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College Threeway: A First Time Gay Romance (Bareback University)

Page 5

by Lovecox, Angel

  As he passed the physics department, he had a good idea. Whether or not Leighton was attending classes there, most of the guys knew him. He headed inside just as classes changed, and caught sight of a guy he recognized; he had seen him with Geoff once or twice.

  “Hey,” he said shyly. “I'm Leighton, Geoff's room-mate?”

  The guy blinked up at him. He was wearing thick eye-glasses and regarded Leighton with some evident trepidation.

  “Yes?” he said.

  “I was...Geoff is missing,” he said, trying to sound casual. “I just wanted to know if you've seen him around? Me and his other room-mate are getting stressed about it.”

  “Oh?” the guy asked. “I think he's staying with Dennis.”

  Leighton felt as if he would pass out. The relief that crashed through him was overwhelming. After all the crazy things he had been thinking! He hadn't considered that Geoff might have simply found a place to stay with friends. The guy squinted at Leighton quizzically and he composed himself, breathing quickly in.

  “Okay,” Leighton said, “well, where can I find Dennis?”

  “Upstairs, lab two,” the guy said succinctly. “If you can't find it, look out for the signs. It'll be the first one on your right.”

  “Okay,” Leighton said. “Thanks.”

  “See you,” the guy shrugged, and walked off.

  Breathing in the scents of dust and chalk, Leighton headed up the stairs to the lab. He eventually found it. When he knocked on the door, a guy wearing thick lab goggles opened it. The sign behind him said “Senior Lab: Optics.” He looked up at Leighton with a forbidding expression, as if to ask why the heck he was wasting his time.


  “Hi,” Leighton said, feeling shy. “Are you Dennis? I'm looking for Geoff?”

  “He's not here,” Dennis said flatly.

  “I guessed that,” Leighton said carefully. “But could you tell me where he is?”

  “Why?” Dennis asked.

  Leighton blinked. “I want to talk to him.”

  Dennis gave him a long look through the lenses and then took them off, seeming to consider him more closely. He was a big guy, tall and older than Leighton by about four years. He was broad-shouldered and would have been a good footballer, Leighton was sure. He seemed to study him a moment longer and then seemed to decide that Leighton was someone to be trusted.

  “Okay,” Dennis said at last. “He's staying with me. I'll tell him I talked to you. Who are you?”

  “Leighton,” Leighton said, relieved.

  “Okay, Leighton,” Dennis said. He replaced the goggles and turned back to the room. “See you around.”

  “See you,” Leighton agreed.

  The door closed quietly behind him. Leighton walked back down the hallway feeling strangely lighter than he had done since the event happened. At least Geoff was okay. And there was a slight possibility of talking to him.

  At lunchtime, Leighton talked to Alex. They met in the park, each armed with sandwiches from the canteen.

  “You have news?” Alex asked, opening the brown paper packet with gusto.

  “I found him.”

  Alex breathed out sharply. He looked, Leighton noticed, at least as relieved as he himself felt. “How's he been?”

  Leighton paused. “I didn't speak to him, but at least we know where he is.”

  “Oh?” Alex bit into one of the sandwiches and chewed contemplatively as they talked. The sandwich smelled surprisingly good and Leighton felt his own stomach growl ominously. He opened the bag with his lunch.

  “I found the guy he's staying with,” Leighton explained as he finished a mouthful. He wiped stray crumbs with the back of his hand. “He said he'd talk to him for me.”

  “Well,” Alex shrugged lightly. “That's good, right?”

  Leighton frowned. “Hope so,” he said. “He didn't seem to trust me very much. I don't know what Geoff told him, but he was being really aggro.”

  “Oh.” Alex blinked. “Well, providing he hasn't said we're Satan incarnate, I guess we're safe, right?”

  Leighton laughed. “Well, he wasn't that aggressive. I think if he expected me to have horns and a fork he would have been a bit more so.”

  They both laughed. Alex, Leighton noticed, looked surprisingly relieved.

