” Leighton said, self-consciously. “It was.”

  Alex smiled. “Glad to know.”

  They kissed.

  They lay together in a dreamy half-awareness, both floating in the tides of feeling. It must have been about an hour that they lay there. Alex sighed, slowly waking.

  “It's three o' clock,” he whispered.

  “Mm?” Leighton asked. He was lying beside him, muscled body relaxed in a way Alex never saw. He smiled up at him.

  “I have class,” Alex said gently.

  “Miss it?” Leighton smiled.

  Alex grinned. “Maybe tomorrow,” he said encouragingly.

  Leighton nodded. “I only have practice at three, so maybe we'll have time before that?”

  “Sure,” Alex said. He sat slowly up, feeling drowsy. His whole body felt as if he had spent all day in the sauna, relaxed and sated. He leaned in and dropped a kiss on Leighton's nose. “See you tomorrow.”

  “Yes,” Leighton agreed. “Tomorrow.”

  Reluctantly, Alex dressed and got ready for class. Then, still feeling confused, surprised and relaxed, he tiptoed out to class.



  I feel wonderful.

  Leighton could not stop thinking it. He walked to class with a bemused grin on his face, feeling like he was floating. He was so, so happy.

  Alex was...well...who he was. And he was as exciting, as nerve-throbbingly wonderful, as Leighton had dreamed he was.

  He arrived in class and, as he sat down, noticed ruefully that his body was aroused. He grinned. Dammit! Why was just thinking of Alex so arousing?

  “Good morning, class. Today we are going to be discussing the fine points of corporate tax law.” Professor Andersen, their lecturer for the course, cleared his throat.

  Leighton smiled. He was floating in a world entirely dominated by his feelings for Alex. The last thing on his mind was corporate tax. But he felt so happy that not even something that sounded so mind-numbing could diminish his contentment.

  “Leighton,” someone whispered beside him. Derek, his friend from class.

  “Yes,” he whispered. They were sitting in the middle rows, and the class was big, but he still felt awkward about talking during a class.

  “Are you going to join us? We're watching the game later on.”

  “Sorry, no.” Leighton looked apologetic. “I've got to stay in.”

  “Okay,” Derek shrugged.

  The class continued. Leighton did his best to concentrate, but his mind wandered.

  Alex was in class at the moment, he thought. Which meant that he would probably be back early. He imagined arriving when Alex was there. Perhaps he would be relaxing. His lean, firm body would be lying on the bed, limbs sprawled in tranquility.

  He imagined bending over and kissing him while he was still asleep. Imagined what it would be like to kneel down beside him and, as he woke, to take him in his mouth again. He smiled, remembering the sounds he’d made. He had found it so arousing, the way he strained and panted almost in pain as he sucked him.

  He felt a strong sensation in his loins and looked down, feeling absurdly self-conscious. He moved his notebook forward so that no-one would notice.

  Leighton moved his eyes to the front of the class and desperately tried to concentrate.

  “...we should be able to compare a sale for cash to a tax-free transaction or part-cash, part-stock transaction; and compare the differences between a sale with immediate payment versus a possible installment sale...”

  Leighton blinked, trying to remember how they had got to the topic of selling a business and knew he was already hopelessly lost. He had missed out on half the lecture!

  He shook his head at himself.

  “, we will assume, firstly, that we are dealing with a typical C-type company, and then...”

  Leighton started writing notes, hoping that, eventually, he would manage to catch up. He was surprisingly energized, and catching up proved easier than he would have anticipated.

  When, finally, after what seemed like a geological-age had passed and the class ended, Leighton walked briskly from the room. He had managed to catch the last half of the class and felt as if he understood most of it. The professor for the course was a particularly friendly guy, so he knew that if he didn't get some of it, he could always go and ask him later.


  “Hey, Patrick,” he called to the guy who had hailed him.

  “You joining the study group this evening?” Patrick asked. “We planned to meet at Levi's room.”

  “Sorry, Patrick,” Leighton made an apologetic grimace. “I can't tonight. I have to be somewhere.”

  “Okay,” Patrick shrugged. “We'll miss you. We're getting pizza…” he tried as a draw.

  “Well, if I'm not there, there's more for everyone,” Leighton said lightly. “I'll be there next week. Promise.”

  “Okay,” Patrick said again. “Have a great evening, then.”

  “Thanks. You too.”

  Leighton walked out of the building, checking his watch. It was four pm. He had time for a jog. And then when he got home...Alex would be there.

  He sighed. He went to the sports-center and spent two hours working out and jogging. Then, with his whole body tingling, he went off to the shower.

  He sighed as the water rushed down his body, warming and relaxing him. As the tension drained, he found himself thinking, with some amazement, about how his life had changed, literally in one night.

  I have gone from someone who was a free agent, so to speak, with no specific idea about my sexuality, to someone who has a partner and is not straight.