  “I'm pleased we found him,” Leighton sighed. “That was worrying.”

  “I know,” Alex said, swallowing. He looked distressed. “I mean...we like Geoff. He's a great guy.”

  Leighton was surprised that Alex said that. It was the first time he'd said anything either for or against Geoff. Leighton had always just assumed that they didn't really like each other that much.

  “Well, it was really scary to think of him lost somewhere,” he agreed.

  Leighton and Alex finished lunch together, and as he left for his law class in the afternoon, Leighton was pleased to have a text-message.

  Spoke to Dennis. Can we talk at his place?

  Leighton was deeply relieved. Sure, he wrote back. Text me the address. I'll see you after six.

  Okay, the reply shot back. Seven p.m.? Dennis is going out this evening.

  Okay, Leighton wrote back. He saved the address Geoff sent. Then at seven, he drove there.

  The house was a small one off campus. Dennis was a grad student, apparently, and was renting a room in someone's backyard. Leighton waited on the step, ringing the bell. Geoff answered a moment later.

  Leighton stared at him. He looked pale and stressed. He was wearing a blueish tee-shirt that was two sizes too big for him, and that Leighton guessed was borrowed. His soft hair was freshly washed and he looked up at Leighton with a harrowed expression, mistrustful and slightly nervous.

  “Hi,” Leighton said.

  “Hi,” Geoff bit his lip. He looked up at Leighton and then down again, avoiding eye contact. “Thanks,” he said shyly, “for wanting to talk.”

  Leighton blinked. “Of course I do, Geoff. I care about you and about upsetting you. I was worried. We didn't know where you were.”

  Geoff was still not looking at him. “Thanks,” he mumbled. “I didn't mean to make you worry. I just...”

  Leighton sighed. “I know. I am sorry.”

  Geoff looked up at him. His pale eyes were sad. “Come inside?” he said.

  Leighton nodded. “Thanks.”

  He followed Geoff in through the hallway, feeling surprised by how neat and tidy the place was. It smelled like pine-logs and had a warm, welcoming feel to it.

  He and Geoff went through to a living-room area. They sat down on the couch.

  Geoff looked up at Leighton, as if to ask him what he had intended with his visit.

  Leighton cleared his throat, looked down. “I wanted to apologize” he said.

  “Why?” Geoff asked. When he looked up at him, he was surprisingly angry.

  “Why?” Leighton asked. The couch was small, and Leighton moved sideways so he could look into Geoff's eyes. “I just wanted to say sorry...'cos I felt bad about it,” he said. He was not sure how to begin.

  “What do you feel bad for?” Geoff asked. Again, he sounded bitter.

  “Well, I feel bad that we shocked you.”

  Geoff smiled, then, though it was not a happy face. “You shocked me? You think that?”

  Leighton swallowed. “Well, yeah. I didn't mean it. It must have been...not very nice.”

  Geoff laughed. This time, he sounded genuine. Leighton was surprised.

  “What?” he asked.

  “I wasn't shocked,” Geoff said. He bit his lip. “Well, not exactly.”

  Leighton frowned. He leaned forward so he could see Geoff clearly. This close his eyes were grayish, opaque. He did not look shocked. He looked sad. The expression on his face was one of pain, and sadness, and...and attraction.

  Leighton felt as if the house had collapsed. He was stunned. Why had he missed it for so long? The way Geoff looked at him sometimes, the way he was shy around him, the way that sometimes he'd catch h
im looking and then Geoff would look quickly away as if he had not done so. Geoff was attracted to him! How he had missed it he could not now understand. It was so obvious.

  “Geoff,” he said.

  Geoff looked at his hands. His posture was slumped, defeated. Sad. He did not look up at Leighton, even when he called him.

  Leighton sighed. With the realization came a knowledge of how deeply he had hurt him. He had not run because he had been shocked. He had left because he was hurt!

  He bit his lip. “Geoff,” he said again. He leaned toward him.

  Geoff looked up at him this time. He still looked sad. “Leighton?” he asked.

  Leighton breathed out a sigh. “I am so, so sorry.”


  “Yes! I really mean it. I feel terrible. I don't know how I didn't see...” he trailed off, sighing.

  “But you don't mind?”

  Leighton stared at him. “Geoff. No. I don't.”

  He leaned in and, very gently, laid his lips against Geoff's. He had meant only to show he did not mind about Geoff being attracted to him, but when his lips touched Geoff's he was surprised to feel a thrill of attraction himself.

  The lips that touched his were soft, not like Alex's, but different. They parted gently under his tongue and when Leighton probed further he felt complete acceptance in a way he never had before.

  Exploring the soft, moist space with his tongue moved Leighton in a way he had not expected. He felt himself slowly becoming aroused.

  His hands moved to Geoff's shoulders and then down his sides. He found himself stroking the lean muscle of Geoff's chest. He pushed him a little sideways and Geoff collapsed on the couch, Leighton falling in beside him. His hand stroked Geoff's chest and his fingers deftly undid the buttons.

  Geoff moaned as he touched bare skin. Leighton smiled.

  He moved so that he could kiss Geoff's chest. He lipped the skin in little circles and then reached the waist of his jeans.

  He glanced up at Geoff, but his eyes were closed. He reached over and unbuttoned them. He was not thinking about anything other than a deep, strong desire to make Geoff experience pleasure. It was almost certain, at least in his mind, that Geoff had no experience. He wanted to give him an experience to remember.



  Geoff lay back, feeling Leighton kissing his way down his chest. He felt his body shudder under the touch of his mouth, which felt like a little fish, nibbling its way down his body.

  He could feel heat starting to grow in his groin and he noticed with surprise that his cock felt as if it was actually going to break the zipper of his trousers. When Leighton moved there he felt a jolt pass through him. The pressure of his hand at his waist was almost too much to bear.



  Leighton whispered it, his voice playful. It traced a shiver up his spine. Geoff bit his lip. He had never felt like this about anyone. Never engaged in any activity, other than one kiss, once, with anyone, male or female. He was completely in new territory, and he felt a little bit scared.

  “I don't know,” Geoff whispered.

  “It's nice. Trust me.” Leighton whispered back. “If you don't like it, say so and I'll stop. I promise.”

  The voice breathed through him and in him and gave him the shivers.

  “Okay.” A shaky whisper.

  As he said it, Leighton unfastened his pants and slid them down, working them down over his knees and off.

  Feeling air cool his cock, Geoff felt a sensation he had never felt before as Leighton reached down and, very gently, held it.

  It felt like his nerves were on fire especially when Leighton gently stroked the tip. Geoff could not breathe. It was so incredible it was almost sore.

  Leighton was smiling, he heard the motion of his lips as he did it. Then the lips moved again. They took his cock into the warm space of his mouth and Geoff thought he would die.

  It felt impossible to feel so much swamping his senses. He pressed up, pushing the tip into the mouth that clamped onto it like a bolt onto a thread. It was tight and wet and wonderful.

  “Oh,” It was all he could say. Leighton took it for encouragement and moved, sucking more.

  He moved his mouth to take in more and more. Geoff felt his cock throbbing, pulsing. He moved against the mouth that held him captive and it moved with him, taking more and more as he bucked and shivered and moved. Geoff felt as if he had lost his sense; all he could do, all he wanted to do forever and ever was move and feel the sweet pressure of that mouth on him.

  Leighton was playing with him, taking him deeper in and then moving up, making little circles down the length of his cock with his tongue. Geoff felt each motion deeply.

  Then Leighton changed stance. He bent forward and moved his mouth down. All the way. And up and down. Again. And again and again. And again. Geoff felt his body move to the motion, jerking and writhing as sensation shot through him. He could feel something happening inside him, some pressure, almost, as if there were tension growing and drawing on each muscle. He needed something to happen. Needed the pressure to go on and on until...

  Until his body moved, jumping and thrusting and gasping.