  He laughed. It was amazing.

  And, the most amazing thing, as far as he was concerned, was how happy he felt.

  He finished in the shower, dried and headed lightly out into the evening. To go and find Alex.



  The day at class had been tiring, but satisfying. Alex looked at the preliminary painting he had made. It was abstract, but somehow it felt like Leighton. The mix of sharp edges and flowing lines, the colors—red and cerulean blue and traces of chromium yellow. He was a bold, confident guy, and the painting was bold and confident too.

  Alex wanted to smile. He had not expected that Leighton would have an impact on him like that, that he would make a painting with him in it. He sighed and flopped onto the bed, feeling surprisingly content.

  “Hey,” Leighton whispered.

  Alex, recognizing the voice at the keyhole, jumped up from the bed and opened the door. He stood back as Leighton slid in and then leaned heavily on the door, grinning at him

  “Hey,” Alex said. Geoff was out; the debating contest had their finals that evening and, as far as they knew, he would not be back before midnight. They had the place to themselves for hours, which was a very good thought.

  He went into his arms and they kissed.

  Alex smiled. He loved the way his body felt against Leighton's hard, muscled one. Loved the way it felt to feel Leighton's hard cock pressing up against him. The knowledge that he could make him desire him almost as much as he desired Leighton himself was amazing.

  Leighton held him against him, hands stroking down his back. Alex pressed against him, noticing how aroused he was.

  “In bed?” Leighton whispered.


  It was seven o' clock at night, but surprisingly dark already. Alex turned down the light beside the bed and then immediately turned back to Leighton, feeling his blood pounding.

  Alex undressed quickly, pausing to watch as Leighton unbuttoned his own shirt and jeans smoothly.

  He slid into bed and waited, feeling his body tingle as Leighton got in.

  They kissed again. Alex pressed against him, liking the way their skin slid across each other. It felt wonderful, sliding down each other like silk as their mouths explored each other and their hands did, too.

  Alex could feel his cock stiffening, growing harder yet. He wondered if Leighton felt the same way. He resisted the impulse to reach for it. He would do that later.

  Alex felt Leighton subtly push him sideways and he rolled over so he lay in Leighton's arms. He grinned as he felt Leighton kiss his shoulder.

  “What are you up to,” he whispered.

  Leighton laughed. He was lying behind him, so that Alex was in his arms with his back pressed to his chest.

  “I think you might like it,” Leighton whispered sexily. Alex felt his heart beat faster.


  Leighton chuckled.

  His hands slid down his body and gently kneaded out the tension in his back, moving lower and then lower still. Alex closed his eyes and let himself experience the delicious sensation of Leighton's strong hands kneading out the tension in his muscles. They drifted over his body with feather-lightness, or squeezed and pressed, pushing the blood back to places that Alex had not known were so tense. He felt as if he was slowly melting.

  When he reached his buttocks, Leighton slid a finger between them. Alex tensed and then relaxed. Leighton seemed to sense his surprise, because he moved his hand and then, very slowly, brought it back. His finger traced, pushing slowly but insistently lower. Alex shuddered and then cried out as he found the spot that sent feeling running straight along his nerves to his mind. He closed his eyes. His body was already shaking.

  When Leighton slid his finger deep inside he gasped aloud, feeling the tension break over him. He pressed back, wanting more. Leighton chuckled.

  As Alex moved he inserted a second finger, scissoring gently. He pushed them in deeper, moving them apart, stretching him. Alex felt the pleasure expand and fill him as he moaned and gasped and cried out.

  “” He managed.

  Leighton gave a soft laugh. Then he moved back and forward and, gently, very gently, entered him.

  Alex's breath all came out in a rush. This was not the first time he had done this, but it was the first time with Leighton. And he knew, even as he felt it now, that it would not cease to be amazing with him. He had never been with someone who paid so much attention to getting him ready. It was wonderful.

  Leighton's hard body pressed into him, pushing deep inside in a way he would never have imagined, stretching him and pressing on all the places that made him ache with pleasure.

  Leighton was thrusting in, deeper. He pushed back and pulled out and pushed and pulled, moving in a way that sent fire through Alex's body. His breath was caught in his throat, heavy with desire.

  As Alex listened, focusing intently through the rush in his ears, he heard him gasp.


  He was shuddering, too, and trying to control his orgasm. Alex could hear it. He was nearing the place himself. He moaned and gritted his teeth.

  “I'm coming...”

  He could feel the insistent rubbing deep inside him in that perfect spot slowly building waves and, suddenly, he came. The sensations exploded through his nerves and made him drift in a space beyond feeling, where everything was warm and wonderful.

  Behind him, Leighton cried out and came as well.

  They collapsed and lay in one another's arms. The air drifted through the window and cooled their sweat-soaked skin. In that moment, Alex could not have thought of anything if he had tried...all he knew was bliss.