  He felt as if the pressure had grown to impossible heights. Then, as suddenly, it dissipated. His body relaxed. He guessed what had happened, but his mind could not believe how it actually felt.

  He lay there, prone and pliant, until Leighton looked up at him.

  He was licking his lips and smiling.

  Geoff smiled.

  Leighton lay beside him. He stroked his chest. After what seemed like an age, but was probably measurable in minutes, Geoff looked at him and felt amazement.

  “Leighton...” he trailed off. There were no words.

  “Hush,” Leighton said, grinning. He kissed his head.

  Geoff smiled. He looked up at him and felt complete joy. He reached up and stroked a hand down his cheek, reveling in seeing his stunning face close and, still smiling, felt himself fall asleep.



  The night was dark by the time Leighton drove back from the house to the campus. He sped along the quiet roads, feeling strangely worried.

  The memories of what he had done bothered Leighton. He felt as if a house had fallen on him. Like some big event had just happened and changed the course of things.

  Not that he regretted what happened between him and Geoff. He didn't—not exactly. The evening had been amazing. He did not regret it. It was not the same as Alex, but different. Which was what bothered him.


  The way Leighton felt about Alex was different. He really enjoyed Geoff, both for the newness, for his gentle character, but the way he felt about Alex was closer, somehow. They offered such different things. He felt as if Alex was something else. He wasn't sure how to explain it. But, most of all, he was in his life first. They were a “couple”. His relationship with Alex—and it was a relationship—was the closest thing he had ever had to having a partner in his life. He didn't want to get in the way of it and he had no idea if, were he to find out, Alex would understand.

  He drove up to the dormitory. The light in their room was on. He put his head on the steering-wheel, feeling suddenly weary.

  “Alex? What would you do if you found out?”

  He sighed. Only one way to find out. Go upstairs and face him. If he knew Alex even half as well as he thought he did, then he knew that his reaction would be on a large scale. It would certainly involve going into one of his withdrawn states and, quite possibly, not talking to him. Ever.

  It would be no less than I deserve.

  Feeling like the worst person in all of history, Leighton went upstairs and knocked at the door.

  “Alex?” he whispered.

  He knocked again. When there was no answer, he unlocked it and went inside.

  Alex was lying on the bed, fast asleep and fully dressed. He looked at the clock. It was nine. He
smiled fondly. Alex never went to sleep before midnight. But so much living had to catch up with anyone. Alex pushed himself to party more, sleep less and work at odd hours. It was no wonder that he had crashed at some point.

  Leighton walked over and switched on the bedside light. Alex stirred but stayed asleep.

  In the uncertain light of the lamp he looked no more than fifteen years old, the slight wrinkle in his brow smoothed to nothing, his hair glossed black, breath even. Seeing him so vulnerable made Leighton feel terrible.

  “Alex,” Leighton whispered, feeling something strange in his heart. He had not known, until he saw him sleeping, so vulnerable and trusting, how intense his feelings were.


  “Mm?” Alex seemed to hear him. He shifted, then sighed. He opened his eyes.

  He noticed the light and shot upright, shielding his eyes from the lamplight. “Leighton?” he said. “Where..? What time is it?”

  Leighton had to struggle to hold back a laugh. “It's nine p.m. It's okay. You fell asleep.”

  Alex sighed. “Hell. That's hectic. I must have been tired.” He lay back, eyes closed.

  Leighton sat down next to him on the bed. He took his hand and felt his squeezed gently and felt like a terrible person. He sighed.

  “You've got back from seeing Geoff?” Alex asked after a moment.


  “You spoke to him?”

  Leighton breathed out harshly. “Yes.”

  Alex sat up. “What did he say?”

  “ wasn't shocked.”

  “Oh?” Alex was surprised. “He sure looked it!” He chuckled. “He's okay, though?”


  “He's moving back?”

  Leighton's brow shot up. “I...guess so?”

  “He didn't say?”

  “Not exactly. All he said for sure was that he wasn't shocked.”


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