  Later, what must have been an hour later, he felt Leighton slide out of bed. He turned on the light. It had long ago gone dark in their room. He slipped into bed again and held Alex. Together they dozed, both lost in the wonder they had felt.

  The next thing Alex knew was the key in the lock. The door opened.

  Geoff walked in.

  “Leighton..? Alex!”

  He stared at the bed. Alex and Leighton stared back.

  “Geoff, wait!” Leighton shouted.

  “We can explain,” Alex called. He felt wretched. Geoff was the person he had originally wanted. The person who, if he was open with himself, still occupied more of his fantasy. But he had seen Leighton in his bed now. And he had been shocked.

  As the door slammed and they heard feet running down the stairs, Alex and Leighton looked at each other.

  “Oh, shit.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  Sitting in bed, shaking with his own shock, Alex turned to Leighton.

  They couldn't leave him like this!

  “Should I go after him?” he asked. He was already sliding out of bed, pulling on his pants.

  “No, wait,” Leighton said wearily. “Maybe he'll come back.” He had his head in his hands and Alex felt a bit upset.

  “You're not embarrassed, are you?” he asked, feeling hurt.

  “Why would I be?” Leighton asked, sounding confused. “I wouldn't be embarrassed, Alex. Not about...this. Part of me wishes I could shout it out to everyone. I'm proud of you. Of us. But what will we tell Geoff? He's not taken it well.”

  Alex bit his lip. He was touched, really he was, that Leighton cared. He leaned against him, stroking his skin. Leighton leaned back and kissed him.

  His heart was sore. He was fond of Leighton. He had come to really care for him. But he had not forgotten about Geoff and he felt as if the only opportunity he had to get to know Geoff had just run at high speed down the hallway. There was nothing he could think of doing to change it.

  “Should we call him?” he asked. His voice was weary.

  “Maybe,” Leighton looked happier. “That's a great idea, Alex.”

  Alex dug out his phone and called. There was no answer.

  Leighton called. There was no answer either.

  They sighed.

  “We can just wait and see if he comes back,” he said after a moment. “Then we can explain everything.”

  Alex nodded. It seemed futile. He was not sure what they could do about it. If Geoff was shocked by what he saw, well, then...they couldn't exactly change that, could they?

  “I wish that hadn't happened,” Leighton said quietly.

  “Me too,” Alex said. He bit his lip. He felt like crying and wished, more than anything, that he could do something to change what had happened.

  He loved being with Leighton. He really did. But he had not forgotten the feeling he had for Geoff. And now, for more than one reason, he had made completely sure that there would never be anything between them.

  They waited until one a.m.; then they decided that Geoff had clearly gone somewhere to stay.

  Feeling defeated and exhausted, they lay down to sleep. As Alex moved closer to Leighton, who was holding him close, he was glad of the comfort of having him that close.



  The next morning, Leighton woke to the surprisingly-nice sensation of having Alex lying next to him. He opened his eyes and watched him a moment. His striking face was relaxed in sleep, its habitual mirror-like remoteness changed to a striking vulnerability.

  Leighton kissed his brow lightly. He saw him stir, then slip into deeper sleep.

  As Leighton lay there, watching the room slowly brighten, he thought about the night before. He felt as if the roof had fallen on him.

  What are we going to do?

  He smiled as Alex stirred, making a motion as if to push away whatever disturbed him, and then slept again. He rolled gently out of bed so as not to cause a disruption and then walked lightly out to the shower.

  A warm shower usually washed away his worry, but this morning it didn't seem to work that well. He came back in still concerned. His mind had built all sorts of terrible possibilities. What if Geoff had been knocked down by a car as he left? What if he was lost somewhere? What if he'd been in town by himself, late at night, and been attacked? He was pleased to find Alex awake and hunting for his bathrobe when he returned.

  He passed it to him with a grin. Just the sight of something so typical raised his spirits, cut through the nebulous worries and anchored him in the now.

  “Thanks,” Alex said. He didn't look around. He wrapped it around himself and then sat down. He looked at Leighton. “Right. What are we going to do?”

  The veiled expression was back, but Leighton knew it was because he was worried, not because of anything he personally had done.

  “Well, not a lot else we can do,” he said, shrugging. “We can phone, and we can look.”

  “Okay,” Alex agreed. “I'll phone. If he doesn't answer after two goes, you can look; I have class coming up.”

  They phoned and he didn't answer. Twice. After a hasty breakfast, Leighton set out to complete the second part of their plan.

  Leighton looked everywhere. He had no idea where to find Geoff. After trying all the places they could think of—the library, the park, the biology building—Leighton sat down on a bench, exhausted, and thought about the problem. It was mid-morning and there had been no sign of him. He sighed. What could he do? If the guy didn't answer his phone, all he could do was keep looking until he found him. Or found someone who had seen him last night.


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